Masters of My Desire

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Masters of My Desire Page 12

by Jenna Jacobs

  “That’s a long time,” I whispered without thinking.

  Nick laughed. “We’re not that old, pet.”

  “No, Sir. I meant…”

  “I know what you meant, girl. Relax, it’s all good,” he chuckled. “We grew up in the country. It was the middle of June and hot. We were driving home from a party late one night and came upon a girl walking down the road. Her name was Abby. She’d graduated with us. She was one of the cheerleaders at our school, and she was crying. So we pulled over and stopped. Long story short, she and her boyfriend had been parked in a cornfield down the road. She’d been determined to lose her virginity before she went away to college, but her stupid boyfriend got drunk and passed out on her.”

  “So, you and Dylan…”

  “Yes, pet. We took care of her little problem then drove her home.”

  I wasn’t sure if I admired their chivalry or deplored their motive for snagging a convenient piece of pussy.

  “What other questions are rolling around in that pretty brain of yours, girl?” He smiled.

  “Too many,” I confessed with a nervous smile. “How did getting married almost ruin your friendship with Dylan? If I’m being too nosy, Sir, please tell me.”

  He leaned down and kissed my lips with a tender caress. “No, little one. Your questions deserve answers. I met my ex-wife, Paige right after Dylan came home from Iraq. She was from a wealthy family with old money and thick in society circles. We met at a fund-raiser. Admittedly, I drank too much champagne and invited her back to my house. One thing led to another and a few weeks later we were in a relationship. She’s strong willed and while I find that extremely attractive in a submissive, Paige didn’t have a subservient bone in her body. But I thought I was in love and could forego my Dominant desires. I may have been able to.”

  He shrugged and frowned with a sour expression. “Who knows? I never got a chance to test that theory. After the wedding, she changed…almost overnight. There were two sides of Paige. She had a loving, carefree, playful side then a vindictive, hateful and manipulative side. Unfortunately, I didn’t discover the latter until after the wedding. Dylan was the only one who saw through her façade. He’d tried to warn me that she was only interested in my money as a means to climb her social ladder but instead of listening to him, I got pissed. I accused him of horrible things, of trying to sabotage my happiness because she wasn’t the type of woman we could share. I almost lost him over her. I’ve spent a lot of time kicking my own ass because of it.”

  “But you thought you were in love.” I reached out and squeezed his leg, leaving a wet hand print on his jeans.

  “No, I was in love with the idea of being in love, little one. I knew in the back of my mind I was making a mistake as I stood before the Minister. But my own stubborn pride kept me from turning on my heel and walking out the church doors. The marriage was destined to fail before it began. We’ve been divorced two years, yet she still insists on trying to drag me back to court, contesting the prenuptial agreement.”

  “Can she do that?”

  “She can try, but she’ll fail. My lawyer has a box filled with proof that she’d been fucking other men since we got back from our honeymoon. I didn’t know it at the time, but her prized Bentley was a gift from one of her rich fuck buddies, an old man she kept on the side because he gave her credit cards to buy whatever she wanted.”

  “Why did she even bother marrying you in the first place?” I asked in disgust.

  “I asked her that, once. She told me it was something she hadn’t tried yet.”

  “Wow.” I was speechless. What kind of heartless bitch did that to a guy? I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that she’d used him. My blood began to boil. I wanted to find that nasty snatch and bitch slap her into next week. “God, Nick. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”

  “It taught me a lesson, little one, to guard my heart and never get married again.”

  Paige had damaged Nick so deeply that his entire outlook on relationships had been tainted. She’d taken away all hope of him ever finding a happy-ever-after. And somehow, I knew that if Paige ever discovered how deeply she’d crushed him, she’d find joy in the fact. Women like her gave our gender a bad reputation.

  “Do you have any other questions, pet?” Nick asked with a solemn expression.

  “No, Sir. Thank you for your honesty,” I whispered, wishing I could take his pain away.

  “It’s part of the exchange, little one. You’ve been trying to come out from behind your walls and I’m impressed. There’s nothing I won’t share with you for granting me your gift of trust.” A broad smile spread over his lips and his eyes sparkled with pride. The joy I’d brought to him sent a rush of warmth through my body.

  “You can relax a bit longer if you’d like, pet, then come on out and join us. Dylan is building a fire. We want to keep you warm. Very, very warm.” An evil smile tugged the corner of his mouth as he reached down and plucked a nipple.

  “Warm? Is that what you call it, Sir? I call it raging inferno, thank you very much.”

  “Then we’re doing our job, little one.” Nick stood and walked out of the room, chuckling as he left.

  The emotional torture Paige had put Nick through made my heart ache. And the fact that the evil bitch was still making his life a living hell had me seething with rage. I’d never wanted to hire a hit man like I did then.

  Naked and cold, I padded back to the large common area where I was met with two hungry smiles and a blazing fire—not only in the fireplace, but in my veins. Amazed by their ability to ignite my desires with just a look, I darted a nervous gaze between them.

  “You’re scaring me, Sirs,” I giggled as I eased between their warm bodies and sat on the couch.

  “Your fears are unfounded, kitten,” Dylan winked.

  “Thank heavens,” I sighed in gratitude.

  “We’ll remind you that you said that, little one.” Nick grinned.

  “Remind me? When, Sir?”

  “Don’t eye me with suspicion, pet,” Nick laughed. “We’ll make certain you feel no pain at all.”

  “No pain with what, Sir?” I gulped.

  “You’ll find out later, little one.”

  Nick’s cryptic reply sent my heart racing. Obviously they had something planned that had the potential to include pain. My mind began to reel with possibilities, none of which brought me one iota of comfort.

  “Nick tells me you two had a nice talk in the bathroom. Is there anything you’d like to ask me, kitten?” Dylan smiled.

  Oh, they were smooth as silk. Nick dropped a bomb that ratcheted my fears off the damn charts and Dylan swooped in to dust the shrapnel away by changing the subject. And silly me, I let them keep me on my toes like a ballerina in a performance of Let’s Mind Fuck the Submissive. I liked it better not knowing when I was going to be blindsided versus waiting, wondering and worrying what they planned next.

  “Still reinforcing my trust, right Sirs?” I asked with a knowing smile.

  “Exactly,” Nick grinned. “You’re learning fast, little one. Good girl.”

  Goosebumps peppered my flesh and my nipples drew up tight all from one simple phrase. Good girl. Did they have any idea of the heady rush evoked by those two words?

  “I’m an open book, kitten, ask me anything.” Dylan preened with a bright smile.

  “What were your tours in Iraq like, Sir?”

  He looked as if I’d asked him to cut off his arm, and I was swamped with guilt for breeching such an uncomfortable subject.

  “I’m sorry Dylan…err, Sir. Please don’t answer that. It’s none of my business,” I amended in a rushed apology.

  “No, kitten, it’s fine. There’s much you don’t know about us and you’ll never know unless you ask. No subject should be off-limits. We know how precious and fragile trust is. I don’t want you to feel that we’re less than honest with you about everything. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.” I nodded. “But we can talk
about something else if you...”

  Dylan pressed a finger to my lips, silencing my offer.

  “At first I was excited when my Unit Commander informed me he’d recommended I try out for a sniper position. Each time we qualified on the range, I fired High Expert, so I tried out and was accepted to sniper school.”

  “He had the highest scores in his class. Don’t let him fool you, Savannah. He’s good.”

  “That’s impressive.” I agreed.

  “Who’s telling this story, bro?” Dylan teased before that abnormally serious expression materialized on his face, again. “My unit was deployed six weeks after I completed sniper school. We flew into Bagdad then got sent to the Anbar Provence. It holds the title of most U.S. soldiers killed than anyplace else in Iraq. Like General Sherman said, ‘War is hell’. It really is, kitten.”

  I issued a sorrowful nod as Dylan scrubbed a hand through his short, spiked hair. Revealing this part of his life was killing him. I wasn’t sure I could continue to listen to what he had to say. The tortured tone of his voice filled me with sorrow.

  “After Anbar, we spent time in Ramadi. Christ, what a mess. Buildings blown to shit, rubble everywhere, mothers carrying crying, bandaged babies down the streets; their eyes filled with terror. Burned out Hummers clogged the streets with charred bodies of fellow servicemen inside.” Dylan closed his eyes and squeezed his forehead with a broad palm. “I lost a lot of good friends in that godforsaken place. If it hadn’t been for Nick, I’d have probably eaten a bullet by now--voluntarily.”

  “Please, Dylan, Stop. That’s enough.” My voice cracked as a tear slid down my cheek. I soothed my hand over his shoulders and leaned against his strong body, holding him tight. My blood ran cold at the thought of Dylan in such a dark place that he’d contemplated suicide. I was afraid his painful memories would haunt him for the rest of his life.

  With a heavy sigh, he nodded. His jaw ticked before he turned and looked into my eyes.

  “It changed me, kitten. I’m sorry you didn’t get to meet the man I used to be.”

  I choked back a sob and shook my head. “It wouldn’t have mattered. The man I see before me is the one who has touched me in ways I’ve never known. I’m honored to take him just the way he is.”

  Tears brimmed his eyes as he pulled me against his chest and held me close. “I don’t deserve you, kitten.”

  “Yes you do,” I choked against his warm neck as tears spilled from my eyes. “You deserve someone a whole lot better than me.”

  “There is no one better than you, princess, and there never will be.”


  My heart was breaking for his pain and exploding in celebration that he’d bravely exposed his inner demons to me. I held him for a long time in the silence of the room, trying my best to give him comfort.

  “Your journey back has been a tough road, bro. But you are back, man. Don’t lose sight of the work you’ve done.” Nick’s words were slathered in praise and admiration. I could only imagine how scared he had been trying to help Dylan cope in those dark days.

  “You and I both know life is always worth living, dude. Come on. Let’s make it exhausting, too.”

  Without another word, Nick plucked me from Dylan’s side, lifting me into his powerful arms. The carnal smirk on his face left no doubt what he had in mind. It was the shot of medicine that Dylan desperately needed. I watched his desolate mood transform before my eyes. His insipid expression dissolved, giving way to a broad, knowing smile.

  I reached out, extending a hand to him. “Please, Master. I need you.”

  “You’ve already got me, kitten. All of me,” Dylan growled as he stood and laced his fingers in mine.

  Side by side, they carried me into the bedroom.

  Once seated on the bed, I watched as they began to peel off their jeans. Helpless to do anything but stare at their mouthwatering erections and scrumptious sculpted bodies, I greedily drank in every distended vein and rigid plane.

  “It’s time for that plug to come out, kitten,” Dylan announced in a thick voice of need.

  My heart clutched. Were they going to make me endure a bigger plug? Or were they going to drive into my pussy and ass, together? Gazing at their cocks, I was filled with fear that I wouldn’t be able to accommodate both of them at once.

  “No, little one. It won’t hurt, you have our promise,” Nick soothed. He’d somehow read my mind again. “Climb on top of me and trust us, pet. We’re not going to do anything except make you feel good.”

  Nick positioned himself in the middle of the bed and extended his hand, helping me straddle his waist. Easing his hands to my hips he glided me down until I was sitting on his washboard abs.

  “Kiss me, girl,” he growled as cinched a hand in my hair.

  With an accepting moan, I lowered my breasts to his chest as he pressed his lips to mine. There was no further guidance from him; instead he allowed me to govern the kiss. The ceding of his control felt foreign yet empowering. I pulled back, question written on my face as I stared into his eyes. His passive expression drew a devilish smile to tug the corners of my mouth. I latched onto his bottom lip, giving a playful tug before sipping the plump flesh inside, suckling it sweetly. And still, he allowed me free reign until I tugged his lip once more. Savagely gripping my hair till my scalp stung, he seized me with a scalding kiss. Undaunted, I gave back all the blistering passion bursting inside.

  Dylan moved about the room. The scrape of a drawer dimly registered as I fed on Nick’s mouth in wild abandon. The crinkled tear of a condom wrapper prevailed in the quiet room and the bed dipped behind me.

  “Here, man, sheath up,” Dylan stated as Nick released my mane. I inched forward to allow him room to glove up his hard erection, now nuzzled against my ass. Nick completed his task in short order before sliding his fingers deep in my hair.

  “Raise up, kitten,” Dylan instructed with a soft caress on my thighs.

  I lifted my ass into the air. Nick swallowed my muffled groan as Dylan slid the bulbous plug out. Slick, wet fingers bore through my throbbing ring, granting no reprieve to my tender tissue. With purpose, Dylan swirled and stretched my puckered opening, readying me.

  Nick wrapped a hand around my waist, eased me up then slowly guided me onto his steely shaft. The cool, latex-covered tip warmed in seconds as my fiery tunnel fervently sucked at his stalk, pulling him in deep.

  Lightning pulsed through my veins as Dylan continued his lurid exploration of my ass. The whole time, Nick thrust up and back in a slow torturous cadence. Anticipation mounted upon anxiety and a soft mewl of fear reverberated in my throat.

  Nick searched my eyes with a probing scowl. His expression softened as he issued a compassionate sigh. “No fears. You’re safe, little one. Dylan won’t enter you until he’s got you totally ready for him. I promise.”

  “That’s right, kitten. I’m still working on getting you nice and stretched. There’s no rush. We’re going to take this nice and slow. Relax, baby. We’re going to take good care of you.”

  Their reassuring words melted away my apprehension. I basked in the rippling pyre of pleasure radiating from my puckered tissue. Nick plucked my nipples as he continued to plow into my fluttering core with long, agonizing strokes. His swollen crest scraped back and forth over that electrified bundle of nerves deep inside.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous, Savannah. Your cunt feels like wet, hot silk. So smooth and tight. So fucking tight,” he growled, driving deep with a slow languid glide. “Open your pretty little asshole for him, baby. Let him inside. We can’t wait to blow your mind, precious.”

  Dylan pressed the crown of his cock against my dilated opening as he retracted his fingers, one by one. Nick stilled and waited while Dylan pushed determinedly against my electrified rim. The pressure was savage, nearly unbearable. I cried out as his wide flange pierced through the burning rim.

  My pussy and ass blazed in a euphoric mixture of pleasure and pressure. Staggered by the onslaug
ht of sensations they spawned, I relinquished all control to them, and they took it. Took it all.

  “Fuckkkk,” Dylan hissed before sucking in a deep breath. “Relax, baby. You’re strangling my cock. Christ almighty!”

  “Is he hurting you?” Nick asked, brushing a knuckle over my cheek.

  I shook my head as I panted, trying to rise above the searing pressure.

  “Slow breaths, little one. Relax and let your body get accustomed to him. We’re not going to move until you’re ready. You’re so fucking beautiful, Savannah, and we’re so damn proud of you. You’re doing an amazing job, baby. Just keep focused on opening up for Dylan, okay?”

  I nodded. I steadied my breathing and tried to force my screaming muscles to relax around Dylan’s thick cock. Nick’s broad thumb circled my clit and the blinding, burning pressure fused into a fire of demand. I cautiously rocked upon their embedded shafts, captivated by the sizzling currents arcing from my tightly drawn passageways.

  Dylan retreated but remained embedded in my throbbing ass while Nick guided his cock up and back, stretching me with each hot, glorious inch. As they alternated their thrusts in salacious choreography, my entire world tipped on its axis. I couldn’t tell up from down or left from right. Day and night lost all meaning. There was no hell. I was lost, immersed in total Utopia.



  Streaking across the heavens like a shooting star, I basked in the billion shards of ecstasy igniting every nerve ending. Rolling my hips, I implored their driving shafts and welcomed the dazzling bursts of light exploding behind my eyes.

  “That’s our girl. Work us in, little one. Let us fill you so full, you’ll feel what’s in our hearts. You’re locked inside us now, Savannah. Take us into your heart, little one and never let us go. Never let us go.”

  Tears filled my eyes. Nick’s words felt like a spike through my soul. This wasn’t simply tutelage and fabulous sex. They were imprinting themselves inside me. Me. The woman who’d never had a lover more than once. The shy loner who’d merely fantasized of having this kind of connection with a man, never allowing myself to imagine it being possible with two.


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