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Page 7

by Michelle Areaux

  “There had been talk…” my dad began but was helped by Asher’s dad.

  “After the Shifters fought the Hunters, there was talk that news had spread and this had upset the Huntress,” Elliott said.

  “Who is the Huntress?” Asher asked, as he, too, made his way next to me.

  “The Huntress is the daughter of the main Hunter we killed last fall. She was angry and there was talk that she wanted to avenge her father’s death and end Shifters and Vampires herself, but then nothing ever happened. We all assumed that maybe she had either been killed herself or had decided her young army wasn’t strong enough to handle ours,” he stated.

  “So, we have angered a Huntress who has now created her own, young army?” Asher asked.

  I glanced at Asher and smiled. I loved how I had both of my favorite guys with me even when I was in troubled times. They both had the power and want to protect us all and it offered a sort of comfort even if it were false.

  “Yes, I fear that may be correct,” Asher’s dad responded.

  “Has anyone seen this army?” Maddox asked. “I mean, Elle and now Asher have only seen the red-haired girl. What if she is alone. Maybe she doesn’t have an army?”

  “That is possible too, but then again, she may be staking out our land and our routines. She obviously knows about Elle and the Vampires. We need to begin joining forces to prepare in case she does bring an army here,” my dad retorted.

  My short-lived comfort was tarnished as the idea of fighting and death was looming around us once again. What I had witnessed now twice was a Shifter killer, a woman whose purpose in life was to destroy the very souls I loved and cared for. Anger coursed through me and I couldn't contain my outburst.

  “I can’t stand the idea of us having to run from these terrible Hunters again,” I yelled as anger took hold of me.

  “Elle, we will figure out a way to stop them from hunting us,” Maddox argued.

  “Everyone settle down,” my dad bellowed, as he tried to calm the room. “We are Evershade. Our goal to remain pure and hidden will not be forgotten. We have a pack to keep and we will not stop fighting until we are all safe and pure. The Evershade will remain Everpure.”

  This was all wrong. It couldn’t be happening again. Not so soon after we fought and almost died trying to save our kind from the Hunters.

  Feeling my legs begin to tremble and adrenaline pumping in my veins, I knew I had to get out of there before I erupted like a volcano. I turned and ran toward my kitchen and then out the back door. I had to get away from everyone and the talk of death. As I raced into the cold, night air, I could hear Maddox and Asher closely behind me. Neither would let me out of their sight now. I was sure of that.

  Stopping about a half mile later, I turned to face the boys who had raced behind me the entire run.

  Sighing, I tried to reign in my anger and take control of myself. Calming my breaths, I closed my eyes and held my fists to my side. I allowed the world around me to disappear as I only focused on myself. The only sounds present were that of the rhythmic sounds of my heart beats. I wish I could be a hunter for one day, just to change their minds, I thought to myself as my body began to relax. I could feel an odd sensation come over me as a buzzing sound began to ring in my ears. My body shook and as my eyes shot open with fear, I locked eyes with Maddox who was looking at me with a strange glow of fascination.

  “Elle…” Maddox opened his mouth, but no words escaped.

  Turning to Asher, I noticed he, too, was transfixed as he looked at me with a strange scowl.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” I questioned them both.

  “Elle, you…” Asher tried to speak, but his mouth just hung open.

  “What?” I yelled out. My body still felt strange, but I was more worried about the silence between them.

  Stepping toward me, Asher calmly spoke. “Elle, you shifted,” he said quietly.

  Looking down, I noticed my hands and feet were still that of a human. “No, I didn't.”

  Taking the lead now, Maddox pulled out his cell phone and held it up to me with his camera app on selfie-mode. “Look, Elle,” he said, as he forced me to investigate the device.

  What I saw next shocked me more than even becoming a wolf. They were right, I had shifted. But not into an animal, I had shifted into a Hunter. No, not just any Hunter, the Huntress who was after the lives of all Shifters and Vampires around.

  “What is happening?” I yelled out. Even though it was dark, the light from the moonlight glowed onto my skin, and I could see exactly who and what I had become.

  “This is…”

  “Incredible,” Maddox interrupted Asher.

  “How is this incredible?” I screamed out. Nothing about this seemed good at all. I had shifted into my mortal enemy.

  “We can use this new power against the Huntress. We can trick her army. You can be an asset,” Maddox practically cheered.

  “I hate to admit it, but Maddox is correct,” Asher said, as he glowered at Maddox. “If you can shift into her again, you could communicate with her army. Possibly talk them into fleeing or even into killing the real Huntress,” Asher stated.

  “I don’t know,” I began.

  “We have to get you back to the house,” Maddox stated, as he practically began dragging me back.

  Asher followed, too, and while I tried to argue and reason with them both, neither was listening to me at all.

  When we made it back, Maddox was still dragging me by the arm. When everyone in the room spotted who I was, I heard hissing and growls as everyone erupted into protective and fight stances.

  “Wait everyone,” Asher yelled, as he held up his arms and jumped in front of Maddox and me.

  “Where is Elle?” my dad asked, as he run to us and began looking behind all three of us.

  “I’m here dad,” I said, but it wasn’t my mouth that was speaking.

  Stunned, he stopped and stared at us with wide eyes. Everyone around him too kept their fight stances but stopped speaking.

  “When Elle ran out, she shifted into the Huntress,” Maddox spoke rapidly. If he didn’t talk fast, someone might attack me.

  “Is this true?” Asher’s dad asked, as he looked at me with a wild fascination.

  “Yes,” I said. “Dad, I don’t know how I did it, but I did,” I cried out.

  My mother rushed to be, but abruptly stopped as she took in my new features. I could tell she was conflicted. Part of her wanted to comfort me and another part of her was disgusted that I was now the shape of the very person she wanted to rip apart.

  “Mom,” I cried as I watched the range of emotions flicker across her face.

  “Elle,” she whispered as she slowly walked to me and embraced me.

  Hugging me tightly to her, she turned to my father and the rest of the Shifters and Vampires who had approached us. “Whatever you all are thinking, just go ahead and forget about it now. My daughter will not be used as bait, or a tool in this war,” she seethed, as she stared at the faces watching her.

  “Mom,” I tried to argue, but she silenced me.

  “No, Elle. You and Maddox almost died last fall at the hands of those monsters. I will not have you throwing yourself into their traps now,” she stated.

  A commotion of voices began to erupt around us, and I didn’t know what to do other than remain protected in my mom’s embrace.

  “We will discuss this once the shock of Elle’s power dies down,” my dad began. Turning to me, he looked at me carefully. “Elle, do you think you can shift into other forms?” he questioned.

  “I don’t know,” I replied. “Up until now, I had no clue I could even do this. What is wrong with me?” I sniffed.

  “Nothing is wrong with you; in fact, you are very special,” he said proudly, like I had just accomplished something grand and important.

  “Special?” I asked, shaking my head in disagreement.

  Stepping up next to my dad, Asher’s dad nodded showing his agreement w
ith what my dad had just said. “Yes, hundreds of years ago there was talk that some Shifters could transform into human form. From what I understand, Shifters have been able to shift into many forms of animals, but not humans-- until now,” he said.

  My dad nodded, showing that what he was saying was true.

  “You are a rare breed, Elle. What you possess is magic, a power that hasn’t been seen in centuries. Much like the half-breeds that were once known to rule the lands of Ireland and Europe during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries,” he finished with a smile.

  “Half-breeds?” Asher asked, as he quickly glanced at me.

  I had almost forgotten about the audience we still had, and hearing Asher’s voice broke through my shield I had put up.

  “Yes son. Vampires and Shifters and Witches and Vampires and even Angles and Shifters once mated and joined forces and powers to control much of their lands and regions. They were unstoppable forces,” he said proudly.

  My body began to shake as this conversation was hitting way too close to home for me. Asher and I had just laughed at the idea of joining us together, as though that idea was unheard of. Now, we were being told that Vampires and Shifters once were looked up to as important and all-powerful figures. At least now, Asher and I knew that forever for us might be a possibility for us after all-- if we survive this war that is.

  “Why don’t all of these otherworldly creatures still mate and join forces?” I asked, curious as I looked back to Asher who looked as nervous and excited for the answer as I was.

  Sighing, my dad hesitated as he looked between Asher’s dad and my mom before speaking. “The evolution of the Hunters stopped the hybrids. Once rumors began to spread and Hunters began creating forces and armies, they killed off every hybrid they could find. The ones that weren’t killed, went into hiding and were never heard of again. Being as powerful as you and the hybrids are is very dangerous to those who fear us,” my dad finished.

  “So, am I a hybrid?” I asked, still not understanding what this all meant.

  “Not exactly,” dad said. “You are a rare form of Shifter that holds a power to transform into animal and human. Possibly even inanimate objects like trees or stone. We will just have to see what transformations present themselves,” he stated.

  “You don’t really know then,” I said, eyeing them all. “I mean, sure you think I hold some wild power to become anything I see, but how will we know for sure?”

  “We just have to try,” Asher’s dad added.

  “Basically, you all are telling me that I am a science project, a guinea pig to be researched,” I grunted.

  “Cool,” Maddox smiled as he watched us all from the side of the kitchen.

  “Maddox, this is so not cool,” I snapped at him.

  Waving his arms in the air, Maddox just smirked. “Maybe not to you, but Elle, you need to open your eyes and see what this all means. You are special. You could be the answer to ending the war between Hunters and Shifters and everything else. You are the answer everyone has been searching for centuries,” he finished with a glowing smile.

  Everyone around me looked at me differently now. Like I was someone different now. Ok, technically I was different in the form of another person’s body, but I was still Elle. I didn’t want to be the answer to any century long puzzle. I wanted to go back to a time when I was just a teenage girl. No threats. No worries. Just me.

  “They are right,” Asher said, as he reached out his hand and held mine. “You could be the answer to ending this once and for all.”

  My mother was crying now as the realization struck her that they were right. I may just have to place myself in dangers way in order to finally end the war with Hunters. No pressure.

  Chapter 11

  After everyone left, I ran up to my bedroom and locked my door. I didn’t want to see or speak to anyone. My mind was reeling, and I felt as if I were lost in a spiraling oblivion. As I sat at my desk watching everyone leave, I spotted white dots beginning to blur the night sky. Snow. It was snowing! I sat back and smiled to myself. I knew we were supposed to be getting a crazy snow storm soon, but this was unexpected. Hopefully, the snow would continue falling all night and they would cancel school for tomorrow. Having so many winding one-lane roads made living in country towns a great asset during the winter. I listened to the sounds of cars pulling out of my driveway and driving away until none were left. Of course, Maddox and Asher were the last to leave. Even though they didn’t speak to one another, their silence still held the same promises and worries. As much as they wanted this war with Hunters to end, neither of them wanted to see me in harm’s way. However, it looked like that might be where I find myself. Soon.

  Maddox: You know I won’t let anything bad happen to you, right?

  Me: Yes, I know. I’m still scared to death.

  Maddox: Truthfully… me too.

  I looked out my window and watched Maddox typing on his front porch as snow fell onto his head. I couldn’t help but laugh at how silly he looked. He should be inside, warming up by the fire. Instead, he was sitting outside in the cold.

  Me: Go inside, it’s cold.

  Maddox: I will, just wanted to make sure you were ok.

  Me: I’m good.

  I stared at my phone and the lie I had just told Maddox. Of course, I wasn’t fine, but I couldn’t tell anyone that. Too many people now relied on me. For what, I didn’t know yet. But I had once needed their help and protection, so now it was my turn to repay the favor.

  I heard my phone chime again; and as I looked down again thinking I would see Maddox’s name, it was Asher’s instead.

  Asher: I can’t leave until I know you are alright with this.

  Of course, he would still be here waiting.

  Me: I’m ok. But, eventually I will be alright with this.

  Asher: You don’t have to let them use you.

  Me: Yes, I do. You heard them. I am a rare breed. A different type of power. The answer they have been searching for.

  Asher: But, you are important to all of us, too. Especially to me. I love you.

  Me: I know. I love you, too.

  I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my worried face. Asher could always make me smile, regardless of the situation. I loved him for his pure heart. He really was the definition of irony: Looked upon by society as a demon and a monster but held the love and sincerity of the sweetest of angels.

  Asher: Remember, you have your father and the Shifters, the Vampires, and me. None of us will let anyone touch or hurt you.

  Me: I know, but what if I let everyone down. What if I can’t shift again into the Huntress? What if it was just a onetime thing?

  Asher: Then we devise a new plan. Elle, we all love you. You are the most important thing in the world to me. I will love you regardless and I will protect you no matter what.

  Me: You really know how to swoon a girl.

  I laughed to myself as I wrote the words. Asher was so romantic and poetic at times, I just never knew how to respond appropriately.

  Asher: I only say what is on my mind. This is how I feel. My heart may not beat anymore as a human, but it still has room for love and devotion and that is what it feels for you. You are the very essence that makes me human. That gives me life to a body that has been frozen in death for years. You give me the light to see that there is still good and love in the dark world in which we live. You are my everything.

  I had to fan myself over his words. Asher was nothing short of amazing and his words could hypnotize me and make me forget about all of my fears in an instant.

  Me: I have no words to express how much you mean to me. I am not as great with words as you are, but all I can say is I love you.

  Asher: That is enough for me. All I need are those three words from you. Now, get some rest. After school tomorrow I will come by the coffee shop after my meeting with the Vampires and Shifters. Our dads want me present. I guess they know I will want to be part of whatever decision they make about
this war.

  Me: Ok. I will see you tomorrow. I love you.

  Asher: I love you more.

  I powered off my phone and laid it next to my bed. I hadn’t realized until that moment how exhausted I was. My eyes hurt and were fighting to remain open. As I began to close them and allow sleep to take over, I had one last glimpse of myself as the Huntress and knew that whatever was decided, I was going to help end this war.


  The next afternoon, I arrived at the coffee shop for my shift. School had been canceled due to the snowstorm. Principal Hastings had sent out an e-mail and the local news had spread the word. Kids all around cheered. I was excited too, but the coffee shop remained open, so I still had to go to work. My dad had driven me to work on his way to meet with other members of the pack. I had heard him whispering on the phone earlier in the afternoon, but when I questioned him on what he was doing, he acted like everything was normal. But, I knew he was lying.

  We had driven in silence the short drive to the coffee shop which only made the tension and awkwardness even more intense.

  “I will come get you at eight-thirty when your shift is over,” he said with a nod.

  I watched as his usual smile was replaced by a sudden frown, and he didn’t make eye contact when he spoke.

  “No need to. Asher is going to come in and he will bring me home,” I replied, looking at him carefully hoping he would glance at me.

  I hated how secretive he was being. He had been acting strange all day, and I knew it had something to do with my new gift and the fact they were possibly going to use me to trap the Huntress.

  “Ok, that is fine. We do need to talk about that,” he said barely above a whisper.

  My hand was on the door, but I quickly removed it when he spoke. “What do you mean?” I questioned.

  “We will discuss it when you get home,” he said as he placed both hands on the steering wheel like he was ready to drive away from this conversation.


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