Book Read Free

Found Love

Page 5

by Red Rose Publishing

  “Yes it does,” she answered, her voice soft.

  “You don’t want us to get too close just in case you find out that the shit that bastard of an ex of yours has been feeding you will be true and I’ll decide I can’t be with you because of it.” He cursed the prick to hell and back, seeing her flinch even though she tried to hide it. Cupping her chin, he turned her face to him. “I don’t know about most men, but I know I’ve never been attracted to anyone with thoughts of her baby-making abilities. We’re no longer in the age where a man is defined by the number of children he can pump into and out of his wife. I’m attracted to you because you’re a very smart, intelligent, and beautiful woman. I want to see where this can go, and if I have my way, we’ll go all the way, and even if by some slim chance you can’t bear children, I’ll not want you any less. There are too many children in the world growing up in orphanages, waiting for someone to adopt them, and I would be proud to call any adopted child my own.”

  She went to protest. He captured her mouth with his, and within seconds she’d straddled his lap.

  The kiss ended, leaving them both panting.

  “Now, before I make a fool of myself and forget that my son is in the back seat and take you here and now, I think you need to go in.”

  Andréa smiled, gave him one last nipping kiss, and then climbed out through the driver’s side.

  “Call me as soon as you get inside your apartment,” he instructed before she closed the door.

  Chapter Eight

  Andréa walked into Dr. Marlena Mills’ office and signed in at the receptionist’s desk before taking a seat. She told herself not to be nervous, and her pep talk worked until they called her name. Sighing, she went through the door, following the nurse that had called her. The woman checked her blood pressure, her temperature, and weighed her.

  She led her to one of the examination rooms. “Dr. Mills should be with you at any moment,” she advised and then left.

  Moments later, a tall, buxom blonde walked in carrying a folder. Gray slacks, a white blouse, and standard lab coat pronounced her a doctor.

  “Hi, Ms. Morgan, I’m Marlena Mills, and it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Marlena said, extending her hand. “Now, the note that I have from Sebastian is that we want to determine if there is something that would prevent you from carrying and having children.”

  “Yes, I’ve had three miscarriages, and someone suggested that I am not able to carry a child to term.”

  “Suggested by whom, your doctor?” Marlena asked.

  “No, I’ve never gone to a doctor to get anything confirmed or denied until now.”

  “Let me guess, an ex has made the comment or suggested that you may not be able to carry.” At Andréa’s nod, Marlena smiled. “Well, my dear, just from the test results we received I don’t see anything that stands out that proves him right, but I’m going to put you through a battery of test just to prove him wrong.”

  The doctor put her at ease, and she made each and every test bearable and not at all uncomfortable.

  “Okay, you go ahead and get dressed. The nurse will show you to my office.” She gave Andréa an affectionate pat on the shoulder and left the room.

  Sebastian waited in his office for news of Andréa’s tests. The phone jangled, and he answered on the first ring.

  “Hey, my friend!” Marlena said. “I’ve done all the tests, and preliminary results show that she’s as healthy as a horse and should be able to carry and bear children, but I’ve got a sneaky suspicion about something.”

  Sebastian took a seat behind his desk at his colleague’s words. “What’s that?”

  “I’ve heard of this happening before, and after she mentioned an ex telling her she couldn’t carry children to full term…Well, what if ‘someone’ slipped her the morning after pill once they found out she was pregnant?”

  Sebastian held his breath. The bastard!

  Marlena filled the silence. “I’ve requested that the blood on file at the hospital from her miscarriages be tested for this particular drug, just to be sure. If she’d been given more than one dose, it could have incited the miscarriages.”

  Sebastian sighed and raked his hands through his hair. “Are you going to mention this to Andréa?”

  “Not until I get those test results back. If my suspicions are confirmed, I want you here with her once I get the results.”

  “I’ll be there. Do you think the miscarriages will cause future problems for her?”

  “No. If I’m correct, it just means that ‘someone’ was determined for her not to have children. I just wanted to give you a heads up. After three miscarriages, with no obvious reason why they occurred…”

  Sebastian nodded. Marlena was almost certainly correct in her assumptions. “I appreciate you doing this for me. Do you know how soon you’ll get the results back?”

  “Since I can tell that she’s important to you, I’ll put a fire under the techs and get the results rushed,” she promised, hanging up.

  Andréa headed across town to meet Sebastian at Mack’s office to go over the plans for the final time. Her visit to the doctor’s office had been good, and she was happy Sebastian had suggested it. In the past, she would have been suspicious of his motives, thanks to Curtis, but Sebastian was so different from Curtis… Sebastian didn’t have an ulterior motive; he’d wanted to prove that Curtis had been playing on her weakness and insecurities, using them against her. If it turned out she couldn’t bear children, she would be alright with it. Like Sebastian had said, too many kids growing up in orphanages waited to be adopted. She smiled to herself. A great weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, and she had one very handsome man to thank for that.

  “You’re telling me that that bastard may have slipped her a drug that caused her to have the miscarriages?” Mack asked after he’d listened to Sebastian relate what the doctor had told him.

  “Yes, that’s what Marlena thinks, but she won’t know for sure until she gets the test results back.”

  “That son of a bitch! Where in the hell would he get something like that? Men don’t just walk into chemists and buy them!” Mack demanded.

  “I would guess from the same person that he got the other drug from.” He’d explained to Mack that he’d had the contents of the vial analyzed. The results revealed that it had been an experimental drug that made the recipient pliant and malleable. “I think he planned to slip that into her drink, and once it took effect he’d get her to do any and everything he wanted. Just from what I’ve seen of him, he’d use that against her, just like he made the snide comment about her not being able to carry children.”

  “Man, I wish I could do something to make his ass disappear.”

  Sebastian nodded his agreement.

  Once Andréa arrived, they got to work on making sure no changes needed to be made to the plans.

  “The foundation will be poured Monday, and all of the other equipment and supplies should be there no later than Thursday.”

  “Do you think your guys will be able to complete it in two months?” Andréa asked Mack.

  “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just ask me that, since the guys know the plan is to get Nico in before his birthday,” Mack assured her.

  An hour later, Andréa and Sebastian sat in her living room sharing a pizza with the works and a bottle of Merlot.

  “What time do you have to pick up Nico?” Andréa asked as he topped off their glasses.

  “I don’t. My brother, Basil, has his kids this week, and their school is near Nico’s, so he’s spending the night with my nephews, Basil Jr. and Carl. They don’t get a chance to see each other that much, so the times Basil has them we try and make it a point to allow Nico to spend time with them.”

  “That’s sad the way some people use their children as leverage,” Andréa stated.

  “Yes, it is, but since I don’t have to run home or pick up Nico, what do you suppose you and I can do?” He inched closer to her until mere inches separated t
heir mouths. Without taking his gaze away from hers, he took the wine glass out of her hand and placed it on to the coffee table. “Do you have any idea of what you would like to do now that we have some time on our hands?” He ran his tongue across her lips.

  Andréa grasped his hair and pulled his mouth against hers, slipping her tongue between his lips. He allowed her to control the kiss as he pressed his body and erection against her, showing her what she did to him.

  “I need you, Drea,” he declared in a near growl.

  “Take me, Bastian,” she demanded.

  He stood and lifted her into his arms and headed for the master bedroom. Once there, he let her body slide down his, and then went to work on removing her clothes. His heart pounded faster at the beautiful sight before him. She was exquisite. Her full breasts stood proud, beckoning him. He couldn’t ignore their call. Pulling her body closer, he captured a taut nipple in his mouth.

  Andréa gasped. He loved the way she tangled her hands in his black hair, holding him in place. His mouth loved her breasts, and she whimpered as soon as he released her and stepped back.

  “I think I’m just a little over dressed,” Sebastian said and began removing his clothes.

  Andréa’s eyes darkened until they glowed gold like heated honey. She came to him as soon as he’d stripped, her hand going around his neck while the other gripped his thick and rigid cock. Sebastian growled and shuddered at her hands stroking him. He lifted her, wrapping her long, silky legs around his waist, pressed her back against the nearest wall, and thrust deep inside her.

  A perfect fit. Sebastian held his body still and reveled at the way her tight tunnel closed around him. She moaned his name, and his control snapped. He thrust hard, fast, and deep, driving them closer and closer to the ultimate pleasure. She met him thrust for thrust.

  “Bastian, I’m going to come,” she panted in a near shout.

  He plunged deeper and with longer strokes. She screamed his name as her inner muscles clenched around him, forcing the climax that he’d been trying to hold off. He came hard, shouted her name as her body milked him.

  Sebastian carried her limp body over to the king-sized sleigh bed and pulled back the covers before laying her down. Going into the bathroom, he heated a wash cloth and returned and placed it between her legs at her core. He would need to have her again, and he didn’t want her to have any discomfort.

  “Are you done with me?” she asked, watching him from beneath lowered lashes.

  “Hell, no, not by a long shot,” he promised.

  Spreading her legs, he stroked her still throbbing pussy and licked his lips before his mouth descended on her folds. Andréa arched and gasped at the first swipe of his tongue and screamed as he feasted upon her. She’d never had anything so decadent done to her before. She gripped his hair, and her legs tightened around him, his very talented mouth working her to another explosive climax.

  “Bastian!” she screamed.

  Her body rocketed, and he continued to lap and lick and suckle her.

  He loved the taste of her and sensed by her reaction that she’d never experienced the intimacy of oral love making before. The idea filled him with great satisfaction, being the one man to taste her sweet nectar—and he’d make sure no one else ever would.

  He captured each and every drop of her sweetness, driving her toward another climax, but he wanted to be buried deep within her. He forced his mouth away from her delicious pussy and positioned his body where his throbbing cock brushed at her core. He loved the way she responded: her body arched, and her legs went around him, trying to pull him inside her. To deny her that would be to deny himself. With a power thrust, he entered her, going deep, and she took each and every inch of him without protest. They moved in tandem, all parts of them a perfect fit. Their climaxes came upon them so fast and hard, Sebastian swore he’d seen stars. His body collapsed upon hers.

  “God, baby, it’s never been like this before,” he confessed, staring into her passion-glazed eyes.

  She ran her fingers through his hair and stared into his eyes. “I’ve never been so complete and sated with anyone else. I think you’ve ruined me for anyone else.”

  He chuckled, confident that there wouldn’t be anyone else.

  Chapter Nine

  Andréa woke to the smell of brewed coffee and frying bacon. Yawning, she stretched and groaned as muscles she hadn’t used in years protested from the previous night’s activities. In the bathroom, she had a quick shower before slipping on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, then made her way to the kitchen.

  Sebastian gave her a mug of coffee and a deep, good morning kiss that made her toes curl and her body hum. “Now that is a good morning kiss,” she said then took her first sip of coffee.

  “I couldn’t agree more. What do you have planned for today?” he asked, handing her a plate filled with cheese grits, bacon, and scrambled eggs.

  “I have some plans of Mack’s to go over, but that’s about it. What about you?”

  “I have a couple of patients to see today—even though I’m retired, I couldn’t refuse their requests to see only me—but I should be done around three. What do you think about me swinging by here and kidnapping you and we take a trip down town and hit a few galleries? You can help me get an idea of the art work that will go with the new place.”

  “Sounds like a great idea to me.”

  Curtis eased out of Serena’s bed. He needed to find out all he could about the bastard that had accompanied Andréa to his parents’ place.

  “Are you leaving?”

  He turned at the sound of Serena’s whiny voice and fought the urge to yell at her. “Yes. I have some things to look into. Did you get me what I need?”

  “I told you I have to be careful or someone will get suspicious.”

  Curtis gripped her arms and pulled her up out of the bed. She gasped.

  “I need for you to get me another vial today otherwise I’ll have to find someone else that will, and you’ll have to find someone else to take care of that pussy of yours.”

  He threatened knowing her weakness; after his mind-controlling antics, she didn’t think she could get another man, and he used her fear against her every chance he got. Hell, it worked to keep her in line. He’d always had the ability to spot a person’s Achilles’ heel and used it to get what he wanted. He had no doubt she would do what he asked. After she surrendered and promised to do his bidding, he gave her a hard kiss and released her.

  Sebastian’s eyes damn near popped out of his head at the sight of Andréa standing in the doorway of her apartment. Her black sheath dress trimmed in silver clung to her luscious, lithe body—the body he’d tasted from head to toe the night before. Black sheer stockings showed off her beautiful long and shapely legs, and matching shoes and purse completed her ensemble. He loved her hair loose and flowing around her face. She tucked a strand behind her ear and revealed a silver pair of earrings.

  “You’re beautiful,” he declared, capturing her mouth with his.

  Once he ended the kiss, she responded, “Why thank you, and you’re a handsome sight yourself.”

  They traveled to the Galleria. The place buzzed with people, and everyone turned as they entered; they made a very attractive couple. The men in the room stared at his woman, and he slid his arm around her waist, showing all that she belonged to him.

  “Come on, I think the pieces that you’re looking for are on the second level,” Andréa said, catching his attention.

  He followed her up the stairs, focusing on her beautiful ass.

  “Sebastian, stop staring at my ass,” she hissed.

  “I’m sorry, baby, but you have one beautiful ass, and it is my ass now.”

  Once they’d reached the top of the stairs she turned, but before she could comment, he kissed away whatever she would have said.

  “Come on,” he said, taking her hand in his.

  Andréa spotted Noreen, owner of the Galleria, who excused herself from the people she’d be
en speaking with once she noticed Andréa across the room. She made her way over to where they stood.

  “Andréa, it’s so good to see you.”

  Andréa accepted the hug, smiling even though the woman’s gaze kept straying to Sebastian. “Hi, Noreen, it’s good seeing you too. I love the way the gallery turned out.”

  “I know, but it wouldn’t be this way without your expert designing. So why don’t you introduce me to your handsome friend here?”

  Andréa laughed at the woman’s boldness. “Noreen, this is Sebastian. Sebastian, this is Noreen, owner of the Galleria.”

  Sebastian offered his hand, and then slid it back around Andréa’s waist. Noreen arched an eyebrow.

  Having been rebuffed by Andréa’s date, Noreen said, “Well, you guys enjoy yourselves, and if you have any questions on any of the pieces, please let me or one of my assistants know.” She sashayed towards a small cluster of people.

  “You hurt her feelings Sebastian,” Andréa admonished.

  “Who the fuck cares. The woman is a man-eater, and I guess it doesn’t matter to her that I’m here with you.”

  His anger surprised her, and she turned to see that anger blazing in his eyes. Her heart melted, and she leaned up and kissed him, wiping the ire away.

  They moved along viewing the different pictures and sculptures. Someone called Sebastian’s name, and he turned. A man headed towards them.

  “Hey, Sebastian, it’s been a long time, man! How’ve you been?” the man asked, trying to keep his eyes on Sebastian and not Andrea.

  “Great, Clarke, how about you?” Sebastian responded in a not-so-nice tone. “Honey, I’d like you to meet Clarke Denton. He’s an old college classmate of mine. Clarke, this is my girlfriend, Andréa Morgan.”

  Andréa looked at the stocky brunette and extended her hand in greeting.

  Clarke shook her hand, and she turned a potent smile on him.


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