Masters of My Desire

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Masters of My Desire Page 28

by Jenna Jacobs

  Then there was silence. The droning of the vibe ceased and I felt a wide palm brush the sweat-soaked hair from my forehead.

  “Will you have more control over your release next time, little one?”

  Nick’s handsome face came into focus and I tried to reply to him but I could only respond with a slow nod of my head.

  “Good girl,” he praised, lifting me off the floor and into his strong arms. My legs had been released from their bindings but I had no memory of when.

  My head lolled against his chest and my arms flopped from my sides. Nick carried me across the spacious hotel suite toward the sound of running water. Fragmented images sprung into focus then retreated as my head swam in a thick, gray fog.

  “Such a gorgeous, hot mess,” Dylan cooed, brushing his lips against mine. “Keep floating, kitten, we’ve got you and we’re going to take good care of you.”

  Floating. Yes, I was floating, but in a much different place than I’d ever been before. In the throes of subspace, I felt as if I were deep inside myself, soaring in an ethereal, primordial splendor. But this felt like I’d been torn from my own body. Disconnected. Patchy. Surreal. It wasn’t a disquieting sensation, but I didn’t feel altogether like myself.

  Nick gently lowered me into the tub. I was immersed in a heavenly buoyant bath. Raising my heavy lids, I realized we were clustered in a massive whirlpool tub. It was not as large as our tub at home, but comparable to the one at Kit’s. Still nestled in Nick’s arms, I closed my eyes, appeased in the soothing, hot water.

  Indulging me with soft words of praise, they filled me with serenity. I had paid my penance and pleased them, and that awareness made everything right in my world. Floating in the tranquil bliss, they suffused me beneath their lips and their hands. I smelled the sweet scent of jasmine as a soft cloth glazed over my flesh. A hoarse sigh escaped my lips as they washed my body. Next a tangy citrus essence filled the air as strong fingers massaged my scalp. I closed my eyes and let the darkness carry me away.


  Spring turned into summer with my days spent by the pool and our nights spent exploring our Dominance and submission at Genesis. Their promise of pushing my limits held true. And as they drove me to new and exciting levels, they did so with care and consideration for my ugly trigger.

  Finding a job had fluttered through my mind a few times, but I was finding far more satisfaction cultivating a domestic side that I never knew existed. Every task or act of love I bestowed up on my Masters was met with reverence and joy. They were truly happy and so was I, basking in giving them all the pleasures they desired.

  Dylan and Nick opened me up to so many new and exciting experiences, both in and out of bed, that it was sometimes difficult to remember how void my life was before I’d met them. They wined and dined me at exclusive restaurants where nary a brow was raised at their affection, and I found the fears I’d manifested while at the barn had been a waste of time.

  All was right in my world. Mellie was beyond the moon at my happiness. While no longer with Enrique, she didn’t mourn the demise of their relationship, but simply poured herself into work and play. She’d visited a few times between trans-Atlantic jaunts, taking in the sights and sounds of Genesis with wide eyes brimmed in delight.

  Everything was spectacular until one bright summer morning.

  Nick’s cell woke us from a sound sleep. I could tell by the expression on his face that something was dreadfully wrong. Dylan obviously picked up on Nick’s tension, because he climbed out of bed and got dressed without a word.

  “We’ll be there in a couple of minutes,” Nick replied in a voice fraught with concern, before ending the call. “Mika needs at his place for a while.”

  “I’ll get some clothes on,” I announced then pulled back the sheets.

  “Sorry, love. He asked for just Dylan and me. You snuggle back down and get some more sleep. I’m not sure when we’ll be back, but I’ll give you a call later, okay?”

  His voice was even and calm, but worry and fear blazed in his eyes. Nick’s dishonesty stung and I covered myself with the sheet, craving security even it was only a thin layer. I didn’t know whether to slap him for his betrayal or cry. Anger won over hurt feelings.

  “If I was holding back from you, you’d spank my ass. Or make me endure a day of edging. Don’t patronize me with fluff about going back to bed. You’ve forced me to be honest since day one. Is honesty a two-way street or just a submissive requirement? Tell me what’s going on, please.”

  Nick exhaled a heavy sigh. His reflection was grim and I knew whatever he was holding back, was bad. He scrubbed a hand through his hair, tossed his head back, and briefly gazed at the ceiling.

  “What the fuck is it, Nick?” Dylan asked in a low, tense voice.

  “Emerald was attacked in Drake’s private room last night at Genesis.”

  “What?” I gasped as my stomach twisted in a knot of fear. “What happened? Who attacked her?”

  “No fucking way. Is she okay?” Dylan whispered in disbelief.

  “That new guy that just joined, Jordon something-or-other. The one that’s been sniffing after her, asking everybody questions about her. Turns out he’s nothing but a fucking player. He played up to Drake to get next to Emerald. The prick used a razor blade flogger on her ass. Cut her up pretty bad. Mika, Tony, James and Drake rescued her. Mika called in his Doctor friend Martin and he stitched her up right there in Mika’s office.”

  “Oh my god,” I cried as tears stung my eyes. My stomach continued to swirl.

  “Mika?” Dylan repeated. Incredulity resonated even stronger in his tone.

  “Yeah. Evidently, Mika spent the night at her place last night, to take care of her.” Nick nodded.

  “Mika stayed with Emerald last night?” Dylan’s words began to take on a more ominous tone.

  “Can you two please just stop for a second? Is Emerald okay or not? And what is the big fucking deal if Mika spent the night with her? Will someone finally tell me what is up Mika’s ass when it comes to her?”

  “Language, little one,” Nick growled.

  “I’m sorry, but my best friend has been attacked. And Dylan’s about to go into shock because Mika revealed himself to Emerald, like that’s some kind of cardinal sin. Tell me what the hell is going on?” I railed, frantic in worry and confusion.

  “I understand you’re upset, girl, but if you don’t watch your mouth, you’re going to get edging for a full day and forced orgasms the next. Do I make myself clear?” Nick bellowed.

  “Crystal, Master,” I hissed.

  “Now, if you can calm down long enough to let me explain, I’ll tell you what I know. Do you think you can do that for me, pet?”

  His condescending tone reminded me of every lawyer who had talked down to me for being a woman. They always treated me like a blithering idiot, and all but patting my head while insinuating that my expert opinions didn’t matter and the big boys could handle things. Nick had pushed a button that got my back up. Even if he didn’t mean to provoke my anger, it was on.

  “I think I can manage that Master, thanks.”

  His brows slashed in an angry scowl at my cynical reply.

  “Time out, you two. This is getting way out of hand, way too fast,” Dylan interjected, being the only voice of reason in the room at that moment. “We’re all worried, but jumping down each other’s throats isn’t going to do us any good.”

  Nick sat down on the bed and massaged his finger and thumb against his forehead. “I’m sorry, little one. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. Mika has been…humph, infatuated with Julianna--err, Emerald--for a long time.”

  Emerald’s real name was Julianna. But I’d grown accustomed to calling her Emerald so I wouldn’t slip at the club and divulge her real name. I thought it sweet of Master to think of her as not just a submissive, but all aspects of her, as a woman.

  ”But I thought she didn’t know who he was?”

  “She didn’t. Not until last night. It�
��s a long, convoluted story. I promise we’ll share it with you when we get back home but right now, Dylan and I need to get over to Mika’s. He’s in bad shape and needs us.”

  “Okay.” I nodded, my blood still pumping with ire. “I’ll wait here until you both get back, Sir. Can I at least call her and see how’s she doing?”

  “No, pet. Trevor is with her now and Drake’s on his way back to her place. Let them take care of her today. We’ll see what tomorrow brings, okay?”

  I opened my mouth to argue then closed it, pressing my lips together.

  “Kitten, it’s upsetting to all of us. We’re not asking you to ignore your friend, just for you to be patient until we have all the details of what happened last night. We’ll share everything we know once we get back home.” Dylan smoothed a hand over my hair. His loving touch diffused all the hostility that had me ramped up.

  Nick said nothing as he dressed. His silence was like a hot knife to my heart. Hurt and in need of space, I grabbed my robe and left the bedroom. I found solace in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, at least for a few gratifying moments until Dylan joined me.

  “He’s not mad at you, kitten.”

  “Yes, he is,” I replied in a dejected tone, as I stared into my mug.

  Dylan reached out and tugged my arm. In silent perception, he drew me to his lap. I wrapped my arms around his sturdy chest and buried my face against his neck. Soothed by his familiar scent and warmth, I clung to him like a lifeline, anchored against the unknown.

  “I got mouthy because I was scared,” I explained in a shaky voice. “And now he hates me for being so unsubmissive.”

  Dylan’s smooth chuckle rankled. “So you’re saying that the first argument you’ve had with one of us holds the power to ruin the love that’s in our hearts for you, pet?”

  “I don’t know,” I whined.

  “You’re wrong, kitten. So, so wrong. I don’t know of any couples who go through life without a bump or two in the road. We’ve been lucky so far that we mesh better than most. We’re all scared because we’re dealing with a lot of unanswered questions. But as soon as Nick comes down, we’re going to get all the details. And while we’re gone, I want you to forgive yourself for being human and bury the thought that Nick hates you. Put it in a lead vault surrounded by my chains.”

  “Oh, little one,” Nick moaned as he entered the kitchen and quickly ate up the distance between us. “Is that what you think, love?”

  He knelt next to Dylan and me then reached up and cupped my chin in his broad palm. The sorrow in his eyes felt like a sledgehammer to my lungs. Tears burned and I struggled to blink them away.

  “I’m sorry for making you mad, Master,” I choked.

  “Little one, we’re going to make each other mad from time to time. But, Christ, baby. I could never hate you. I love you far too much. Don’t you realize how deep I’ve got you imprinted in my heart? One little tiff isn’t going to change that, pet. Not ever.”

  “Oh, Master,” I wailed. His words were a balm of salvation that filled me with relief. Twisting on Dylan’s lap, I grabbed hold of Nick. Melding against his chest, I scrambled to repair my erroneous perceptions and realign his connection to my soul.

  “It’s okay, little one. Our relationship can withstand anything as long as we’re together. There’s nothing we can’t weather. All right?”

  I nodded and sniffed as I held tight to the power of his convictions.

  They stayed at Mika’s for hours. No amount of pacing curbed the antsy feelings crawling through my veins. As I swam laps in the pool in hopes of burning off my nervous energy, they suddenly appeared. Watching me from the deck toward the deep end, their faces bore a look of haggard exhaustion. Gliding through the water with powerful strokes, I neared the ladder.

  “Wait, kitten,” Dylan instructed, holding up his hand. “Stay, we’re coming in.”

  In seconds flat they’d stripped naked and speared through the water like Olympic divers. With a playful tug of my legs, Nick yanked me under the water then wrapped me in his arms and jettisoned us up to the surface. Dylan was waiting, his expression serious and body language impatient. When he gathered us in his arms, a sigh that with echoed relief exploded from his chest.

  My mind raced with a million questions. But before I could ask, they trailed their hungry hands over my body, revealing the details of all Julianna, aka Emerald, had endured. The emotional aspects of Mika’s discontent were complex. I kept my opinion that he was being a complete douchebag to myself. My feelings weren’t a part of the equation. The man was going to have to pull his head out of his ass on his own. What I didn’t understand was the fact that Julianna was off limits to everyone except Drake, Trevor, Mika and Sammie. Being sequestered from all her friends seemed more like punishment for being victimized. I wanted to see her, help take care of her. But every appeal I lobbied to enlist due process and help Julianna was met by their ardent gag order. I was not to contact her until Mika granted permission.

  Mika’s directive was wrong on so many levels. Piqued with the injustice of it all, I wanted to march down the beach and give that misogynistic prick a peace of my mind. Who did he think he was, issuing such ridiculous orders? He wasn’t her Master. Hell, he’d hid in the shadows, watching her like a sick pervert, for years. Then after succumbing to his pent up desires, he used her sexually. What kind of monster did that to a woman who was already in such a vulnerable state? But the fact that he tore out of her house like a scared pussy when he’d taken what he’d wanted had to have damaged her even more.

  Dylan and Nick knew I was livid, and did everything in their power to talk me off the ledge from doing something irrevocable, like tell Mika where he could shove his so-called Dominance. With a begrudging promise, I vowed not to interfere, and let the mighty Masters who’d decided it was their right to handle my friend put their plan of action into place.

  It was an insufferable, long week. The few nights we visited Genesis, it seemed as void and empty as my old life without Julianna there. Drake looked like he’d aged a hundred years. I’d never seen him so distraught, but the aura of Dominant impotence surrounding him was the most disturbing. He tried to reach out to Julianna every day, only to be met with lies. She’d broken his big ol’ teddy bear heart and he wore it on his sleeve. Of course, a part of me deemed he’d deserved it, but another part ached for the pain he was going through.

  The whole situation was a cluster-fuck of biblical proportions. I felt helpless and a horribly inept friend to Julianna, being figuratively bound and gagged by the mighty and oh-so-powerful Mika. Trevor was under an even stricter gag order than me. Drake had shut him totally out of the loop. His face wore a constant expression of torture and the dark circles under his eyes appeared even more defined against his porcelain skin. My opinion of Mika reached an all-time low.

  Nick’s cell phone sliced through the stillness of the night. Bolting upright, I looked at the clock. Who was calling at three in the morning? In a groggy, angry voice, he answered, then launched from the mattress and flipped on the bedside lamp. Dylan sat upright too, gazing at Nick.

  “George, what’s wrong? Are you all right?” Nick asked in confusion.

  “No. Fuck. No. Is he alive?” The anguish in Nick’s voice made my blood run cold.

  “Who? What’s happened?” Dylan demanded, tearing out of bed and rushing to Nick’s side.

  “Mika. He’s been shot.”

  “She didn’t get shot, too, did she?”

  “She who?” I cried. Fear pumped like fire through my veins.

  “Julianna. She’s okay. She’s at the hospital with Drake and Trevor. George just got word that Mika’s father has arrived, as well,” Nick relayed. “Sorry, George. Go on.”

  Nick dropped on the edge of the bed as if his legs refused to support his weight. He pressed the speaker option on his phone and we all huddled around the device as George’s grief-ridden voice filled our bedroom.

  I palmed my eyes, silent sobs wracking my body as
George retold the horrific details. Mika had died in the ambulance, en route to the hospital. The monster who had attacked Julianna had returned, seeking vengeance. Mika had enlisted Sammie and Drake’s aid in hopes of disproving Julianna’s conviction that she was no longer a submissive. Mika had Sammie escort her to the club for days, in an attempt to reach her broken soul and bring her back to the fold. There had evidently been a breakthrough earlier that night, and as Mika and Julianna traversed the empty parking lot, Jordan appeared out of nowhere. He’d threatened her with a gun before Mika pulled his own weapon. He’d killed Jordon but not before taking a bullet to the chest. Mika had made it through surgery but was in critical condition at St. Agnes Hospital.

  Nick asked several questions as did Dylan, which George answered as best he could. I couldn’t gather my thoughts long enough to think of any aspects that hadn’t already been covered. Julianna was alive and safe but Mika…all the horrible things I’d thought and felt about the man filled me with guilt. The lengths he’d gone to, in an attempt to repair the damage done to Julianna, were benevolent and adoring. He’d not been a misogynistic prick, but a devoted Dominant pursing every avenue available in order to save her. I’d been a narrow-minded bitch, filled with anger and venom, thinking the worst of Mika when all he wanted to do was save her.

  “Mika is a hardheaded bastard. He’ll get through this, George,” A note of conviction bled past the anxiety in Dylan’s voice. “Get some sleep, man. We’ll meet you at the hospital in a few hours.”

  Mika’s father, Emile, along with Julianna, Drake, Trevor, and Sammie, were in the ICU waiting room when we arrived. Hell, most of Genesis was there lending what support they could. Julianna sat curled and sleeping against Sammie. I glanced at Nick, who nodded solemn approval, before I made my way across the room and gave Mistress a weak smile.

  “Wake up, baby. Someone wants to see you.” Sammie rousted Julianna gently.

  “Oh, Mistress, please don’t wake her,” I interjected but it was too late. My friend’s lids lifted and her stunning emerald eyes gazed up at me.


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