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Pin-Up Fireman

Page 8

by Vonnie Davis

  She laughed and his gaze rose to meet hers. “We’ve been growing closer. Please don’t allow someone’s idea of a sick joke pull us apart. I have a sneaky feeling Darryl was behind this, but I have no proof. I was sure I closed this door when I came in to turn in my medical forms. When I went to leave, it was cracked open, and Darryl was loading paper into the copier beside the door.”

  He shifted toward her and took her hands in his. “You know, I wondered how you knew about the kind of cookies I love until Noah, the captain, started teasing me this morning. Then I caught on that he’d talked you into doing it. I was embarrassed and hurt and pissed he’d stuck his nose in where it didn’t belong, and my mouth just started running. Looks like I said some things I shouldn’t have.”

  He circled her waist with his arms. “I want you to tell me if any of those sonsabitches says one thing out of line to you. And God help them if they touch you. We’ve talked about that already, you and I. A man would be taking his life in his hands to mess with you or hurt you in any way. You’re a sweet person, Graci-Ella. You deserve respect and to be treated well.”

  She tilted her head. “Do I deserve a kiss?”

  His eyebrows shot up. “From me?”

  She looked around him. “I don’t see anyone else in this office.”

  Oh hell, was she forgiving him this easily? He stepped her back against the wall, and her eyes widened.

  He cupped the back of her head with one hand and tipped her face toward his with two fingers under her chin. His lips swept lightly across hers from one side to the other. “I’ve been starving for the taste of you since our goodnight kiss last night.” There was more pressure in his lips as they brushed back to the other corner of her delectable mouth. “Between your eyes, your body and those legs that go on for a country mile, how could any man resist you?”

  His lips covered hers gently until he needed more. He sucked her bottom lip, and she moaned. His tongue slipped in and caressed every part of the inside of her mouth.

  Her hands fisted in his t-shirt and then slid over his shoulders and around his neck. His other hand left her chin and went to her ass, bringing her against his erection. He rubbed her against it to create some sweet friction. He wanted her to know how she affected him. Her tongue responded to his and the kiss deepened. For a moment, he didn’t think he could ever stop.

  He left a trail of nibbles and kisses on her jawline, and she angled her head to grant him more access and moaned. “How do you know all my sensitive spots already?”

  His teeth slid down her throat; his mind a haze of sexual need. “Baby, I’m going to take delight in learning all your sensitive spots.” His mouth covered hers again, more masterful this time.

  She ran her tongue over his neck, and he nearly dropped to his knees. She bit his earlobe and his eyes damn near crossed. God, she could turn him on. “Am I off your shit list now?”

  “Do I get to stay for supper?” She sucked his bottom lip.

  “Only if you sit next to me.”

  She leaned back and stared into his eyes. “What if someone teases me about that red bra? It wasn’t like I hadn’t worn a top over it. I did.”

  He smiled before pressing his lips to her ear. “And a mighty fine top it was too.”


  While she sat next to Boyd on one of the sofas in the TV room, Graci-Ella went over the permission forms signed by the wives and significant others, paper clipping them to the pictures she’d taken of the fire personnel the other day, so she knew who all she’d have to work with. “Darn, I’m two short.” She went through the stack again.

  Boyd had his arm around her shoulders. Being so close to him was a great feeling. “I’ve got an idea if you don’t mind a suggestion.”

  “From you, of course not.” Her insides still trembled from their previous kissing session. She’d have to hang her panties from her radio antenna to get them dried before her meeting with a client, though where she’d pull over and shimmy back into them, she hadn’t a clue. Sweet heavens, she’d never had a man take command of her mouth like that and yet be tender enough to give her what she wanted.

  He fingered through the stack of photos and tapped at one. “Well, when Wolf moved into a townhouse next to Becca, his wife now. Her German shepherd, Einstein, used to steal a pair of her thongs and carry them over to Wolf every chance he got. It was damn comical the ways that dog would think of to sneak a pair of Becca’s thongs to their new neighbor, like he was a matchmaking canine or something. If you could get a shot of Wolf next to Einstein with a pair of Becca’s thongs in the dog’s mouth, like maybe red for Valentine’s Day or white with red hearts. That might be cute.”

  “Oh, I love it. Do you think I could talk Wolf into it?”

  “Are you kidding? You saw how he was the other night. Since he found out they’re expecting, the man’s in seventh heaven. He’ll agree to most anything. He’s also commander of the marine rescue unit, so a pic of him in that capacity would show him in a different light. Use him twice.”

  “What a great idea.” She gazed into Boyd’s gray eyes that crinkled at the corners when he smiled. “Do you always kiss a woman like you did me a little while ago?”

  He twirled his fingers around her hair. “You’re the first woman I’ve kissed since a month or more before my ex-wife moved out. At first, I was so filled with anger, I didn’t want another woman in my life. I barely talked to a female, except for my aunt Jinny. By the time I’d worked through all that, we were in the middle of preparations for a custody hearing. I’ve been so worried about losing Matt, I haven’t dated, even though my ex lives with another man. Then I met you and I changed my mind. I most definitely want a relationship with you.”

  She smiled and ran her hand down his arm and traced his pronounced veins with a fingertip. A slight shudder went over him. She bet he really missed the feminine touch.

  “How come someone as special as you isn’t dating anyone?”

  “I’ve been too busy with work since I moved here from Columbia, Maryland.”

  His phone played the Sesame Street title song, and he reached to tug it out of its scabbard. “That’s Matt’s ring.” He swiped the screen. “Hey buddy, what’s up?” There was excited conversation from the other end of the line. “Aunt Jinny is absolutely right. She’s only doing what I told her. Don’t you ‘oh Dad’ me! Either you take an hour’s nap now or you go to bed an hour earlier tonight. Be glad I’m giving you a choice. You’re still recuperating. So am I.

  “Know what I’ve been allowed to do at work today? Shine the chrome on an ambulance and help out in the kitchen. No assisting with marine rescue or fires for two whole weeks. I know you’re bummed about the nap thing. I’m pretty bummed about work too. Life’s not always fair, is it? Now, tell me who’s the best dad?” A little boy’s giggling began. “You better tell me or I’ll start singing. You know I will.” Boyd grinned. She’d lay bet this was a game they played often. “I’ll sing the Grinch song.”

  “No! Anything, but that!” The young voice filtered through the phone. He must have answered properly amidst all the laughter, because Boyd smiled. “And you’re the bestest son in the whole world. I love you and have a good nap.” He ended the call.

  “Will he take the nap or give his aunt a hard time?”

  “If he wants the use of his electronic toys, he’ll listen. Once he hears me lay down the law like I just did, he behaves very well.”

  She laughed at his macho bragging.

  His eyebrows rose. “What?”

  She elbowed him in the ribs. “You did not lay down the law. That usually involves yelling. And once you’ve yelled, you’ve lost the argument.”

  “Right. I didn’t yell, I told him what his options were and why, therefore I won.” He smiled which made her heart skip a beat.

  “We’re having more company than you for supper. Our station—for better or worse—has adopted two elderly gentlemen. One, Sam is Barclay’s father-in-law.”

ay is…Ghost. Right?”

  “Yeah. And Sam is Hell’s Bells, because he uses that expression a lot. He’s in the early stages of dementia, but he and Milt, or Gas Ass, are the best of buddies.”

  She pulled back a fraction. “Excuse me. Did you say ‘Gas Ass?’ Why would you give a man a nickname like that?”

  “He’s got a bit of an intestinal problem from not eating right. He manages the little grouping of vacation cottages Barclay owns. He’s comical as hell, but once he takes you under his wing, he’ll do anything for you. He’s a widower and damn lonely, so we’re all his boys.”

  A few of the firemen joined them, greeted her and asked if she minded if they played Wii until supper was ready. She wanted to point to her eyes and tell them to look at her there when they talked to her and not her boobs, but would it do any good?

  Boyd leaned forward. “Guys, the lady has eyes and a lovely face. Look at them when you hold a conversation with her. I’ll not have her disrespected.”

  Kissy Lips sneered. “Hell, Tiny, I was only trying to guess what color bra she has on today, or did you find that out already? Let me know so I get the next poster right.”

  “You ignorant bastard!” Boyd dove for the smartass kid. The other two guys jumped out of the way. The sofa fell backwards and the sound that cracked through the TV room was more flesh hitting flesh than sofa smacking tile floor.

  The captain and Ivy Jo charged out of his office. The captain and Quinn pulled Boyd off Kissy Lips who spat blood on the floor. “You think so much of her, but I bet I’m in her pants long before you.”

  Ivy Jo grabbed him by the neck of his shirt. “You’ll clean that blood and your language up. I put up with the language because I’m one of the guys, but Graci-Ella is a guest here. Show some damn respect.” She waved a handful of posters at the captain. “This is what comes from your “old boy system” thinking. I found your locker room humor as insulting as I’m sure Graci-Ella has. I’ve got a red bra too. So, how was I to know he wasn’t referring to me?”

  The bloody mouthed kid had the nerve to spout off, “Because the skin wasn’t dark enough.” Ivy Jo gave him two blows to his face so quickly her fist was like a blur of motion.

  “Darryl, in my office! Now!” The captain glanced at his squad which had assembled in a hurry once the word of the fight spread. “We’ll be having a meeting over supper. Graci-Ella, I hope you’ll stay to hear my apology, for I utter damn few.”

  Graci-Ella had seen her share of females fighting during and after basketball practices but, damn, this was a little different. Darryl’s expression when Ivy Jo smacked him was priceless. So were her remarks to the captain. Graci-Ella wanted to stand up and cheer both times. Maybe she and Ivy Jo could become friends. She’d collaborate with her on how she wanted photographed, because she’d really like to showcase Ivy Jo’s strength—inner and exterior, for she had both in large quantities.

  Boyd and Quinn upended the sofa in its rightful position and checked to make sure the back was still securely attached so it could be safely used. The two men exchanged words in a low tone. Quinn glowered at the office door. “I’d have strangled the bastard if he said something like that to Cassie. Wasn’t he taught a lick of manners?”

  Graci-Ella stood, not sure if she should declare she could take care of herself or simply thank Boyd for sticking up for her. But when he turned around, his expression was nearly feral, as though someone had tried to take something precious that belonged to him. The realization hit and hit her hard. She wanted to belong to him. Not just in a flirtatious way, but in a serious relationship.

  She glanced at her watch. Crap, she was going to be late for the meeting with her clients. She gathered her forms and papers and stuck them in her large purse. “Boyd, I have a meeting with clients in twenty minutes. Would you walk me to my car?”

  “Do you really have a meeting or are you running from the fight zone?”

  “Oh, please. I’ve seen worse fights that that.” He held the door open for her and followed her outside. “I should have chosen a better time to stop, but who knew I’d have an argument with the captain, one fantastic kissing session, a nice snuggle on the sofa and ringside seats for a fight? Nothing scared me except for that kiss. I’ve never had a smokin’ hot one like that.” She pointed to the small white SUV.

  Boyd wrapped his arm around her and tucked her to his side as they walked. “I’m sorry you have to rush off. Can you come tomorrow? You’ll need to plan your calendar shoot and I’ll need to see you.”

  Reaching into her purse, she removed some tissues and dabbed his bloody lower lip and nose before she handed him the Kleenex. She rubbed her hand over his pecs. “I’ll be here.”

  He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. “Drive careful, Sweetness.” He pressed his nose to her neck to inhale her fragrance, groaned and kissed her below her ear. An act that made her shiver and yearn for more.

  Tires squealed as an old Cutlass sped onto the lot and zipped into a parking spot. The car looked like it was more duct tape than metal.

  Boyd took her hand. “Come on. I’ll introduce you to Gas Ass. This car is his pride and joy.”

  She was trying her best not to laugh. The vinyl top was covered with a good three inches of duct tape. One side view mirror was heavily taped to the car. So were both front and rear bumpers. Was this ride even legal?

  A skinny man in a Hawaiian style floral shirt and shorts slid out from under the duct taped steering wheel and tooted a few times. “Who you got there, Tiny? She sure is a pretty thing.”

  Time for some feminine charm. She extended her hand and shook his as he passed more gas. “Sir, my name is Graci-Ella Santana and I haven’t seen one of these in shape like this in years.” She waved an open hand to his car. “It’s a seventy-six Cutlass Supreme, isn’t it? Classic orange. What’s it got under the hood?”

  The man’s pigeon chest was all puffed out. “A classic V-8 that purrs like a kitten.” His bottom did a little purring too. “Don’t often run into a young woman who knows much about cars.”

  “My daddy runs a garage for classic cars in Maryland. I used to be his right hand man.” She gave the poor old Cutlass another once over and lied like many a lawyer. “You’ve got a beaut, let me tell you. What did you say your name is?”

  “Milt Garland.” He jerked a thumb over his shoulder to a man wearing a t-shirt that read, My Tin Roof’s Rusted. “My running buddy is Sam Devon.”

  “Well, I’m pleased to meet you both, but I have to run or I’ll be late for a meeting. I hope to see you again.”

  Boyd walked her to her car. “You know how to schmooze an old man.”

  “Comes from working in a garage over the summers.” She glanced at her watch again. “I really need to hit the road. I’ll see you tomorrow. My schedule should be lighter and I’ll be here earlier.” She hugged him again. “Thank you for defending my honor.” She waved at the two old men who were obviously standing chaperone duty, side by side, hands clasped at their waists and all eyes so as not to miss a thing.

  All of the squad was settling around the table when Boyd stepped inside. They each welcomed Milt and Sam with boisterous greetings that pleased the old men. Boyd explained Graci-Ella had a meeting with a client and was afraid of being late, so she had to head off.

  “Did you see Darryl leave?” Captain Noah took some chicken off the platter and passed it on to Wolf, seated next to him. “I fired him and he threatened Graci-Ella and you. His remarks about Ivy Jo and Graci-Ella were out of line. Illegal.”

  Boyd’s gut rolled. “He can come after me all he wants, but if he tries to harm a hair on Graci-Ella’s head, he’ll find me breathing down his motherfucking neck, hot and heavy.”

  The captain nodded. “I figured you’d say as much. Our squad’s a tight knit group and that’s how I like it. There’s a big difference between giving someone a raft of shit and being plain insulting. Kid was lazy. He just wasn’t fitting in. I noticed other episodes of verbal sparring he’d s
tarted.” Noah sighed and looked directly at Ivy Jo and then Emily. “We need to remember women work here now. I don’t want them to have a hostile work environment. Ivy Jo, you’ve always been a good sport about our joking and teasing. Same for you, Emily. I apologize.”

  From that point on, normal supper conversation flowed. Boyd’s phone chirped. He tugged it from his jeans and saw Graci-Ella’s number. He swiped the screen and left the table. “Hey, Sweetness.”

  “Is Darryl, the guy you got in a fight with, still at the station? A big black pick-up is following me awfully close, and I swear the driver looks like him.”

  “No. The captain fired him.” A banging noise sounded and Boyd’s heart stuttered for a few beats.

  “That ass just rear-ended me!” There was a repeat of the same noise. “He…he did it again!” There was fear in her voice this time.

  Boyd rushed into the eating area. “Hold on a sec.” He glanced around the table. “What kind of vehicle does Darryl drive?”

  “Truck. Black Ram,” the captain replied. “Why?”

  “He’s following Graci-Ella and has rear-ended her twice.” He thumbed a button and spoke into the phone. “Baby, where are you? I have you on speaker so everyone at the table can hear you.”

  “On CR 896, heading into Tarpon Springs. He’s coming up beside me. Dear God, he’s hitting the side of the car. You should see his eyes! The man’s insane!” As she yelled, metal banged against metal.

  “He’s trying to force her off the side of the road.” Boyd had never been so freaking angry. He should have beaten the hell out of the kid when he had him down on the floor.


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