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Nash (The Skulls)

Page 9

by Crescent, Sam

  Lash looked as surprised as he felt.

  “You’re men, and as Eva said, you’re twenty-nine years old and made one mistake. I’ve been neglecting my job as leader. It won’t happen again. I’m not here to kick your ass.”

  Edward didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to risk upsetting Tiny.

  “You earn your place back in the club, then it’s yours. I’ll back you, but you’ve got to get the drugs out of the deal.”

  “I’ll do it.”

  “Good.” Tiny slapped him on the back. “I’ve got to go and set a deal with Alex. The bastard is really starting to piss me off.”

  When they were alone, Lash sat beside him.

  “You took a beating for me.”

  “Yep, and I’d take it again and again. You’re my brother.”

  “Take me back to the chains. I can feel the hunger inside me to get a fix.”

  Lash helped him back to the main room. He saw Sophia stop mid-pace as they walked back to the room. “I was freaking out. He’s not the kind of man you say no to.”

  Killer grunted.

  “He’s the boss, Sophia.”

  Collapsing to the bed he waited for Lash to put on the cuffs.

  “Wait, what’s going on?” Sophia asked.

  “I’m going to finish this.”

  He felt weak. The determination was riding him hard. Edward wasn’t going to let this be the end of him.

  Keeping an eye on Sophia he forced himself to be okay with being locked in.

  “We’ll still keep an eye on you, and she won’t be alone.”


  She sat beside the mattress staring at him as Lash and Killer left the room. “What made you take the drugs?” she asked.

  He repeated the story he’d told Lash. It was the truth, and he didn’t see a point in hiding the truth.

  “Was it me? Did I drive you to taking them because I was a fucking idiot and sent you away?”

  “I was weak. I couldn’t handle you pushing me away. Yes, I took them because of your rejection, you didn’t push them on me. I was the weak one who couldn’t say no.”

  “I didn’t even know that Kate had the stuff. God, I was a bad sister.”

  “You were too damn good for her.” He took her hand and held her tightly.

  They were silent for a long time. Sophia broke the silence. “So you thought I was innocent?”

  “Compared to me and the life I’ve led, you’re innocent. You’re not a virgin?”

  Her cheeks went bright red. “No, I’m not a virgin.”

  “Neither am I.”

  She chuckled. “Let’s not talk about the past. You were with Kate, and I was with a guy. We can move past that.”

  “A guy?”

  “Edward, stop it.” She looked at their hands.

  Staring at her bowed head, he felt his heart explode with happiness. He knew all about the guy she was with, but he wasn’t going to think about that. When he was with The Skulls, before he fucked up, he could have anything. The women and the booze all came to him along with the parties. The Skulls couldn’t give him what he actually wanted, which was Sophia.

  “I hate my name,” he said, trying to distract himself.

  “Then work hard and get Nash back.”

  “Do you think I can do it?” he asked, needing to know her thoughts.

  “I think you can do anything that you put your mind to.”


  The week passed silently, and Sophia helped Edward throughout it all. The Skulls took turns helping out. She spent her days cooking, cleaning, and talking with Edward. The guys talked about club business, which she ignored. Lash stayed with them the most. When the guys were busy, she played cards with Edward on the mattress. She’d baked a chocolate fudge cake and stolen him a slice to enjoy. When the shivering and the vomiting ceased, Lash would take him out for a walk.

  On those days Sophia stayed inside waiting for the men to get back. She was more thankful when Lash offered to take his brother for a bath. The stench radiating off Nash had made her feel sick at times. Zero stayed the most. She was a little afraid in case he’d started to have feelings for her. Sophia noticed that he would find any excuse to touch her.

  “We’re taking the restraints off for good today,” Lash said on Friday night, the second week of staying in the factory. “Also, we’ve got some work to do, so it will only be you and Edward tonight.”

  “When do you think you’ll be calling him Nash?” she asked.

  “Soon. On Sunday a lot of the guys are going to be stopping by. We’re going to make sure he’s ready to join us.”

  “You’re afraid if he’ll fall off the wagon.”

  “It has been known to happen for addicts.” Lash looked past her to a sleeping Edward. “He’s going to be around booze, and he’s got to get used to it.”

  They’d all agreed that Edward would be best off not drinking or taking anything that could risk him spiraling down.

  “You’re leaving me alone?” she asked.

  “Edward would never hurt you, and I don’t like the way Zero is around you. I’m going to bring some distance between you and the guys.”

  She nodded. “I’ll take care of him.”

  Lash handed her the keys. “We’re going to lock up the building, so no one will come inside. You’ll be safe.”

  Sophia didn’t say anything.

  “Let him out when you’re comfortable.” He turned to leave. She watched him go, wishing he wasn’t leaving her. At the door he stopped and glanced toward her. “Thank you for helping me. The Skulls will always offer you their protection.”

  The door closed, and she was alone with the man she loved with her whole heart.

  “You don’t have to let me out if you don’t want,” Edward said.

  She turned toward him. Edward was sitting up against the wall. He was wearing clothes and looked more like the guy she first met than ever before.

  “You were awake?”

  “I’m a pretty light sleeper, babe. The drugs doped me enough to sleep throughout the night.” He let out a yawn, which made her laugh. “Lash told me he was going to leave the decision up to you. I don’t blame him. We’re here alone, but he’s right. I’ll never hurt you.”

  “I didn’t think you’d hurt me.”

  “I’m not offended.” Edward stared at her. “I’ve been an ass to you.”

  “Do you remember everything you did with the drugs in your system?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I knew what I was doing. I’m going to have to live with that for the rest of my life.” He looked sad, and she hurt for him.

  “I forgive you,” she said. The keys felt heavy in her palm.

  “You shouldn’t forgive me. I was a fucking bastard, and you should be hating my guts.”

  “I’ve never been good at that.” She tucked some hair behind her ear. The bruises from Gill and his friends had all but disappeared. The guys hadn’t hit her that hard.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said, catching her by surprise.

  “I’ve missed you, too. I never wanted you to go that day.” She walked closer knowing she was to release him from the cuffs.

  He stared up at her. Leaning over him she released one cuff then the other. Moving away, she put the keys down on the table and checked the chili she’d started to cook on the stove.

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw him rubbing his wrists.

  “Now that feels weird without the cuffs,” he said.

  “Do you feel like your old self?” she asked, tasting the chili. It was hot and spicy, just how Edward liked it.

  He got up from the bed and made his way over to her. “I am my old self. What just happened feels like a fucking nightmare.” His hands banded around her waist. She gasped, not used to his attention.

  “Sorry, I just needed to hold you without being chained to a fucking wall.” He buried his head against her neck, inhaling her scent.

  “At least you don’t stink,” she said.
/>   They both chuckled.

  Letting go of the wooden spoon, she placed her hand on top of his. “I’m pleased you’re not chained to a wall anymore.” He tightened his hold on her. “Go to the table. I’ll serve you up some chili.”

  He went without protest. Grabbing two bowls she served enough for each of them, then sprinkled the tops with cheese before heading toward the table with him.

  She saw him take the first spoonful, and the look on his face filled her with confidence. “I take it you like my chili?”

  “It’s the best damn chili I’ve ever tasted.”

  Smiling, she ate her meal wondering what the hell to say. Whenever they were alone before when he was dating Kate, they talked all the time. Eating her food gave her a reason to be silent, but she knew it was only a matter of time before Edward said something.

  “Lash is bringing the guys tomorrow. I’m going to get tested to make sure I’m strong enough to be in the club,” he said.

  “Is it going to be bad?”


  “Okay, what is it?”

  “You have to prove your strength to remain within the club. I’m going to have to fight some of the guys to prove that I have a right to be part of The Skulls.”

  She dropped her spoon. “No, you can’t fight anyone. You’re just getting over … everything. I’m not going to let them hurt you.”

  He took her hand. “I haven’t got a choice in this, baby. Being a Skull is my whole life. I can’t turn this down. I don’t fight then I’m out for good.”

  Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she picked up the tray and headed toward the sink. “What if they hurt you?” she asked. The thought of seeing him fight filled her with dread. There were still bruises over his body from what Tiny had done to him before. She understood why he got the beating, but this was not part of that.

  “They’ll hurt me, and I’ll prove myself.” He got up, standing close to her. Edward pushed the hair off her shoulder, exposing her neck.

  Turning toward him, she stared up into his eyes. They were dark, penetrating eyes. Every time she looked into their depths she always felt drawn to him.

  “I don’t know if I can handle you getting hurt.”

  “You’re a strong woman. Sophia, you can handle this.” He cupped her cheeks, keeping her focus on him.

  “I’ll handle it,” she said after some moments passed.

  “Good.” His fingers caressed across her lips. She gasped from the electricity his touch created.

  They were alone. No one was coming into the building, and Edward wasn’t chained to a wall.

  Heat flooded her pussy as his thumb pressed between her lips. Staring into his eyes, she opened her mouth, accepting him inside. She heard him gasp, and then he was walking her backwards.

  She hit the wall, and he crowded in front of her. He took her hands pressing them against the wall. She dropped her gaze to his lips.

  “I want you, Sophia,” he said.

  Biting her lip, she forced herself to look into his eyes. “I want you, too.”

  His mouth was on her within seconds. There was nothing gentle about the possession of his lips. Edward plunged his tongue in deep as he held her hands above her head. Their fingers were locked together. His cock was brandished against her pussy, pressing the thickness of him into her.

  Edward broke the kiss going to her neck and nibbling down to where her pulse had to be beating rapidly.

  Her heart was racing and her pussy dripping wet. He always made her feel this way around him. It was like the man she’d known for a long time was finally back in her life. Pulling his hands away from hers, both palms lay on her chest, holding her steady. “If you don’t want this, you’ve got to tell me to stop,” he said.

  “Why wouldn’t I want this?” she asked.

  She’d denied herself once before, and she’d almost lost him. Sophia didn’t care what he said. The only reason he took the drugs in the first place was because she pushed him away.

  There was no way she was going to make the same mistake again.

  “Are you sure?”

  Taking hold of his ears, she slammed her lips on his. “Do you doubt me now?”

  He tore at the shirt she wore. She tried to help him tug the shirt over her head. They were moving fast. With her shirt on the floor, she started working on his clothing as he effortlessly got her naked.

  This was going to be their first time naked together. She worked at his jeans until they were stood only in their underwear. The black boxers did nothing to obscure the view of his rock hard cock pressing against the front.

  “I’m at a disadvantage,” he said, pushing the straps of her bra down her shoulders. His fingers slipped between the clasp at the front.

  There really was no turning back now.


  “The Skulls need to come to an end,” Rick slammed his fist on the table making the glasses rattle. “They’ve ruled long enough. It’s time someone else takes the lead.”

  Gill listened to his friend, liking the idea more and more of taking over the biker club that ruled the town where he lived. He was sick and tired of living with the threat of the club. Fort Wills was not a town to be controlled. The only other problem he had was the fact he’d lied to cover up the reason they were doing the recon on the club. His and Willy’s job was to know what The Skulls were up to for another biker group. He’d lied to everyone in this room, and if the men found out the truth, he was fucked.

  “Do you think you can take over? Create fear and have The Skulls quaking in their boots?” Gill asked. He needed to instill fear, as otherwise he was going to be dead at the hands of a biker from Darkness. Shit, I’ve really fucked up this time. Three men had taken them on a couple of weeks ago, and they were all still trying to recover. He said as much to the group of ten men. All of them were vicious criminals wanting a place to make their own. He’d been scoping the box factory out to see if it was safe to start making their move on behalf of his employer.

  He’d lived on the outskirts of Fort Wills most of his life. The town was everything he needed, small, quaint, and prepared to have a force that wasn’t the law take over. When he’d been contacted over a month ago to rally together a bunch of men for a mission to watch The Skulls, Gill had been excited. He’d not told the men what the real plans were. If the men in the room knew he was using them, Gill knew he’d be dead within seconds.

  “We can take them on. They’re weak,” Rick said. He’d murdered multiple women in his time on the road. Gill had a lot of respect for the man. He respected anyone who was going to take the law into their own hands.

  “They’re not weak, and anyone who thinks they are, is insane,” Bishop said.

  Glancing around at the convicts in his midst, Gill smiled. “They’re all weak. Edward Myers has them all divided. A lot of the men won’t want a druggie in their club. A club divided is a club weakened.”

  “You look like you’ve got a plan, Gill. Let’s hear it.”

  “The men are weak when it comes to their bitches. They put a shit lot of protection on them.”

  “You think going after the bitches will weaken them?” Rick asked.

  He shook his head. “No. Attack two of the women, and they’ll put all the protection on them. No one watching their back will give us the opening we need. I know where they’re staying and when to hit out. These men will not see it coming.”

  Gill had been contacted a few hours ago by Scars. Their next point of attack was the women. He needed to get control of these men before they found out the truth. Once the others had done their job, he knew the members of Darkness were going to take them out. So long as he played his part, he’d have a chance of living.

  Get the job done, and live through it.

  All of the criminals nodded and smiled at his suggestion. It wasn’t his suggestion, but they didn’t need to know that. They settled around the table and began plotting the demise of The Skulls, which was really the plan he’d been orde
red to complete.

  Chapter Eight

  Flicking open the clasp, Edward stared at the full round globes of her tits. Fuck she was well stacked, and his mouth watered. He wanted a taste of her ripe flesh. Licking his lips, he dipped down, taking one of her red tipped nipples between his teeth and sucking on it.

  Her head fell back against the wall, gasping for breath. She sank her fingers into his hair, pulling on the strands. Edward refused to let up, sucking on her hard.

  “Please, harder,” she said, moaning.

  Biting down on her large nipple he gripped the edge of her panties and tore them from her body. Releasing her body, he rid himself of the boxers he was wearing.

  Edward let go of her breast and took a step back.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m admiring, baby. Fuck, you’re so damn beautiful.” Cupping his cock, he rubbed his length needing something to release the tension building inside him. She looked so fucking sexy. He wanted inside her, but right now he’d explode at the merest provocation.

  “You never had a woman before, Edward?” Her hands lifted against the wall, thrusting her breasts up high.

  Some men wouldn’t like the extra flesh or the curves she possessed. He couldn’t wait to get hold of those curves and make her his.

  Reaching out, he stroked a hand from her stomach up to her breast. He fingered the hard nub pointing up at him. “What are you waiting for?” she asked.

  “What’s your rush?” He’d gladly spend the whole night simply touching her.

  “This is my rush.” She took hold of his hand and slid it between her thighs.

  Stroking through her wet heat, Edward almost lost it. She was dripping wet, soaking his fingers with her cream.

  Her pubic hair was nicely trimmed giving him perfect access to her pussy. Sliding his fingers through her wet slit, he teased her clit, feeling how hot and swollen she was.

  She whimpered. Her hands went flat to the wall behind her.

  He sucked his cream covered fingers, tasting her. Sophia’s eyes widened as she looked at him.

  “How do I taste?” she asked.


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