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SACK: A Football Bad Boy Romance

Page 9

by Westlake, Samantha

  "-and anyway, what are we going to do when we have to interact in public? Pretend that we didn't get together that one time, that we can act professional around each other?"

  Chase just smiled at me for another minute, but I knew he was planning out a reply. "What if we tried something else?" he suggested.

  "Like what?"

  He shook his head, and I could see that he wasn't even totally sold on his own plan. "What if we started dating?"

  My mouth dropped open. "You're not serious." Was sexy football quarterback and superstar Seth Chase suggesting that we should go out and date, just because he wanted to fuck me?

  "I'm not totally convinced yet, but I'm serious about considering it," he answered. "Why not? That way, you wouldn't have to worry about things being awkward-"

  "But it doesn't solve the problem of us crossing professional lines!" I insisted.

  "Professional lines? Katy, you're supposed to promote the team, not deliver unbiased and balanced journalism here. As long as you don't start posting about how massive my dick is, I think we'll be fine with not crossing professional lines."

  On one hand, I thought to myself, he wasn't getting the entire story, and I felt like he was really pushing hard to convince me. Despite what he said, thinking of dating a player on the team I worked for felt like crossing far too many ethical lines. Besides, I knew Chase's past - and the thought of him dating seemed like an exercise in contradictions, destined to fail.

  But on the other hand, he was really close, really attractive, and he felt so good as I leaned against him, his arm still draped around me and holding me closely to him.

  "Do you need an answer right now?" I finally asked.

  I didn't miss him rolling his eyes. "What, you want to sleep on it?" he asked. For a moment, the smirk returned. "If that's the case, I can offer up my hotel room - and I could be very helpful in making sure you make the right decision."

  "I'm sure," I retorted, as my stomach did a little loop-the-loop at the thought of what we were discussing so casually. Was I really joking about sleeping with this man?

  My vagina, apparently tired of being left out of the discussion, chose this moment to pipe up. It's been forever since you had a man down here! it pointed out. I'm going to close up entirely from disuse at some point soon, if you don't break this dry spell!

  I squashed that thought. Sure, it had been a long time since my last time with a guy, but that didn't mean that I needed to desperately throw myself at the first guy to come along and offer!

  Even if that guy happened to be an incredible football player, one of the sexiest men in sports and known for his skilled ways with women...

  My brain kept on chasing itself around in circles! With a groan, I pulled myself up a little, shaking my head as I glared into Chase's eyes.

  "Damn you!" I cursed him. "I can't make up my mind, and it's all your fault!"

  His eyebrows climbed. "My fault? Why is that?"

  "Because you're too damn sexy for me to say no to, even though I know that it's the right move!" Sure, I was spilling the beans here, but I didn't even care any longer. Surely, he had to be guessing my internal thoughts by now.

  He opened his mouth, but I cut him off before he could talk. "And yes, I know that you're going to suggest going back to your hotel and burning off all the sexual frustration built up in my head so that I can make a clearer decision, but that's not going to help! I'll just end up riding you raw, and still be even more frustrated than before!"

  "You're really hung up on this, aren't you?" Chase laughed, grinning down at my frustrated expression.

  "Yes!" I buried my head in his chest. "You're like a donut - terrible for me, but I just can't resist!"

  "I've been compared to many things, but never a pastry," Chase commented, but he didn't say more, and let me keep on pressing my face down against his shirt.

  "You smell nice," I commented after a minute.

  He didn't reply for a moment, but then I felt a finger snake in beneath my chin, lifting my face up to look at him. "Why don't we try something," he suggested.

  "What's that?"

  "Tell me if you like this."

  I opened my mouth slightly to ask him what he was talking about - and he leaned in and kissed me.

  Again. For the second time, I was in the back of a club with Seth Chase, getting kissed by him!

  This time, however, I didn't pull away. Instead, I leaned in a little, lifting myself up on his chest, kissing him back. Just as I remembered, he didn't kiss nearly as aggressively as I would have expected. His lips felt gentle, softly exploring me. His hands slid around me, holding me closely against him as he sat up a little, tugging me closer, into the shadow of his body.

  We ended the kiss, and he leaned back a couple of inches, his eyes still bright as they gazed down at me. "How did that feel?" he asked.

  My brain felt filled with cotton balls and fuzz, but my mouth opened up. "It felt really good," I heard myself respond.

  "Want to do it again?"

  The response came immediately. "Yes. Most definitely."

  Chase grinned that smirk of his again as I climbed further into his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck, but I knew how to get it off his face. I kissed him back as we sank together back into the booth.

  Chapter fifteen

  Chase slid his hands over the body of the woman in his arms as she kissed him, feeling her up. His thoughts felt a little more scrambled, and he tried to work out why he felt off balance by her.

  He'd kissed more girls than he could count, and he knew how to handle it. His first kiss with Katy had been textbook, gentle at first, but then opening up as their bodies came together. She eagerly responded, just as he'd expected.

  Whenever a girl gave in to his advances, he always felt a little rush of conquest, of victory. But for some reason, with Katy, he felt even more of a rush, a thrill of happiness. Why?

  He didn't have an answer, and a little part of Chase's mind worried over that lack of an explanation.

  For right now, however, he did his best to ignore that empty slot. Instead, he focused on kissing Katy back, on running his hands over her body, feeling her curves in the little dress she wore. His fingers found the zipper on her back, started to tease it down...

  Katy pulled back from him, making him pause. "Hey, now," she spoke up, still sounding a little breathless.

  "Hey what?"

  "Remember, no acting out in public! And that includes getting a girl naked in a club."

  "Never thought that you might be that very girl, did you?" he grinned.

  She opened her mouth, paused for a moment, and then closed it again. "Never mind that," she finally said, shaking her head. "Look, if we want to do anything like this, we should leave, find someplace a bit more private."

  Chase thought about pointing out all of the women he'd fucked out in public before, but he suspected that this wouldn't do much to advance his position. "Okay," he said. "We can head out the front entrance, back to the hotel-"

  "Not the front entrance," Katy cut him off, climbing out of the booth. Chase couldn't help noticing that she looked a little unsteady on her feet, and he happily took credit for her distraction. "Back way. We'll dodge the paparazzi around the front, make sure that they don't start commenting on the fact that we both get into the same cab. Maybe we should even take separate cabs, or double back to confuse them-"

  "I think we'll be fine," Chase told her, standing up and following her deeper into the back of the club.

  Katy found the back door and they ducked out, popping into the night air. They crept down the alley, moving a couple of blocks away from the front entrance to the bar before catching a cab back to Chase's hotel.

  They kept their hands off of each other for the cab ride, although Chase found himself itching to just sweep the woman out of her seatbelt and into his lap. He kept feeling that something about this seemed off, however, although he couldn't quite put his finger on what might be wrong.

made the connection when he opened his wallet to select a bill to pay the cabbie. Normally, his vision was so blurry by this point that he would just grab a handful and thrust them at the driver. Tonight, however, his head felt mostly clear, and he had no problem reading the denominations on the bills.

  Had he never hooked up with a girl while still this sober?

  They headed into the hotel, and stepped into the elevator. Katy moved closer to him as they rose up, and a moment later, Chase nearly jumped as he felt her fingers slide into his own. She held his hand silently, but squeezing it tightly - and after a moment, he squeezed back.

  When had he last held hands with a girl? Fucked them, sure, seen plenty of them naked in just about every position, touched every inch of them - but had he held any of their hands? He couldn't recall a time when he had done so.

  The elevator dinged at his room's floor, and they stepped out. "Can I invite you in for a nightcap?" Chase asked, as he slid the key card into the slot and unlocked the door, pushing it open and catching it before it could close again.

  Katy gazed past him into the room for a moment, and then stepped up to him. She rose up on her tiptoes, and Chase bent down a little so that her lips could reach his.

  She kissed him fully, even lifting one leg up behind her! Chase caught the motion out of the corner of his eye, but instead of seeming corny, it only drew him more into the kiss. He slid his own arms around her, holding her closely and even lifting her up onto her tiptoes as he met her lips, explored her tongue with his own.

  "I think that we should end the night here," she murmured to him, after the kiss ended.

  Chase blinked. That was definitely not the response he'd been expecting. "What? Why?"

  Katy shrugged, but he saw a cunning little smile darting around her lips. "Well, as I see it, we both got what we wanted out of this night, didn't we?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "I got to keep an eye on you, keep you out of trouble and out of the papers," she explained. "And you got to actually talk with a girl for probably the first time in years, open up about your past and some of your insecurities."

  "I don't have any insecurities-"

  "And if I was to come into your room tonight, who knows what might happen?" Katy finished, still smiling as she raised her eyebrows and shrugged.

  Chase frowned down at her. He could guess exactly what might happen if she stepped into his room, and he couldn't think of anything more appealing at the moment. "I could always head out to the clubs and get up to all sorts of trouble after you leave," he challenged her. "Maybe you ought to stay here to keep an eye on me so that I don't try and go out for a rally. The night's still young."

  Katy shook her head. "You're not luring me in that easily. Besides, I think you had more fun talking to me tonight than you're willing to admit. If you go out again, you'll destroy my trust in you, and you'll lose me as a friend."

  "I didn't realize that friends kissed each other goodbye at each other's hotel room door."

  She shrugged. "Maybe we're friends with benefits, then." She paused for a moment. "You know what I mean."

  She turned and glanced back at the elevators, but Chase held her hand, keeping her from leaving yet. "So when do I get to see you again, then?"

  "How about tomorrow?" Katy winked. "You can take me out to dinner again, and pick up the tab."

  "Oh, I see. You're just using me for your money."

  There was no mistaking the long, lingering, lusty glance that she ran up and down his body. "For now," she replied mysteriously.

  She leaned in and kissed him once more, this time just giving Chase a light little peck on the lips. And then, tugging her hand out of his, she hurried back off down the hallway, skipping over to the elevator around the corner.

  For a solid minute, Chase just leaned against the doorframe of his open room, looking after her. He wasn't expecting her to suddenly reappear and come back, but he needed some time to sort out his scattered thoughts.

  It wasn't until he'd stepped back into his room, letting the door close behind him, that he even remembered the original purpose for even asking Katy out. At least in that respect, he admitted to himself, he could consider the night a success. She hadn't even said anything about the deflated footballs, and it seemed like they'd completely slipped her mind.

  But even though answering that concern had been his primary goal going into the evening, at some point, it had taken a wild left turn - one that he never could have seen coming.

  He slowly crossed over into the living room area of his suite, sinking down onto the couch. He clicked on the television, but just stared blankly at the flickering colors and moving shapes.

  Katy was cute, but she wasn't the hottest girl he'd ever taken out. He'd fucked supermodels, even! Why was he suddenly hung up on her, finding himself drawn into deep conversations with her, sharing intimate details of his life? What made her different from all of those others?

  And she clearly liked him back, he pointed out to himself. From how she threw herself into kissing him, to that last, lusty glance she'd given him before leaving, she clearly wanted him, at least as much as he wanted her. So why hadn't she come inside?

  She'd said no to him, he realized. When was the last time a girl had said no to him? When was the last time that any woman hadn't been willing to do anything for him, whatever he needed to get himself off?

  Chase stood up, crossing over to the minifridge in the room. His hand stretched for one of the beers inside, but he changed his mind at the last second and grabbed a bottle of water instead. He pulled the cap off and took a long gulp, draining a third of the bottle in a single swallow.

  This wasn't bad news, he pointed out to himself as he sat back down on the couch. Katy wanted to keep on seeing him, which meant that she'd still probably talk to him first if she had any suspicions about the deflated footballs. And sooner or later, she would say yes to his invitation to step into his room, and then he'd peel that tight little black dress off of her, claim her, fuck her.

  That was what he really wanted, after all, he told himself. He just needed to get his cock into her, and then he'd be able to move past this hangup in his head. After that, he could-

  Could what? Dump her? Go back to fucking other women? What was his end plan, here?

  Chase didn't know, and the thought kept him awake for a while, staring off into space as he finished off the bottle of water.

  Finally, he pushed the whole issue off to one side inside his head. He could figure out some solution later. For now, he would just go with the flow, see what happened, let things progress on their own.

  Still, when he finally climbed into bed, he spent too long just staring up at the ceiling in the darkness, his cock standing up from his hips, rock hard, as he remembered the soft, warm feel of Katy's body pressing up against his, back in the bar's rear booth.

  Chapter sixteen

  Did you know that, when a football team plays at away games, they basically rent out an entire hotel - not just for the players, but also for the coaches, assistants, and just about anyone else who needs to go with the team?

  I did not know that - up until I got a call from the team's travel agent, informing me that they'd booked a plane ticket in my name, and I needed to report to the airport first thing tomorrow morning!

  Blearily, I packed a bag and headed off to spend the next week on the other side of the country, in sunny and warm California.

  At least, that's what I imagined - until the plane touched down amid pouring rain, and the captain informed us that the rain was likely to keep on pouring down for the rest of the week at minimum.

  At least the hotel accommodations were nice, I pointed out to myself. The hotel had a gym and pool, although the pool was overflowing its holdings thanks to the rain, and the gym was immediately filled with sweaty, grunting football players, handling absolutely absurd amounts of weight on the machines. They all greeted me politely enough when I tried stepping in, but I soon gave up, feeling far too
intimidated by the massive muscles.

  Besides, I had Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts to run! Instead of touching any of the workout machines myself, I snapped a few pictures, even getting a couple of the absolutely massive fullbacks to take smiling selfies in front of all the equipment. I also joined the team in heading over to the stadium for their practice, tagging my posts with sarcastic, witty comments about "sunny California providing a warm welcome."

  I spent most of the rest of the next few days just looking forward to the evenings, when practice finished.

  On one hand, I told myself, this was just because I needed to keep an eye on the players to make sure that, while they went out and had fun, they didn't do anything too explicit and public that would get them plastered across the front page of the sports section - or, even worse, the entertainment section.

  But with their ringleader, Chase, no longer heading out to blow thousands at the strip clubs and titty bars in the area, the rest of the players seemed surprisingly docile. Some of them even began staying in at the hotel, throwing parties in their rooms. The manager of the hotel complained to me about the cleaning bills, but I considered those a more than acceptable cost to pay in exchange for stopping reporters and photographers at the front door.

  And what about Chase? Why wasn't he going out and throwing bills at loose women each night?

  That, I had to admit to myself, was the strangest part of all.

  Seth Chase, football quarterback and star player, seemed totally infatuated with me!

  We spent just about every night together - no, not in that way. We'd go out for dinner, or sometimes even order in, chowing down in Chase's hotel room (which was much nicer and larger than my own, I noted with a pang of envy). After dinner, we'd go out to concerts, stay in and watch movies, or sometimes even just talk, sitting together on the sofa in his room.

  No matter what activity we chose, however, we always seemed to end up back in his hotel room, arms wrapped around each other as we kissed, our bodies grinding together.


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