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Page 12

by Michelle Areaux

  Waving at us, Melanie and Laura walked over to us with their dates in tow. Melanie’s long, skin tight emerald green dress fit her beautifully and complimented her porcelain skin. Her red hair was swept up in a high up-do and made her look like a classic movie star. Her date, Isaac Cooper wore a black suit with an emerald bow-tie. Laura’s wild, curly blond hair was swept back and pinned with a beautiful gold clip that matched her flowing gold dress. Laura’s date was a guy from the Lacrosse team, but I didn’t know his name. They all looked amazing.

  “Wow, Elle, you look great,” Laura said.

  “Thanks,” I added, as I looked past them.

  “If you are looking for Maddox, he is over there surrounded by half of the cheerleading team,” Melanie said, as she rolled her eyes.

  Sighing with relief, I wanted to make sure that Maddox was occupied and happy. When I had asked him last week about the dance, he had completely ignored me. I knew he wouldn’t miss a party, but he didn't’ want to talk about dates. We both knew why…

  “Good, he looks happy,” I said, as I glanced at Asher who looked relieved too.

  Maddox always found a way to come between me and Asher and tonight, I hoped he would just stay away.

  We all found a table near the desserts table and sat down. We spent the first part of the evening laughing at how silly some of the kids looked doing the new dance moves on the dance floor. We all about cried laughing so hard when we spotted Mr. Finkle trying to do the “Dab” with the football players. When the music finally slowed, the dance floor shifted moods. Those that had been bumping and grinding retreated for the snacks while those who were couples made their way to the now empty floor.

  Standing, Asher looked down at me with hope in his eyes. “Will you dance with me, Elle?” he proposed.

  There was no way I could say no. Those eyes. That smile. That soul. Everything about Asher beckoned me to him and lured me to his heart like an animal seeking its prey.

  “Of course,” I agreed, as I stood and allowed him to walk us to the dance floor.

  As a beautifully dark and romantic ballad began to play, Asher pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around my body. I rested my hands on the back of his neck and allowed the soft tunes to guide us in our dance.

  “Elle, I have lived many centuries on this earth but never have I been happier than I am with you tonight,” he whispered sweetly into my ear.

  He was like a delectable treat and I couldn’t get enough of him. I lifted my head so that our eyes met.

  “Asher, even though I have only lived this one life and it has been short, your presence has made me happier than I ever could have imagined. I want you to remember that everything I have done and will do- is for us. Now that I have had some time to think… I want eternity with you. Even if that means I have to die for you to turn me into a Vampire or Hybrid or whatever brings me eternity with you,” I said, with tears in my eyes.

  Leaning down, Asher held me tighter as he placed a soft kiss to my cheek. “Elle, death is not something I ever want to imagine in your lifetime,” he stated, as he sighed.

  We continued to dance until the song ended. Holding hands, we made our way back to the table with our friends who had also joined us while dancing. I spotted Maddox with one of the senior cheerleaders sitting in his lap. Once we were all settled, I decided now was as good as any time to take a break.

  “Hey, I am going to run to the ladies’ room. I will be right back,” I said.

  Smiling, Melanie and Laura began to get up. “Don’t worry girls. I won’t get lost,” I teased, as I motioned for them to stay with their dates.

  As I began to stand, Asher grabbed me by the arm. “Don’t be gone long,” he said, as he eyed me carefully.

  Trying to hide my growing fear, I leaned down and placed a kiss on his lips. “I will come right back to you,” I stated, breathlessly.

  Asher released my arm, but I could feel him watching me as I began to walk away from our table and away from him.

  Chapter 20

  Once I was out of the gym, I took off running.

  My legs carried me at rapid speed out of the school and into the cold, unforgiving night. The snow that had been forecasted earlier was just beginning to make its presence as small snowflakes danced all around me.

  I ignored the cold as I raced toward the road. I was on a mission to make it to the small park across from the courthouse. I had seen the Huntress there multiple times, and I knew if she were waiting for me, that would be where she would find me. I wasn’t stupid; I knew she was still following me every day. She was tracking me like her prey, but I wasn’t one to be caught.

  This was my game and I would be the victor. Only, I had to do this alone. I hated lying to my family, to my friends, to Maddox, and especially, to Asher. But, if any of them had even the slightest idea of what I was about to do, they would have tried to join me or stop me-- and I couldn’t do that now.

  When I finally arrived at the park, it was deathly quiet. The town was nestled in for the evening or at the school dance. No one would be at a park in the middle of the night; alone...

  But I was.

  However, not for long.

  As I walked through the snow in my bright red gown, I knew I was on display. I was calling for her like a matador beckons to a raging bull. I stood still, illuminated by the moonlight and the streets lamps lining the sidewalk, listening for any trace of movement.

  Crack. I heard a twig break from somewhere behind me and as I slowly turned, I spotted the Huntress standing before me.

  “Elle, why are you out here all alone? Don’t you know it’s dangerous for a young girl to be out at night by herself?” she tormented, as she smiled her evil smile.

  Facing her, I let out a light laugh. “Oh, Huntress. You should know fear, shouldn’t you?”

  “Where is your pack of dogs and your bloodsucker boyfriend?” she said, with disdain ringing from her voice.

  “They aren’t here?” I stated firmly.

  “How brave of you,” she smiled.

  “Where is your army of weak humans?” I replied.

  Laughing, her voice echoed through the night. “Weak? Is that what you think of us humans? You are so wrong, Elle. Have you ever asked yourself how such weak humans, only mere mortals, can be so powerful as to kill and destroy and cause fear in creatures such as yourself?” she asked.

  I knew her question was rhetorical, but still I couldn’t fight the need to answer. “We are always going to be more powerful, we are evolving as you remain the same,” I spit back.

  “Your powers might change, but we evolve too. We search for your weaknesses. Your trends. One thing about creatures like yourself and the rest-- you are all creatures of habit. You desire to live amongst yourselves and outside of the eyes of the world. You crave privacy and secrecy. That is your weakness. We draw you out, so you become vulnerable and then we attack,” she stated, as she took a menacing step toward me.

  “Maybe that is true for some, but not for me,” I replied, as I matched her distance.

  “How so?” she asked, seeming intrigued now.

  From somewhere in the distance, I could smell and sense her army. They were nearby watching our exchange, awaiting her orders to attack and kill me.

  “I am different from the other Shifters and Otherworldly Creatures that your kind has hunted and killed for centuries. I have a gift. A sort of power that makes me not only difficult for you to track, but it makes me deadly to you. I, Huntress, am your worst nightmare,” I stated firmly, as I stood tall.

  This time she laughed longer and louder. “You really think that. How can you be so brave with my army awaiting my command to kill you? You are alone. Sure, you might attack and kill a few of them, but they outnumber you,” she replied, in a sarcastic tone.

  “This is how I can be so brave,” I replied, as all of the anger and rage that had been filling me finally reached its breaking point. I closed my eyes and allowed my body to sense the enemy in front of me. I
compelled all of my senses to become the Huntress.

  Before I even opened my eyes, I knew the transformation had been a success. A loud cry screeched from the Huntress. I could hear her taking steps back and away from me, as I slowly opened my eyes.

  “What… what are you?” she asked, as she stared back at herself.

  “Why Huntress, I am you,” I laughed.

  Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching and both the Huntress and I looked toward the road where two figures were racing our way.

  “My army is coming,” she cried to me.

  “No, mine is,” I said, as I smiled.

  Bursting out of the darkness, I spotted Maddox, only he had shifted into a wolf and was running swiftly beside Asher who had a terrifying look of vengeance on his face. My smile faltered when I realized how incredibly angry they must be with me. As soon as we get rid of the Huntress, I just know that my pack is going to come after me for lying and going behind their backs to defeat the Huntress.

  “Attack the Shifters,” I cried out, as I turned and stood next to the Huntress. As the loud and heavy footsteps of her army came running to us, I waited for their presence. Once they spotted two of us, they would halt and be confused.

  Since discovering the Huntress was still in Shady Oaks, I had changed my tactics. I knew she was watching me, because I was always watching her. She may be cunning and manipulative, but I was a different kind of species. I had animal instincts that alerted me to her scent when she was miles away. I began stalking her for days. I learned the way she smiled and laughed and the different octaves of her voice. I practiced her walk and the way she carried herself in front of her army.

  I had grown into a fierce warrior and used my new powers so that I could watch her in the opening without her ever detecting my presence.

  As the army finally approached, they stopped as they were only a few feet from us. From the looks of confusion and anger on their faces, I knew my plan was working. Maddox began to growl as he leaped into an attack stance. Asher’s fangs clicked as they made their appearance, and I watched as the army of men and women who had followed the Huntress to Shady Oaks, now looked like terrorized children.

  There must have been seventy of them, all strapped with weapons, but with little idea of who to attack now. “You must be confused,” I stated, as I directed my attention to the army. “I am your Huntress,” I said, as I pointed to the real Huntress, “is an imposter. The Shifter has shifted into a clone of myself.”

  I heard a slight rumble of talk as several of the army began to show their confusion.

  “She’s lying!” the Huntress screamed, as she raced toward her army. “She is a Shifter,” she yelled in anger.

  Shaking my head, I remained calm. The Huntress typically remained calm in times of distress, so I did the best I could to keep my composure. “My faithful army, can’t you see she is the Shifter? Look at how she is lashing out-- just like the wild animal she is,” I stated flatly, as I looked each of them in the eye.

  Maddox growled and snarled his teeth as he looked between me and the Huntress. I could tell he was trying to sniff out the liar, but he was struggling to not attack us all. Using him as a target, I continued. “Just look at that mutt. She is acting just like him,” I stated, as I pointed at the Huntress and then Maddox.

  Maddox went to attack, but Asher grabbed him and pulled him back. “Maddox, don’t. You could hurt Elle,” he stated.

  Throwing Maddox to the ground, I internally flinched as I heard the loud thud of his large body hitting the snow-covered ground. Maddox quickly jumped back up and placed himself back into a defense stance.

  “Which one is Elle,” he questioned, as his voice grew frantic. We all knew he was about to attack and he was dying to know where I was, so he wouldn’t hurt me.

  “Maddox, I know who the real Elle is,” he stated calmly, as his fangs were still exposed. “Army, come at me. I dare you. I will snap your necks and drain your bodies dry before I throw you to the wolf to eat,” Asher seethed, as he began to saunter toward them. His face never lost its menacing glare but there was something magical and alluring about him too.

  I watched as the army became mesmerized by his features and the grace of his walk. He was gliding across the snow effortlessly and they were unsure of how to react. “Asher, what are you doing?” Maddox asked, as his body began to shake from the rage he was holding inside.

  Ignoring Maddox, Asher continued his way toward the army. “Who are you going to protect now?” he questioned, as he addressed them all. “Your Huntress who you can’t detect from a Shifter or yourselves? Leave now and forget the Huntress and save your souls or remain and die with the one who tricked you here,” he stated as he finally stopped right in front of me and the Huntress.

  “Attack him,” the Huntress cried out. “Kill them all. Don’t you see what they are doing. They are tricking you,” she screamed.

  “My army, this Shifter shows the same rage as the beast over there,” I stated, as I pointed to Maddox who was now slowly and menacing stalking toward us. “Who will you be faithful to?”

  “Asher, dude. Tell me which one Elle is. I am about to lose control and I am going to kill everything in my path,” Maddox yelled, as he showed his razor-sharp teeth.

  Watching him, I was reminded of the first time I had ever seen Maddox as a wolf. He was covered in blood from his hunt and he was full of rage-- just like he was now.

  My heart began to accelerate as a sudden feeling of dread overcame me. What if the army decided to attack anyway? There was only three of us. What if Asher picked wrong and they killed me? In all of my planning, I hadn’t considered that Maddox and Asher wouldn’t recognize me. Now, I was second guessing myself.

  “That is Elle,” Asher said, as he pointed to the Huntress and not me.

  It was then that I knew, Asher knew exactly who I was. He knew me. A cry of war was heard as the army began to rush toward the Huntress. Just as they began to grab her, I heard another cry ring out from behind me. Swiftly turning, I spotted my pack and Asher’s parents racing at lightning speed down Main Street. My father was in the shape of a large wolf, the largest I had ever seen. My mother was a sleek black panther and her golden eyes were fixed on the Huntress. The Real Huntress.

  A few lions, bears, and crows swept past me along with the wolves as they began to launch themselves in the air as they attacked the army. Elliott and Gloria raced past me so fast, it seemed like their legs were a blur. They each grabbed a member of the army and began to break their limbs.

  The deafening sounds of bones cracking and cries of agony began to make my stomach drop and I suddenly felt sick. A war was all around me and all I could do was stand and watch.

  Racing to me, Asher pulled me to him. “Elle,” he stated, as he searched my eyes.

  “Asher, it is me,” I cried, as I hugged him. “How did you know?” I asked. My question meant so many things and I could tell he knew.

  “Elle, you were acting strange at the dance. When you left, I followed you and Maddox followed me. We tracked your scent and knew exactly what you were doing. What I want to know is, how did you know the Huntress would be here?” he asked.

  Looking around, I realized now wasn’t the best time to share my long plan with him. “I promise, if we get out of this alive, well, if I get out of this alive, I will tell you. But for now, just tell me one thing before help fight this army,” I said.

  “Anything,” Asher breathed.

  “How did you know it was me?”

  “I looked into your eyes. I can read your heart and soul just by looking into your eyes, Elle. Your love for me shines whenever you look at me,” he stated, with a smile.

  Pulling him to me, I placed an urgent and strong kiss to his lips.

  “If you two love-birds are done, we could use your help fighting off the army you called here tonight,” Maddox yelled, as he threw two members of the army into one another. Their bodies collided midair and they both fell to the ground.

  Releasing Asher, I smiled before taking off and grabbing one of the men in the army who was raising a large knife to stab Elliott. Pulling his arm back, I broke it in half as I took the knife and used it to cut his knees.

  As he screamed and fell, I kicked behind me as another member of the army tried to come at me from behind. Elliott picked up the man as he flew through the air from my kick. Spinning him around, Elliott swung him up into the trees where I heard his body crash through several breaking branches before landing with a large thud.

  Several members of the army began to retreat as they fled for their lives. The Huntress, who was being broken and twisted by members of my pack, screamed and pleaded for mercy. Realizing I had to end this, I stalked over to her and yelled for them to stop.

  “Enough,” I commanded.

  I closed my eyes and allowed my body to shift back into my human form. As Elle. “Huntress, you have brought fear to Shady Oaks and it ends tonight. If you or your army ever return here, or if I ever hear of Hunters hurting Shifters, or Vampires, or any other Otherworldly Creature- I will track you down and destroy you myself. I have proven I am more powerful than you ever could have imagined. I tricked your own army into thinking you were the enemy. Trust me when I say this-- you messed with the people I love. And now, I will destroy you. For the rest of your life, just know, I am out there, possibly for eternity,” I finished, as I smiled over to Asher who was watching me with pride.

  Shrinking in defeat, the Huntress nodded her head. “Take your pitiful Huntress and leave or I will make sure you are never seen again,” I yelled, to the few remaining members of her army.


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