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Light on the Water

Page 4

by Mima

  “Yes. I already have. And I’ve kept your secret.”

  He nodded gravely. “I know you have.”

  “I have nothing holding me to this life. And if you’ve read my boxes, you know I’ve always been a water girl anyway.”

  He rubbed his forehead. She loved how the webbing between his fingers made little frills between his knuckles. She loved the dangerous black nails, his textured black hair, his velvet black eyes. His image burned into her brain. Finally, she’d found him again.

  “Haven’t any of your people ever fallen in love with one of mine before?”

  “Yes.” He didn’t appear encouraged by the connection to history.

  “We’re strong, you and I. Jand… be with me.”

  He stood abruptly. His hands clenched and unclenched. “Turn around.”

  She slowly stood from where her hips were propped. Winking, she cocked a hip and swivelled in place.

  “Put your hands on the side.”

  She did, her torso leaning slightly. She laughed, a zing of anticipation shivering up her spine. “I did mean “be with me” in a slightly less literal manner, but this works!”

  The afternoon had seen a rise in the swells, as usual. The sun was at its absolute peak. Even in the shade of the canvas canopy, the heat had a pressure to it. The breeze was hot on her skin. But it cooled her when his heat came up to stand behind her.

  She arched her back, trying to touch him with her ass. “You like being behind me.”

  “I do. It feels safer. I don’t feel like I’m about to lose total control.”

  She frowned. She didn’t want him denying the power of this. One hand left the railing as she began to straighten and turn.

  His voice was a growl. “Don’t.”

  She stilled, but didn’t replace her hand, propping it on her hip. “I’m not going to be just some piece of ass you can get off with.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “Three months wasn’t fair!”

  His hand was a shock between her shoulder blades. It was so huge. So hot.

  “It was my part of my punishment.”

  His words froze her. When she would have turned again, his hand slid up and closed around her nape. He applied steady pressure until she turned and stared blindly out at the shimmering dark blue waters. His other hand drifted down her arm to her wrist, and pulled it forward to place her hand on the hip-high sidewall.

  “You’ll need to brace yourself.” His foot slid against hers, bumping it into a wider stance.

  “You were punished?”

  His hands went to her shoulders, slid sensuously back and forth. Big, hot hands, with smooth, strange skin. “Yes. Contact between our people is forbidden.”

  “So you were supposed to let me die.”


  “What else did they do to you?”

  “It’s past. It is our law. A price I agreed to pay from the moment I sent vapour around your face to help you breath in the force of the storm’s spray. Even before I ever touched you, my punishment was sealed.”

  His hands soothed back and forth over her shoulders in time to the waves. “At first, it was a gut decision that the penalty was an acceptable cost for the life of a person who so wanted to live. Then I touched you. You had no fear. I knew then I had to see you, meet your eyes.”

  His hands worked on her neck, fading the tension that built with his words. “When I took you under, you laughed. That’s when I wanted you. And every further moment I was with you, I became more lost in you.”

  She let her head drop forward, her neck easing into an erogenous zone. Her hair was already dry, tufts of it fluttering around her face. His hands squeezed her shoulder muscles, the claws rasping just a bit. Her clit zinged.

  A terrible thought gripped her. “Will you be punished for this meeting?”

  “It depends. You won a chance for us by maintaining your silence, never betraying me.” His deep voice softened with amusement. “Your dedication and creativity in trying to contact me were also noted.” His voice changed again, hardening in bitterness, with hands that never varied from their gentle touch. His thumbs swept over the hollows behind her ear. “To endure your tears, hear your pleas, watch over your pain these weeks, and never be able to respond with the faintest clue… was by far the worst part of the punishment. It punished you, too. I’m so very sorry. Can you ever forgive me?”

  Her heart clutched. “Jand… I already have. Work with me to change this. Fight for us. I’ll do anything.”

  He carefully undid the ponytail clubbed at her nape. His hands went into her hair, talons zinging across her scalp as he lifted and combed the salt-sticky strands with his fingers. Shivers raced down her back, the fine hairs lifting on her arms. She adjusted her grip on the railing, the smooth width of it sweaty under her palms. He still wasn’t touching her with any other part of his body.


  “I’m here.”

  “To be together… will take sacrifice. You could come with me to our island, but I still cannot be with you always. I am a creature of water. This form is only temporary.”

  Blood tendrils in the water, a strong throat corded in pain. “To take this form causes you pain.”

  “It’s worth it. I can handle that. But the separation, the isolation you’d be in when I can’t be there…not all of my people will welcome you.”

  “I would think most wouldn’t, from what you’ve said.”

  “There will be some who do. You just don’t know what you’re asking. How your life would change—“

  She stiffened. “Don’t. Don’t make decisions for me based on what you think I can’t handle. I’ve been alone my whole life. I’ve never had any deep friendships. My mother left when I was six, and my dad was always distant. I’m not a person who gets lonely. I’m good in my own head. But I’m not good without you. I ache. I thought about you every day. If you read even a bit of the packages I sent you, you know what it’s been like.”

  “I read them all.” His voice was bleak.

  His hands rested on her shoulders. The strands of her long bob tickled her jaw line in the breeze.

  “Go to the console.” Her voice was husky.

  He hesitated then his heat left her. It was a relief to feel the cooler breeze swirl behind her. But it also brought goose bumps over her whole body, her nipples stiffening in protest.

  “Open the compartment to the right of the wheel. There’s a black velvet box.” She waited as the boat slipped over a wave. Listened to the echoing sound of the water slapping on the hull.

  “Jand, will you be my man?”

  She could feel how wet her labia were. Her stance let the warm breeze dance along the sensitive skin. His heat returned. Cream slid down her right thigh. Her heart pounded. He hovered behind her then covered her. Yes. He came around her like a huge cape of comfort. Shoulders looming behind her, thighs cradling her ass, she shivered as his knees brushed the back of her legs.

  His presence scorched her. So it took her a moment to focus on how he’d laid his arms along hers. How his hands bracketed hers on the outside, his own fists clenched on the white sidewall. She swallowed. On his left hand, the ring gleamed. It was an identical matching band to hers. Silver folded into gold.

  His knees slid in between her legs and widened her stance even more. He had to bend, swivel his hips, so that his erection dropped over her ass, popped between her thighs. She trembled. His head rooted in her soaking hood. Her knees shivered with each pass over her clit but held. He stroked along her valley leisurely. Her hips countered him. She felt her cream descend, rolling through her body, pouring out of her. Her eyes burned as they focused on their two left hands side by side. The sharp, clean scent of the ocean settled into her.

  He stopped, his erection a sopping bar between her legs. Slowly, so slowly, he slid back. She held her breath when his tip passed over the dip of her entrance, but he kept going. He went back until his tip caught in her second, smaller entrance. And st

  On the crest of the next wave, he pushed. She braced her hips, locked her elbows, and bore down. He held himself at that burning point just inside her tight ring as the boat went down into the trough.

  “Uhhhhh…” she sighed.

  “Too much?” his voice burned in her ear.

  “Yes. Yes, please. Please.”

  The boat went up. And he crowded in a bit more. She went up on her toes. Then forced herself to lower as the boat did, outright shivering now. Sweat ran down her throat, gathered beneath her breasts. The boat listed a bit to the side, shifting the pressure of him inside her.

  “Yesss,” she moaned.

  The boat went up and this time his hands left the railing, curling over the rise of her hips. His claws pricked her as he held her still for the force of his press. He didn’t stop this time. He went in and in, filling her ass. She sobbed. Stunning. Burning. Stinging. The shock held as the boat drifted down the swell.

  “I’m yours,” he rasped in her ear.

  When the boat went up, he moved his hands forward over her belly. His fingers began to play in her hood, swirling, rubbing, pads alternating with talons. She writhed, pinned on the huge penis locked so firmly in her body. Then the boat wallowed a bit at the bottom of the trough, the swells high enough to block the horizon. He slid out while pressing on her clit. The rim of him caught at her entrance. She clamped hard to keep him, her core aching.

  Up went the boat. And in he went, with a firm, smooth push. Fingers circling, maddening. His hips ground against her ass, palms tight to her hipbones. Her eyes marvelled at the horizon. Ocean as far as the eye could reach, undulating, shimmering with heat.

  Down between the waves, water all around them as if the boat were a toy. He came out in a long drag that left a wash of heat inside her. Her vagina clutched hard, trying to hold the pleasure, but there was nothing to grip.

  Up, and the penetration came faster this time, seating harder. All the shades of blue and green, the crests of the waves glowing from within like jewels.

  Down, and he swirled his hips this time, corkscrewing the sensation of his fat head pulling through her body. Her knees trembled. One hand splayed her lips open, and his fingers began to work her in tight circles.

  Up, and the light dazzled after the shadow of the trough. He didn’t let up on her own pleasure jewel, sliding in her slick cream. He rammed her harder, stinging, demanding.

  Down, he retreated, and she moaned. Her fingers ached from clenching on the slippery railing. He jerked his tip against her seizing ring of muscle.

  Up, in, and his finger found the incandescent point of pure pleasure on her clit and burrowed into it. His dick slammed deep with a stroke so hard her heels left the deck.

  Combined with the perfect hanging moment as the boat crested the wave, it was too much. She left her body and flew. Weightless, her eyes watered at the purity. His body convulsed behind her. It was his turn to writhe, trapped in her depths. His arms wrapped her torso tight as he seized in harsh, jerking spasms. She bore his whole weight, strong, knees locked.

  By the time the boat had completed another wave, he steadied his stance. Gently, he gathered her sore hands from the boat’s side. He took first one up to his mouth, then the other. His tongue soothed, his lips nibbled, the shocking wetness of his mouth closing over each finger erased the ache. His dick twitched in her ass. He placed her hands on her breasts. She felt him watching as she idly lifted them, rolled the nipples, smeared the sweat in a gleaming trail over her skin. His hips jerked.

  His finger traced her lower lip. Pressed against her seam. She opened, and closed her mouth around the base of his finger, licking the earthy taste of herself, toying with his talon with the tip of her tongue. She felt him swell in her ass. With the sensitivity of their first session, it burned.

  He fed her each of his fingers, and when she had cleaned them all, he felt inhumanly huge. He leaned, awkwardly tipping for a moment as he reached far to the side for something on the floor. Wrapping his arms around her again, his feet nudged hers into a shuffle. He turned them, so he was leaning against the railing, his legs wide, braced rock solid despite the dipping boat.

  She rubbed her ass back against him, swaying side to side on his erection as much as she could. He held out the thing he’d picked up. Her snorkel. She took it with a shaking hand.

  His hands slid over her hips, interested in the line of rib and belly. “I’m going to pick you up. It’s going to be too much for you. But I want to do it anyway. So I can watch what you were doing in the water at the exact moment I chose to come get you. I could have left. I’d caused you so much pain. I knew how hurt you were. But I knew how much you still loved me, too. I could have left… this relationship is going to be so hard. But I still loved you. And I wanted you. And I could see you, fucking this,” his big hand drifted up and down the snorkel around hers, the movement sexual, “with the light on the water all around you. I was tired of watching. Tired of leaving. The three-month sentence of silence was over, and I went right back to you. I’m going to watch in the sun this time, and I’m not going to leave.”



  Her breath coming in tiny gasps, on the edge of an orgasm just from his words, she nodded.

  His hands went down her thighs. With a dip of his legs and tightening of his torso, she was hanging in his arms, her knees hooked over his elbows, thighs spread wide. His erection in her body at this angle sank even deeper and she screamed, imploding. It was long, low, and guttural. He pressed against sensitive things inside her body. It was unbearably intimate. Speared, hanging from his strength. Owned.


  He hefted her in his arms, using her weight to drop her down on his dick. She obliged by releasing another primal sound, an animal in pain. A woman in too much pleasure. Shocked, overwhelmed, she shuddered and twisted, but his strength was immense, resolute. He was unmoving as the boat swayed on the water, rocking their bodies.

  “Mmmm. So sweet.” His voice was the lowest she’d ever heard it. “Put it in.”

  Whimpering, she brought the snorkel up to her cunt. It scraped a bit as she pushed it in. There was no room to slide it very deep in this folded position, with his dick taking up all the space inside her. She was panting with little sobbing breaths by the time three inches had disappeared. He released her legs, his hands sliding up her thighs to slow her legs’ fall. The feel of him shifting as her body rearranged made her cry out. His body was a hard wall of slick, sweaty muscle behind her. The snorkel began to slip from her. She clamped her muscles and her thighs, and it was his turn to gasp. He bent forward as her feet touched down, folding over her back once again.

  His hands moved strong on her shoulders, massaging. She was already a puddle of goo, the only thing holding her up the pressure in her core. He worked his thumbs up and down her nape while the boat moved their bodies for them. Up. Down. Rocking. Sliding.

  Then one hand anchored her hip against him while the other pushed her even lower. She bent, and his hand slid down her spine. The console seat was there. She braced her elbows on it, laying her forearms on the leather that was hot even in the shade.

  He shifted behind her, and she felt his hand between her legs. He closed on the snorkel and bent, twisting it, probing gently until it rose higher, pressing her open, creating unbearable fullness. When it wouldn’t go any deeper, he straightened. He withdrew his cock to the very tip, his soaking fingers coating her rim with her own moisture. His hands settled on her hips. His fingers curled into her, testing her, finding the best hold.

  “I love you, Sid.”

  Her hair trailed over her arms, sticking to her sweat. The snorkel’s hanging weight taunted her vagina. Her breasts ached as the position made them hang, pressure on the nipples. “Just do it! Please!”

  There was no controlled timing, no finesse. His body used hers, and it was incredible. He was so strong, his thighs like steel behind hers. The snorkel swayed, knocking her
thighs with every drive. Their bodies slapped together. Sweat sprayed across her back, falling from him. He was like lightning, fast, brutal. She came in moments, bucking in his grip, stomach seizing tight. Her vagina rippled up and down the hard snorkel. So good. It fell to the deck with a thump, her wetness aiding its escape.

  His strokes were so short and hard she could feel his balls compacting against her crease with every strike. As always, he was silent, but his ragged breath was clear over the sound of the waves. Pricks of pain dotted her hips. His talons. She moaned at the thought, her breasts bouncing. The driving thrusts in her ass sent nipping sparks through her entire pelvis.

  “Harder!” She was so tight inside. Clamped so hard. She burned, she needed.

  His body battered at hers. At the same time she felt him lengthen, within and behind, his whole body drawing up, bowing back behind her as his hips pistoned madly. He shuddered, wavered, and shouted. Triumphant and agonized. His deep, hoarse call seized her clit. She’d never clenched so hard. Pleasure obliterated her, twisting in her spine, falling to her toes, swelling her head.

  Chapter Four

  When she came to, his back was against the side, legs splayed across the deck. She sat across his thighs, cradled in his arms. Her ass ached. Her thighs were soaked. The snorkel was gone. Sweat tracked rivulets over his still heaving chest. His little grey nipples were hard. The thought gave her enough of a spark to raise her impossibly heavy hand and pet one. He shuddered. They sat together, drifting on the rolling sea, until their hearts settled.

  “There’s no going back, Sid. You’re sure?” he asked.

  “You’re always checking in with me. Yes, Jand, I’m sure. And before you ask your next question, yeah, that was a little too much for every time to be like that.”

  He smiled at her, those sharp pointed teeth gleaming predatorily. “Good. I wanted to take you past your normal, human experience.”

  “There’s no doubt you succeeded.”

  His big hand stroked along one thigh. “I meant it, you know. I’m yours now.”


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