Book Read Free

Pocket Pair

Page 6

by Carol Lynne

  Trey’s gaze zeroed in on the tomato plants. “Do you ever make fried green tomatoes?”

  Cole shook his head. “I’ve heard of them, but I’ve never eaten them.”

  “My grandma Elliott, my mom’s mom, used to make them when I went to Georgia to visit.” Trey smiled. It had been a while since he’d thought of his grammy. He’d loved spending summers in the small town with her. Although his mother rarely visited her childhood home, at least she’d sent Trey.

  “Do you still visit?” Cole asked.

  “No. Grammy died when I was in high school. She was the first person to admit she knew I was different.” Trey sighed. “According to Grammy, sex didn’t make the man, but because I was different, I’d have to prove myself even more to be seen as equal in the eyes of others.”

  “Smart lady.”

  Trey shrugged. “It was good advice, it just wasn’t true.”

  “Why do you say that?” Cole asked as he walked beside Trey back to the table.

  “Because it’s the truth. It doesn’t matter how hard I work, what career goals I attain, I’ll always have the word ‘gay’ attached to me. I could win the Nobel Prize and people would still attach that word to my name when they talk about me.”

  “And you see that as a bad thing,” Cole seemed to surmise.

  “I’m not ashamed of being gay if that’s what you think. I just wish people didn’t use it to define me.”

  Cole tapped his fork on the tabletop. “I’m going to take a wild guess and say that’s how your parents define you. Am I right?”

  “No, not really. They’d be more likely to define me as a teacher, something they approve of even less than my sexuality.”

  “Why? You’re a great teacher.”

  “Because I’m not a lawyer. In my parents’ eyes, I sold myself, and them, short when I quit law school after the second year to get my teaching degree.”

  Cole shook his head. “So, because you decided to become a teacher they don’t want to see you?”

  Trey took a bite of salad as he thought about the question. “It’s not that they don’t want to see me. I mean, I think they still love me…” Trey wasn’t sure how to explain the strange family dynamic in the Huggins’ household. “Maybe they just don’t like me. On the rare occasions I visit, we tend to sit around and stare at each other. Then my mom will get into a discussion with my dad about a case, and I’m left alone to listen.”

  Cole reached over and put a hand on Trey’s thigh. “Why haven’t you told them about what happened to you?”

  “I don’t know. Embarrassment maybe. Once I went against their wishes and got the teaching degree, things changed. It’s screwed up, I know. Welcome to my life.” He tried to grin but knew it fell short.

  Cole didn’t ask any more questions, and they settled in to eat their lunch. Trey admitted it was nice making idle conversation after the morning he’d had. He felt comfortable with Cole and had to continually remind himself a serious relationship between them wouldn’t be possible.

  By the time they’d both finished, Trey knew the names of most of the flowers in the garden. He could easily see himself working to control the weeds and deadheading the colourful plants alongside of Cole.

  He shook his head to dispel the dream.

  “You okay?” Cole asked.

  Trey glanced up and made eye contact before quickly looking away. He refused to allow himself to get lost in those big brown depths. “It’s been a nice lunch, but would you mind taking me back to Bobby’s?”

  Cole reached out and turned Trey’s chair around so they were facing each other. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” Trey lied. “I guess I need some time.”

  “Have I done something to offend you?” Cole asked.

  Trey sighed. He knew they’d have to have the discussion sooner or later, Trey figured it would be better to get it out of the way before he got hurt worse. “I don’t think I can do the casual thing with you, or with anyone for that matter.”

  “Casual? What’re you talking about? Do you know what a risk I’m taking here? Do you think I’d do that for a casual affair?”

  Trey pushed his chair back and stood. “Look, I thought I could do this, but I can’t. I have no doubt we’d be good together, but you’ve made it pretty darn clear dating is as far as it would go and…forget it.”

  Trey picked up his plate and carried it into the kitchen. He turned on the hot water and ran a cursory rinse over his plate when he felt Cole press up against his back. Strong arms went around him to brace themselves against the granite counter top. He closed his eyes as Cole’s cheek brushed against his. Trey held his breath.

  How could he possibly resist the gorgeous man?

  Chapter Five

  Cole struggled with what he wanted to say. False hopes wouldn’t do either of them any good, but he couldn’t let Trey walk out of his life.

  “Please don’t go,” he whispered. “I’ve waited too long for this chance to have you walk away.”

  “I just don’t know if I can do it. It’s like contemplating an affair with a married man, only instead of a wife, I have to contend with a career. No matter how much I want things to be different, I know our relationship can only go so far.”

  Cole removed his hands from the counter and spun Trey around to face him. “I’ve never found anyone I cared about more than my job. Give me a reason to change my mind.”

  Trey’s arms wrapped around Cole’s waist as his forehead landed softly on Cole’s shoulder. “The thought of loving you more than you love me scares me. It’s a lot of pressure, ya know?”

  “It doesn’t have to be. Why can’t we take things a day at a time? Be together as long as it’s enjoyable for both of us?”

  Trey sighed. “If I told you, you’d laugh.”

  Cole reached between them and tilted Trey’s chin up. “Talk to me. I promise no laughing.”

  “It goes back to something else my grammy said to me when she admitted she knew I was gay. She said being a man didn’t give me the right to screw around. That I should hold myself to the same virtues God intended. Sounds stupid when you say it out loud like that. But I guess Grammy’s words had an impact. I was a virgin before JB­/William. I thought it would be something I could share with the man who knew he wanted me forever.”

  The idea of dating Trey without making love to him shocked Cole. He knew some gay men never had anal intercourse and carried on perfectly romantic lives with their partners, Cole just never thought he’d be one of them. He knew he couldn’t tell Trey it wouldn’t bother him, because he loved fucking. What he needed to do was figure out if he could give Trey what he needed while keeping himself sexually satisfied enough to stay interested. It sounded completely shitty even to him. How was he going to explain it to Trey?

  Cole cleared his throat. “How do you feel about doing other stuff?”

  Trey chuckled and buried his face in the crook of Cole’s neck. “I’m not an angel. Heck, I came in my shorts less than twenty hours ago.”

  Cole silently breathed a sigh of relief. “If I promise to be a gentleman when it counts, will you agree to see me?”

  Cole wasn’t sure how long the two of them stood there before he finally felt Trey nod. “I’d like that.”

  “So you’ll stay awhile?”

  “Only if you’ll let me help you outside in the yard.”

  * * * *

  Trey groaned as he sat in one of the shaded chairs. “Tell me again why I volunteered for this?”

  Cole laughed and began rubbing Trey’s shoulders. He had to give the guy credit. Trey had exceeded Cole’s expectations and then some. “Because you wanted to spend time with me?”

  “Remind me to ask you to watch a movie next time. I don’t think my muscles have ever been this sore.”

  “Just wait. They’ll get worse.” Cole bent over and pulled off Trey’s sweat-soaked shirt. “If you want to take a shower, I can throw your clothes into the wash.”

  He tossed t
he shirt to the patio and began kneading Trey’s neck and shoulders once more. Trey’s head fell forward, so Cole concentrated on the back of his neck. “Feel good?”

  “Mmm hmm,” Trey moaned.

  Cole couldn’t resist and let his hands travel around and further down Trey’s chest until they reached his pecs. The small dark brown nipples pebbled immediately, making Cole smile. He began to lightly pinch the evidently sensitive nubs. “Does that feel good?”

  Trey arched his back and leaned the top of his head against Cole’s groin. “You know it does.”

  With Trey’s head rubbing against his filling cock, Cole wanted nothing more than to feel those tawny lips wrapped around his dick. He almost moaned when Trey opened his eyes to stare up at him.

  “Feel like taking a shower with me?” Trey asked.

  Shit. Cole knew it would be his first real test. Would he be able to stand next to a wet and slippery Trey and not want to fuck him? Probably not. Cole knew he’d always feel the need to bury himself deep in Trey’s ass, but he also knew going in that it wasn’t an option. He’d either have to learn to get around the technicality or give up any hope of seeing Trey.

  “Sure, as long as you’re comfortable with me playing. I may not try to fuck you, but you can’t expect me to be naked with you and not want to touch and taste.”

  Trey leaned back enough to stare into Cole’s eyes, like a lost puppy. “I…um…I’m not very skilled in those areas.”

  Cole smiled. Trey’s honesty was refreshing, and it made him want the smaller man even more. “I’ll teach you.”

  Trey grinned. “I’d like that.”

  * * * *

  With his face shielded from the warm spray by Cole’s broad shoulders, Trey took his first look at the bigger man’s body. He swallowed the saliva pooling in his mouth as he studied the long, thick cock surrounded by neatly trimmed blond pubic hair.

  Cole’s soapy hands began sliding across Trey’s chest, stopping to tease his nipples. “Damn, you’re sexy,” Cole said as he bent to bite Trey’s neck.

  Trey wasn’t sure what to do, but he knew he wanted to touch the cock that had him so enthralled. He reached around Cole and picked up the bar of soap. After getting his hands nice and slick, he pointed towards Cole’s erection. “May I?”

  Cole laughed and pinched Trey’s pebbled nub with more force. “You can do anything you feel like doing, darlin’.”

  Trey started at Cole’s balls, cupping and rolling the giant orbs in his hands. “It’s not like I’ve never touched a man, but it’s been a long time and nothing as impressive…” Trey trailed off suddenly embarrassed.

  Cole released his hold on Trey’s nipples and soaped his own hands again. Trey almost choked when Cole went right for his rod, squeezing the length in a firm grip. Trey couldn’t help but to wonder whether Cole was trying to silently teach him what he liked.

  Trey decided to follow Cole’s lead and released the sac and his hands. He slid his still soapy hand up to Cole’s thick erection and tried to grip the girth in the same hold his own cock was being held in.

  Cole smiled. “That’s it. A little harder.”

  Trey licked his lips and squeezed.

  “Oh, yeah, like that.” Cole began moving his fisted hand up and down Trey’s length.

  Trey followed suit. He stood on his toes and ran his tongue across Cole’s lips. A noise erupted from Cole’s throat as he used one of his hands to grab the back of Trey’s head, pulling him in for a deep kiss.

  The two of them had shared quite a few kisses so far, but nothing had prepared him for the tongue fucking Cole was giving him. Trey twined his tongue around Cole’s as the two mutually picked up speed on the other’s cock.

  Trey gasped into Cole’s mouth as the first shot erupted from his cock. The hand on the back of his head moved down to wrap around his waist. Trey was thankful for the support as he struggled to stay on his feet.

  After his breathing had returned to semi-normal, he realised his hand was covered in Cole’s cum.

  Cole eventually broke the kiss and stared down at Trey, swiping an errant strand of cum with his tongue. “Wow.”

  Trey grinned. “Yep. That pretty much sums it up.”

  * * * *

  Cole traced a line from under Trey’s chin down across the raised pink scar tissue to his belly button. “This is nice.”

  Trey grinned. “If you think that’s nice, wait ’til you see this,” Trey said as he flipped the sheet off his naked body.

  Cole chuckled. After an evening of getting each other off in various ways, it seemed Trey was still ready for more. “I wasn’t talking about your body, although it is a fine specimen. I was talking about laying here with you.”

  “Oh. Yeah, that’s nice, too,” Trey laughed as he flipped the sheet back over himself.

  Cole shook his head and uncovered Trey’s flaccid cock once again. “Doesn’t mean I don’t still enjoy looking at you.”

  Trey spread his legs, flinging one of them over Cole’s. Despite the way he acted, Cole was sure neither of them would be able to get it up for several hours, and by that time they’d be sound asleep. “You staying?”

  Trey glanced at the clock. “Do you mind?”

  “Not at all. Like I said, it’s nice laying here with you. It might be a good idea if you called your friend though.”

  “Bobby,” Trey reminded him.

  Cole reached over and grabbed the phone from the bedside table. “Here, call Bobby, and let him know you’re in good hands.”

  Trey took the phone and chuckled. “Don’t sell yourself short. I’ve been in great hands.”

  Cole leaned in and gave Trey a kiss. “I haven’t seen you this playful before. It looks good on you.”

  A shadow passed over Trey’s expression, but was quickly covered. “You seem to bring it out of me.” Trey ran a hand over his limp cock. “In more ways than one.”

  Cole slapped Trey’s inner thigh. “Just make your phone call so we can get back to snuggling.”

  Trey dialled Bobby’s number and waited. “Hey, Jules.”

  While Trey talked to his friend, Cole got up and went into the bathroom to get another wet washcloth. After a quick wipe of his genitals and abs, he rinsed the cloth and carried it back into the bedroom.

  “Yeah. No, I’ll be fine,” Trey continued to talk.

  Cole knelt between his lover’s legs and began cleaning away the dried cum from Trey’s chocolate brown skin.

  “Okay. Well, you’ll probably already be at the hospital by the time I make it.”

  Cole tossed the washcloth to the floor and stretched out beside Trey. He licked the soft area behind Trey’s ear as his hand once again found their way to his lover’s nipple.

  “Gotta go,” Trey moaned and ended the call. He tossed the phone onto the floor and rolled to face Cole. “Kiss me again.”

  Cole chuckled and grabbed a handful of Trey’s ass cheek. “I think I’ve created a monster.”

  “Grrrrowl,” Trey teased before Cole’s tongue invaded his mouth.

  * * * *

  The following morning over a breakfast of scrambled eggs and fresh tomatoes, Trey couldn’t seem to wipe the smile from his face. He’d never known sex could be so stimulating and so much fun at the same time.

  As Cole continued to play footsie with him under the table, Trey tried to concentrate on the day ahead. “Can you call the school board for me?”

  “Sure, I told you I would.” Cole’s instep moved further up Trey’s calf.

  “I told Jules I was gonna move back to my house, so I need to get my clothes and stuff.”

  Cole’s foot paused. “You sure?”

  Trey nodded. “It’s time. With William behind bars, there’s no reason for me not to. Besides, Jules and Bobby are still in the honeymoon stage. I’m sure they’re looking forward to having their house to themselves again.”

  Cole rested his foot on the chair between Trey’s legs. “Have you been back since that night?”

ey shook his head. “Zac and Eric went by to pick up my clothes, but the police wouldn’t let them in. Detective Torrance is the one who packed my stuff.”

  Cole took another bite of his eggs.

  Trey could tell his new lover wanted to say something, but was holding back. “What?” he finally asked.

  Cole swallowed and wiped his mouth. “I’d like you to let me go over there first to make sure the place is cleaned up. I’ll take one of your buddies if you’d like, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to just walk into the place after what happened.”

  Trey tried to remember back to the night of the attack. Other than a few small pieces of furniture getting knocked over, he couldn’t think of anything else that…


  “My couch.”

  “What about it?” Cole asked.

  “I want it out of the house.” He knew even if he was able to get the blood off the black leather, he’d never be able to sit on it again.

  “Okay,” Cole agreed.

  “I’ll call Zac. I’m sure he’ll help you carry it. While you’re doing that, I’ll go pick out something else.” Memories of the night assaulted him. Images of his face hitting the black leather as William fucked him, seeing his own bloody handprints as he continually tried to get away from the searing pain of the knife ripping through his skin.

  He hadn’t even realised he’d started shaking until Cole’s strong arms wrapped around him, pulling him from his chair.

  “It’s okay, darlin’, I’ve got you,” Cole soothed.

  Trey allowed himself to be rocked back and forth in Cole’s lap as if he were a child. He thought about the business card Moody had given him the previous day. Maybe he wasn’t dealing with the attack as well as he’d thought. What would it be like when he was forced to relive every agonising detail on the witness stand?

  The thought of going through the trial without Cole’s comforting embrace scared him. How was he supposed to see Cole every day at school and not seek him out for comfort? Dang. Lifting his head he gazed into Cole’s beautiful brown eyes. “I think I need to ask the school board for some time off until the trial’s over.”


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