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Secrets Shared

Page 1

by Raven McAllan

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Description


  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  A Totally Bound Publication

  Secrets Shared

  ISBN # 978-1-78430-029-6

  ©Copyright Raven McAllan 2014

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright May 2014

  Edited by Jennifer Douglas

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Totally Sizzling and a Sexometer of 1.



  Raven McAllan

  Book one in the Diomhair series

  They say never share a secret. Sometimes, though, it’s the only thing to do.

  Jess is looking forward to her night out clubbing with her best friend, but her anticipation turns to dismay when she realizes the venue is a BDSM club not the disco she’d envisioned. After a disastrous experience with the lifestyle in her past, she’s adamant she wants nothing to do with it now.

  David agreed to pick up his friend’s sister as a favor, and is surprised to find himself instantly attracted to the fiery Jess. The experienced Dom recognizes Jess’ bluster for what it is—fear. There is no doubt in his mind that Jess is submissive, but getting her to accept that fact will take some doing.

  David is determined to help her, but it is up to Jess to accept. When Jess does give in to her secret desires, can she truly let go and be the sub David is looking for, or will she hold onto her secrets?

  At Diomhair you never know what will happen in the end.


  To everyone at Totally Bound, especially Jenny, for their faith in me. And Paul for his, (not to mention ignoring the dust bunnies.)

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  French Collection: Designer French Collection LLC

  Kindle: Amazon Inc.

  Friends: Warner Brothers Entertainment Inc

  Chapter One

  “What do you mean this won’t do?” Jess looked down at her light gray silk racer back top and dark gray skinnies. They worked well with her pale skin and ginger hair. A typical Celt, she had to be careful of her color coordination. In her mind, her clothes were perfect for a night’s clubbing. “We’re going clubbing. Last time we went to a club I wore these and you said they were perfect.”

  Kath rolled her eyes. “There’s clubs, hon, and there’s clubs. A French Connection concoction, gorgeous as it is, won’t exactly hack it where we’re going. Not to mention you always wear those wherever we go. No, tonight you need to wear something like this.” She smoothed her hands over an almost-there mini skirt and a tiny bustier. Jess reckoned it would either cut off Kath’s circulation or pop her boobs out of the material like a jack in the box.

  “And here’s yours. A dress instead, though, as you seem to have an aversion to my tops.” With a smirk Kath handed over a tiny scrap of bright pink material.

  It was a beautiful clash with Jess’s hair and Jess winced.

  “Go on get changed. We haven’t much time.” Kath held the material out to Jess, who ignored it. Kath stuffed the dress into Jess’s hands, smirking as Jess took it and held onto it automatically. Jess looked on as Kath took a deep breath and her boobs almost spilled over the top of the leather bustier then shook her head in mock despair. Surely it was mere willpower that held it up?

  “Kath, that top is almost indecent. What does my lovely twin say about you going out showing nearly your all?”

  Kath giggled. “Jessie, love, he chose it. And he’ll meet us at Diomhair later.”

  “Jeever?” Jess repeated, doing her best to copy Kath’s accent. “What’s that?” It wasn’t a name she’d heard before, and she’d bet her new handbag it wasn’t spelled how it was pronounced.

  Kath sighed and Jess got a strange feeling deep in her stomach. Scary, like the time Kath had persuaded her to bungee jump from the Finnieston Crane, or when they’d sky dived. In her opinion, Kath was sneaky. Jess replayed Kath’s words in her mind.

  “Hold on, you say Jeff’s meeting us?”

  Kath nodded.

  “Well I might as well not come then. He’s worse than our mum. If a guy even smiles at me he wants his life history. Heaven help me if one asks me to dance. Especially not dressed in a scrap of almost nothing.”

  Kath giggled. “Er, Jessie love, I maybe need to tell you exactly where we’re going. Before the car gets here.”

  Oh ho. Jess’s body clenched. She’d seen that particular look on her friend’s face before.

  “Go on.” She did her best to keep the wariness out of her voice and was sure she hadn’t. “And stop shoving that pelmet at me, no way am I going anywhere in that.”

  “Diomhair, it’s Gaelic for—”

  “I know what it’s for.” Why hadn’t she made the connection earlier? “Secret. Oh shit, don’t tell me it’s some weird pop up place, and we’re blindfolded to get in? Oh no, Kath, no, no, no, you’re not dragging me into anything weird. Not again. That shop in town was bad enough.” Jess blushed as she remembered the bondage shop Kath had dragged her into. She’d chosen to ignore the way her nipples had puckered when she’d seen clamps and chains designed for that part of the body, and her juices had gushed looking at a clit clamp and various jewelry to decorate it. Once she’d worked out what it was meant for, that was. She might have the idea she was fairly street wise, but Jess knew now, that whatever she’d done she was a babe in arms compared to a lot of people—Kath probably being one.

  Kath howled with laughter, then sobered. “Where do you think I got this from?” She ran her hands over the bustier. “Look, hon, you said you wanted to get out of your rut. Jeff and I decided this was the best way. Hell, I reckon if you’ll let yourself, you’ll not only enjoy the night, you’ll be more than interested to indulge.”


  “Whatever you fancy. Oh, Jess, don’t look like you’re going to watch an execution, you don’t have to do anything. Hell, you can stop
in the bar and drink orange juice if that’s your preference, but you did say it was up to me to shake you up a bit.”

  “Hmm there’s shaking, and there’s shaking.” Jess knew she sounded less than enthusiastic. “So, what exactly are we going to?” The way Kath looked at her made her heart pound and her stomach churn. She wasn’t going to like the answer she was sure. “Fess up.”

  “BDSM play night.”

  She was correct, she didn’t.

  Jess just knew her mouth had dropped open and the heat that flooded her would show on her face. Damn it, no. Not that. Are they crazy? They don’t know, they do not know.

  “No, no way. Are you stupid or what? Not in a million years…and you’re saying Jeff is okay with this? He knows what you’re up to?”

  Kath rolled her eyes. “Well, duh. Whose idea do you think it was anyway?”

  Jess swayed, and her skin crawled as if someone was stroking her with a spider’s web. She closed her eyes to shut out the images that flashed into her mind, and counted to ten. They had no idea what those letters conveyed to her. How could they? She swallowed as the contents of her stomach threatened to leave her, and the horrible sour taste in her mouth increased. Spots began to dance in front of her eyes, and a rushing noise, like the wind on a wild winter’s day grew louder.

  “Hey, don’t look like that, there’s no need to faint.” Kath grabbed her friend’s arm and held her steady. Gradually the roaring in Jess’s ears faded, and she blinked rapidly.

  “Er, that’s a matter of opinion.” Jess knew her voice was shaky. She probably sounded like an old woman. Shit, she felt like an old woman.

  They don’t know. I can’t blame them. They don’t know. No one does. Jess kept reciting those few words under her breath, like a mantra. She’d blocked all questions about that time of her life, and in the end, to her relief, Jeff and Kath had ceased asking. Now she wished that maybe they’d nagged her a bit more.

  “Look, Kath, I honestly don’t think this is a good idea. I’m not into stuff like that. I’m a teacher for God’s sake, so I need to set a good example.” There, that sounds reasonable, surely?

  “Oh for heaven’s sake, you’re a university lecturer, not a corrupter of innocents.”

  Evidently not an acceptable answer then. Shit.

  “I’m an accountant and Jeff is, well, Jeff. We’re normal people who have a right to a healthy sex life. It doesn’t matter what you do, I even know a vicar and a magistrate who have a healthy—watch my lips—healthy interest in the lifestyle.”

  It wasn’t so much what Kath said, but how she said it that sent warning bells ringing, and a shiver down Jess’s spine. She didn’t care if the Prime Minister was interested, she wasn’t

  Liar, liar, pants on fire. She ignored the little voice that mocked her and concentrated on what Kath had said.

  “Jeff is what?”

  “Gorgeous.” Kath giggled. “Oh come on, Jess, lighten up. Look I promise you, if you can’t cope with what you see, you can leave, okay? There’ll be a car waiting for you. Do I lie? Well okay,” she added hastily. “I sort of did tonight, but do I over big and proper stuff? You know I don’t. Seriously? You have to come.”

  “Why?” Not to anyone would Jess admit to the gut-churning shivers that filled her. “There’s no have to about it. Weird stuff like that is so not my scene. Here take this back.” She almost threw the Lycra dress Kath had given her back at her. “You go, en…enjoy yourself but count me out.” She sat down on the bed behind her with a thump, trying not to cry. She’d been looking forward to a night out ever since she had told Kath she wanted to lighten up a bit. All work and no play had definitely made Jess a dull girl. But this? This was a step or twenty too far. She’d got the idea they’d go clubbing, dance until their feet hurt, grab a curry or a kebab and snigger about their evening’s antics all the way home in a taxi.

  “Actually, there is a must about it.” The tone of Kath’s voice was enough to make Jess cry. “Jeff said to tell you, if you don’t come willingly, then he’ll come and drag you. You need, in his words, to see where your money comes from.”

  Now she was in the twilight zone, surely? And there was a nest of serpents wriggling over her and nipping her skin. To say nothing of the spiders in her tummy. “How do you mean? Look, Kath, I’m seriously freaking here. My money comes from investing… Oh fuck. The sod, he said we’d move into new areas, and idiot that I am I didn’t press the bugger too closely when he said he was preparing a report for me. You mean I part own the building or something?”

  Kath raised her eyebrows, and the sympathy in her eyes was almost Jess’ undoing.

  “Or something.” Kath shrugged her shoulders in an uneasy gesture. “Hey, I’m not supposed to tell you, and you can bet I’ll suffer for it when I own up to spilling the beans, but you’re part owner of the club.” Her eyes cleared and twinkled. It was obvious the punishment didn’t worry her unduly.

  Jess shook her head to clear it. Her long red—no, not red—carroty hair spun around her face, and strands stuck to her cheek. She brushed them away impatiently. Had April Fool’s Day been transported to February? Instead of Valentine’s Day perhaps?

  “Now come on, Kath, I might look like I’ve come up the Clyde on a Tourist Boat, and be sweet and naïve, don’t you dare laugh.” Kath was giggling. “That’s a lie. I own the property business with Jeff, yeah, but do you think I’d not know if I was a partner in something like that? I’ve never heard of it before now.”

  “So you say, I know differently. But it’s not for me to say.”

  A car horn blared outside. Jess shivered and wondered why it sounded ominous.

  “C’mon that’s for us. Are you sure you won’t change?”

  “Positive, in fact I might go and get a jumper.” Jess turned to the wardrobe only to be pulled back from it and almost frog-marched to the bedroom door.

  “Oh no you don’t. You can take a coat to wear in the car.” Kath pushed her along the corridor, and picked a coat up from the hooks on the wall. She patted one of the hooks as if it was her favorite piece of furniture. “Mmm, just a good height these. You got your door key in case you need it?”

  Jess halted abruptly and stared at her friend. “You are screwy. Of course I’ll need it, else I’ll not get back in without pinching Jeff’s. And what’s a good height for what?”

  “Oh, er, nothing, come on or we’ll be late, and I’ll be the one who gets the punishment. Your brother is getting a lot too creative these days.” She put her hand in the small of Jess’ back. The soft touch made Jess tingle. It was a long while since they’d agreed enough was enough, but she could still appreciate the warmth and love it projected.

  “It’s still there, isn’t it?” Kath said softly. “You know we could…”

  Jess shook her head and took a step back. “No, not now, you’ve got Jeff, and well…” And well Jess didn’t know what to say. And well, it would crucify me all over again?

  The car horn sounded again. Jess shrugged. “Someone’s impatient. We’d better go, I guess.”

  “You do know Jeff knows we had a thing going, don’t you, Jess? He’s fine with it. He knows I was bi, and if you gave me the nod, I would be again.” She shrugged. “My man has a capacity to understand more than I ever considered possible, and still love me and want me for who and what I am. He understands I’d never leave him, and that we both know he’d come first, but well…”

  The smile on Kath’s face was half-hearted and didn’t chase the shadows from her eyes. Jess could have cried. It had been the right thing to do at the time. To break up and ensure neither of them had to give up their dreams. Now, on a long, cold, lonely night she wondered what if? Still, there was no going back.

  “I know, but I can’t, Kath, I’m sorry.” She wished she could block out the memories of pain on Kath’s face all those years ago. “Let’s face it you’re my twin’s partner now, and whatever you say Jeff feels about us together, it would seem like incest or something. I’m fine, honest
ly.” Jess knew Jeff and Kath worried about her, it had been one of the reasons she had agreed to go out with Kath that evening. Although she had thought it was to a regular nightclub. With hindsight, Jess wondered what had made her think that. Neither of them had ever been keen on nightclubs when they were younger, and now in their early thirties there was even less reason to want to spend hours in the midst of sweaty loud twenty-somethings.

  “Ah well, if you ever can, I’m here. Now let’s get a move on, before Jeff sends the cavalry to find us. Sure you won’t change? You’ll be positively over-dressed.”

  “So someone’s gotta be. And there is no way I’m putting that on, so don’t ask again.”

  Kath grimaced and shoved the so-called dress in her bag. Jess mistrusted the look on her companion’s face but chose not to query it. She had a feeling she might not like the answer. Instead she followed her out of the house, and locked the door behind them.

  The cab wasn’t what she’d call a cab. It was a black limo with the rear windows dark. Standing by the door and holding it open was the most drop-dead hunk of a guy she’d seen in a long while. Her clit went into overdrive and sent messages pulsing through her body, and her juices out of her pussy to soak her knickers. If he was a chauffeur, his uniform was unusual to say the least. Indigo blue denims and a black silk shirt fit as if they had been sprayed onto him and there was a black leather jacket thrown carelessly on the seat next to him.

  He stared at her with dark almost-black eyes, his face blank. All of a sudden, the arousal Jess had felt dried up faster than an oasis in the midst of a desert summer. She shook, not with arousal, but with worry. Something about him, and the way he watched her so closely, spelled trouble.

  It seemed Kath had no such qualms as she waved to him as they approached the car. Jess had no chance to hang back because Kath held her as tight as a limpet clung to a rock.


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