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My Alien's Baby

Page 3

by Stasia Black

  Chapter Five


  Ezo is on me as soon as I close the door to my apartment. Thank God. I didn’t know how I’d seduce him a second time. Maybe the whipping-my-dress-off-over-my-head thing would work again but now that I’ve gotten to know Ezo better, I’m not sure if I could.

  That was all fake bravado and caffeine this morning.

  But now that I’ve gotten to know him a little bit—how he’s not just gorgeous but really sweet and funny, too? God, if this were a normal situation, this is the part where I’d usually freeze up and start acting like a complete dork.

  So when Ezo takes the lead in kissing me, I melt against him and twine my arms around his neck.

  But as soon as I do, my phone rings. Well, it vibrates and the buzzing in my purse is loud in my otherwise silent apartment. It’s been doing that on and off all afternoon. When we were out in the city, it was easy to ignore.

  Nothing gets past Ezo, though.

  He pulls his luscious lips back from mine. “What is that?”

  I want to say, nothing. I want to drag his head back down so that he’ll kiss me again.

  But I know who’s calling. Either Juliet or Shak, and Shak is Ezo’s King, which I assume amounts to the same as being his boss.

  So I sigh and pull away from Ezo, walk over to my purse and pull out my phone.

  Unsurprisingly, it’s Juliet’s name flashing on the caller ID.

  I push the button to answer. “Hi.”

  “What the hell is going on? Why haven’t you been picking up? Did Ezo get there? Shak’s been in communication with the ship and they said that he left a long time ago—”

  “He’s fine. It’s all fine. He’s right here.”

  “Oh thank God. Shak, honey, he’s there. No, I don’t know where there is. But he’s with Ana.” Then to me she says, “Okay, I’m putting Shak on the line. He wants to talk to Ezo.”

  Shit. Shit shit shit.

  “What is it, Ana?” Ezo asks, storming over. “Who has displeased you? I will destroy them.”

  I wince and hold the phone against my thigh. “Shhhh. It’s Shak. He wants to talk to you.”

  Ezo frowns. “And this upsets you?”

  “No,” I say, then shake my head. “I mean,” shit, “I— I sort of—” I drop my head. “I didn’t tell them that I wanted to be your mate. They think you’re mated to someone else.”

  Now Ezo looks upset. “Why would I mate with anyone else? You are my Ana. No one will take you away from me. Not even my King.”

  He sounds so vehement. Like he actually wants…me.

  “Okay,” I say slowly. “So if it comes up, then… I guess maybe just tell him that?”

  Ezo nods decisively and then reaches down to take the phone from me.

  “King Shak. I have chosen my mate and you will not take her from me.”

  I chew my thumbnail anxiously, wishing I’d had the foresight to put it on speakerphone so I could hear what Shak was saying back.

  Ezo nods. “Yes.”

  Silence. Then another, “Yes.”

  Then, “No.”

  And finally, “Yes.”

  Then Ezo hands the phone back to me. I look at the screen but it’s blank. Shak must have hung up.

  “What happened?” I try not to sound as frantic as I feel.

  But Ezo just puffs his chest out. “I told him he would not take me from my mate. Then he asked if I was currently with my mate. And if we had performed the mating. Then he asked if you were pregnant and ordered us to present ourselves to him tomorrow morning.”

  I blink. “He never asked who your mate was?”

  He frowns. “Is there some division between you and he?”

  I shake my head quickly. “No. He’s a friend. He and his wife, his mate, Juliet. She’s been my friend for a long time.” I don’t know how to explain why I’m nervous about them knowing. But I’m afraid they won’t think I’m…well, frankly that I’m good enough for the job.

  I know Juliet trusted me enough to give me the task of finding open-minded women, but it was her and Shak who ran the background checks on the names I gave them. Juliet mentioned being impressed by how one of the girls had gone to Stanford.

  Me? I quit college after the first semester and have had a series of dead-end jobs in retail and coffee shops. I’m hardly the ideal genetic material to help kickstart building a new hybrid race of beings.

  But Ezo doesn’t know any of that, so he smiles, his fierce stance relaxing. “Then there is no need to be anxious. Tomorrow, we will present ourselves to the King and Queen.”

  He licks his lips, scenting the air. “As for now…” His eyes brighten and he begins to stalk towards me, a hunter seeking its prey.

  Goosebumps rise all over my arms and my stomach swoops.

  Holy shit. I didn’t think it was possible for him to get any sexier but then he goes and pulls this move.

  “I want to taste every inch of you, my mate.”

  I gulp, because I think he actually means it.

  I stay still.

  I’ve never wanted to be caught so much in my whole life.

  Chapter Six


  I scream Ezo’s name as the fourth orgasm in a row shatters my body.

  Didn’t— Oh God, I didn’t know— I gasp for breath. Didn’t know that was possible. My head drops languidly back against my pillow. I’m sweaty and probably look like a mess but I can’t move.

  No man has ever, ever even gotten me close to making me feel this damn good even once, much less so many times.

  The few times guys have gone down on me, they never stayed there long enough to actually get me off. I could always tell it was done with half a grimace and only so I’d give them a blowjob in return. And it was never equal, timewise, either. A guy might go down on me for maybe 60 seconds and then I was expected to spend the next 20 minutes on my knees.

  It always felt kind of ugly and contractual.

  But Ezo?

  He licks me like I’m the finest dessert he’s ever tasted. There isn’t a single millimeter of my pussy he didn’t explore and explore thoroughly with that fiendish tongue of his.

  And unless he’s the best actor I’ve ever met, it wasn’t a chore to him. By the noises he was making while he was at it, every time I came, the more turned on he got.

  I gotta say, I am down with his whole tongue-as-the-main-sensory-organ deal. So, so down with it. My legs shake with another aftershock as his licks turn gentle and lazy, like he’s stroking a cat. Or a pussy. Ha, I crack myself up.

  I laze back against the pillow, looking down at his gorgeous head. Apparently he’s decided to go exploring again because now he’s licking along the seam between my sex and my leg. Then he crawls down the bed, slowly working down my inner thigh.

  Another shudder wracks my body, and I’m not sure if it’s from the teasing sensation of his tongue or from just looking at the picture he makes, all six and a half feet of completely naked, muscled, exquisite man, totally focused on my pleasure and getting to know my body better.

  What the hell could be sexier than that?

  Nothing. The answer is nothing.

  But as he shifts to lick down to my ankles, I see his heavy erections swinging between his legs.

  He’s spent maybe an hour of focused energy on pleasing me without a thought for himself.

  Oh Ezo.

  I shift, drawing my legs away from his grasp. He makes a disgruntled noise, like I’ve just taken away his favorite new toy.

  He looks up at me and it might be the first time in my life that I don’t rush to cover myself with a sheet. My body is far from perfect. I’m what people politely call Rubenesque. And cruelly call a fat bitch.

  I’ve stared at myself in the mirror and frankly have never been able to decide. Some days I’m happy with my body and its gentle rolls and hills, and other days I’m sure no one could ever be attracted to me.

  But Ezo, well, it’s not like he grew up with Earth standards of fema
le beauty. And he really seems to be digging what I’ve got so far, so… For once in my life I’m just going with the flow. Especially since, when we had sex this morning, I could see inside his head—and he thought I was attractive as fuck.

  Judging by the two giant tent poles swinging in the wind right now, I’d say he still feels the same.

  And now it’s time to give a little back to him. Not because I feel like I have to but because I genuinely want to.

  Yes, this entire day is blowing my fucking mind.

  “Come up here.” I gesture to the headboard.

  “But I’m not done tasting you,” he says, frowning.

  I can’t help giggling. “There will be plenty of time for that, I swear.” Believe me, a girl doesn’t experience the pleasure I just did and not want to go back for seconds…and thirds and fourths.

  He still doesn’t move so I bring out the big guns. “Aren’t you going to let me have a turn? Ever think I might want to taste you?”

  His eyes go as big as saucers. “But I did not think… You humans smell with your noses not your tongues, correct?”

  “Well, yeahhhhh,” I draw out the word, crawling down to where he crouches at the bottom of the bed. “But our tongues are still very sensitive.”

  I lean in and kiss him, using the very tip of my tongue to tease along the inner seam of his lips. He immediately opens and our tongues connect, electricity sizzling straight down to my well used clit, making it pulse so hard I swear I almost cum again on the spot.

  I groan and pull away, then point towards the headboard. “Get your ass up there. I need to suck your cock right this minute.”

  All the breath expels from Ezo’s chest in a heavy exhale.

  And then, like the smart man that he is, he does as he’s told.

  I urge him to spread his legs a little so I can crawl between them and begin my own detailed exploration.

  And just… Wow.

  I know, I know. Juliet told me about the whole double cock situation. And I’ve tried to picture it in my mind a hundred times.

  But nothing prepares you for the real thing.

  They are just… Well, each one looks like a normal human dick. Except that they are way bigger than any dick I’ve ever seen or handled. God, how big is he? I grasp the one on the top firmly.

  Ezo groans and it seems to grow even longer in my grasp. I can’t get my fingers around him, he’s that thick. And he’s got to be what, ten inches? Holy shit. Ten inches and that’s guessing on the conservative side.

  I lift it up higher to check out the one underneath, then I grab hold of that one with my other hand.

  Ezo lets out a choked noise and his hips wriggle restlessly as his two cocks fill my hands. I jack them both up and down, up and down several times.

  Oh holy God. How the hell did this even fit inside me earlier this morning? I remember he felt big. Like, really big. It took a good while to adjust around him and even then it was a tight fit.

  But this is just nuts.

  I rub my thumb over the tip of the top one and Ezo’s hands bunch in the sheets. “Ana,” he chokes out. “Ana, yes. Yes, please touch me like that again.”

  Oh Ezo, I can do so much more.

  He’s not the only one who can use his mouth.

  I swoop down and suck the head of his top erection into my mouth. He cries out with the sexiest noise I have ever heard in my life. It’s masculine and raw and full of desperate need. For me. I’m the one making him feel this way.

  But he doesn’t shove my head down on him. And he doesn’t jack his hips up to shove his cock to the back of my throat.

  No, he stays perfectly still even though I can feel his entire body shaking with what has to be a spine-rattling need for release after the hour of foreplay.

  “You taste so fucking good,” I rasp before swallowing him back as far as I can manage and sucking as hard as I’ve ever sucked on anything.

  That’s when I feel it. I didn’t know it could happen just from oral sex. But I’m catapulted into his mind. Into his body.

  I feel his shocked elation. He can’t believe what’s happening to him. He’s so happy. He’s so fucking happy right now, and he didn’t even know happiness like this was possible. Was there anyone, anywhere, who’s ever been as happy as he is right now?

  It’s like there’s this light spilling out of him and over onto me and I would do fucking anything to give him this feeling forever.

  I work my hand on the bottom of his shaft as I pop off and then plunge him into my mouth again.

  His stomach flexes, every abdominal muscle on display as I continue. I lick the very tip of his shaft. And then I suck like a goddamn Hoover vacuum.

  The light envelops us both. I want to give him more. Have to give him more. I can feel every ounce of his pleasure and it’s insane. Higher and harder than the orgasms he just gave me.

  Reaching down, I find his heavy balls and fondle them, grazing my teeth over the sensitive skin of his head. He cries out an unintelligible noise, totally lost in pleasure. Oh, by the ancients, oh, oh—

  His cum spurts into my mouth and in that explosive moment, there’s no more boundary line between us. I am his and he’s mine. He’s my past and my present and my future.

  I scream another release around him as I gulp him down.

  I’m barely done before he’s lifting me off of him and flipping me so that I’m on my back.

  And then he eases his bottom cock inside my soaked and pleasure-plumped pussy, continuing our connection. But now it goes both ways.

  I get it. I get why he spent so long eating me out. It was for my pleasure, yes, but also for his. And so he could connect to me.

  Tears of happiness run down my face as he eases inside of me.

  Naturally, his tongue sweeps along the edges of my eyes, tasting my tears and also wiping them away.

  We make love and I know, no matter what happens, I will fight for this man harder than anything I’ve ever fought for in my life.

  I might not be special but he is and I’m afraid of the lengths I might go to in order to keep him.

  Chapter Seven


  “Ezo! My brother!” Shak pounds down the stairs of his new palace to greet me. His very pregnant mate follows but I barely see her before Shak throws his big arms around me in a welcoming embrace. “It is so good to see you down here on Earth with me where you belong.”

  Where I belong. They are good words, ones I have longed to hear.

  And to hear them from Shak who is not only my longtime friend, but now the King of our race… I shake my head in wonder.

  Shak pulls back. “But where is your mate? She doesn’t need to be shy. Let’s see her. Has the transformation begun?”

  I glance worriedly behind me, praying to the ancients that Ana didn’t hear him. I clasp Shak’s shoulder hard.

  “It has not and do not speak of it,” I warn.

  I think of how I woke this morning to find my beautiful mate crouched over, more water spilling from her eyes. Yesterday I thought it meant pleasure but this morning it meant pain and sadness.

  She turned away from me even though I tried to hold her and ask her what was happening, what was wrong.

  She escaped to the bathroom, though, closing the door behind her. It would not open again, so I tore the door off its hinges, only realizing after I had done it that it might scare her.

  She was not scared of me, thank the ancients, but I knew I had to be more careful with her. I think she is like the hothouse flowers back on Draci. I’ll need to take great care and attention with her so her petals do not bruise.

  At last she told me what was upsetting her. There were no scales coming through her skin, like happened with Shak’s mate. Apparently it happened the first time they coupled and Ana was expecting the same thing.

  She wants my kit that badly.

  I could not speak for many moments after she told me.

  I had broken down the door because it was me who was afraid. I w
as afraid she regretted being my mate. I was afraid that everything I was afraid of was coming to pass. That yesterday’s perfection truly could not last, and today it would be gone.

  I was afraid that Fortune’s scythe had swung, severing me from her.

  Instead, it was only my beautiful mate being sorrowful I had not already implanted my kit!

  I covered her precious body with mine and prayed my next words were true. “We have all the time in all the galaxies for making kits, beautiful Ana. Rarely does it happen on the first try.”

  “Really?” She turned in my arms, her glistening eyes hopeful.

  “Really,” I echoed her.

  In truth, I have no idea what is the normal time to create a kit. Before Shak and his mate’s pregnancy, no kit has been successfully implanted in over two centuries and the birthrate was on the decline for many more years beyond that. There has been no normal among my kind for a very long time.

  But she quieted and we had a wonderful morning together. So I will not have Shak upsetting her again now. “She wants a kit badly and was saddened to wake up not pregnant, so do not speak of it.” I communicate to Shak with my eyes so that he knows I am serious.

  He gives a slow nod and I know he’s received the message.

  Then he smiles. “Come. Juliet is eager to meet her. I have prepared meats to grill in the human male tradition.”

  I nod, perking up at this. Ana did not have much food in her apartment. Only coffee, which I was excited to taste. But it is a bitter black liquid that I almost immediately spit out. Ana somehow drinks it like it’s an elixir, how I cannot fathom.

  Shak’s mate joins his side and smiles at me. She appears nice, though her beauty is nothing to my Ana’s.

  I look back to the vehicle but Ana has still not emerged. I must go retrieve her. I’m eager to show off my new mate.

  I go around to her side of the vehicle and use the handle to try to open the door, just like I learned yesterday.

  But when I pull, nothing happens. I frown through the glass at my mate.

  “Ana,” I call loudly, “the door is broken. Shall I tear it off to free you?” At least I can see her so I’m not too anxious, but I hate anything that separates us.


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