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Playing to Win

Page 6

by Becca Van

  “Sure, baby. Whatever you want.”

  Shane moved aside, opened a cupboard, and then placed a toothbrush still in its packaging on the counter along with a tube of toothpaste. When he also put a brush next to them, she wondered if they had a girlfriend. Jealousy pierced her heart, but she didn’t ask the question on the tip of her tongue. If they were already in a relationship, then what the hell was she even doing here?

  Where they just kindhearted men who couldn’t leave someone in need to fend for themselves? That wouldn’t surprise her in the least since most of the men living in and around Slick Rock would help out anyone who needed it.

  Cindy was acutely aware of Shane watching every move she made, but since the pain medicine was kicking in, she found she couldn’t find the energy to care.

  Once she was done, she turned to face him.

  He frowned down at her as he cupped her cheek. “You still look too damn pale for my liking.”

  Cindy shrugged because he was right. She was so pale her skin looked almost translucent. Her chin was swollen, and while she could no longer see the threads in it because they were covered by a small waterproof bandage, she could see bruising near the edges of the patch. She shivered when he caressed her cheek with his thumb.

  “Shit! I’m sorry, baby. You’re cold. Let me find you something warm to put on, and then we’ll get you something to eat. Sound good?” Shane asked.

  “Yeah,” she replied. It was a funny thing. She hadn’t even felt hungry until he’d mentioned food, and now her empty stomach was gurgling up a storm. She just hoped that he couldn’t hear it growling.

  Shane draped his arm around her shoulders and guided her back into the bedroom. A sigh of relief escaped from between her parted lips when she saw that Curt and Jake had left.

  Grant, who’d been sitting on the bed, shoved to his feet and stepped toward her. “Feeling better, Cindy?”

  “A little,” she answered.

  “Cree called just before you woke up. He and Wilder will be over soon so you can read over your statement and sign it,” Grant explained.

  Cindy nodded and then turned when Shane began to speak. He was holding up what looked like a pair of sweat pants, socks, and a sweater.

  “I grabbed some of Curt’s clothes since he’s the shortest out of all of us. I know they’ll still be too big, but if you roll the legs up, you won’t trip over them.”

  “Thank you.” She took the proffered clothes and glanced from one to the other expectantly.

  “I don’t think we should leave you.” Grant frowned. “What if you need help and we’re not here?”

  “What if you fall and end up hurting yourself?” Shane asked.

  Cindy rolled her eyes and sighed with exasperation.

  “Look, I’ve been taking care of myself and my younger sister since before I was seven years old. I know how to get dressed.”

  Grant rubbed a hand over his face, shrugged, turned, and walked out.

  Shane ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. “Yell if you need help,” he ordered firmly as he pointed a finger at her.

  Cindy nodded, and once he walked out of the room, she sank down on the bed and covered her face with her hands.

  Now that she was hopefully over the worst of the pain, she could go back home to her own place.

  Why did the thought of being alone, of leaving the Kenny brothers, cause her to feel down?

  * * * *

  Curt turned from the stove where he and Jake were cooking breakfast when he heard chairs scrape over the floor. He was elated that Cindy was in their home, but he wished it wasn’t under these circumstances.

  “How are you feeling, darlin’?” he asked.

  “Okay,” she replied.

  Curt narrowed his eyes as he scrutinized her face. She was so fucking pale, too pale for his liking, but she’d been shot so it wasn’t really a surprise. Though he tried to tell himself it could have been worse, that she could have been killed before he and his brothers had a chance to court her, he couldn’t get rid of the anger roiling in his gut.

  He hoped like hell the sheriffs and the presiding judge over the trial, whoever that might be, threw the book at the fucker who’d hurt their woman. He could also tell she was still in pain and wondered why she’d said she was okay. Curt hoped the pain pills she’d taken earlier kicked in soon.

  She was just a tiny little thing, and he couldn’t understand how anyone could hurt her or someone smaller and weaker than they were.

  “Come and sit down, Cindy.” Grant moved to her side, grasped her elbow, and guided her to the dining table.

  Curt was glad his brother didn’t lead her to the stools, which were probably too difficult for her to get onto right now.

  He and Jake worked together to plate the food. Though they’d all been up and about early and had eaten breakfast, they’d discussed cooking bacon and eggs for lunch for Cindy. He had no idea what her likes and dislikes were, but everyone he knew loved bacon and eggs. He just hoped she did, too.

  “Do you want a cup of coffee, baby?” Shane asked after Grant had settled her into a chair.


  “How do you like to drink it?” Shane waited for her reply as he stared down at her.

  Curt hated that she was so shy she had trouble looking him and his brothers in the eyes, but he was hoping in time that that would change. When she was more familiar, more comfortable with them, would she let her real personality shine through? He fucking hoped so.

  “Milk, one sugar please.”

  Curt lodged that tidbit of information into his mind so he wouldn’t forget it. He and Jake grabbed two loaded plates each and carried them over to the dining table. He set one in front of Cindy, passed the others out, and then sat beside her.

  Shane scowled at him when he saw that Curt had stolen his seat, but he ignored his brother.

  “Eat up, darlin’. You have to be hungry.” He gently nudged her arm. His breath caught in his throat when her brown eyes met his. Curt cursed under his breath when she quickly glanced down.

  “How long have you lived in Slick Rock, honey?” Jake asked.

  He and Shane were now sitting across the table from him and Cindy. Grant was seated on the other side of her.

  “Since I was seven.” She wrapped her hands around her coffee mug, raised it to her mouth, and took a sip. “Hmm,” she moaned and closed her eyes as if savoring the taste.

  Curt shifted in his chair, trying to relieve the pressure on his hard, aching dick. Jake was squirming and he figured his brother was having the same problem.

  Shane and Grant had always had more self-control than him and Jake, but just because they weren’t moving in their seats didn’t mean they were lusting after their houseguest either.

  “Where’d you live before here?” Grant asked after swallowing.

  “We moved around a lot.” Cindy shrugged.

  When he noticed she was frowning, he had a feeling there was more to that story, but he wasn’t sure she was ready for them to ask any more questions. They all ate in silence for a while, but from the way Cindy was fidgeting, she was uncomfortable, still in pain, or both.

  She pushed her plate aside after only eating a piece of toast with some scrambled eggs and a piece of bacon.

  “Don’t you like bacon and eggs, baby?” Shane asked.

  Cindy blinked up at him. “Who doesn’t like bacon and scrambled eggs?”

  “You didn’t eat very much.” Grant pointedly gazed at her plate.

  “I don’t eat much. I’m not as big as all of you. That’s probably the most food I’ve eaten in days.”

  Curt frowned over that. He was about to ask her why, but Shane beat him to it. “Don’t tell me you’re on a fucking diet?” he snapped out.

  Cindy blushed and shook her head. She looked at all of them nervously before gazing at Shane. “No, I’ve just been a bit too busy to worry about food.”

  When she glanced to the right, toward him, and her eyes quickly ski
ttered from his, Curt knew she was lying. His brothers had to have picked up on her body language, too.

  “I don’t like it when people lie to me,” Shane stated.

  Cindy’s face turned pinker as she nodded.

  “How about you tell us what’s really going on, honey?” Jake suggested gently.

  She dipped her chin down so far it was almost touching her chest. Curt wondered if she was going to respond or just try to ignore them, but when he heard her sniff, his gut clenched.

  Was Cindy crying?

  Chapter Six

  Cindy felt like a real idiot and didn’t understand why she was crying all of a sudden. While the medicine had eased her pain, she was still tired and feeling very exposed. She didn’t know how the Kenny brothers had known she was telling fibs.

  Then and there she decided it would be a good idea for her to head back to her own home. Although she wasn’t sure what part of town they were in, where they were, she could probably walk to her apartment without too much trouble. At least she hoped she could. There was no way she was forking over money for a cab even if she knew a couple of the drivers. She’d even thought about calling an Uber, but she’d never liked having strangers driving her about.

  She startled when Grant caressed a hand over her shoulder and down her arm, but she stubbornly kept her head lowered. Nevertheless, she didn’t bargain on being lifted from her seat and onto his lap. He threaded his fingers into her hair, gently tugging on her tresses and tilting her head back until their eyes met.

  “Why are you crying, sweetie?”

  Once more she shrugged and tried to pull away, but Grant just tightened his grip in her hair, holding her head fast.

  “Talk to us, Cindy,” he commanded. “We’re trying to help you.”

  Her emotions went from vulnerability to anger in about a second flat. “You want to know why I haven’t been eating much? I didn’t earn much money at the diner. What I did earn and get in tips had to cover the cost of my rent, utility bills, and student loans. I’ve also just changed jobs and haven’t gotten my first paycheck yet. I have twenty dollars left to last me until I do, and that was nearly stolen from me last night. Are you satisfied now that you know I’m struggling financially?”

  “We aren’t trying to humiliate you, sweetie.” Grant used the thumb of his free hand to wipe the tears from her face. “We’re just trying to get to know you. That’s not a crime, is it?”

  She slumped and sighed as she shook her head. She’d overreacted because she was weary and grumpy. She shouldn’t have taken her anger out on him. “I’m sorry, Grant. I kinda get bitchy and grumpy when I’m not feeling a hundred percent.”

  “Apology accepted.”

  He surprised the crap out of her when he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead.

  “I think it would be a good idea if you went back to bed and had another nap, honey,” Jake suggested.

  “I’m not a fucking child,” she snapped and instantly regretted it. “I’m sorry, Jake.” She paused to meet each man’s gaze before continuing. “I think I should go home.”

  And then it hit her that she was supposed to have started teaching the kids their school lessons today. She sprang to her feet and cried out as her sutured side and chin protested. Chairs scraped, but she didn’t turn to look at the men. She was bent over with her hands resting on her knees, trying to breathe through the pain. Once the aches had settled down to dull throbs, she straightened again.

  “I need to go. I was supposed to be at work this morning.”

  Shane moved until he was standing so close to her she could feel his body heat. “I called Kat and Niki last night after we brought you back here. Kat told you to take as much time as you need to recuperate. She doesn’t want you killing yourself.”

  “I need to work.” Cindy stepped back. “I can’t afford not to earn money.”

  “We can help you—” Jake began, but she stopped him by holding a hand up.

  “Don’t you dare offer to give me money. You don’t even know me.”

  “We know enough.” Grant walked closer.

  “I’d give you the shirt off my back if you needed it, darlin’,” Curt said as he stood at her side.

  “I’d sell my soul to the devil to get everything you need and everything you want,” Shane stated firmly.

  Cindy gaped at the four Kenny brothers, not sure what to say. The only person who’d ever cared about her that much was her sister and mom. She closed her lips and took a deep breath, but before she could thank them, Shane entwined his fingers with hers.

  “We’re all very attracted to you, baby. We want to have a relationship with you.”

  She tugged her hand from his, eased her way out of the middle of them, and walked into the kitchen. Once more, tears burned her eyes, but she blinked them back as she started rinsing dishes. She only managed to put one plate in the dishwasher before someone moved up behind her, turned the tap off, and clasped her shoulders.

  Cindy raised her gaze as she was turned around and held her breath when she met Shane’s serious eyes. “You don’t need to do that. My brothers and I are more than capable of cleaning up.”

  “I was just trying to help. You all cooked me a nice breakfast. The least I can do is clean up afterward.”

  Shane frowned down at her for a beat or two. “My God, you are so fucking stubborn and independent. Does it really hurt you that we are trying to help you? Why can’t you just say thank you and let us do what’s necessary to make your life a little easier?”

  Cindy placed her hands on his chest and tried to shove him away, but it was like trying to move a brick wall. The only thing she ended up doing was hurting her side. She tried not to show her pain, but Shane and his brothers were way too observant.

  “That’s it,” he snapped. “I’ve had enough of this.”

  Before she could ask what the hell he was talking about, he bent down and swept her off her feet and up into his arms. “What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly. Cindy closed her eyes and mentally cursed herself, hoping he hadn’t heard the surprise and desire in her voice.

  “What I should have done from the very start,” Shane said, and then slanted his mouth over hers.

  Cindy gasped as she clung to his neck. His lips were soft yet firm as they brushed over hers. When he licked over the seam of her lips and he delved inside her mouth with his tongue, she moaned. This was her very first kiss, and though she didn’t have any experience, having Shane’s mouth on hers, his tongue rubbing and curling against hers, drove her wild. Her blood heated, and her heart rate and breathing sped up.

  Shivers of arousal caused her to shudder, and for a moment, she wondered if the earth had moved.

  By the time he let her up for air, she was shaking with desire and panting as if she’d just finished a cardio workout, but she kept her eyes closed as heat suffused her cheeks. She didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or assertive and ask for more. Shane had tasted so good. Cindy licked her lips and sighed. She could still taste him on her tongue.

  “You feel the attraction, too, don’t you, baby?” he asked.

  Although she couldn’t deny that, she wasn’t sure it was prudent to reply either. Why are they attracted to me? I’m not anyone special. I’m just a nobody. They’re all so big and handsome. They could have any woman they wanted with a snap of their fingers.

  “Cindy, look at me,” Shane demanded.

  Without meaning to, she opened her eyes and met his gaze. His green eyes were so intense as they locked with hers.

  “You feel it, too, don’t you, sweetie?” Grant asked, drawing her attention.

  All four of the Kenny brothers were once more gathered around her. Though she tried not to show it, she was having trouble breathing. She felt as if all the air in the room had been sucked out.

  While she didn’t really want to answer the question that had been asked a second time, she realized they weren’t going to give in until she did. Cindy had also been taught not to lie, so
after taking a deep breath, she replied, “Yes.”

  “Thank fuck,” Curt rasped out.

  “Thank you for not lying to us, honey.” Jake stroked a finger down her cheek.

  “We promise to never do anything to hurt you, sweetie,” Grant stated.

  She shook her head. “You’re darn tootin’ you won’t, but I haven’t said I’ll have a relationship with any of you either.”

  “What will it take for you to say yes?” Shane asked.

  “Put me down, please.” She pushed against his shoulders. With a sigh of reluctance, Shane eased her feet back onto the floor, holding her waist for a moment or two until she nodded for him to let go. “I can’t answer that question. I hardly know you, and you don’t know me.”

  “We’re mature men, Cindy,” Grant said. “We’ve been around the block a time or two and know what we want.”

  “As soon as we saw you, we knew you were the woman for us, honey,” Jake said.

  “We sure as shit did.” Curt winked at her and smiled flirtatiously. “All you have to do is say yes, darlin’.”

  “I need more time.” She backed up and leaned against the counter. These four men were dangerous. They were confident and sexy, and she was very tempted to tell them yes, but she wasn’t about to jump into bed with a man—or in this case, men—she barely knew.

  Even though she felt deep in her gut that they’d been sincere when they’d said they wouldn’t physically hurt her, they were huge, and if one of them so much as backhanded her, they could injure her badly.

  Cindy knew her anxious thoughts were the result of being kidnapped and beaten, but she was hesitant to put her trust in men she’d only just met.

  Yet the attraction between all of them was off-the-charts scorching. Just imagining having all four of them kissing, touching, and making love to her had her girlie parts sitting up and taking notice.

  Her breasts were swollen and achy. Her clit was throbbing, and her pussy was wet. It was so very tempting to give into her urges and say to hell with it, but she wasn’t wired that way.


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