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Vampire Princess Rising

Page 9

by Jami Brumfield


  Hunter grinned as grandmother Catherine finished gathering the necessary ingredients for the spell he was going to work. She placed all the ingredients into a brown burlap sack and handed it to him. “Tomorrow is the full moon. The energy will be stronger if you perform this when it is at its highest point. I want you to practice the words. Natalia and I will be there at your side, but this is your spell. Your desire will add the fuel to the words and help ignite the spark that will enhance the words.”

  Hunter nodded eagerly as he took the bag and hugged her. “Thank you, Grams!”

  “Take tonight to find the perfect place to perform the ritual.” She handed him a handwritten list. “These places should have all the elements around them, but you’ll want to find the one that feels right to you.” She turned to pick up her tea and take a sip after she blew on the liquid two times and added, “you’ll want both of your sisters there for the spell. Because you were all bound at the same time, you’ll need to be unbound at the same time.”

  Her last statement doused him with cold water and took all his excitement out on a breath. He knew he would have no problem getting Becca there, but Savvy was going to be a challenge. She avoided him all day at school today and he tried his best to catch her. After school she disappeared without a word to him or Rebecca. It was obvious she was upset and not ready to talk about it, but if he didn’t get her to join him tomorrow night it would be weeks before they could try this spell again.

  “And what would happen if it was only Becca and me?” he asked, hopeful for a better answer.

  Catherine shook her head. “It has to be all three of you.”

  “Savvy is not the same, Grams. She won’t even talk to us. The last time she did talk to us she did something horribly bad.” He shuddered at the terrifying memory of Savvy chasing little Willow through the house.

  “Savvy is going through a rough time right now. She needs her family. If you get her there I’ll see what I can put together to help her find her way back to us.”

  “She’s a vampire, Grams. I doubt there’s very little that can bring her back to us.” He shook his head, sadness echoed in his sapphire eyes. At least until I find a cure. He kept that thought to himself. He was beginning to think a cure was not possible. He spent all last night looking for anything that would help him with his mission to find a cure and he came up empty handed.

  “She’s still Savannah at the core. She may have dark urges, but Savvy still exists underneath the façade the vampire exudes. As long as she hasn’t taken a life.”

  Hunter shook his head, disbelief obvious on his face. “I wish I had your faith, Grams.”

  Catherine offered a weak smile. “I have a little more experience on you. Now off with you. I expect you to check all five of those places out before deciding which one you’ll be performing the ritual at.” With that she turned her back and started washing the dishes in the sink.

  Hunter nodded, but it was a futile gesture since no one was looking at him anymore. He spun on his heel and headed for the door. He flipped his phone open and prepared to dial Natalia when the doorbell chimed.

  He opened the door and found Sundae waiting for him on the top step. “Sundae, what are you doing here?” he asked, confusion clouding his face.

  “I was told you needed me.”

  “By who?”


  It took Hunter a moment to process what she was saying. Bethany was dead. Natalia was the supernatural that spoke to the dead, not Sundae. She lived in the dream world.

  “You left a connection open to her in the dreamscape. She came to me.” Sundae offered an answer to the question in his eyes. “Are you ready?”

  “Where are we going?”

  Sundae shrugged and handed him the keys to her convertible. “You’re driving.”

  He took the keys and couldn’t contain the grin that spread across his face. “Okay, I just have to make one phone call.”

  He flipped open his phone and dialed Rebecca’s number. She picked up on the second ring.

  “What’s up, little brother?”

  “I’m not little.” He scratched his head, irritated at how easy she made him feel small without even trying.

  “Sorry, Hunt. What’s going on?”

  “Tomorrow I need you and Savvy to join me for a ritual under the full moon.”


  “I found the spell. Sundae and I are going to check out possible ritual locations now. I’ll call you when I decide which is best.”

  “Okay...” Unasked questions were in her voice.

  “So I need you to help me get Savvy there.”

  “Easier said than done, Hunt.”

  “I know, but Grams said all three of us need to be there for the unbinding spell to work.”

  “I don’t see why you need us. We can no longer be witches.”

  “You’re a witch at your core. According to Grams we were all bound at the same time, so we need to unbind at the same time.”

  “Got it. I’ll do my best.” Rebecca sighed heavily. “But you may have a bigger problem than Savvy on your hands.”

  “What could be worse at this point?”

  “Werewolf, Hunt? I turn into an actual wolf on the full moon and according to Jackson, she isn’t a very nice wolf when she gets let out of the mind cage.”

  “Can’t you make a deal with her or something?” Hunter was beginning to think unbinding them was a hopeless endeavor.

  Rebecca’s answer was a laugh.

  “I don’t think this is funny, sis.”

  Rebecca stopped laughing and suddenly got serious. “I know this isn’t a laughing matter, Hunter. It’s just that my wolf is not good at negotiations. She’d rather fight first, then, if the problem is still alive, she would talk. In fact, she isn’t talking to me currently. But I’ll see what I can do.” In the silence Hunter could almost hear the gears in his sister’s mind moving. “I’ll be there, even if I have to be in a cage. I promise.”

  “And Savvy?”

  “Savvy too.”

  “Great! Love you, sis.” His last words were not heard. She had already hung up the phone.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Rebecca hung up the phone on her brother abruptly. It wasn’t something she meant to do, but Lucky had walked in with one of her wolves in handcuffs and a strange metallic collar around his neck. Both guys were badly bruised and cut. If she had to venture a guess she would think they were a lot worse before she’d seen them.

  “Brick? Lucky? What’s going on here?” Rebecca stood up, compassion for her pack member and Lucky vibrating off her in waves.

  “Your wolf was caught with Fae blood.” Lucky pushed through gritted teeth, the muscle ticking in his cheek.

  “Black death? Why would you have Black Death, Brick?” This was the only reason Devon was in her pack. The reason she had someone she didn’t trust living in her home. A wolf who claimed to be a member of another pack, a claim she had yet to verify. She’d placed a call to Joseph, Devon’s pack alpha, daily over the last week and she still had no luck getting hold of him, which only increased her suspicions that something wasn’t right with the whole situation. It didn’t help that Siren was against fully trusting the Authority and the Protectors. And now Lucky stood accusing one of her more trusted wolves of possessing the deadly drug.

  If she was being honest, it would be nice to put this investigation to bed and get rid of Devon, but not at the expense of losing one of her pack members.

  “I swear to you I have no idea how it got in my stuff,” Brick spoke up in his defense. Lucky jerked the chain that was connected to the collar around his neck.

  Rebecca’s hands fisted at her side. When her betas hurt, she hurt too. The protection instinct for her pack member kicked in and Lucian was lucky it was he who pulled the collar or she may have really hurt the Protector. Her feelings for Lucky were one thing, but he was hurting her family. “Is that really necess
ary?” She pointed to the collar, attempting to be diplomatic. “He’s not a dog!”

  “Standard issue for all shifters,” Lucky stated coldly. He could barely look her in the eye, which made it more difficult to understand the coldness he was tossing her way. “It contains the shifter magic.”

  “It’s not standard issue for my shifters! We have a little thing called innocent until proven guilty in this country. There’s no need to be inhumane.” Rebecca crossed her arms over her chest. Diplomacy be damned. “Take it off!”

  Lucky stood taller and lifted his chin. “No. I’m only here as a favor to you. It would be nice, since I’m working outside of protocol that you appreciate the gesture.” He said the last part through gritted teeth.

  “Gesture?” Rebecca felt her anger switch being flipped and it took everything she had to push the wolf back into the corner of her mind. She didn’t want to engage Lucky in a battle she was sure she couldn’t win. He was her trainer after all.

  Gabriel entered the room, worry on his face. He’d obviously felt her anger. He stood next to Rebecca, offering strength as he shot glances to all three people in the room. “What’s going on, Lucky?”

  ‘They found Black Death on Brick,’ Rebecca told him telepathically.

  Lucky cleared his throat. His face was roughed up pretty badly. “I came here to let you know I’m arresting Brick. He’ll be held at the Protector compound until we finish interrogating him.”

  “There has to be more to this? Brick?” Rebecca gave him a pleading look. She wanted to save him, but he was doing little to help her.

  Brick’s answer was a lowered head which he shook in shame. “I’m sorry, Rebecca. The last thing I’d ever want to do is bring shame on the pack. I give you my word. I don’t know how it got there.”

  She couldn’t have this. Brick was one of the few rogues that was on her side. She couldn’t lose him. She never would’ve guessed he would be dealing in Black Death. “Turn him over to my custody, Lucky.”


  Rebecca walked up to him, sadness and pleading in her eyes. “Please, Lucky. Let me get to the bottom of this.” She fought off the attraction that grew when she got close to him. He was a Nephilim and they were known for creating chemistry, she reminded herself. They broke it off officially a couple of days ago. She knew they were only friends but they still had a strong connection, one she needed to take advantage of at the moment.

  She touched his cheek tenderly. He cringed and leaned into the touch. “He says it wasn’t his. You know when someone is lying. I know you can tell if he’s being truthful.”

  Tomas was not a nice guy. He housed dungeon like cells in the basement. She had hoped she’d never have to use them, but it appeared that hope was lost now.

  “You can keep an eye on him here in the cells below at least until you verify his story.” Rebecca could see the battle play out on his face. He wanted to help her, it was the only reason he came here before he brought him to Protector jail. But his honor and duty were strong pulls. That and the small fact that she chose Gabe and not him to be with.

  “That isn’t how things work, Becca.” He tried to explain, frustration clearly written on his face.

  “You can interrogate him here. Then decide once he explains.” Rebecca didn’t like the word ‘interrogate’ but it was becoming a part of her world. The supernatural world was darker, colder, unforgiving in most cases. Black Death was a serious issue, one that was bleeding over into the human population and the Authority didn’t want that to happen. Gods forbid that supernaturals interfere with the humans’ world in any dangerous way. The thought tasted bittersweet in her mind.

  Lucky was weakening. She could see it. “Rebecca, things…the Black Death issue is getting out of control…if it had been any other Protector than me, things would be a lot worse for Brick.”

  “I don’t want you to stop doing your duty. It’s one of the things I like most about you.” Being close to him was dangerous. The pheromone that he emitted pulled her into his spell. Her attraction, the attraction she shut down the day Savvy was killed began to grow again. “Just do it here…for now.”

  “There were three more deaths last week in Phoenix alone, Becca. Two supernatural and one human. The Protectors are on high alert. If anyone discovered I gave leniency to you there will be hell to pay.”

  “No one will know. I’m not saying to not bring him in. I’m asking you to find out the story before you do.”

  With his free hand Lucky grabbed the wrist from the hand Rebecca was using to touch his face. His amber gold eyes locked on hers and electricity shot through her arm. “Don’t.” The muscle ticked in his jaw. “He’s already in the system. There’s nothing I can do.”

  Gabriel moved behind Rebecca. She could feel his presence as much as she could feel the energy zapping between her and Lucky. They were so close she was reminded of the dream Sundae planted in her subconscious. The dream where she was torn between two men, the duty-bound golden-haired angel and the bad-boy werewolf. The one where Gabriel marked her and she let him. Deep down she knew he was for her, even her dreams made that clear.

  Rebecca pulled her arm from his tight grasp and stepped back, which put her against Gabe’s rock-hard chest. The electricity sparked up and down her back. She turned quickly and walked behind her desk. She needed space from both of them. Space from the two guys who made her heart race, her blood boil, and distracted her so much that her sister was killed, she reminded herself.

  “It’s your choice, Lucky. I’d never make you break your allegiance.” Her words were cold as ice and from his reaction they cut into him.

  Lucky and Gabriel continued the standoff. Rebecca placed a hand on her forehead, trying to stave off the headache that was forming. “Gabe, stand down.” She directed her attention to Brick. “If you’re innocent Lucky will make sure you’ll be freed. In the meantime, Gabe and I will work together to find out what really happened.” She looked back at Lucky. “Promise me he will be safe.”

  Lucky nodded. “I promise.” He continued as though he was reading Rebecca’s mind. “Until we are sure the investigation is on-going.”

  Which meant I’m stuck with Devon for a little while longer. Rebecca nodded her understanding.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Savannah rolled her neck and shoulders, stretching them out before entering the house. She was tense. The day was almost unbearable, but most days were unbearable anymore. All she wanted to do was go up to her room and hibernate until tomorrow. She only hoped Celestia was too busy to bother with her at this point.

  She discovered she was dead wrong the moment she stepped into the house. She was bombarded by Celestia, a nice looking young male vampire with light sandy brown hair, and a crazy-eyed, classy dressed Hispanic woman.

  “Did you drop Danny off at home?” Celestia asked, looking behind her to see if Danny would be joining them.

  “Yes, Mother, just as you asked.” Savannah was tired, worn down and didn’t want to deal with anything new she had for her.

  “Good, I was getting tired of compelling his mother. She’s very protective of her son. I’m afraid she doesn’t like you very much.” Celestia smiled coldly. Savannah wondered if she ever saw Celestia’s smile reach her eyes. She doubted it.

  “I could care less if his mother likes me or not. I don’t like him. Allowing him to follow me around like a puppy dog all day long is exhausting.”

  Celestia shrugged. “He’s a built in bodyguard and blood donor. Get used to it.” Her eyes zeroed in on Savannah to make sure she got the point.

  Savvy nodded weakly. Fighting with Celestia was a losing battle and one she was not up to at the moment. “I’m going to go lay down for a while.”

  “No. I want you to meet Martina Alvarez, your new image consultant.”

  The pretty crazy-eyed Hispanic woman stepped forward and extended a hand to shake. Savannah smiled politely and nodded, choosing to fold her arms over her chest instead of
shaking. Touching other supernaturals was intimate, far more intimate than touching humans. You never knew if the supernatural you were touching had a power that could read your inside thoughts.

  ‘Shake her hand, Savannah.’ Celestia used telepathy to give her the command.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Martina.” Savannah responded without unfolding her arms. Her defiance clearly upset Celestia. It was a minor battle she won, one she was sure she would pay dearly for later.

  Martina pulled her hand back and smiled. “I’m very pleased to meet you. And I brought a gift.” She gestured toward the handsome young male vampire with light brown hair and amused violet eyes. He bowed formally and Savannah covered her shocked response with her hand. She had never been bowed to and she was sure she did not like it. “This is Prince Viktor Angel Romanov.”

  Savannah looked back and forth between Celestia and Martina, confusion clear on her face.

  “Your fiancé.” Celestia grinned with excitement.

  “Sorry, I already have a pretend boyfriend, my dance card is full. And no offense, but I think he could take you in a fight,” Savannah lied to Viktor. It was obvious the pale man was very strong. Handsome too, if you liked light hair and porcelain skin.

  “That’s enough!” Celestia’s anger switch flipped on. “The papers have been signed. You will marry this handsome young man.”

  ‘I will not!’ Savannah snapped back telepathically.

  “Don’t fear, Savannah. The marriage is simply an arrangement between two vampire houses. Paperwork and treaties signed to ensure cooperation in future issues. I will allow you to have as many male friends as you like, as I won’t be giving up my mistresses,” Viktor spoke with a strange accent, one that could be intoxicating to anyone else who was not fuming.

  “I don’t care what century you’re from but I happen to be from the twenty-first and we don’t do things that way anymore.” She was not some property to be sold to the highest bidder.

  “I think you have the wrong impression.” Viktor looked horrified at Savannah’s reaction.


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