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The Billionaire Dating Game: A Romance Novel

Page 8

by Aubrey Dark


  “We only have twenty-five minutes left.”

  I swallowed. The air was hot, and the smell of his aftershave was mixing with the scent of the roses.


  He smiled at me, his eyes glittering blue and green.

  “How many orgasms do you think I can give you in twenty-five minutes?”

  Chapter Ten

  The answer, as it turned out, was three.

  Okay, okay. I know that I should have pushed him away. But before I could say another word, Piers was kissing my neck. My power stance melted away as his hands circled my waist, caressing my curves.

  Was this actually happening? A kiss was one thing, but was I actually going to let Piers Letocci fuck me in an elevator?

  No. No way. I wasn’t the classiest girl, but I was classier than that. At least, I thought I was classier than that. I was beginning to doubt myself, especially when Piers squeezed my ass and all I did was squirm with pleasure.

  “Wait,” I managed to gasp out. “Wait. Piers.”

  “Lisa, I can’t wait to make you come. I’ve been thinking about it ever since I saw you two nights ago.”

  “You—you have?”

  “And then…”

  “And then?” It was a squeak.

  “And then I’ll make you come again. And again. And again.” His voice rumbled along my nerves. He couldn’t wait to make me come? I couldn’t wait, either. It had been so long since I’d slept with a guy. I was aching inside, hollow with need.

  No. Lisa. Be classy. Be—

  “Ohh!” I moaned as he sucked my earlobe, his tongue slick and hot on my skin.

  Okay. Forget classy.

  I splayed my fingers back against the elevator door, willing myself to stay upright. He unbuttoned my shirt quickly, ripping one button loose.

  “Piers!” I protested. The button clinked to the elevator floor. “Slow down! My buttons—”

  “We’re going for a record here,” he said. “No time to lose.”

  His blue-green eyes glittered with desire, and when he looked into my eyes, I blushed. I was going to do this. I was going to let Piers Letocci have his way with me in an elevator. And right then, I didn’t give a rat’s ass whether or not I was classy. I just needed to satisfy the ache that was currently burning white-hot in my core.

  With one hand around my back, he unhooked my bra. With the other, he whipped my blouse away. It fell in a pile on the opposite corner. And then I was topless, my nipples pebbling with the chill of the air and the thought of Piers’ tongue on me. He reached for my breasts with both hands, and a thought flashed across my mind. I grabbed his wrists, stopping him just before he took me in his hands.

  “Wait,” I said.

  “Lisa, I think I’ve been remarkably patient already. What is it now?”

  “What if there are security cameras?” I hissed, scanning the ceiling of the elevator.

  “Then I imagine we’ll be on them.” He bent his head and licked my nipple. A thrill shivered my body.


  “Lisa, if you don’t hush already, I’ll find the video footage myself and air it tonight on national television.”

  I clapped my mouth shut and gave one more glance up toward the imaginary security cameras. Then Piers sucked my nipple hard, and any thought of cameras or reason vanished from my mind. His tongue swirled around my flesh, his teeth grazing my aching nipple.


  He moved to my other breast, kissing and sucking. One hand came up to my chest, and I felt his hand cupping my breast, weighing its heft. He gave it a slight squeeze and I moaned. Then his fingers seized my nipple and he twisted.

  “Ahh!” A shock of pain melted into pleasure as his mouth found my nipple and sucked, his tongue caressing the aching nub. My hands gripped his shoulders, but I couldn’t push him away. He pinched my nipple again, hard, and another explosive shock ripped through my nerves. I wrenched forward, but with his other hand, he pressed my hip back against the elevator door, locking me back.

  I was pinned, throbbing. I didn’t know what he was doing to me, but the coil inside of me was wound tighter than it’d ever been before. I needed him, but his mouth retreated into softness, kissing and suckling at my breast as though he hadn’t just pinched the poor, aching nipple. My breaths came hard and fast, and I clutched his muscles through his suit jacket, pulling him closer.

  “Please,” I gasped. “Please. Piers…”

  His thumb brushed against the front of my skirt. It was barely any pressure, and it made me quiver and arch forward.

  “Yes,” I moaned. “Please, more. Please—”

  “Are you going to come for me, Lisa?”

  “Yes,” I said, my eyes clenched. It was too much. I was too tight inside, and his hand had me pinned. I couldn’t do anything but beg. “Please, just please—”

  He bent his head. As his thumb pressed into me at the perfect spot, he sucked my nipple hard. A violent surge of sensation threw every muscle in my body into tremors. The orgasm seized me before I knew it was coming. His tongue pressed hard circles against me, and his thumb mirrored the motion between my thighs, pushing through the fabric of my skirt.

  “Ohh!” Ohhhhhh!”

  The low groan escaped my lips without warning. I arched into his hand, coming hard. My body shook against him, shook violently. I was helpless to stop it, and as the spasms rocked my body, I squeezed my eyes shut and leaned back, tilting my body into his touch shamelessly, with desperate need.

  It had been so long since someone else had given me an orgasm, and I wanted to squeeze every last bit of pleasure from it. I shuddered, shuddered again, and kept my eyes closed even as I regained my breath. Piers continued to kiss my breast, caressing the skin with his tongue, until the last shudder ran through my body. His hand eased up from my hip and settled at my waist, holding me up.

  I wanted to stay like this forever. I wanted—

  “Hello? Miss Forrester? Mr. Letocci?” The panel crackled to life.

  I jerked upright, smacking the back of my head against the wall.

  “Ow!” I cried.

  Piers leaned over and pressed the radio button. His thumb still circled idly around one of my nipples.


  “We’ll have you out of there in about fifteen,” the security guard said. “Just had to turn on the backup pulley.”

  “Brilliant. Keep up the good work!” Piers said. He lifted his hand off of the button.

  I brushed my hair back with one hand, turning to the mirror on the back wall to check how disheveled I was. Very disheveled, as it turned out. My pulse was still pounding hard. Piers, on the other hand, looked as calm and collected as when he’d first walked into the office. I turned back to him.

  “Piers, thank you. That was—”

  He spun me around so quickly that I almost tripped. My hands caught my fall, pressing against the back wall of the elevator. One arm came around my waist, holding me tight. Another hand yanked up my skirt. I could see him in the mirror, his blue-green eyes twinkling above my shoulder.

  “Ah!” I cried. “What are you doing?”

  “We have fifteen minutes left,” he said. His fingers pressed hard into my thigh under my skirt, and I could feel the length of his cock against the small of my back. My God, he was huge. In the mirror, he licked his lips.


  “I’d better stop with the subtleties. Only one orgasm would hardly be a record.”

  He bent to kiss my neck, and I tilted my head back as though by instinct, giving him access. The ache inside me was back, as fierce as before. His breath was hot against my ear.

  “Well,” I said, my words coming between breaths as he moved to kiss the back of my neck. “I would hate—to tarnish—your—ah!—reputation.”

  Piers let go. My eyes flashed up to him in the mirror. Had I said something wrong?

  “Keep your hands on the wall,” he said, in a voice used to giving orders
. “Stand right there.”

  I watched him in the mirror as he took off his suit jacket. It joined my blouse on the floor. He unbuttoned one more button of his shirt, revealing only a glimpse of his chiseled chest. He stared down at me, and I saw myself in the mirror as he must see me. My naked breasts swinging in front of me. My skirt stretched across my hips. My cheeks flushed with pleasure.

  “Lisa,” he said, his mouth curving up into a smile. “You look positively delicious.”

  I didn’t respond. I didn’t have time. He stepped forward, his chest pressed against my back, his arm holding me tightly. When his other hand slid forward, under my panties, I gasped, twisting, but couldn’t move. His fingers slid down and under, right at the entrance of my aching slit. His hand stroked me around the edges of my entrance, teasing me. His palm cupped my clit. I was still throbbing from the first orgasm he’d given me.

  I closed my eyes. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. This was not like me. This wasn’t something I would ever do. And yet I wanted it oh so badly.

  “God, you’re so fucking wet,” he said. His cock twitched against the small of my back. “I wish I could take you for myself right now. But I promised. This is all your pleasure, Lisa.”

  My pleasure. I had barely registered the words before he plunged two fingers into me. A jagged breath caught in my throat. His strong fingers were inside me, deep inside me.

  Piers tilted his hips forward, pressing his erection into my back. His hand massaged my already swollen clit. A small, needy noise choked my throat.

  “Not yet,” he whispered. His mouth sucked under my ear, at the sensitive part of my neck. “Not yet, Lisa. This is all for you.”

  I want it. I didn’t say the words, but they echoed in my mind. I want it. Please, I want it. My teeth bit down on my bottom lip and I tried not to shatter as his fingers withdrew slowly, then thrust back upward into me.

  The air in the elevator was gone. There was only heat, a burning heat that seared my nerves. His fingers eased in, then out. He stroked both sides of my slit and then plunged into me again. With every thrust, I clenched harder, needing to feel him deep inside me. With my eyes shut, all I could see were the white explosions behind my eyelids as his thick fingers thrust in and out in an increasing rhythm.

  “Ohhh.” This was what I was reduced to. Half-moans and greedy whimpers. Primal sounds growling up through my throat.

  His mouth was on my neck, working from side to side. His tongue slicking my skin, his teeth nibbling my collarbone. Every breath took more and more effort, and my palms were slick with sweat against the mirror. I didn’t open my eyes. I didn’t dare see what I had turned into.

  My panties fell to my ankles, useless and wet. I tried to step out of them, stumbling sideways.

  “Let me help you with that.”

  Piers hooked his fingers into me, lifting me up. All of my weight was putting pressure on my already swollen clit. I gasped as he bit down on my neck at the base of my spine. My panties were forgotten as the pressure sent my body into a terrible, aching need.


  With his free hand, he reached up and clasped my chin. He tilted my head and kissed me on the side of the mouth. Rough kisses, wild kisses. When he eased me back down, it wasn’t all the way. My toes scraped the floor of the elevator. Most of my weight still rested against his palm, against my aching, swollen clit.


  “Use your arms,” he said. “Push.”

  “Push?” My question was a gasp.

  “I want to feel your rhythm.”

  I pushed against the wall, rocking back on his hand. The pressure eased for only a second, and then I rocked back onto my tiptoes, his fingers filling me again, stretching me. I moaned, dizzy with sensation.

  “That’s it,” he whispered in my ear. He kissed my shoulder and his hand stroked the bottom of my chin, clasping around my neck in a soft grip. “Again.”

  I would have done anything he asked at that moment. His other hand held me around the neck. I felt completely possessed by his hands, completely under his control. I rocked back and forth on his fingers, letting myself fall into a rhythm. His palm cupped me, rubbing in slow hard circles over my clit.

  “Ohhhh!” I cried.

  I moved faster, rocking back against his chest, then forward into his hand. My eyes were shut tight as my body clenched around his fingers. I could hear his breath quickening in my ear as he rocked with me, faster and faster. My core coiled up into a fierce ache, tight inside of me.

  Faster. Faster. I had never felt such a need before. My whole body thrust itself hard onto his fingers, my palms hard against the mirror. I moaned and moaned.

  As I opened my mouth to moan, his fingers slid between my lips. My eyes snapped open.

  I froze, staring at my reflection in the mirror. My skin was flushed bright red, and I was leaning forward. My bangs were plastered with sweat to my forehead. His fingers were thrust into my mouth. I looked utterly ridiculous. Shame burned through me, and I felt the warm air turn hot.

  “Look at me, Lisa.”

  Piers’ voice tore me away from my reflection. I saw his face in the mirror, his brows sweeping down in two dark lines.

  “Don’t stop,” he ordered. His palm moved, rubbing my clit and sending shocks of electric pleasure through me. The fingers in my mouth slid out, then back in. I tasted his fingertips, salty on my tongue.

  “Look at me and keep going,” he said.

  My skin was burning hot, but I nodded. He pressed his cock hard into my back, rocking me forward. That was enough to blur my embarrassment. All of my thoughts disappeared as he forced his fingers into me, thrusting hard into my swollen flesh. As he thrust, his other fingers filled my mouth, and he sucked the side of my neck.

  “Mmmm!” I couldn’t moan around his fingers. I felt full, so full, and as his thick fingers worked deeper into me, I let my eyes close. I imagined what it would be like if I was sucking his cock instead of his fingers. If his long, hard length was thrusting inside me. The thought made me clench tightly, rocking forward with a violent need.

  “Yes,” Piers was whispering in my ear. “Yes. Lisa—”


  I squeezed hard, my body starting to shudder from within. The coil inside me loosened as the orgasm began to slide through me. This one was going to be much, much more intense. I could feel the pressure inside me lifting me up, up—

  “Open your eyes.”

  I opened them. Piers was staring at me in the mirror. His upper lip was beaded with sweat, and his eyes were dark with desire.

  “Look at me,” he said. I want to see your beautiful eyes when you come.”

  His fingers thrust into my mouth, and his other hand rubbed my clit. I moaned against his hand.

  Yes. Yes.

  It was too much. I couldn’t stop. I rocked hard into his palm, and every particle in my body exploded with pleasure. He held me in his grip as my body wrenched forward, then back, milking his fingers the way I wanted to milk his cock.

  “Look at me,” he murmured, although he didn’t have to. I couldn’t watch myself as I writhed in the clutches of the hardest orgasm that had ever ripped through me. I stared into his eyes, blue like the ocean and green like the river. I shuddered again and again as his fingers thrust into me, his thick fingers in my mouth, and I sucked them hard, instinct taking me over.

  Oh God. OhGodOhGodOhGod.

  White spots fuzzed my vision as the orgasm twisted through me. Ecstasy filled me, filled me the same way he filled me, stretching me out and making me whole. My legs were useless, but he held me tight in his arms as I shook and shivered with spasms of pleasure.

  And all the while he watched me, watched me watching him. Watched as I shook again and again, watched as my body went weak and limp.

  Breathe, Lisa.

  His fingers slid out from between my lips, pressing slightly against my bottom lip. His arm held my body against his chest as he withdrew his oth
er fingers, wet with my juices. He brought them up and licked his fingertips. Tasted me.

  I felt faint. The last shivers of ecstasy ran through my body like ripples through a pond. My muscles were watery, limp. My eyes fell away from his and I struggled to stay upright.

  “I can’t…I can’t stand up.”


  Without another word, he had me in his arms. He lay me down on his discarded jacket on the floor of the elevator. White spots swam in front of my eyes as I looked up at the ceiling of the elevator. It was a mirror. I don’t know if I’d ever noticed that before.

  Then I noticed where Piers was kneeling. His hands ran along my thighs, up past my skirt.

  “Piers—” I gasped, trying to catch my breath, “Piers, what are you—”


  A knocking noise came from above us, near the top of the elevator door. I wrenched my head sideways, but Piers didn’t so much as glance up. His hands shoved my knees apart.

  “Piers—Piers, what are you—”

  “Can’t stop now.”

  “They’re almost here!”

  “Exactly! We’re wasting precious moments!”

  Then his mouth was sealed over my clit, sucking hard. This time, the orgasm was nearly instant. His fingers were thrust into me up to the knuckle as he sucked, his tongue flicking my aching clit past what it could bear. A burst of new ecstasy tore me apart, and I writhed on the floor.

  “Ohhhh!” I screamed, then clapped my hand over my mouth. I bit down on my palm, trying to stifle the moan that ripped from my lungs. This wasn’t a normal orgasm. It went on and on, the seconds spinning around dizzily. I arched against the floor of the elevator, and in the mirrored ceiling I could see my legs wrapped around Piers’ neck as he sucked, sucked and licked, one hand gripping my ass as the other thrust into my clenching body.


  My fingers scrabbled at the floor, grabbing only a handful of pink rose petals. There was nothing human left in me, only animal urges that made me thrash around as wave after wave hit me, threw me into a frenzy of pleasure. And still his mouth was sealed over me, his tongue working my clit to the last moment.


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