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Maybe for You--A Whiskey and Weddings Novel

Page 25

by Nicole McLaughlin

  After dozing on and off for an hour, Alex finally pulled herself out of bed, rubbing at her stomach. She’d had a few stomach pains the past couple of days, but they weren’t bad, so she hadn’t worried too much. From everything she’d read, that was normal and could go on for weeks before real labor kicked in.

  As she did every morning for the past week, she went into the nursery first. Standing in the doorway, she flipped on the light and smiled.

  The bed and dresser they’d ordered with Sharon’s gift card had been delivered a couple of weeks ago, and Jake had just finished putting it all together last weekend. Alex was in love with it. They’d chosen to decorate in neutral colors, but the room was full of giraffes. A nod to the “It’s a Girl” gift Jake had given her, which was prominently seated in the baby’s crib. The only pink in the room.

  Charlotte had gotten a kick out of telling that story at the shower she, Sharon, and Amy had thrown her a couple of weeks ago. Every time Alex thought about how her new sister-in-law had allowed Dean’s ex-wife to help her plan Alex’s shower it made her smile. Charlotte had known that Amy was still important to Alex, and she’d been the bigger person. And shockingly, Charlotte and Amy had gotten along just fine throughout the planning. Although when it had come up in front of Sharon, she just raised an eyebrow and mimicked zipping up her lips and throwing the key over her shoulder.

  That Charlotte, she was something else.

  Alex walked over to the closet and opened it up to admire all the baby boy clothes hanging on tiny hangers. She only opened that closet up about ten times a day.

  She’d moved in with Jake the week after Charlotte and Dean’s wedding, and she had no regrets about it. Part of her wondered why she hadn’t just done it sooner, but then she’d remember that her best decisions had always been the ones she hadn’t rushed into. They had the rest of their lives to be together, and she didn’t regret the months she’d gotten to spend with Joel. Someday he’d be gone, and she’d always have those memories of them sitting around the TV and yelling at contestants on The Price Is Right about how stupid they were for thinking that croutons were more expensive than almonds.

  Alex closed the door to the closet and headed downstairs to the kitchen. She still woke up thirsty every morning, so she proceeded to go through her morning routine of filling up a giant water glass, adding a straw, and then making oatmeal covered with pecans, maple syrup, and chocolate chips.

  When she was finished, she sat down at the kitchen table and was then irritated when she realized she’d left her phone upstairs. Glancing at the stove, she checked the time and sighed. Jake would probably be calling soon, and if she didn’t answer, he would send a search-and-rescue team over.

  With another sigh, she pushed up out of her chair, and instantly a trickle of liquid ran down her legs. “Oh shit,” she said, glancing down to see it rolling down toward her bare feet.

  She couldn’t believe this was happening right now. She hadn’t even gotten to eat her oatmeal. Turning around, she waddled over to the counter and grabbed a wad of paper towels and shoved them down her shorts and between her legs.

  As quickly as she could, she made her way into the hall and up the stairs. She could feel herself leaking a bit the entire way. The minute she grabbed her phone she called Charlotte to come pick her up. There was no way she was driving herself like this.


  “Charlotte, my water just broke.”

  “Oh my God, okay.” Alex could tell Charlotte was moving through the house. “I’m on my way right now. Did you call Jake?”

  “I will now.” Suddenly tears and reality set in. “I can’t believe this is happening when he’s gone.”

  Charlotte sighed. “I know. Call him right now. Get him on the road.”

  The minute they disconnected, she pushed Jake’s contact. While the phone rang she moved around the room trying to get her wet shorts off and pull some new ones on, which was difficult to do with one hand, a giant belly and a giant belly. She sat on the bed and turned off the phone.

  He hadn’t answered. Dammit.

  As soon as she dressed and brushed her teeth, Alex carefully went back down the stairs. She’d had her hospital bag packed and waiting by the front door for two weeks. Jake also had one sitting beside it. The sight of it made her want to cry.

  There was a knock at the door, and Alex let Charlotte in.

  “You okay?” Charlotte asked immediately

  Alex nodded. “Jake didn’t answer though.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll get Dean working on that. Let’s just get you to the hospital.”

  “Your car,” Alex said. “I’m leaking.”

  Charlotte shook her head. “I already put two towels down. Don’t worry.”

  “Those are our bags,” Alex said, pointing to the things gathered by the door.

  Charlotte picked them up, and within moments they were on the road. Alex tried Jake’s phone again and still got no answer. This time she left a voice mail.

  “Jake, it’s me. My water broke. Charlotte’s driving me to the hospital. Please hurry and come home.” She disconnected and looked over at Charlotte. “What if something happened to him?”

  “Oh honey, no. Don’t think like that. He’s just busy, I’m sure. Dean will get a hold of him and he’ll head home right away. I even told Dean to start checking flights out.”

  “That might not be faster,” Alex said, holding her stomach. She could feel a slight tightening in her lower belly.

  “We’ll get him home, Alex, don’t you worry.”

  *   *   *

  Jake glanced up at the antenna on the news van that had parked near the Stag Wagon for the past hour. He had a feeling it was jacking with his cell phone signal because he’d been trying to call Alex without success. It kept dropping the call every time he dialed.

  And here he was all alone serving up drinks. There was no way he could walk away and leave with all these people milling about. When there was finally a break in the crowd he stepped into the RV and tried to use it in there. No such luck.

  When he came back out, Vanessa Dunn was standing there. “Hi, Jake,” she said.

  “Vanessa, hello. I didn’t realize you were also part of this.”

  “Whatever my father is a part of, I’m a part of. I’m now co-owner of Dunn Enterprises.”

  “Congratulations.” He looked around. Things had thinned out even more. “Hey, could I ask you a favor?”

  Her perfectly lined eyebrow rose. “Okay.”

  “I’m not getting any cell service. I think it’s this jackass’s fault”—he nodded toward the news van—“but my girlfriend at home is pregnant and I haven’t spoken to her yet today. Think you could cover me here for a moment while I go and call her?”

  Vanessa’s eyes were round. “Your girlfriend is pregnant?”

  “Yeah,” he said grinning. “Actually you met her last year. Alex.”

  “Yes, I recall.”

  “Okay, thanks for doing this. I appreciate it.” He took off through the parking lot before she could argue. Glancing at his phone, he kept walking until he had enough bars that he figured he could make a call. Almost before he stopped walking, notifications started pouring in. Calls from Alex, voice mails, calls from Dean, from TJ, from his mother.

  “Shit,” he muttered, his heart beginning to hammer in his chest. His fingers began to shake as he tried to process whom he should call first. He pushed Alex’s name. After two rings, a voice said hello but it wasn’t her.

  “Charlotte,” he said. “Where is she?”

  “She’s right here, Jake. We’re at the hospital, she just got into a room.”

  “Oh God,” he said, running a hand through his hair. “Can I talk to her?”

  “Okay, hang on, she’s getting her blood pressure taken.”

  Jake turned around, suddenly raging that he was what … eight fucking hours away. He needed to get on the road, but he couldn’t head back to the RV or he’d lose his connecti
on. After a second, he heard Alex’s voice.

  “Jake?” she said, her voice full of fear. The sound broke his heart.

  “Baby, what’s going on?” He felt like sitting down in the parking lot so he wouldn’t fall down.

  “My water broke, Jake. Please come home. I need you. I can’t do this alone.”

  “You’re not going to do this alone, Alex. I’m sorry I had no reception. I’m going to leave and start back, okay?”

  “Dean’s trying to find you a flight.”

  “Okay, good. That’s good.” Although he had no clue how to get to the airport from here. He needed his navigator, Alex. His world. “I’m gonna get there, Alex. You hear me?”

  “Okay. Hurry.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you,” she said, her voice breaking.

  “Everything is going to be okay. Hear me?”

  “I hear you.”

  As soon as they disconnected, he called Dean.

  “Hey, man,” Dean said upon answering.

  “Hey, did you find me a flight?”

  “No. Unfortunately the next one from Nashville to Kansas City isn’t until three. By the time it’s all said and done, you’d be better off driving.”

  “Shit,” Jake said, turning around. He caught sight of the Stag Wagon. The thing was massive. It was a pain to drive and he certainly couldn’t easily speed in it. “Dean, I’m going to have to unhitch the RV and leave it here.”

  “Do it. TJ and I can drive down and pick it up in a few days.”

  “You sure?”

  “Hell yes. Just get home. My sister needs you here.”

  *   *   *

  Alex faintly heard Charlotte’s voice in the distance. She was in so much pain it was difficult to discern if she was dreaming, in a coma, or maybe dead. They’d put something in her IV to help with the pain, but she’d been adamant she wanted to try to get through without an epidural. Why had she decided that?

  “Alex?” Someone was rubbing her arm. “Open your mouth, sweetie.”

  It was a nurse. Alex tried to open her mouth only to get two wet ice cubes placed on her tongue. Instinctively she bit down, and enjoyed the coolness. She opened her mouth again and, sure enough, more ice was miraculously placed there.

  “It’s been seven hours.” That was definitely Charlotte. “How long can she safely go with her water broken?”

  “We’ve got plenty of time. She’s doing great. Things are progressing steadily. She’s dilated to a five and is in active labor, but she could move into transition at any time. Just keep on reassuring her. You’re doing exactly what you should be doing.”

  “Okay. But you know we’re trying to wait for the father. He’s on his way.”

  “It will probably be fine if he gets here in the next hour or so. But there’s no way to tell.”

  “Thank you,” Charlotte said.

  Alex forced her eyes open again and focused on Charlotte. “Where is he?”

  “He’s on his way, Alex. I promise. You’re doing such a good job.” She felt a cool hand on her forehead, swiping her damp hair off her face.

  For the past several hours she’d walked the halls with either Charlotte or Sharon, sat in a chair, squatted, walked some more, and now she was in so much pain she didn’t want to move.

  *   *   *

  Jake was about a half-hour away, on the east side of Kansas City when Dean called. “What’s happening?”

  “Where are you?” Dean asked.

  “I should be there in about a half hour.”

  “Okay, because she’s dilated to nine. It could happen at any time.”

  Jake punched the steering wheel with so much force he thought he might have broken something. He could not believe he’d let this happen. The event in Nashville hadn’t even really been worth it. Nothing was worth not being there for Alex. He’d known she was terrified to go into labor. The thought of anything happening to her baby kept her up at night a few times.

  And here he was driving nearly eighty down the highway trying to get to her.

  “I’m trying, Dean,” he said, getting on a ramp to merge onto another highway. The sun was now low in the sky, and although there were less cars on the road, some of them were difficult to see without their lights on.

  By the time he pulled off I-35 and headed down the road toward the highway, his heart was beating to the point of pain. Every driver who slowed down in front of him made him want to rage. He was nearly frantic with anxiety and excitement. All he wanted was to get to Alex. It was the only thing on his mind, which was probably why he didn’t see the truck coming at him from the other direction as he took off to go through a stop sign.

  *   *   *

  “You’re doing great, Alex. You’re breathing beautifully,” the nurse said. Alex inhaled deep, watching the nurse, who was watching the monitor. “Now try to blow it out slowly.”

  Instead she opened her mouth and screamed. “Where is Jake?!” She glanced around the room realizing that everyone was gone. “Where is Charlotte?”

  “Relax, Alex.” The nurse’s eyes darted back and forth from Alex to the door. Something had felt wrong over the past few moments.

  “What’s happening?” She said, suddenly panicking. Just a few moments ago Charlotte had been right by her side, talking her through her contractions, rubbing her back. Then she’d just disappeared with another nurse.

  The woman standing near Charlotte’s bedside turned and yelled toward the door at the same time she pushed the call button. “Someone come in here!”

  Another nurse came around the corner a second later, a weird fake smile on her face. “How’s it going, Alex?”

  Was she kidding? “Where’s Jake? Is he here?”

  “Not yet, hon, but Dr. Mendoza is putting her gloves on.”

  Alex’s eyes widened. “No! I’m waiting for Jake. He’s supposed to be here.” She let her head fall back and she wailed in desperation. “Charlotte!”

  Right now she felt insensible, paranoid, and enraged. Right then another contraction began to radiate up her uterus, the pain forcing her to crunch into a ball, pulling her legs toward her chest. The minute it passed she let out a hard breath as if she’d just come up from being underwater. “Oh my God. I’m scared.”

  She fell back onto the pillow just as Charlotte walked in the room. The minute Alex saw her face, she knew something was truly wrong.

  “Dr. Mendoza is here, Alex,” Charlotte said, trying to smile. “Are you ready to have this beautiful baby?”

  Alex began to shake her head frantically. “No, not yet, please.”

  “Everything will be fine, sweetie,” Charlotte said, rubbing Alex’s arm.

  Tears fell from Alex’s eyes, rolling down her temples. Her body began to vibrate, just a bit at first, but quickly led to a violent shiver. She was so cold. Her teeth began to chatter, and Charlotte looked at the nurse.

  “What’s happening?” she asked, her voice frantic.

  “It’s normal. It’s time,” the nurse said. She was messing with things at the foot of the bed, and Alex, with her teeth still chattering, began to cry harder.

  “Charlotte,” she said, almost unable to talk. “Where is Jake? I need him here.”

  “I know, honey.” Was Charlotte crying also?

  What the hell was happening? She wasn’t even sure if she’d screamed that out loud or in her head. Alex watched as her sister-in-law darted a look toward the nurse who returned it with a quick shake of her head. Time began to stand still; sounds started to muffle.

  “Someone tell me, what the fuck is happening. Where is Jake?”

  “He’ll be here soon,” Charlotte said. “I promise.”

  “You’re lying to me, Charlotte,” Alex said weakly as Dr. Mendoza came in the room.

  “Alexis,” the doctor said in a soothing voice. “I need you to calm down. Your panicking is causing your baby’s heartbeat to accelerate even more and that’s not good.”

Oh God, no,” she whispered. She tried to suck in a deep breath, but all she wanted to do was cry. Between the pain, the shivering, and the fear, she was nearing hysteria.

  “Alex, hold my hand,” Dr. Mendoza said.

  Alex shook her head and locked onto a gloved hand.

  “Look at me.”

  Opening her eyes as wide as she could, Alex focused on the deep brown eyes of her doctor. “I’m scared to push.”

  “I understand, but believe me, your body was made for this.”

  She shook her head, feeling out of control. “No, it wasn’t.”

  Dr. Mendoza gave her a weak smile. “We’re going to deliver this baby now. Okay? But I can’t do it without your help. I need you to think about your baby. He needs you to calm down.”

  “But can you please tell me where Jake is? Please?”

  “Alex, right now, I need you to focus on pushing this baby out. Everything will be okay. Trust me.”


  Alex hadn’t dreamed about Nate in so long she’d almost forgotten what his voice sounded like. She knew she was dreaming for some reason, because she kept wanting to wake up. They were in the desert driving in a convertible, and she was angry with him. He just wouldn’t pull over so she could get out.

  Finally he did, and when she stepped out of the car, she looked around and realized she was in Munich, Germany. She began to run as fast as she could, calling for Jake. Where was he? She’d been searching for him all night. She stopped short when the Stag Wagon came into view. Smiling, she called out his name. He had to be here. He told her he would be.

  Trust me, Alex. Everything will be fine.

  She remembered hearing those words.

  A low beeping sounded once. Twice. And then something was clamping down on her arm. She looked over. A stuffed giraffe was squeezing her arm. It got tighter. Tighter. So tight she began to twist around to try and get it off.


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