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Awakening A God (Demon Boys Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Troy Snyder

  As he saw the high-backed chair, built for the Craxi, he did not seem daunted. Instead in on fluid movement he jumped onto it and sat staring across at his enemy. Both stared and the tension was palpable. Seeing there was no sign of attack the Broushin leader waved his hand and the golden troops filed back onto the ship.

  It was only fair as Odin called the meeting he should start Alexander thought. And the thought must have occurred to Odin as well since he spoke. “Welcome, Volkden Baradan, King of the Broushin.” He spoke in Broushin as a courtesy. “I can truly say I am surprised it was your vessel we happened upon.”

  It was going well Alexander thought, but Odin could have stood to welcome the Broushin leader.

  “Thank you, Lord Odin. You were not nearly as surprised as I when I heard the request for a ceasefire.” His voice was strong and commanded authority. As Alexander stared into his dark almost shaped eyes he had a distinct feeling he had seen the dwarf before but could not remember from where. The man’s dark brown hair swayed as he turned away from Odin. “How long do you expect to hide in the shadows?”

  For a moment Alexander was confused, but soon realized Volkden was talking to him. Staring right at him. Letting the stealth suit fall he came into view of the others. “Sorry about that Lord Baradan,” He said bowing. “We felt as if seeing a human might throw you off.”

  “You hide your energy terribly. An infant could have spotted you.”

  “A bit harsh don’t you think?”

  “I am sorry for the deception Volkden.” Odin cut in before they could continue. The apology came as quite a surprise to Volkden and he raised his eyebrows.

  “No matter. Anyway, we have been pursuing those pirates for some time, their raids on our supply lines, between our planet and our mines on our moons, has been quite bothersome. Needless to say, it was quite the surprise to find the Craxi here and to have taken them out, even more surprising the request for an armistice.”

  “Indeed, we were celebrating welcoming the human’s as members of the Craxi. The one standing before you however, is also a Craxi warrior. The pirates assaulted us and we defended ourselves.”

  “That is not what I meant and you know it. You are in a sector we recently claimed as our own. What is it you seek here?”

  Odin folded his hands and leaned slightly forward. “We were headed to your planet. We have been fighting with your people for as long as I can remember. Your predecessors all fought against me in battle, many of them fell by my hand. I have come to the decision after much thought on the matter to instead of slaying more, I wish to extend my hand in friendship. I wish for peace between our people.”

  Volkden crossed his muscular arms and sat back in his chair staring intensely at Odin. Odin stared back with his one good eye, his other covered by a silver and red eye patch that wrapped around his head.

  “Would this have anything to do with the release of the serpent?” Still the dwarf king showed no sign of emotion.

  “I will be honest with you; it does partially, however, not entirely.”

  “We could not locate where you placed his prison. Additionally, my scouting party was attacked when sent to investigate the breakout.” His eyes flicked to Alexander but no accusation was thrown. “They were retrieved; though one of their ships was unsalvageable the other was stolen. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?”

  “I may possibly possess a Broushin ship.”

  “If you are serious about peace, return it to me.”

  Odin sat back and rested his arms on the arm rests. Everyone in the room felt a slight pulse of energy fill the air. Turning around, Alexander could see the floor moving and the Broushin ship rising from the depths.

  “It is yours.” Odin was waiting for a response.

  “Thank you, Lord Odin. Now, what are the terms of this peace treaty?”

  Odin thought for a moment through everything Hugin and Munin had discussed with him earlier, but he decided it was best to be straight forward like his human companion. “My offer is simple. We become allies against the serpent, we both know he is a bigger threat than we care to admit. We share resources and knowledge that can benefit both our peoples. Like I said, simple.”

  Lord Volkden pursed his lips. “It is simple, as you say, but what happens after the serpent lied dead at our feet? Will we be met with a sword in our back, or friends at our sides? Like you stated, this war has gone on so long. I cannot remember reading a point in history when there was peace true in the galaxy. If you want peace, Lord Odin, I want it to be a lasting peace. Not a passing enemy of my enemy situation.”

  Odin let out a sigh at the other leader’s words. He had not even contemplated a lasting peace, simply because he had expected war wounds too deep. This meeting was only an attempt to ally against a common threat. This was not the place for lasting peace talks. That was meant for the palace. But he was here and now. Honestly, he thought, setting down his spear and finally resting appealed to him on some level.

  “Lasting peace…” He finally said letting out another sigh. “Something I did not even consider coming from this meeting. Our old hatreds seem like a festering wound that never heals. Yet, as I think, I feel it is time to cut away the infection and finally mend it. Let us bring lasting peace to our peoples.”

  “Very well, however, you know how these deals are usually sealed.”

  Odin began tapping his finger on the armrest unsure how to respond. “I have no family unless you count my advisors Hugin and Munin.”

  Volkden smiled. “Perhaps not, but you do have him.” His finger pointed straight toward Alexander.

  Alexander had been slightly distracted trying to conceal his energy that he had not been listening to the conversation. “Me? What I do?”

  Neither Odin nor Volkden spoke at first as each contemplated what was being said. Odin spoke first. “Why him?”

  “Simple, though he is human you obviously trust him a great deal. The proof being he is in this room right now during the biggest discussion between any two leaders since the imprisonment of the serpent.”

  Hugin leaned in and whispered into Odin’s ear and Odin nodded several times in return. “I agree, but it is not my choice.”

  Alexander stepped forward, “If it’s for peace between your two people I will accept whatever it may be.”

  Volkden smiled and Odin simply nodded. “It is settled then. Will the host of the talks be providing the place for the wedding?”

  “Wedding? What wedding? Who’s getting married?” As soon as he asked the question the answer dawned on him and his face went pale.

  “Yes,” Odin replied. “The wedding will be hosted on Asgard, but first we must go to the Alfar planet next. We wish to align ourselves with them as well. Do you object to this?”

  “No, I see your wisdom in considering them as well. The serpent will not know what hit him. Though, I do have a request of you.”

  “Ask it then.”

  “Take my daughter along with you. She is to speak in my place to represent the Broushin people in the talks.”


  “Married? Who am I marrying and why?” Alexander was still thoroughly distraught.

  “My daughter of course, we will seal the peace by marriage. Odin has no kids of his own any longer, therefore it falls to someone he trusts more than others, that being you, also you agreed to it.”

  “But I don’t know your daughter.”

  “That is another reason she is going with you. You two will get to know one another before the wedding. So why don’t I introduce her? ARRI! Please come here child.” He called loudly.

  Another golden armored figure made its way down the ramp. It was the same as the one Volkden wore, but the curves revealed its wearer was a woman. A golden helmet covered her face and head, keeping all features hidden. Two large swords hung at her sides and jingled on their links.

  She stopped next to Volkden’s chair and kneeled. “What is it you wished to see me for, father?” The voice ma
de Alexander’s stomach drop to his feet.

  His heart was in his throat and his face was paler then before. All he wanted to do was hide himself by Odin’s imposing figure. She had not looked up and had not seen him and he hoped that when she did she did not recognize him. This was the exact same girl that he had met on Earth. Needless to say, if she did remember he was in big trouble.

  “Daughter it is a grand day. The Craxi and Broushin have negotiated peace between our two peoples.” There was a slight gasp from Arri at the news. “Keeping with traditions these treaties end with the marriage between peoples, binding them to one another. So, stand and meet your husband-to-be.”

  Arri stood but remained looking down. She removed her helmet and her ashen skin was colored with a mix of nerves and embarrassment. “Hello, my name is Ar… YOU!” She screamed, her nerves and embarrassment gone. She pointed right at Alexander, “What are you doing here?!”

  “I see you know each other,” Volkden’s smile threw Alexander off and then the entire thing became clear. Volkden knew full well he was one of the one’s who attacked his daughter on Earth.

  Alexander had no choice but to accept it, if he backed out now it meant continued war between both factions and the subsequent destruction when Quetzalcoatl came for them.

  “Yes me.” He said staring at his feet.

  “I’m going to…” Her father stopped her from drawing her sword and her eyes snapped straight to him.

  “Would you draw your sword on your betrothed?” Volkden asked quizzically.

  Arri looked back and forth from her father to the human. “Be... Betrothed?! You must be joking! I can’t marry this cross-dressing weakling of a man!”

  “As I recall you’re the one that lost the fight short stuff.” Alexander’s words were out before he could stop himself.

  “What did you just call me?!”

  Oh crap, Alexander thought. He looked to Odin for aid, but he, Hugin, Munin, and even Volkden were suppressing smiles. They were enjoying themselves!

  “Ah, young love.” Odin got the words out before he started to laugh.

  “I don’t find this very amusing. She’s an angry little, sword wielding monster.”

  Volkden could control it no longer and joined in laughing with Odin. “So very true!” He said through laughter.

  “Father you’re siding with this tiny human?” Arri’s face was becoming flush again but this time with anger.

  The laughing continued bringing tears to the two leader’s eyes. There was clear animosity between the two betrothed, but in the end both leaders knew it would work out, somehow. Until then they would sit back and enjoy the scene that played out between them.

  Chapter 19:

  It had been several days since the peace talks had succeeded and they set off on their way to the Alfar lands. Alexander was lying on his bed alone thinking about recent events. Needless to say, the rest of the Demon Boys were surprised to learn that he was engaged.

  “I leave you alone for five minutes and you go and get yourself engaged,” Antonio had said to him.

  Trent laughed at him and said, “Ha, going to get tied down by an evil woman. Not me, I’m not chaining myself to some crazy lady. I’m a free spirit.” To which Mira butt his leg and growled in her goat form. It had been a surprise to learn that Mira had been spying on them as a goat, even more so that she was Hugin’s daughter, but in the end, Alexander understood Odin’s caution. Even after the truth was out she remained as a goat companion so no one else knew about her.

  Alexander rubbed his chin and noticed the beard he had been growing out. It was small, but it made him feel more at home with the bearded giants of the Craxi, and not just them, but the Broushin as well. Things on the ship Valhalla had been crazy recently. Along with his betrothed, one hundred Broushin warriors came on board as well to help the two cultures get to know one another. The Broushin men all had long beards like the Craxi so he felt at home with a beard.

  It came up only when Antonio was staring at the two factions and said, “It’s obvious I need a beard to fit in with these people.” Since then instead of choosing to shave, all the demon boys decided it would be better to grow a beard.

  Slowly but surely Alexander began to drift off to sleep as he daydreamed on things to come.

  Sleep was broken by the heavy metal door slamming open in the Demon Boys barracks. Alexander sat up startled. “Huh… Who there,” He called out still not fully awake.

  “What in the world do you think you’re doing you lazy cross dresser?” His fiancé’s voice grated at his ears. It was nice sure, but when she screamed at him it was a totally different story.

  “Oh great, my wonderful wife-to-be has come to see me.” The sarcasm in his voice was evident.

  “Shut your mouth. Don’t call me that.” It was obvious in the coloring of her face she felt embarrassed. Whether it was embarrassed by being around someone she was to marry, or by simply being forced to marry a human, he did not know.

  “Odin was wondering if you were coming to the great hall for the evening meal. I told him you could starve. Then he forced me to come get you,” She continued saying.

  Alexander sighed as he got up and stretched his arms over his head. Then he walked over to the doorway where his wife-to-be stood with her hands on her hip waiting for him. She had a glare on her face as usual whenever she looked at him, but he had to admit, she was quite beautiful.

  He took her chin between his finger and thumb, but before she could snap at him he spoke. “You really are quite cute, you know that? Anyway, let’s be off to dinner.”

  Sidestepping her Alexander moved into the hall and began to make his way to the elevator. Arri could feel her face heating up. Instead of their usual back and forth banter he was sweet. No, she was not going to fall for his tricks. She stomped her way down the hall and pushed past him.

  “Touch me again and it will be the last thing you ever do,” She said as she continued her march.

  The rest of the walk was in silence along with the elevator ride to the great hall. Some stared as the young Broushin princess sassily strutted her way to the table where the other Demon Boys sat. Alexander followed behind in silence.

  Mugs raised in greetings as they approached the table. Arri sat next to Mira, who now sat with them in the great hall, much to Hugin’s disdain. Her secret inevitably got out and now she spent all her time in her elf form. Every time Alexander saw her, or Hugin and Munin for that matter, the eyes made him feel uneasy. The large irises made them look… strange for lack of a better word.

  Alexander attempted to sit next to Arri but she placed a platter next to her to ensure he did not get too close. It was always something with her Alexander thought. Not once had she lightened up on him, though their first meeting was a little rough, she could at least have given him a chance to make it work. On top of all that there was always something she made fun of him for; lacking a beard, not having much muscle mass like most Broushin men, him being a cross dresser, which in his defense was Raixo’s fault.

  Taking his seat, a plate was immediately set before him by a kitchen maid. Mugs slapped down in front of Arri and him, hers with ale and his with water. Another thing that she disliked about him, he did not drink like a ‘man’ should. He looked around and could see Antonio getting in another drinking contest with the big purple Craxi warrior and Trent casually attempting to flirt with Mira, who shot him down for the umpteenth time that day. He took a swig of his mug and sighed, he wished he could be as happy as them. Instead he was trapped in an engagement where his future wife would rather cut his limbs off than say good morning.

  Arri sipped from her cup and stealthily watched Alexander out of the corner of her eye. The vision of him calling her cute was playing over and over in her head. She chided herself for it. He was just a human, a weak being who could not protect her or her people. Certainly, he was not someone that should be marrying a princess. After all, the duty of the Broushin people when her father passed would fall to
her and her husband, he was not someone she wanted to rely on. But somehow just him saying that made her tongue tied and burn with embarrassment. Should she really give him a chance?

  “BAH! Bring ush more! Tiny thinksh he can keep up!” Antonio yelled toward one of the maidens carrying a tray of mugs.

  Tiny, as Antonio, and now everyone else for that matter, was the large purple Craxi that always seemed to get into it with Antonio. “I welcome the challenge!” Tiny roared the words while standing up and slamming his fists on the table letting out a loud crack.

  Mugs hopped off the table and when they struck down they spilt over, their contents soaking the legs of anyone not quick enough to move. Arri attempted to leap off the back and move backward, but her leg got caught on the benches too tall for anyone but the Craxi and she began to fall. She shut her eyes and tensed for the sudden jarring impact of hitting the ground, but instead she hit something else, something that wrapped around her back. As she opened her eyes she saw Alexander, he was staring.

  She regained her footing and collected herself, brushing herself off then shooting Alexander a scowl. “I didn’t need your help, thank you.” Her voice was full of what she believed was contempt, but by everyone’s face they knew she meant the ‘thank you’ more than the rest.

  Alexander thought about helping her back into her seat, but he decided against it. She would probably just get mad again or have some snide remark. Instead he chose to shrug and go back to his food while others cleaned the mess and continued to argue.

  Arri stood there a moment thinking to herself the least he could have done now was help her back onto the bench. Before she realized, however, the seat was completely soaked with spilt ale. Something like this would happen to her she thought, but she was still hungry so she would have to make the sacrifice. Moving the platter, she had set between her and Alexander she crawled onto the bench right next to him and called for another plate of food not drenched in ale.


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