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Meet Baby Morgan (Clara Andrews Series - Book 5)

Page 7

by Lacey London

  Enjoying it being just the three of us, I rest my hand on Oliver’s thigh as we drive. Thankfully Noah is fast asleep, which hopefully means that we won’t have a screaming baby on our hands when we are in the Town Hall. With it being early afternoon the roads are fairly quiet, meaning that we get there in record time. The fact that we are both surviving on a mere three hours sleep results in us barely saying two words to each other until with climb out of the car. Not knowing exactly which way to go, we decide to follow the stream of young couples clutching tiny babies and make our way inside. Leaving Oliver to check us in, I try to ignore the many stares he accrues from the women in the waiting room. To be fair, a man as gorgeous as Oliver with a seductive Texas accent is a rare sight around here. I’d be lying if I said that I wouldn’t do the same.

  ‘He is gorgeous!’ A beautiful red haired woman whispers to her friend.

  My brow creases into a frown as a wave of annoyance washes over me. Window shopping is one thing, but to start making comments when I am right here is just plain rude. Looking over at the objectifier, I am relieved to see that she is cooing over Noah and not my husband.

  ‘Thank you.’ I reply, feeling proud as punch of my little boy. I might be biased, but I really do think that he is the most beautiful baby in the world.

  ‘Is he your first?’ Pushing her glasses up her nose, she rocks the baby girl she is holding back and forth.

  ‘Yes, he is.’

  ‘Little Esmeralda here is our fifth.’ She pulls down the pink blanket to reveal a tiny bundle in a purple playsuit.

  ‘Fifth?’ I gasp. ‘As in five? Five children?’

  ‘Five.’ She confirms, smiling down at the sleeping baby in her arms. ‘I never thought that I would have one, never mind half a football team!’

  Staring at Noah, I try to imagine what life would be like if we had another four.

  ‘What’s his name?’ My red haired friend asks, popping my thought bubble.

  ‘It’s Noah.’ I bite my lip and rock his car seat with my foot as he starts to grumble.

  ‘Noah.’ She repeats. ‘Lovely. Does he have a middle name?’

  ‘No, it’s just Noah. Noah Morgan.’ I look down at my baby boy when a thought suddenly hits me. ‘Does Esmeralda have a middle name?’

  ‘She does.’ My new friend confirms proudly. ‘Rosabelle.’

  ‘What a beautiful name.’ I make a mental note to remember that in case we have a daughter in the future. Rosabelle Morgan, I like it.

  ‘We named the other four after our parents, but this one was straight out of the baby book.’

  I smile in response as Oliver returns with a handful of papers and motions for me to follow him. ‘They’re ready for us.’

  ‘Oh, OK.’ I hand him Noah’s car seat and say goodbye to my new found friend.

  Taking a seat in a rather clinical office, I twist my wedding ring around my finger as the pleasant man in front of us talks us through what we are about to do. After giving him our details, he asks the question that I have been avoiding for weeks.

  ‘Now, what is his name?’

  I lock eyes with Oliver who smiles thinly back at me. Considering my answer for a moment before I speak, I let out a small sigh.

  ‘It’s… Noah Morgan.’

  ‘OK.’ Clacking at his keyboard, he picks up a pen and hovers over the certificate. ‘Does he have a middle name?’

  I stare at him for a moment, feeling a little lost for words. He actually doesn’t have a middle name. Would he benefit from having a middle name? The only reason he doesn’t have a middle name is that we couldn’t agree on anything other than Noah. Finally, I regain the use of my tongue.

  ‘Actually he does.’

  ‘He does?’ Oliver asks, understandably totally confused.

  ‘Yes.’ I reply confidentially. ‘Ernest.’

  I feel Oliver’s fingers wrap around mine under the table and a smile spreads across my face. A rush of happiness surges through me as I look into Oliver’s eyes. Ernest might not be a name that I would have chosen for my son, but Noah isn’t just mine, is he? It took two of us to make him, so it’s only fair that we both get a say in naming him.

  As the officer turns back to his computer, I wink at Oliver who mouths thank you back. I’m not entirely sure what it was that made me change my mind, but knowing that I have made Oliver happy makes me a hundred percent confident that I have done the right thing.

  Noah Ernest Morgan. Suddenly it doesn’t sound so bad after all…


  Today has been one hell of a day. Janie was so ridiculously happy at discovering that Noah had been given the name Ernest that she immediately video called everyone she knew to spread the good news. Seriously, from Oliver’s three troublesome cousins to her old neighbour and Uncle Ernie himself. She spent no less than three hours talking to her acquaintances across the pond and I must admit that fake smiling to a bunch of people I barely know is extremely tiring. Although seeing how thrilled everyone is that Noah now has a Morgan family name makes me feel a little fuzzy inside.

  Relaxing in an armchair watching my friends and family laugh merrily whilst passing around Noah, I nibble on the corner of a cucumber sandwich and try to commit this moment to memory. It has been like a mini party in our house this evening. I have actually lost track of the amount of well-wishers that have called by. My mother and Janie have made a transatlantic buffet consisting of everything from finger sandwiches to peach cobbler and corn dogs. From the looks of the little amount that is left, I think I can safely say that it has been pretty well received.

  Since Noah was born I have been lost in a bubble of exhaustion, adrenaline and excitement. This is the first time that I have felt like me again. I am finally getting enough sleep to function like a normal person and can start to fully enjoy the perks of being a parent. This is what it has all been leading up to. That first date, the lingering first kiss, the proposal and the wedding all led us to where we are today. It’s strange when you think about it, isn’t it? How one simple date can lead to such life changing events. Events that we don’t even think we want at the time. Sometimes I look at my life and cannot believe that it’s mine. Maybe the world does have a plan for us. Maybe our destiny really is written in the stars, regardless of what we do to fight it.

  Popping the last piece of my sandwich into my mouth, I kick off my boots and smile as Janie puts Noah into his Moses basket. My life is pretty much perfect right now and I have so much more to look forward to. Francesca’s party tomorrow, Randy is arriving on Sunday and Marc will soon be flying over to see Noah. With not seeing The Strokers for so long I am beyond excited to see them. We do video call and exchange regular photo updates on Facebook, but nothing is the same as holding them in your arms, is it?

  In this life, it’s so terribly easy to take people for granted. You only truly realise what you had once it has been taken away from you. Although one thing I have learned is that true friends never really part. Maybe in distance, but never in heart…


  Where life begins and love never ends.

  Chapter 13

  Slipping Noah into an adorable playsuit, I strip myself of my leggings and wander over to the wardrobe. I know that this isn’t a party as such, but Gwen and her friends rarely see me in anything that doesn’t contain baby puke or Lycra, so I really want to make an effort. With it still being rather warm outside I decide to go for a simple black dress. On its own it doesn’t look like anything special, but once I have teamed it with a pair of gold sandals and a selection of chunky bracelets I challenge anyone to say that it doesn’t look cute. With a quick slick of ruby red to my lips and a few coats of mascara I am good to go.

  Annoyingly, Lianna called this morning to say that she is running late and would meet me at Francesca’s house. I won’t lie, I am pretty annoyed. Being late is a pet hate of mine. Normally I can let it slide when Li is late, but when we have been invited somewhere it really grinds my gears. Pulling on my crochet cardigan,
I say a quick goodbye to Janie and slip out of the back door. After how rude she was the other day I really didn’t want her tagging along, not that she has shown any interest in coming.

  With Francesca living just a five-minute walk away, it doesn’t take us long to reach her house. Unlike our character property, Francesca’s house is brand new. Made exclusively from the best reclaimed materials, not a penny has been spared to ensure that it is nothing short of spectacular. A glossy red door stands proudly in the centre of the building, with giant lion statues at either side of the entrance completing the grand look. Hearing happy laughter float out from inside, I press the bell and quickly adjust my hair. Like magic the door swings open to reveal a beautiful Francesca. With baby Pippa strapped to her chest in a funky baby sling, she looks pretty as a picture.

  ‘Clara!’ Smiling brightly, she motions for me to come inside. ‘Come on in.’

  Struggling to get the pram over the threshold, I huff and puff for a few moments before resorting to picking the damn thing up. Straightening out my now crumpled dress, I flash Francesca an embarrassed smile before following her into the kitchen. This bloody pram was supposedly so expensive because it was from the featherweight range. Well, if this is what they class as featherweight I dread to think what they would label the giant pillow that I call my ass.

  Trying not to show how impressed I am, I glance around and take in my surroundings. I haven’t actually been to Francesca’s house before and I have to admit that I am totally blown away. Running an art gallery must pay some serious money. Gwen once let slip that she paid over nine thousand pounds for one of Francesca’s prized pieces. Nine thousand pounds! I don’t think Oliver would be too impressed if I brought one of those home.

  ‘Everyone, there’s someone that I would like you to meet!’ Francesca sings to the crowd of women that are gathered in the kitchen. ‘This is Clara Morgan and her son, Noah.’

  Raising my hand in acknowledgement, I scan the many strange faces and flash them a small smile. With Noah not being ball pit age appropriate, I decide to give the play pen a miss and squeeze through the sea of people in search of Gwen and Alice. At first I can’t spot anyone that I know and wander around aimlessly before finding them in the conservatory sipping cocktails. Gwen immediately jumps to her feet and clears a space on the couch for me to sit down.

  ‘Clara! I am so glad you could make it.’ She offers me a double air kiss before taking control of Noah’s pram and cooing over him like a broody teenager.

  ‘Isn’t your motherin-law with you?’ Alice asks, her eyes as wide as saucers.

  ‘No.’ I shake my head as I squeeze onto the couch between them. ‘I decided to leave Janie at home today. She can be a bit of a handful.’

  ‘I’m sure she’s just lovely.’ Gwen smiles at me politely, but Alice stays silent and takes a sip of her drink.

  Not wanting to spend the afternoon talking about Janie and her outrageous antics, I take a glass of cucumber water from the wait staff and try to get comfortable. As Gwen and Alice swoon over Noah, I watch Gwen’s twins and find myself quietly mesmerized. Each and every time that I see Tarquin and Aureliana they are exactly the same. While the rest of the children cause havoc in the ball pit, the twins are silently drawing in colouring books. Their hair is perfectly brushed and the matching outfits that they are wearing don’t have a mark on them. Picture perfect, just like Gwen. How does she do it? I’m tempted to ask her, but half of me doesn’t want to know in case she makes me do the same and let’s face it, I find it hard enough keeping my own clothes stain free.

  Taking a closer look at their drawings, I can’t help but notice they are rather advanced for a pair of five year olds. Very advanced in fact. It seems all that private tuition Gwen raves about has paid off. The best gift in life you can give to your children is an education. That was her one piece of advice to me when I told her that I was pregnant. At first I was a little dubious, but looking at the twins next to Francesca’s wild girls who are currently tearing around the living room, I might have to agree that she’s right.

  I should probably explain that Jemima and Aurora are home schooled. Not that there’s anything wrong in being home schooled, but Francesca has an almost hippyish approach to the upbringing of her children. For someone who is so strong in the business world, she is incredibly laid back when it comes to raising her kids. You see, Francesca has adopted the, children need to be allowed to make their own mistakes route, whereas Gwen’s method of parenting couldn’t be more different. Needless to say this has caused a couple of cross words over the duration of their friendship.

  ‘How is he sleeping?’ Gwen asks, rocking Noah’s pushchair with her Prada clad foot. ‘The twins were incredible sleepers right away, but I know that Francesca had an awful time with the girls, especially Aurora. Quite ironic when she was named after sleeping beauty, don’t you think?’

  Alice giggles into her drink and plucks her Mulberry handbag from the floor before Jemima can spill juice over it. ‘Be careful!’ She cries, stuffing her beloved handbag down the back of the couch. ‘Didn’t your mother teach you not to run in the house?’ As usual, Jemima sticks out her tongue and carries on regardless. ‘I am never having kids.’ Alice grumbles, folding her arms in annoyance.

  ‘You’ll change your mind.’ Gwen laughs. ‘Everyone does. Just look at Clara!’

  ‘It’s true.’ I confirm. ‘There was a point when I thought children weren’t for me either.’

  I’m about to say that when she meets the right man she will change her mind, but knowing that Alice is on the wrong side of forty I don’t want to send her into a meltdown like I did last time.

  ‘Can I interest any of you in a crab cake?’ Francesca holds out an enormous silver platter adorned in delicious treats.

  ‘I think I could squeeze one in.’ I toss a couple into a napkin and pop one into my mouth.

  The truth is that I could devour an entire tray in one sitting. Since my measly breakfast bar this morning I haven’t eaten a thing and my stomach isn’t about to let me forget it in a hurry. As usual Alice declines. I quickly grew to realise that Alice is always on a diet. One week it’s Atkins and the next the South Beach diet. I hate to be the one to say it, but I really don’t think anything is working for her so far. If anything, Alice has increased in size since I first met her. She tells anyone who will listen that it’s due to her thyroid, but I’m pretty sure she is one of those secret eaters. After all, I did once catch her ordering four Big Mac’s in McDonald’s. She still swears she was taking them to the homeless people that camp outside, but I don’t believe her for a second.

  Discreetly wiping my fingers on the hem of my dress, I take a sip of cucumber water and roll a tennis ball back to Aurora. Call me cynical, but I’m sure she’s throwing that at me on purpose. Catching her trying to drop gummy bears into Gwen’s glass, I shoot her a stern stare. Glancing over at Noah, I say a silent prayer that he will be a little better behaved. Then again, I wasn’t exactly an angel myself. Hoping that he takes after Oliver, I look over my shoulder as a barrage of laughter bursts into the room. A familiar cackle catches my attention and I jump to my feet as I spot Lianna making her way through the kitchen. Waving her over I am surprised to see Eve stumbling behind her.

  ‘Hi.’ Holding out my arms for a hug, I hold onto the door frame as Li throws her arms around my neck.

  ‘So sorry we’re late.’ Planting a red kiss on my cheek, she stands back and pushes her glasses up her nose.

  ‘No problem, at least you’re here now.’ I flash Eve a friendly smile as she totters over to Noah’s pram and sticks her head inside. ‘Come over here, there’s some people that I want you to meet.’

  Linking her arm through mine, Li lets out a hiccup as she attempts to put one foot in front of the other. ‘Have you been drinking?’ I whisper, already knowing the answer. She hiccups again and I take that to mean yes.

  ‘Gwen, Alice, this is my friend, Lianna.’ I smile proudly as she holds out a hand to introdu
ce herself.

  ‘OMG!’ Eve squeals as her phone starts to ring. ‘I love this song!’

  Is she slurring her words? This is all I need. So much for making a good first impression.

  ‘And this is my other friend, Eve.’ I nod in her direction and cringe as she tries to reapply her lipstick, succeeding only in getting ruby red all over her chin.

  Sensing the annoyance of Gwen and Alice, I direct the gruesome twosome over to the buffet and hope that some food will sober them up. Once I am sure that they are out of earshot, I perch on the couch next to Alice.

  ‘I am so sorry about them. I honestly had no idea that they had been drinking.’ I feel my cheeks turn pink at their disapproving faces. As they both sit in complete silence I carry on regardless. ‘They aren’t normally like this, I promise. Eve actually lives right next door to me.’

  ‘I am very aware of who Evelyn is.’ Gwen whispers quietly. ‘Very aware…’

  Alice tries to discreetly nudge her in the ribs, but I notice it right away.

  ‘What do you mean?’ I ask, trying not to show that I am feeling uneasy.

  ‘Nothing!’ Alice blurts out before Gwen can say anything more. ‘Let’s go and take Noah for a walk around the gardens, he looks like he’s stirring.’

  I glance into his pram only to discover that he is sound asleep. What’s going on here? Not wanting to disagree, I nod in response and follow her outside, leaving Gwen on the couch shooting Eve daggers. Wow, remind me not to get on the wrong side of her. Working our way to the back of the garden, we come to a stop at a beautiful wooden bench. Copying Alice, I take a seat and look at her dubiously. Not meeting my gaze, she immediately looks away and points to the play area.

  ‘Look at the kids playing with their space hoppers. Aren’t they cute?’


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