The Great Deluge
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boats; of Cajun Navy; destruction of; displaced by Katrina; evacuations by; fire department and; of LDWF; of National Guard; of NOLA Homeboys; NOPD and; private citizens with; rescues by; in St. Bernard Parish
body retrieval: in Louisiana; in Mississippi
Boehlert, Eric
Boh Brothers Construction
Bolinger, Boisie
Bongard, John
Bookert, Reuben
Booklover’s Holiday in the Open, A (Roosevelt)
Bosner, Leo
Boston, Mass.
Boston City Hospital
Boston Club
Botkins, David
Bottcher, Denise
Boudreaux, Irvin
Boulte, Kathy
Bourbon Street
Bourne, Joel K., Jr.
Bourque, Kenny
Boyd, Chris
Bradshaw, Larry
Brasher, Dwight
Brasseaux, Carl A.
Breaux, John
Breaux Act
Breaux Brothers
Breazeale, Nick
Brennan, Jimmy
Breton Island
bridges, New Orleans; Crescent City Connection; Katrina survivors on; see also Lake Pontchartrain Causeway; St. Claude Avenue Bridge
Bridges, Ruby
Britz, Roy
Brock, Rickey
Bromell, Ty
Broome, Jennifer
Broussard, Aaron
Brown, Aaron
Brown, Clarence “Gatemouth”
Brown, Michael (Chalmette survivor)
Brown, Michael D.; Bahamonde’s reports to; in Baton Rouge; blame game and; bureaucratic mind-set of; Bush’s “heck of a job” statement about; Bush’s relationship with; Chertoff’s phone call with; e-mails of; Florida hurricanes and; in helicopter survey; “incident of national significance” and; ineffectiveness of; media interviews of; Morial Center and; NHC briefings of; résumé discrepancies of; in St. Bernard Parish; Saturday statement of; as scapegoat; Senate testimony of; upbeat attitude of; videoconferences of; white paper of
Brown, Pappa
Brown, Shepard
Brown, Tonya
Broyard, Mark
Broyard, William
Bruce, Joshua
Brumfield, Africa
Brumfield, Danny
Brumfield, Deborah
Brumfield, Shantan
Buffett, Jimmy
Buisson, André
Bukowski, Charles
Buras, La.
Burke, James Lee
Burleson, Tom
Burnett, John
Burwick, John
bus drivers; shortage of
buses; evacuation by; FEMA, see FEMA, buses and; for Morial Center evacuation; for Superdome evacuation; in poor neighborhoods; RTA, see Regional Transit Authority; school buses
Bush, Barbara
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.; aggression of; in Air Force One meeting; in Biloxi; Blanco and; Brown and Chertoff as cover for; Brown’s briefing of; Chertoff selected by; Coast Guard praised by; communication breakdown and; conflict between Blanco and; 82nd Airborne deployed by; in elections; emergencies declared by; federal control and; and federal response to Katrina disaster; flight over Louisiana of; Good Morning America interview of; as governor of Texas; Gulf Coast tour of; “heck of a job” statement of; levee breaches and; Louisiana wetlands and; Nagin’s contact with; Neville’s criticism of; in New Orleans; news coverage shown to; press coverage of; situational awareness lack of; speeches of; in videoconferences; Wednesday teleconference of
Bush, Jeb
Bush administration
Bush-Clinton Fund for Katrina Relief
Bush Doctrine
businesses; destruction of; looting of, see looting; looting, New Orleans; Nagin’s relationship with; New Orleans’s poor climate for; post-Katrina goodwill of; see also specific businesses
Butler, Jim
Butscher, Janine
Byrne, James O.
Bywater Hotel
Cady, Rick
Caernarvon Levee, dynamiting of
Cajun Dome
Cajun Navy
Cajuns, Cajun districts
Calamusa, Jack
Caldwell, William, IV
Calhoun, Keith
California; earthquakes in; Katrina aid from
California National Guard
Callahan, Rob
Calliope Projects
Calvary Independent Baptist Church
Camp Edwards
Camp Lejeune
Camp NBC
Camp Pendleton
Camp Shelby
Canal Street; flooding of
cancer patients
Cantania, Carl
Capital Area Transit System (CATS)
Capitano, Philip L.
Card, Andrew
Cardiff, James
Carey Limousines
car-less people; in New Orleans East
Carnival class
Carrollton, levee collapse in (1849)
cars: destruction of; living in; looting and theft of
Carter, Jimmy
Carter, Karen
Carter, Kathy
Carville, James
Carville, La.
Carville, Steve
Cash, Tony
Cash Money Records
Casino Magic
“Catastrophic” (Byrne and MacCash)
Category 1 hurricanes
Category 3 hurricanes; FEMA simulation of, see Hurricane Pam exercise; Katrina as; levees and
Category 4 hurricanes; Great Storm of 1909 as; Katrina as
Category 5 hurricanes; Katrina as, see Hurricane Katrina, in Category 5
Cater, Jeff
Catholic Charities
Catholic Orphanage Asylum
cats; deaths of; evacuation of
Causeway Boulevard; staging area at
Cavuto, Neil
CBS News
Celestine, Lawrence
Celestine, Robert
cell phones; New York Times and
Central City; boat rescues around; flooding in; poor people in
Central State University
CH2M HILL (Kaiser-Hill)
Chalmette, La.; evacuation efforts in; flooding in; Hutter in; oil spill in
Chalmette High School
Chamber of Commerce, New Orleans
Chamber of Commerce, U.S.
Chandeleur Islands
Charity Hospital (Big Charity); color code at; ER dock of; evacuation of; flooding of; media coverage of; Nine West in; NOPD at; people turned away from; security menace at; Tulane’s aid to
Chef Menteur Highway
Chehardy, Lawrence
Cheney, Dick
Chertoff, Michael; Brown’s call to; Brown’s testimony against; Bush’s reliance on; callousness and lackadaisical response of; Coast Guard and; congressional testimony of; “fast analysis report” and; “incident of national significance” and; levee breaches and; press conference of; Russert interview of; Siegel interview of; in videoconference
Chevron Texaco
Chicago, Ill.
child rape
children, separated from parents
Children’s Hospital
China, Yellow River flood in (1931)
Christian fundamentalists
Christie, Michael
Chronicle of Philanthropy
Citizen News
City Hall, New Orleans; blackout in; EOC in; Nagin’s press briefing at
“City of New Orleans Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan”
civil rights movement
Civil War, U.S.
Clark, Chad
Clark, Donna
Clark, Gerald
Clark, Ivory; at Grand Hotel; at Morial Center; provisions commandeered by
Clark, Jeriel
Clark, Nanet
Clarkson, Arthur
Clarkson, Jackie
Clarkson, Patricia
Clear Channel
Clement, Robert
Cline, Isaac
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hector
Clooney, George
CNN; Barthelemy on; Charity Hospital evacuation and; Katrina as Category 5 and; levee problems and; Mississippi coverage by; Nagin on; rescues on; Superdome and; Vitter’s erroneous remarks and
CNN International
Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act, see Breaux Act
Coast Guard, U.S.; in Alexandria; Aviation Training Center of; Bush’s praise for; FEMA and; as first responders; gun violence and; helicopters of; hospital evacuations and; on levee breaches; in Mississippi; Murphy oil spill and; obstacles faced by; Operation Dunkirk of; search and rescue missions of
cocaine; crack
Cockerham, Stephen
“Code White” meeting
Coffee, Sidney
Cole, Dyan “Mama D” French
Coleman, Ortegas
Coleman, Rick
Coles, Robert
Coletti, Jerry
Colley, Jack
Collier, Jeff
Come Hell or High Water (Dyson)
Comfort, USS
communication; Baton Rouge EOC and; Blanco’s problems with; breakdown of; of NOPD; see also BlackBerry use; telephones; WWL radio
Compass, Eddie; drinking and drug allegations about; exaggerated accounts by; flight allegations about; media and; poor leadership of; resignation of
Comprehensive Emergency Plan
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (1980)
Confederacy of Dunces, A (Toole)
Congress, U.S.; Blanco’s testimony to; hurricane protection and; Mama D’s testimony to; Republican control of; see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Connick, Harry, Jr.
Connolly, Ceci
Conrad, Joseph
Continental Airlines
contra-flow plan
Control of Nature, The (McPhee)
Cool Express
Coomer, Alex
Cooper, Anderson
Costner, Kevin
Covington, La.
Craft, Edwina
Craig, Albert
crawfish industry
Crawford, Tex., Bush in
Creppell, Collette
Crescent City Connection
crime, New Orleans; in Morial Center; in Ninth Ward; rapes; in Superdome; see also looting, New Orleans; murders, New Orleans
Cronkite, Walter
Crouch, J. D.
Crowe, Jeffrey
Crucifix in a Deathhand (Bukowski)
Crystal Palace
Cunningham, Dalton
Curiel, Alex
Curiel, Tyler
Curlew Island
Dade County, Fla.
Dagnell, Joan
Dagnell, Ralph
Daigle, Elizabeth
Dailey, Gene
Dallas, Tex.
Dashner, Bill
Daste, Rosalie
Dauphin Island, Ala.
Davidson, Mark
Davies, Gus
Davis, Angele
Davis, Arthur O.
Davis, Jayne
Davis, Jefferson
Davis, Ronald “Fat”
Davis, Sandy
Day, Dan Noonan
DeBlieux, Peter
debris, use of word
Decker, Shelly
Dees, Morris
Defense Coordinating Officer
Defense Department, U.S. (DOD); congressional report on; Joint Task Force Katrina of; National Guard arrivals delayed by; National Guard bureaus at; NORTHCOM of
Defillo, Marlon
Delacroix, La.
Deleray, Jimmy
Del Rio, Tex., flood in
Delta Air Lines
Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Democrats; Chertoff as viewed by; FEMA criticized by; Nagin and; White and
Dennis, Dave
Denton, Tex., FEMA in
Desert Exposure
Design for Life (Davis)
Desire Development
de Soto, Hernando
Diamondhead, Miss.
Dickerson, Walter
diesel fuel
Diez, Jay
DiFatta, Joey
Dillard University, Lawless Memorial Chapel at
disabled people; death of; rescues of
Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT)
disaster relief, post-Katrina: animal czar suggested for; Barbour’s outlook on; Blanco’s requests for; donors to; federal vs. state showdown in; FEMA’s restriction of; national guilt about
disease and health problems; dysentery; oil spill and
Disney, Walt
District C; see also Algiers; Bywater; French Quarter
Divine Winds (Emanuel)
Dixon, Joanna
Dixon, Larry
Dixon’s Central
doctors; at Charity Hospital; medical supplies commandeered by; in Mississippi
dogs; deaths of; evacuations of; oil spill and; post-Katrina behavior of; rescues of; wild
Dominion Virginia Power
Domino, Antoine “Fats”
Domino, Rosemary
Donaldsonville, La.
Donchess, Joe
Dorsey, Steven
Dorseyville, La.
Dos Passos, John
Doucette, Roland
Dowd, Maureen
Drew Elementary School
Driscoll, Ralph
“Drowning New Orleans” (Fischetti)
drug addicts
drug trafficking
Dubos, Clancy
Duckworth, Jimmy; on FEMA; on gun violence
Duke, David
Dunnaway, Clayton
Dunne, Mike
Dyson, Michael Eric
Early Show, The (TV show)
East Jefferson General Hospital
Ebbert, Terry; EOC and; on flooding; looting and; shame of; Superdome and
Eckels, Robert
Edmond, Okla.
Eighth Ward
82nd Airborne Division
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
elderly people; in Baton Rouge; boat rescues of; evacuation of; in Mississippi; in St. Rita’s
elderly people, in New Orleans; Cajun Navy and; death of; at Morial Center; in nursing homes; proportion of; at Superdome
elections: of 2000; of 2002; of 2003; of 2004
electricity; blackouts of, see blackouts; grid system and
Elliott, Jim
Emanuel, Kerry
Embry, Russell
Emergency Operations Center, see EOC
employment; in Mardi Gras World; service sector
Energy Department, U.S.
England, Gordon
Ensign, John
Entergy Corporation
Entergy New Orleans, Inc.
environmental issues: Robinette’s interest in; see also conservation; wetlands
Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. (EPA)
EOC (Emergency Operations Center); in Baton Rouge, see Baton Rouge, La., EOC in; in Bay St. Louis; in New Orleans
Este, Debbie
evacuations; of animals; Blanco’s efforts and; chain of responsibility for; by Coast Guard; in Florida; mandatory; in Mississippi; of oil workers; of Plaquemines Parish; of pump mechanics; recommended; in Red River flood; Saffir-Simpson Scale and; see also specific places
evacuations, New Orleans; of animals; contra-flow plan for; FEMA failures and; of hospitals; in hotels; last- minute; mandatory; Mardi Gras World and; of nursing homes; partial; plan for; prevention of walking out in; rate of; shelter shortage and; of train
s; voluntary; see also Morial Center; Superdome; specific neighborhoods
evacuees: dispersal of; unwillingness to leave of
Evans, Marsha
Evans, Walker
Evening Star Missionary Baptist Church
Everlasting Gospel Mission
expatriates, New Orleans
family networks
Faulkner, William
Favalora, Jennifer
Favre, Brett
Favre, Eddie; as first responder; on Wal- Mart
Fayard, Richard
Federal Reserve Bank
Felton, Nick
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency); Alabama and; in Baton Rouge; body retrieval and; buses and; catch-up efforts of; Coast Guard and; Coast Guard compared with; communications breakdown in; cronyism in; disaster relief restricted by; emergency responders stopped by; evacuee tracking by; in Florida; founding of; in Guam; in helicopter surveys; house marking scheme of; hurricane simulation by; ineptitude and delays of; lack of knowledge of New Orleans of; LDWF and; in Mississippi; Mississippi and; Morial Center and; Nagin’s ignoring of guidelines of; in New Orleans; no-bid assignments of; offers of help received by; public anger at; Red Cross and; Riley on; security concerns of; Strickland as Katrina emergency director for; tasking assignment formalized by (Aug. 31); Times reporters linked with; videoconferences of
Fierce, Tom
Filene’s Basement
Filmore Street Bridge
film projects
Fineman, Howard
Fire Dog Saloon
First Army
First Cavalry Division
first responders, Louisiana; New Mexico National Guard as; in St. Bernard Parish
first responders, New Orleans; Black Men of Labor as; from California; Coast Guard as; FEMA’s diversion of; journalists as; LDWF; see also Cajun Navy; NOLA Homeboys; Walker, Willie
Fischer, Chris
Fischer Housing Project
Fischetti, Mark
Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S.
floating casinos
Flood Control Act (1965)
flooding: disease prevention and; religious and mythic stories of; water toxicity and; see also levee breaks; specific places
flood walls; in New Orleans
Florida; deaths in; Dennis in; evacuation in; FEMA in; Katrina in
Florida Keys
Foley, Mark
food; Debris Sandwich; at Morial Center; of NBC News; in Ninth Ward; snack; at Superdome
Ford, Kristina
Ford, Richard
Ford, Shelley
Forest Towers East Apartments
Foret, Bruce
Forman, Ron
Forman, Sally
Fort Polk
Fortune, Mary
Fort Worth, Tex.
Foster, Mary
Foti, Charles
Foundation of Hope
Fountain, Pete
Fox, Gene