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SACK: A Football Bad Boy Romance

Page 16

by Westlake, Samantha

  He leaned in and kissed me. Mmm, plenty of tongue. "I'm sure that I can find other ways to help take your mind off of your worries until I'm ready for another round."

  My mind didn't have to roam far to imagine what other uses he could find for that flexible tongue of his. I tried hard to think of any reason to say no, but he looked amazing, and the bedroom was right there, and god, he made me unable to think about anything else besides all of the ways that he could make me come...

  Chase's smile widened, broadening into that smirk that made me want to simultaneously kiss him and slap the expression off of his face. "Come on, lover."

  He pulled me into the bedroom, and I obediently followed after him.

  At least as he entered, I got a great view of his ass. Just as I'd suspected after seeing it through football pants, Chase had an amazing ass.

  I couldn't wait to grab it and put his muscles to good use.

  Briefly, I thought about what lay ahead. Before Chase appeared, I hadn't been planning on going to the league - what good would it do me, besides getting myself blackballed from any other sports job in the country? If I stayed away, maybe I still had some shot at getting a decent recommendation letter from the Hawks.

  Now with Chase on my side, however, everything was different.

  He wasn't just a witness to the cheating - he had actively participated, and was stepping forward now to confess. That would carry a lot more weight than just the accusation of a newbie PR manager. At the minimum, his comments would likely prompt a full, formal investigation, and I doubted that the hawks coaches and assistants would all manage to keep the scandal under wraps.

  Just as Miranda, and Ben Franklin, had predicted, someone would break. Too many people knew the secret for it to remain that way.

  But what would happen to Chase? And what would happen to me? I'd certainly write up the story, do my best to keep my name clean, but there was no guarantee that Chase would ever be allowed to play again. What would end up happening to him? To us? He said that he loved me, but what did our future hold together?

  Before I could get too lost in my thoughts, however, Chase stuck his head back out of my bedroom. "Coming?" he asked, his eyes taking in every inch of my exposed body.

  I put my thoughts of the future out of my head. "Definitely," I replied, hurrying in after him.

  Chapter twenty-seven

  Two weeks later, Chase downed the shot glass full of liquid in front of him and grimaced, trying to resist sticking out his tongue. "Ugh, that's awful," he groaned, dropping the glass back down onto the counter.

  "You're the one who kept on talking about how you wanted to get healthier," Katy answered him, watching him from the other side of the kitchen. She was making a valiant attempt to hide her amused expression, but Chase could hear it in her voice. "Why do you have to drink those vegetable smoothies in shot glasses, anyway?"

  "The less time that it has to spend in my mouth, the better," Chase answered, grimacing as he took a swig of orange juice to clear the taste out of his teeth. He turned to take a better look at Katy, grinning. "You know, I can think of another way to get this taste out of my mouth."

  His eyes roamed over her, taking in the way that her body filled out the soft flannel pajama pants and old tank top that she wore to bed. Somehow, Katy's curves made even these clothes look sexy. He moved in closer, slipping his hands around her waist and guiding her ass back up against him.

  For a moment, as he kissed at her neck, Katy's eyes closed and she leaned back against him. "Knock it off," she murmured, not pulling away as his hands slid up her sides, grasping her breasts firmly through the tank top. "I, unlike you, have work to do."

  "You could come in late." She wasn't wearing a bra, he observed, as he squeezed her through the thin tank top fabric.

  "Not for the second day in a row," Katy replied, reminding Chase of how he'd waylaid her the previous morning. "And you should be training - your suspension's going to be up in just another week or so, and then you'll have to show your talents again."

  Chase sighed, not missing how the rush of his hot breath against Katy's neck made her squirm a little more against him. "Not for the Hawks," he said, unable to stop the words.

  Katy hesitated for a moment, and then set down her plate on the counter and turned in Chase's arms so that she faced back at him. He grinned at her.

  "Glad that I convinced you," he murmured to her, moving in a little closer and bending down to kiss her lips-

  -but instead, a finger met his mouth, holding him back. "Not that," she told him. "Listen to me. I know that you lost your spot on the Hawks when you came forward and told the league officials about the cheating, but you still did the right thing."

  Chase sighed, but he knew that he couldn't argue with the young woman in his arms. The last two weeks had been an insane flurry of activity and meetings, press conferences and interviews, and if it wasn't for Katy at his side, he wouldn't have made it through in one piece.

  The morning after he'd come to find her, to confess his feelings and make love to her, they both hopped on a plane to New York City, where they met with the league officials and explained the behind the scenes actions of the Hawks. The league wasted no time in following up, sending out their own agents to perform investigations and examine game balls and previous records of how much the balls had been inflated at previous games.

  Somehow, as Katy had expected, word got out to the press. The next day, when Chase and Katy emerged from their hotel room, they found themselves surrounded by a mob of reporters, all of them shouting questions and holding out microphones.

  To Chase's surprise, Katy handled the situation with ease, as if she'd been a PR agent for years. She easily answered the reporters' questions without slowing down, leading Chase towards their taxi. Her answers sounded clear, concise, and painted Chase as the victim in the scandal, rather than as one of the villains.

  "That was amazing," Chase told her, once they got into the back of the taxi.

  Katy brushed some hair back from her eyes, grinning. "Yeah? You want to hire me on as your personal PR agent?" she asked.

  Chase didn't think twice. "Done. You're hired. Whatever salary you want."

  The smile remained on Katy's face, but the rest of her expression seemed to go slack behind it for a moment. "What, really?" she finally asked.

  "Yeah. Keep on talking to reporters like that for me."

  "But, but..." Katy shook her head, searching for the right words. "What about, um, us?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Isn't it going to be a huge conflict of interest if you're sleeping with your PR agent?" she finally asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

  "Oh yeah, it is," Chase happily agreed, pulling her in for an intoxicating kiss. Ever since that first night they'd spent together, he felt as though he couldn't get enough of her, of the feel of her skin against his, her lips on his, her body in his arms. "Massive conflict of interest. And if your boss finds out about it, you'll surely be fired."

  "But you're my boss," Katy pointed out, a little breathless after the kiss.

  Chase raised his eyebrows, smirking. "So I am. And I'm shocked - but I think we can let this little issue slide if you'll come sit on my lap."

  Katy leaned in close to him, her lips brushing his ear. "I'll sit on something else of yours, a little later," she whispered softly, and Chase felt his cock go hard as a rock in his lap.

  To her credit, Katy kept on handling the job as his public relations agent for the next few days, and the job kept her very busy. As the scandal spilled over into the press and tabloids, Chase became a major celebrity, mobbed by reporters whenever he showed his face in public. Each day of the scandal brought forth new information and new accusations.

  With the Superbowl looming, the league commissioner didn't waste any time in deliberating and bringing forth a judgment. The Hawks were charged with cheating, receiving multi-million dollar fines and losing their chance at the Superbowl. Chase received a suspension for th
e next several weeks - although, with the Hawks disqualified from the Superbowl, the punishment for him was little more than a slap on the wrist.

  Of course, Jed Benson went nuclear, at one point physically assaulting a reporter when the man tried to ask the irate team owner a question. Benson personally swore that he would do his best to make sure that Chase never played in another football game for the rest of his life.

  Those words didn't have any teeth behind them, however. Even before the details of Chase's punishment became public, Katy found herself fielding offers from other teams, looking to recruit Chase to join them. When the next league draft came around, Chase was certain to be a hot commodity.

  Back in the present, Chase sighed. "I know that I did the right thing," he told Katy, "but it still sometimes stings a bit."

  "Aww, poor honey," she murmured, rubbing his shoulder. "Does it help that I love you madly? Does that make you feel better?"

  Chase narrowed his eyes at her. "I'm not sure that I can believe you," he fired back, his hands dropping down to grasp her round little ass. "Maybe you can find some way to show how madly you love me?"

  "Really, I have work-" Katy protested, but he wasn't willing to take that as an excuse.

  "But I'm your boss, and I can order you to come in late today," he told her, grinning as he squeezed her ass and saw her pupils dilate slightly. "You need to take some time for yourself - you're working yourself to the bone."

  "Not my bone," Katy cracked, but she didn't pull away, smiling up at him.

  "Well, you could take a break from working yourself to the bone to instead work on my bone?" Chase couldn't keep the smile off of his face at the ridiculous pick up line, but he leaned in, pinning Katy's hips between him and the kitchen counter behind her.

  Katy rolled her eyes at him. "That's awful. Maybe I love you a little less, now."

  "Well, I'll just have to love you even more to make up the difference," he replied, bending down and kissing her. His hands found the hem of Katy's tank top, gently rolling it up towards her armpits.

  This time, Katy didn't resist. Instead, she kissed him back, her hands sliding along Chase's body, feeling his hard muscles, the swell of his pecs, the bumps of his abs. She dropped her hands down further, grasping at him, and he hoisted her up onto the counter behind her.

  "If we do it out here, we're going to have to clean everything afterwards," Katy panted, her breath hot against his ear.

  "I don't care. I can't wait long enough to take you anywhere else," Chase grunted back, pulling down those pajama pants, exposing her, opening her up. He had only to slide a hand between her thighs to feel how she was warm and wet, desiring him.

  But then, for a moment, Katy drew back, and her eyes looked dark and concerned. "Chase, this is great, but what about the future? What about after you've been drafted by another team-"

  "I'll still need an agent, someone to come with me and keep me from slipping into any of my old, destructive ways," he replied, as he teased her shirt up and over her head. "I need someone who I can trust, someone that I know will always be on my side."

  "A partner, you might say?"

  For a moment, Chase looked at the young woman on his counter - their counter, he corrected himself. He imagined having her around for the rest of his life, always teasing him, keeping him on track, looking at him with her big eyes and knowing him as more than just a pretty face, a hot body, but as a man with his own strengths, weaknesses, and fears.

  Somehow, the idea didn't scare him nearly as much as he thought that it would.

  "Yeah," he said, as he pulled her to him one last time on the counter, grinning as her expression flashed through surprise and into delight. "A partner."

  Katy smiled back at him, a smile overflowing with love. "I can do that," she replied, kissing him and giving herself up to this man.


  The End!

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  If you enjoyed this story, check out other works by Samantha Westlake:

  Big White Rider: A Motorcycle Club Novella

  "I stared up at this leather-clad, muscular man who had just caught me in his arms. I felt keenly aware of two facts:

  First, he was the most handsome man I'd ever seen.

  And second, his hands were wrapped around me, pressing against some very intimate places..."

  Deidre Reed is feeling down in the dumps. She's stuck in her dead-end job as a cocktail waitress, she hasn't been laid in months, and there are no boyfriend prospects on the horizon.

  No prospects, that is, until she literally falls into the arms of a handsome stranger.

  But this man, Ellison Granger, comes with his own set of problems. He's a biker in the True Sons - a gang that does not take kindly to women of color like Deidre. They're so frigid towards Deidre, she feels like she's trapped in a blizzard.

  If Deidre wants to be accepted by the True Sons - and have any shot at continuing to see Ellison's sexy, perfectly toned body - she's going to have to pass the True Sons' rituals of acceptance. She'll be tested, both physically and emotionally.

  Deidre's determined. This sexy new man in her life is worth it, she's sure - but just how far is she willing to go?

  Guns & Dusty Roads: The Iron Brotherhood, Book 1

  Kara needed the big, burly biker to keep her secret. She had to keep him happy - even if that meant giving in to his desires...

  FBI Special Agent Kara Sybil is composed, capable, and committed to her job. When a gun smuggling case comes across her desk, she doesn't hesitate to dive in. With help from her biker uncle, Kara infiltrates a 1% motorcycle club, the Iron Brotherhood, searching for clues and the culprits.

  Undercover, Kara's prepared for rough trials, uncouth bikers, and heavy interrogation and suspicion. But she's not prepared to be coupled with a handsome, sexy biker named Cross - who also knows her true identity!

  Cross is willing to help Kara ferret out the gun smugglers, as long as she grants immunity to the Iron Brotherhood for their other criminal activities. But as Cross and Kara become more entangled in their deception, they both start to feel the primal pull of attraction towards each other. How long can Kara hold out, resisting this criminal's sexy masculine appeal?

  The Stolen Girl: A Wild Roads MC Novel

  "Hello, little kitty," the big biker leered at me as I shrank back in fear. His black glove reached out for me. "You're coming with me!"

  When Senator Leonard Sterling comes home from the day's Congressional session, he finds his daughter missing from their family home, her bedroom window shattered, and a spatter of blood on the pieces of glass...

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  Samantha Westlake has an unfortunate habit of staying up far too late, reading romance and saucy stories when she really should be sleeping and preparing for work. Samantha currently lives in San Francisco, CA. She draws her inspiration from the wonderful people of the city around her, and can often be found relaxing on the wharf, gazing out in the mornings as the fog burns off the bay.




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