Masters of My Desire

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Masters of My Desire Page 13

by Jenna Jacobs

  I mattered to them…meant something to them in a way I’d never conceived possible. No longer able to deny the love taking root in my heart, and even if it were only for a brief moment in time, I would brand them to me for all time.

  Unwilling to focus on the minute amount of time I would have them in my life, I cast away the disconcerting thoughts before pain could fist my heart. Clearing my mind, I focused on their driving shafts, my trembling legs, the sweat dripping off my body, and the sublime pressure mounting atop itself. Their cocks plunged deep and I was lost in a surreal realm as they brought my darkest fantasy to life.

  Consumed in the swirling whirlpool of sensation, I released all inhibition and rode them like a tempest in a sea of carnal splendor. My tunnels rippled and gripped, fluttered and clutched, as grunts, growls and screams echoed in my ears. Surging in and out, they ramped the verve of pleasure. I gripped Nick’s shoulders, desperate to remain anchored to their world.

  Pulses of fire singed the thin membrane separating their driving cocks, as tiny explosions detonated in my veins. It was the most delicious combination of pleasure and pain I’d ever felt. Hunger begat demand and it was bigger and stronger than I could tame.

  My brain was glazed in a silky erotic fog. Possessed by insatiable lust, I tightened on their driving shafts and impaled my quivering flesh in frenzied need. Their curses rent the air. Their feral cries thundered in my ears. I rode them without an ounce of modesty, like a rabid animal. They’d stormed my walls and annihilated any semblance of self-preservation. They’d split my soul in two, yet I remained wrapped in a blanket of safety, protection, and unequivocal love.

  I’d passed the heavens, the stars and the sun, and was sailing away to some unknown star system with gaining speed. The inky blackness behind my eyes began to flicker as thunder and lightning collided in my veins.

  “Look at me. I want to see every fucking expression as it lights up your gorgeous face. Come Savannah, come for us now!” Nick growled.

  High-pitched cries peeled from the back of my throat. His command filtered through my sexual fugue. Heat and demand spun into a giant orb of euphoria and exploded outward in a blinding flash of white. My entire body seized. Suspended in another dimension, I languished in the blissful, pulsating pleasure before an enormous convulsion detonated deep in my womb. Screams burned my throat as the monstrous orgasm ripped me to shreds.

  Frenzied thrusts pounded through my convulsing passageways. As my body milked and sucked their driving cocks, their bellicose roars drowned out the sound of slapping flesh and I felt their powerful explosions erupt beneath the twin latex barriers.

  Every muscle in my body gave out and I fell to Nick’s broad, heaving chest. His arms banded around me in a hold so sublime, tears spilled from my eyes. Overwhelmed by the staggering onslaught of emotions, I sobbed.

  Dylan eased from my ass then draped his hot, slick body over my back. His warm lips danced on my shoulders and spine before he burrowed his face close to my neck and nuzzled against me.

  Surrounded in their potent heat, I felt loved for the first time in my life. Not as a daughter to my parents, or a sister to Mellie, or even a pseudo child to Myron and Helen; but as a woman. It was unconditional, total acceptance by two unbelievably wonderful men. I felt every ounce of their devotion, protection, and tenderness. And the inescapable magnitude of their love.

  Uncontrollable sobs wracked my body. If this arrangement had only encompassed the joys of submission, having to walk away from them might have hurt. But I knew, now, when it came time to leave, I was going to be devastated.

  The wave of emotions tearing through me was staggering. Was I insane to feel love for them? Was it right or wrong? How was I going to put myself back together again after allowing them full reign of my mind, body, heart, and soul? How had something so benign evolved into such a tangling of my heart?

  Nick held me tighter as if sensing my overwhelming fears. “Shhh, it’s going to be okay, little one. We’ll figure it out. I’m sorry, love. It’s going to hurt like hell...for all of us.”

  Through my mournful sobs, a humorless laugh escaped. “How do you do always know what I’m thinking?”

  “I don’t know. Sometimes I can feel your thoughts. I’ve never had this kind of connection with anyone before.”

  “Me neither,” Dylan whispered. His voice cracked as he issued a curse.

  “Hang in there, D,” Nick encouraged.

  A solitary tear dropped to my skin and slid over my shoulder. I wanted to turn over and wrap my arms around Dylan and share this bittersweet moment. Before I could move, he eased from my back, climbed off the bed and silently walked away. Nick rolled me to my side and held me as I cried tears of redemption…and mourning.

  A long moment later, Dylan returned to bed. His rugged chest melded against my back as he wrapped his arms around me. Neither man said a word. They simply swathed me in their steely bodies, as feelings I was helpless to process rushed forth in a flood of hot, wet tears.

  I felt raw. Exposed. There were no walls left to escape behind. They’d unfurled me sexually, but more frightening, they’d sliced me open emotionally as well. Though their bodies enveloped me, covered me in warmth and reassurance, I’d never felt so glaringly naked.

  Panic took root in my belly. I fought the urge to pry myself from their loving cocoon and lock myself away in the bathroom, to hide like a child. But I was no longer a child. I was a woman who had made the conscious decision to participate in this endeavor. I had to face the consequences of my actions like an adult.

  I could spend the rest of our time together counting down the days till emotional Armageddon, or I could bask in the glorious gifts they longed to give. I didn’t need a Doctorate to decide which choice to make. Forcing myself to stop crying, I sniffed and exhaled a deep breath.

  “I’m sorry, Sirs. I didn’t mean to come apart like that. I want to thank you both. That was the most incredible experience of my life.”

  “It was pretty fucking earth-shattering for us too, kitten,” Dylan whispered in my ear. “I’ve never felt anything like that before and I doubt I will again.”

  Nick nodded as his warm breath fluttered over my cheek. “Fan-fucking-tastic is what it was, pet.”

  “Is it going to be like that the rest…” Dammit! Why did I have to keep shoving reality in their faces, in my face? “If we do it again?”

  “You mean when?” Dylan chortled softly. “I sure hope so. We’ll have to do it again and find out, won’t we?”

  “Not yet,” I moaned, “I need to recover first.”

  “Rest, little one. We’ve got lots of time to practice until we get it perfectly right.”

  “Oh, mercy,” I gasped, wondering how long it would take before the soreness waned.

  The sound of a motor running outside snagged our attention. Dylan peeled himself from my back and rolled out of bed. Donning his jeans, he stepped out of the room as the grinding and chugging sound grew louder.

  “What is that?” I asked, twisting away from Nick’s hold enough to see his face.

  “It sounds like a snow blower, pet.”

  “Yep,” Dylan announced returning to the bedroom. “Kit’s out there trying to clear off the porch, up at the house. There’s at least four and half feet of snow and hell, the drifts are more like six feet. She’s never going to get a path cleared.”

  Nick groaned then leaned down to kiss my lips. “Guess we should go up there and help her.”

  “You can hang here if you want, I’ll do it.” Dylan offered.

  “No, man. If we both go, we can get it done in half the time.” Nick argued as he rolled away from me and stood. The condom still clung to his semierect cock and I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

  “Kitten?” Dylan stated, drawing my attention away. He cocked his head and looked at me with a strange expression.

  “Yes, Sir?”

  “Do you have a fascination with soft cocks?”

  “Umm.” I felt my face warm. “I d
on’t know if I’d call it a fascination. Okay, maybe it is. I’ve never…”

  “You’ve never felt a cock that wasn’t hard, is that what you’re trying to say?”

  I lowered my eyes and nodded.

  “That’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, little one. When we get back, we’ll be more than happy to help sate your curiosity. But just so you know, they won’t stay soft long…not with you touching them. So inspect fast.” Nick grinned.

  “I’ll do my best, Sir,” I laughed.

  “You have our permission to say in bed, soak in the tub or curl up on the couch by the fire, kitten. I’ll throw some more logs on before we head up to the house.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” I nodded to Dylan.

  If someone had told me three weeks ago that I’d accept a line drawn in the sand with docile resignation; I would have scoffed in their face or told them they were on crack. But understanding that I gave Dylan and Nick the power to set my limits was exhilarating.

  I opted to stay in bed. My limbs felt like Jell-O and the pungent scent of sex still clung in the air. I hugged their pillows to my chest and breathed in their distinct, intoxicating scents and when I closed my eyes—it was as if they’d never left. As I stretched out in the center of the bed, muscles I never knew I had cried out with a burning reminder of our torrid, mind-blowing session. With a satisfied curl on my lips, I drifted off to sleep.

  “Savannah. Savannah, honey?” Kit rousted me from the darkness.

  Kit was in my room and I was naked. My arms flew to the empty spaces of the mattress, wondering where Dylan and Nick were. My heart pounded in my chest and it took a moment to remember they were helping her remove the piles of snow. Thankfully, I wasn’t going to have to explain to her why I was in bed, naked with them.

  “Kit.” I blinked against the sunlight and clutched the covers to my chin. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, sugar. I came down to see how you were feeling. The guys are still up trying to dig out the sidewalk. Bless their hearts, they got the porch all cleaned off. Son of a gun, I haven’t seen this much snow in years and never this early. I hope that isn’t a sign that we’re going to have a bad winter.” Kit rambled on in a flurry.

  “I hope not, too. I have to get back home, eventually.” I chuckled.

  “Are the boys behaving themselves?” She asked with a tilt of her head.

  “Oh, yes. They’ve been nothing but perfect gentlemen.” I nodded and fought back a smile.

  “Good. I told them to behave and not to act like a couple of wild wolves around you.” She scolded. “Are you doing okay? Are you hurting? Do you need anything, sugar?”

  “No,” I smiled. “I’m not hurting anywhere.” Liar. “And I honestly can’t think of anything I need.” Except Dylan and Nick right back here, in bed with me.

  “Okay, well, I’ll let you rest. If you need anything, you send one of those Neanderthals up to the house to fetch it for you.”

  I laughed. “I will, Kit. Thanks so much for checking in on me.”

  “It’s the least I can do. I know this vacation hasn’t been fun for you and I’m sorry, baby.”

  Oh if you only knew.

  “I’m fine. I know Mellie is safe and sound, so all is right in my world.”

  “Okay. I’ll come down and check on you again from time to time.”

  “No,” I blurted then forced a plastic smile. “I mean, you don’t need to do that. I’m suffering no ill effects from the accident or anything. I’m just being a lazy slug today and lounging around. If there’s anything I need, you’d be the first to know.”

  “Uh-huh.” Kit issued a look of skepticism then smiled. “Just remember if you need something, you send one of the guys up.”

  “I will, I promise. Thank you.”

  With a tight grin still plastered across my mouth, Kit turned and left. It wasn’t until I heard the front door of the barn close that I let out a massive sigh.

  “Please don’t come back down, Kit. God only knows what you might walk in on.” I sent up a nervous prayer.

  The thought of Kit discovering what we’d been doing for days shouldn’t have bothered me, but it did. Not that I thought her a prude, but conventional society wasn’t structured around ménages. It was hard enough for gays and lesbians to find states that would recognize their right to marry for shitsakes; it would no doubt take society even longer to accept threesomes, if ever.

  The question of how people managed a threesome in their daily lives stuck in my head. From what I’d seen, it was hard enough for two people to work a stable relationship. I imagined three would be next to impossible, especially for someone like me who was used to spending ninety-nine percent of my time alone. I’d probably go batshit with them hovering over me day in and day out. I’d never have a moment to myself. And why was I thinking such ludicrous things in the first place? All this would be just a memory in a few short days.

  My stomach grumbled, a welcome distraction from my train of thoughts. As I climbed out of bed, a sweet burn spread from my well used feminine parts. I smiled, savoring each glorious ache.

  As I reached for my robe, my mind engaged in a perplexing tug-of-war. If I covered myself, knowing they forbade it, I ran the risk of punishment. But if Kit decided to pop back in, how would I explain my nakedness? Indecision pinged through me and I nibbled my bottom lip. Deciding I could toss on the robe, raid the fridge and hop back in bed naked without them ever knowing. I snagged my robe and put it on.

  As I stepped from my room, Dylan and Nick rounded the corner.


  Nick’s brows arched as he stared at me, unhappiness written all over his face, while Dylan tilted his head to the side and scowled.

  “You know the rules, little one. What do you think you’re doing?” Nick asked as he and Dylan shrugged out of their jackets and toed off their boots.

  “Kit was down earlier and I didn’t know if she might have decided to come back,” I stammered.

  “She’s back up at her house, kitten. And I’m sure she’s seen a naked woman before.”

  “But it would have been out of character for me to be running around the barn nude. Especially not knowing when you two would wander back in. She would think that very strange, don’t you think?”

  “Hrmm,” Nick grumbled. “Still worried about others’ perceptions, I see.”

  “Come on, Nick. What we’re doing isn’t the norm. People don’t do this.”

  “It’s Sir to you, little one,” he barked. “And we do it all the damn time.”

  “Yes Sir,” I mumbled as my fingers worried over the sash of my robe. “But I don’t and…”

  “And you’re still not comfortable with the thought of someone finding out what you enjoy. Isn’t that right?” Dylan pressed.

  “It’s my own private business, Sir,” I whispered as I hung my head.

  “Take the robe off, little one. Now,” Nick demanded as he stepped toward me, reaching out a hand. I could feel his impatience and disappointment. It stung.

  With a furtive glance toward the hallway, I released the sash and slid the robe from my body. Gooseflesh peppered my skin as I handed him the garment.

  “Thank you, girl. Are you hungry?” Nick inquired.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Then go sit by the fire. Dylan and I will prepare some food.”

  With a nod, I hurried to the couch and sat down. The leather was warm but I still wrapped the soft cotton blanket around me and tucked it under my feet. The men talked in low tones and I strained to hear what they were saying, no doubt devising some heinous form of punishment, but I couldn’t make out a single word of their exchange. A shiver raced up my spine at the thought of having to endure more edging. A lecture was the punishment I would have chosen, but I didn’t have a choice. I knew the risk I was taking when I donned the robe in the first place. And damn, if it didn’t come around and bite me in the butt.

  During lunch, neither of them said one word about a pending penance
. Instead, they talked about the weather. Kit had informed them that the freak snow storm had passed and an abnormal warm front was coming in. The newscasters claimed all the snow would be gone in a day or two. From what I’d seen outside, a tropical blast from South America wouldn’t be enough to melt the mountains of snow that lay beyond the barn.


  It wasn’t a heat wave from the Equator, but a steady rise of temperatures that set its sights on the expansive farmland, leaving only a few patches of snow on the ground. The snow wasn’t the only thing that had melted away. So had the days—far quicker than I’d wanted them to.

  “Are you ready yet?” Dylan called through my locked bedroom door.

  I giggled, wondering if that poor man had an ounce of patience in him. “Almost, Sir. Just putting on my shoes.”

  “Nick’s about to start gnawing the leather from the couch. Let’s go, kitten. We’re hungry.”

  I opened the door and smiled. “I’m ready. Thank you Sirs for allowing me to primp in private. It’s not every day I have two gorgeous men taking me to dinner.”

  “You look…. fantastic. Damn Savannah, you take my breath away.” Dylan approved with a wolfish grin. “Too bad we can’t call for room service.”

  “Little one, you look stunning,” Nick lauded as his gaze slid up and down my body.

  “It’s just a pair of jeans and a sweater, Sirs. But thank you.” I couldn’t help but grin. Their adoring words strummed at my heart strings.

  “Well, the restaurant isn’t a five-star dining experience, either. It’s called Ma’s Kettle. I’m sorry but the thriving metropolis of Connor, population seven hundred and two, lacked in elegant dining choices.” Nick chuckled as he extended his hand.

  Dylan slid his arm around my waist as both men escorted me to the parking lot. The sun was beginning to set and illuminated thin, wispy thin clouds in a golden hue. Nick drove my rented Hummer and as we made our way into town, I couldn’t wipe the satisfied smile from my face. When I’d awoken that morning, wrapped in a tangle of heavy arms and legs, I’d made a silent vow not to dwell on the fact that we were down to two days before my dream was over. Shelving the panic, I instead focused on treasuring every remaining second.


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