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Masters of My Desire

Page 8

by Jenna Jacobs

  “I assumed that the first time,” I snapped in defiance as the wicked toy was pressed against my clit once more.

  It only took seconds before the threat of release thundered through my veins. Cries of demand tore from my throat.

  “Don’t do it,” Nick barked. His bellicose tone melded with the carnal shriek roaring through my veins.

  “I can’t hold it,” I screamed.

  And just as I crested the peak, the vibe was jerked away.

  “No more, please,” I sobbed.

  “You hold the power, kitten,” Dylan replied, his warm hand trailing up and down my spine. “Answer the question, and you’ll finally be allowed to crash headlong into that sweet release you’re primed and ready for.”

  “I don’t want to answer the fucking question, I just want to come,” I wailed.

  “Why don’t you want to answer it, you filthy-mouthed girl?” Nick growled.

  “Because it’s personal,” I whined, sagging against the mattress.

  “That’s all the more reason to tell us, little one.”

  “Look, there are things that I need to keep private, okay? This isn’t a relationship, it’s just lessons.”

  Nick slung his burly arm beneath me, flipping me onto my back. His face hovered above mine as he seared me with a lethal gaze.

  “Oh, you’re so wrong, little one,” he hissed between clenched teeth. “If you don’t think we’re emotionally invested in each other, no matter the length of time, you’re seriously mistaken. There’s nothing you can’t tell us. Nothing you can’t confess. There’s no part of you, past or present, that we don’t ache to own.”

  My heart hammered in my chest. His words sliced me open like a scalpel.

  “We’re not going to let you fall, little one. Not today, not tomorrow, not even next week.”

  “You can’t promise me that.” My voice cracked and tears filled my eyes. “You and Dylan will be back in Chicago next week and I’ll…”

  “You’ll what, baby?” Dylan asked as he climbed onto the bed, kneeling next to me. His eyes brimmed with warmth and compassion. God, he undid me with just a look.

  “I’ll go back to…to dreaming about all this,” I sobbed.

  “You can do more than dream about it.” Dylan smiled as he bent, sipping my tears between his lips. He sat up and glanced at Nick, whose expression was grim and unreadable. “Nick and I talked this morning about…things after this week. We’ve got a friend, Mika. He owns Genesis. We’re going to reach out to him and get some people you can contract who are in the lifestyle back in Kansas City. We want you to connect with them when you get back home. There’s no way in hell we’re going to open you up without a safety net to fall into. Unfortunately, it won’t be our safety net.”

  His words burned as if he’d doused me in acid. They intended to pass me off to some unknown Dom, and expect me to hand my control over to him? What if he decided he didn’t want me? What if I wasn’t experienced enough for anyone else? How had this connection with Dylan and Nick grown so strong in such a short amount of time? And when had I allowed myself to envision more from this “arrangement” than they had offered?

  When you lost your heart to them, dumbass.

  I didn’t want reality rearing its ugly head. Not now. Not yet. In a week…I’d welcome it with open arms, let the emptiness run its course, but not yet. Until I found a way to insulate my heart, I knew I’d be a fool to take one more step down this precarious path with them.

  With a gulp of steadfast determination, I braved back my tears. I would find a way to rescue my heart and carry on with my training. Then once back home, I would seek out my own Dominant…if and when I decided. They didn’t need to fix me up with a stranger. I didn’t want a stranger. I wanted Dylan and Nick. And if it was only for a short while, then so be it.

  “Thank you. I really appreciate you guys being concerned about how this is going to affect me. But I don’t want you to call your friend, Mika. I’ll find a Dom on my own.”

  “Nobody said anything about us fixing you up with another fucking Dom,” Nick snarled.

  “Easy, bro,” Dylan warned with a cautious stare.

  “No,” he challenged. “If we expect her to be open and honest with us, than it’s only fair we do the same.”

  “Nick,” Dylan chided, his cerulean eyes flashing in silent warning.

  “Savannah.” Nick gazed down at me, ignoring Dylan’s caveat. His charcoal eyes softened as he smoothed a hand over my hair. “We’re not looking to hook you up with a Dominant. The thought of you kneeling before someone else and looking up at him with your beautiful, trusting brown eyes makes me want to slam my fist through a lead wall.”

  “I don’t understand,” I was afraid to breathe…afraid to hope.

  “I’m telling you that you’ve touched me, little one. In here.” He patted a broad hand over his heart. “And when this week is done, I’ll be carrying a piece of you with me.”

  His words made my mind whirl like a carnival ride. Nick wasn’t making a declaration of love by any stretch of the imagination, yet it garnered a palpable tension between him and Dylan. I was more than surprised by Nick’s confession. Dylan had impressed me as more in touch with his feelings, yet Nick’s words obviously bothered him.

  “And you with me, Sir,” I replied in a timid voice. I couldn’t keep from gazing up at Dylan and wonder if he, too, would think fondly of our time together.

  “I’m sorry, kitten.” Dylan’s expression was filled with sorrow and guilt.

  The last thing I wanted was for any of us to walk away shrouded in guilt.

  “For what?” I painted on a soft smile. “You’ve nothing to be sorry for, Sir.”

  “I’m good with a joke, pet. But I’ve got a lousy track record when it comes to relationships.” Dylan gave a minimizing shrug and for the first time, I caught a glimpse of his emotional fortress. Seemed I wasn’t the only one hiding behind walls of self-preservation.

  Memories of college days popped into my brain, Psych class in particular. We’d had a discussion about masks people projected to hide inner pain or personal trauma, and how those who projected excessive humor were often the ones hiding the deepest scars. The predominant motive was to keep others at arm’s length to shield their heart or stave off pity. My heart ached for Dylan, not with pity, but sorrow for what whatever pain life had dealt him. I surmised his experiences in Iraq could have been the reason he wanted to hide pieces of himself. War had to be a life-altering experience, and not in a good way.

  I raised my hand, cupped his cheek, and gazed into his eyes. “I promise I won’t ask you to marry me, then.” Shock played over his face. I couldn’t help but grin.

  He laughed then reached down and tweaked my nipple. “I like this sassy side of you, kitten. Claws and all.”

  “I’ll remind you of that, Sir, the next time you decide to torture me with edging. That suc… stunk.” I tossed a glance at Nick then flashed an innocent smile.

  “You’re getting better little one, but you obviously have a long way to go,” Nick warned. “Where did you learn to curse like a sailor?”

  I shrugged. “I grew up in a house filled with colorful language and sometimes it just slips out.”

  “Like when you talk to your sister?” Dylan grinned.

  “Sometimes,” I replied in a defensive tone then shook my head. “You can’t tell me that you two choir boys haven’t cursed. I’ve heard you.”

  “True, but we don’t like to hear you curse.”

  “You’re in construction, for crying out loud. It’s not like you’ve not heard those words and worse. I was at a site once and a guy asked if I wanted to see his purple headed yogurt slinger. I was like…seriously?”

  Dylan started to laugh. Nick cupped his hand over his forehead and gaped at me as if I’d grown a third eye.

  “Did you tell him yes?” Dylan choked out in his fit of laughter.

  “Oh, for the love of… no, I did not!”

  I giggled w
hen Nick threw his head back and laughed. The weight of our awkward discussion had been purged and the buoyant laughter was a balm to my jagged nerves.

  “Fair enough, little one. Just watch your mouth with us. And Dylan, make a note to talk with the crew about language when we get back,” Nick instructed with a velvet chortle.

  “Speaking of business, don’t you think it’s time we got back to it?” Dylan smirked as he cupped a breast and leaned down.

  “Yes Sir. I think that’s a marvelous idea.” I sighed and thrust my shoulders back, greedily lifting my breast to his approaching mouth.

  Nick eased from the bed, stripped off his jeans and positioned himself between my legs, spreading my thighs wide.

  “You’re dripping wet, little one. Your claims of it being tortured tell me otherwise. Were you lying to us?”

  I gasped on a quivering breath as Dylan sucked a nipple in deep, flicking the sensitive tip with his tongue. The sizzling current surged straight to my clit. “I wasn’t lying, Sir. My body has a mind of its own when I’m with you two. Trust me. I enjoy what you’re going to do a whole lot more, Sir.” I moaned.

  Nick chuckled. His breath whirled over my anxious pussy. “Ah, but you don’t know what we have planned, pet. And I don’t remember saying anything about you enjoying it.”

  “Please Sir, I’ve had enough torture for one day.”

  “You haven’t yet begun to suffer for me, little one.” His words were like rich, dark chocolate. Decadent and delicious.

  I had no doubt that Nick could make me suffer a wealth of untold agony, and that thought alone made me even wetter. A whimper of delight slid from my throat when Nick’s broad thumbs spread my folds, and he swiped his hot, wet tongue up my center. His rumbling growl of approval made my heart sing.

  I opened myself to his desires, and he devoured me like an animal starved. Fingers filled my quivering tunnel as his tongue laid siege to my clit. A wet finger rimmed my anus as Nick circled the gathered flesh in a delicate massage. Pulses of electricity arced in a dazzling fire, spreading outward from my virgin hole in an obscene ripple. Dylan nipped and laved my turgid nipples with urgency.

  Lost in every sensation they commanded, I was at their mercy. Fingers, tongues, teeth, and hands worked at exacting my surrender. And like a baby sapling in a hurricane, I yielded to their demands. I welcomed the building pressure; basked in the gathering current that numbed my limbs, and savored the carnal fire pumping through my veins.

  “Please. Please. Please,” I mewled in an urgent mantra.

  “You beg so fucking sweetly,” Dylan praised as he tugged my throbbing nipple between his teeth. “Shatter for us, kitten. Come now. Come hard!”

  His words, like scissors, clipped the unraveling threads of my control. As I sailed over the edge and into oblivion, Dylan sank his teeth into my nipple, pinching the other with a brutal squeeze.

  Nick’s broad finger breached my puckered rim, driving deep inside my dark passage as I splintered into a thousand shards of molten glass. My screams of ecstasy echoed through the room. Arching my hips, my tunnel and ass gripped Nick’s nimble fingers, locking him deep. Blue and white lights exploded beneath the spotted lace obscuring my vision. Locked and frozen, a prisoner to the orgasm’s brutal assault, oxygen burned my lungs. My heart thundered in my ears and without warning, my uncontrollable spasms sucked and clutched the embedded fingers that still coaxed for more.

  A feral roar splintered the air as Nick ripped his fingers from within me. My tunnel fluttered in abandonment. A mournful wail tore from my throat.

  “Hang on, baby,” Nick hissed in a tight, impatient voice. “I have to feel you, pet.”

  Faint sounds of a condom wrapper slowly registered in my brain. I writhed; the sudden emptiness was savage. I was burning alive. Something cold and hard pressed against the fiery lips of my pussy.

  “Yes, please. Fuck me, Nick. Fuck me hard.”

  “Fuck her, Nick. Christ. Yes,” Dylan demanded on a feral whisper.

  Nick slapped the broad head of his cock against my clit and I screamed as the orgasm continued to toss me in its tempest.

  “It’s Sir, my luscious little slut,” Nick roared. Pressing the bulbous crest between my swollen folds, he drove deep into my clutching core.

  “Sir…Sir, fuck yes. Oh yes, Sir. Fuck me hard,” I choked, rocking my hips and meeting each of his slow languid strokes in a piqued frenzy.

  His cock was huge and the pain of my yielding tissues was exquisite torture.

  Lost in the sensation of Nick, I was only half cognizant of movement near my head. Nick forged his bountiful cock in and out, dragging over that roaring bundle of nerves, hidden so deep inside me. A wide hand wedged beneath my shoulders blades, lifting my back off the bed. I slitted my eyes open and watched through the rapturous haze. Dylan, now naked as well, stuffed a pillow behind my back then lowered me down upon it, slightly elevating my head.

  My breasts were thrust toward the ceiling in sovereign offering as he settled in behind me. Leaning forward, his engorged cock seeped in need beneath his pounding fist, directly above my face.

  “Open, kitten. Swallow me down that glorious throat. Suck my cock, baby.”

  Pressing the top of my head to the mattress, I opened wide and stuck out my tongue. The muscles in my throat tightened as I gazed at Dylan’s shorn sac, tightly drawn in narrow ripples; separating his orbs was a thick rigid line. As I inhaled his potent, spicy aroma, he threaded his saber between my lips.

  Our hisses, grunts, growls and moans melded with slapping flesh, marking time to the most salacious symphony of indulgence I’d ever heard. Thick and pungent, the scent of sweat and sex filled the air. Never before had I felt so replete and profoundly feminine.

  Dylan’s cock nudged the back of my throat in a poetic dance. I reached up and gripped his hips as I breathed in his savage musk. Nick drove deeper and faster into my blazing core, surging the crescendo higher and harder.

  Unable to focus on each individual sensation, I surrendered shamelessly to their lashing shafts, giving over to every deviant desire they longed to sate.

  Nick brushed his finger over my sensitized clit and once again, I took flight. Lost in a prurient fog, I spiraled higher and higher within their mastery. My muffled moans of demand vibrated over Dylan’s cock.

  “Now!” Dylan thundered as his thickness swelled upon my tongue. An animalistic cry of triumph tore from his lungs and his hot, thick come jettisoned down my throat.

  Nick bellowed a thunderous growl as he pounded deep into my cunt, spilling his blistering seed into the rubber barrier. I swallowed and screamed, gurgling on Dylan’s slippery seed as I shattered over Nick’s driving shaft. My entire body convulsed as if possessed, while my pussy gripped and milked Nick’s cock. Panting and sweating, I forced my heavy lids open and dropped my arms to the bed as Dylan withdrew from my mouth. His body was covered in a glistening sheet of sweat and an expression of total bliss reflected upon his face. I smiled then peered at Nick as he eased from my fluttering pussy wearing a satisfied smile over his tawny lips.

  “You’re amazing, little one.” He winked then rose to his feet and strolled to the bathroom as my tunnel quivered in glorious aftershocks.

  Dylan flopped onto the bed besides me, flat on his back. He panted as if he’d run a marathon. My breathing was much the same. Nick returned within moments and gently wiped my sensitive folds with a warm cloth before dropping to the bed alongside me. I reached out and rested my palms on their wide chests. Their fingers entwined mine and I closed my eyes to savor the connection. I felt limp and wasted, yet more alive, more invigorated than I could ever remember.

  The shrill sound of Nick’s sat phone caused all three of us to jump in surprise.

  “I’m going to throw this fucking thing out the window,” Nick groused as he sat up, snatched his jeans from the floor, and freed the phone.

  “Hello,” he barked with a scowl.

  “Are you three doing okay? How is Savannah feeling to

  I could hear Kit’s voice through the ear piece and watched Nick’s expression soften. A slow smile tugged the sides of his mouth.

  “She’s doing fine. I know she’s sore, but she’s not complaining.” He grinned mischievously. “She cries out now and then in a moan or whimper.”

  His body shook with silent laughter as my eyes widened in horror. I had to bite my lips between my teeth to keep from screaming at him.

  “Do you have enough groceries? If not, I can try to dig a path and bring you some food.”

  “We’ve got plenty. There’s nothing we need. Stay inside and keep warm. We’re just hanging out down here and getting to know Savannah better by the minute.” Nick flashed me a wicked smile. “Other than that, there’s nothing much going on down here. Just waiting for the storm to pass. Is everything okay up at the house?”

  “Me and these two cuties from Des Moines are doing fine,” Kit laughed.

  “You’re not corrupting them, are you?” Nick teased.

  “I wouldn’t remember how,” she chuckled before her voice dropped. “I haven’t heard a word from Mellie. Is Savannah freaking out yet?”

  Nick explained that Mellie had called and was safely back home. Kit reminded him there was dry wood in the mudroom, for which Nick thanked her before saying their good-byes.

  “I can’t believe you just did that,” I gasped.

  “What?” Nick blinked in a poor attempt at feigned innocence.

  “You told Kit I was sore and moaning and that you were…” I raised two fingers on each hand and wiggled them in a quotes symbol. “Getting to know me better. She’s going to think we’re down here having sex.”

  “Well, we were.”

  “Argh,” I groaned. “She doesn’t need to know that!”

  “She doesn’t. She thinks I was talking about the accident. And why does it bother you if she knows the truth?”

  “It’s private.” Blood heated my cheeks.


  “And…” Dammit! Why did Nick have to keep digging at me? “I just don’t want her to know.”

  “That’s not a reason, pet.” Nick frowned.

  “Do we embarrass you, kitten?” Dylan asked, a frown tugging his mouth.


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