Masters of My Desire

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Masters of My Desire Page 29

by Jenna Jacobs

  Her chin quivered as she extricated herself from Sammie’s arms and stood. She seemed so defeated as she hugged me tight. She was thin and frail, like a strong wind would shatter her into pieces. It broke my heart that she’d been through so much in such short time.

  “How are you holding up, honey?” I whispered in her ear as she continued to cling to me.

  Pulling away from the embrace, she patted the tears forming in her eyes. “I’ve been better,” she snorted. “Mika was so brave and I was so scared. I’ve never been that terrified in my whole life.”

  “I can’t imagine. I can’t wrap my head around any of it. I wanted to come see you over the past week, so many times, but…”

  “It’s okay, Savannah, I wasn’t fit for company. It’s been a--” Julianna paused as if trying to find words to describe the hell she’d crawled through.

  “That’s fine, hog all Savannah’s lovin’ for yourself, sister. I know how you are,” Trevor teased as he joined us.

  “I’m getting coffee. There are way too many subbie butts in my face. Makes me want to grab a whip,” Sammie snickered with a teasing wink. “You three sit down and visit, I’m going to head down to the cafeteria. Do you want something to eat yet, Julianna?”

  “No thank you, Ma’am. I’ll get something later,” she promised with a shake of her head.

  Sammie leaned down after we’d taken our seats. “You need to eat, girl. I’ll sic Drake and Emile on your ass if you don’t down some nourishment soon, are we clear?” Sammie’s brows arched as she whispered it. The look of warning in her sparkling blue eyes reminded me of Dylan when he wore that “bad-ass-Dominant” look.

  “Yes, Ma’am.” Julianna sighed in resignation.

  Trevor and I did our best to help support Julianna through her dark days at the hospital. Mika was indeed strong-willed, and recovered at a pace that floored the medical staff. Soon he was home and recuperating with Julianna at his side. The man who once dismissed his feelings and had closed himself off to love again blossomed into a doting Master with Julianna, his devoted slave.


  August 15th

  With champagne flowing as we left the port of Miami. Mika stood on deck, dressed as a dashing pirate, wearing a smile that rivaled the sun. Nestled against his side, wearing a sexy wench costume and glowing with pride, was Julianna. The golden collar that adorned her throat cast shimmering reflections from the sun.

  Surrounded by his extended kinky family, Mika raised his glass. “To all you scurvy landlubbers, I can’t tell ye how it warms me heart to share this day with ye.”

  “Master,” Julianna giggled. “You keep talking like that I’m going to beg you to rape and pillage me.”

  “Aye, me sexy wench. I’ll be driving deep into your hot little booty soon.” Mika grinned and waggled his brow.

  “Oh my God,” Julianna gasped, as her cheeks flashed a bright crimson.

  Mika claimed a powerful kiss upon Julianna’s lips then smiled. “Seriously, I’m glad you all could be here to share a week of debauchery on the high seas.” His face sobered as his eyes danced over the crowd assembled. “Words don’t give justice to the appreciation in my heart for everything you guys have done for Julianna and I over these past few months. While being shot was one of the worst things that have happened in my life, it brought an awakening inside me. Life is short and we all should spend it doing what we love with the people that we love.”

  Mika dropped his gaze to Julianna, who quickly wiped a tear from her cheek.

  “I just want to say thank you, and I love you guys.” Mika raised his glass again, swallowed down the bubbly liquid then tossed his glass over the side of the ship. While the rest of us imbibed our champagne, Mika growled before he swooped Julianna into his arms, and kissed her for a long, passionate moment. When he released her lips, he raised his head and grinned. “Let the spankings begin!”

  A loud cheer went up among the crowd and I laughed. It was surreal being aboard the luxurious ship, surrounded by my likeminded family. But the light and love reflecting in my Master’s eyes was more breathtaking than the sun sinking against the crystal blue water.

  The dinner buffet was to die for and I ate until I ached. As we dressed in our spacious suite before going below deck to join in the dungeon festivities, I begged Nick, who was cinching up my corset, not to make it too tight.

  “No worries, little one. If you’re going to suffer, it will be beneath our hands.”

  His deviant chuckle made my blood heat.

  Both men stood before me, looking dashing in their dark suits. I couldn’t help but stare as I admired my gorgeous Masters, welcoming the flames of arousal that flared inside.

  We didn’t stay in the dungeon long and when we returned to our suite, they kept their promise about me suffering beneath their hands. And suffer I did, over and over, until finally I lay tangled in their limbs; a sweaty, sated, boneless mass of quivering submission. It was sublime rapture.

  Rousted awake by the sound of voices followed by a bizarre noise outside our state room, I wiggled out from beneath my Masters’ warmth. Tiptoeing across the room, I peeked out the curtains over our spacious balcony. Julianna was leaning over the side of the ship. Trevor held her riot of auburn curls in his fist.

  Oh no, she’s seasick. I tossed on my robe, grabbed my room key along with a bottle of water from the mini fridge, then slipped out the door. Winding my way through the main deck, I approached my friends and brushed a loving hand over Trevor’s back. He met me with a weak smile and look of worry in his eyes.

  “Awww, honey,” I commiserated as Julianna heaved once again. “Seasick?”

  She shook her head as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She raised her head and looked at me, fear blazing her eyes. My brows furrowed as I offered her the bottle of water.

  “Thank you, Savannah.”

  “Ohmigod!” I squeaked in a whisper as I my gaze darted between Julianna and Trevor. “Are you pregnant?”

  “She won’t do the test.” Trevor sighed with an overexaggerated flip of his hand.

  “Why not?” I asked keeping my voice low.

  “I don’t know if Mika wants kids or not. And I have no idea how to even bring up the subject. God, I can’t be pregnant!” Julianna whined.

  “Oh baby. He’d be thrilled.”

  “You think so?” She asked as a fat tear slid down her cheek.

  I wrapped her in a hug and planted a kiss on her forehead. “Come on. Follow me.”

  “Where are we going?” Trevor asked, wrapping his arm around Julianna’s waist.

  “The first aid room. They’ve got to have one of those pregnancy kits on board.”

  “Savannah, I can’t,” Julianna whimpered. I turned and saw the fear in her eyes.

  “Yes, you can. It’ll be all right. Hell, Trevor and I will hold your hand while you do it. And we’ll be right by your side when you tell Mika, if you need us to. Right brother?” I pierced Trevor with a stern gaze.

  “Oh, I’d get my ass handed to me on a silver platter. But hell yes. I’ll be there if you need us for moral support, sweetheart. Count me in.”

  Julianna issued a pained sigh as we snuck down the hall and ducked into the first aid station. I shut the door behind us then began to rummage through the cabinets until I discovered the kit.

  “Come on,” I whispered as the three of us wedged into the tiny bathroom. “Pee on the stick, sugar. No matter what the results are, we’re with you all the way.”

  Julianna’s worried expression tore at my heart. She flipped up her robe and sat on the toilet.

  “I don’t know if I can pee with an audience,” she moaned.

  “This will help,” Trevor beamed as he squeezed sideways and turned on the tiny sink’s faucet.

  We all started to giggle as Julianna finally got her own water working. She closed her eyes and thrust the stick toward me. I held it up as Trevor peered over my shoulder, holding me in a death grip as a blue plus appeared.
  “Ohhhhhhhhh, sister!” Trevor squealed with glee.

  “What is it? What is it?” Julianna lamented as she quickly wiped and stood.

  “You’re gonna have a baby.” I grinned and hugged her tight.

  “I’m gonna be an Uncle,” Trevor announced with glee.

  Julianna’s face turned a pasty white. Her eyes rolled back in her head as her entire body slumped against mine.

  “Oh fuck!” I cried. “Trevor. Quick. Go get Mika.”

  Packed like sardines in the tiny bathroom, Trevor somehow wiggled his way out and sprinted from the first aid room. I could hear his bare feet thudding on the carpet as he raced down the hall.

  I struggled to get Julianna’s unconscious body out of the tiny cubicle and onto the small bed against the far side of the room. Sweating, I lifted her feet onto the mattress as I gently caressed her face.

  “Come on, baby. Wake up.” I whispered in a frantic voice.

  Within seconds Mika rushed into the room, fear flashing in his amber eyes as he spied Julianna unresponsive on the bed. I stepped back as he dropped to his knees next to her.

  “Baby. Oh God. Come on Julianna, speak to me. Please!” His tortured tone drew tears to my eyes. “What happened?” He barked over his shoulder as Trevor and I clung to one another.

  “She passed out.” I replied.

  “Why? What were you three doing in here?” He demanded as his gaze narrowed on Trevor and me.

  “I can’t tell you that, Sir.” I whispered.

  “What the fuck do you mean you can’t tell me?” Mika growled as he stood and advanced toward us.

  Trevor and I trembled. The fierce anger distorting Mika’s face was chilling. I swallowed back the terror that was lodged in my throat just before Julianna moaned.

  Mika swirled around and dropped to his knees, trailing a dark hand over her pale face. “Baby. Easy, love. I’m here. I’m right here,” Mika soothed in a calm and reassuring voice. “Trevor, I want you to go wake up Drake, Nick and Dylan. Tell them I need them in here. Do it NOW, boy!” Mika barked, without even glancing over his shoulder.

  “Shit,” Trevor hissed, blanching at Mika’s directive. “It was nice knowing you, sis.” He groaned as he left the room.

  “Master. Please don’t be mad at them. It’s my fault,” Julianna begged.

  “What is?” Mika asked, gazing into her green eyes, still gently brushing the hair from her forehead.

  Julianna raised her head and looked at me with a pleading gaze. “Show him, sis.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked

  “For the love of God, somebody tell me what the fuck is going on here!” Mika thundered.

  I jolted at his intimidating cry and raced into the bathroom. Plucking the stick off the back of the toilet, I thrust it toward him. He snatched the plastic tester from my hand just as Drake, Nick, Dylan and Trevor rushed into the room.

  “It’s my fault, Master. I’m sorry.” Julianna whimpered as tears spilled down her cheeks.

  “Pet?” Dylan’s brows slashed, confusion written all over his face.

  “I… I…”

  “Fuck. Me. Holy. Shit,” Mika screamed.

  Julianna covered her face with her hands and began to wail.

  “What is that?” Drake thundered over Julianna’s mournful cries as Mika’s eyes filled with tears.

  “I’m going to be a father!” Mika beamed, thrusting the test strip toward Drake. He turned back to Julianna, who had balled her body into a fetal position on the gurney, bawling her eyes out. Mika frowned.

  The room filled with laughter and cries of congratulation. There was more chaos than I’d seen in my life. And all the while, Julianna howled with tears.

  Mika lifted her from the bed and cradled her in his arms, trying to quiet her incessant cries. Finally, he laid her on the floor and stood. “Slave. Present!” He barked, adjusting his body in the exact stance I’d grown to love from my own Masters.

  “I can’t…” Julianna sobbed.

  “You present to me now, or I’ll…” Mika’s threat sputtered and died on his lips. He turned to the Doms behind me, wearing an almost comical expression of indecision. “What the fuck can I do to a pregnant sub?”

  “Shower her with love, bro,” Nick laughed.

  “Fuck. I already do.” Mika grinned. “Present, or you’ll go nine months without an orgasm, girl.”

  His threat lit a fire under Julianna. She scurried to her knees in a perfect submissive pose.

  “Much better,” Mika praised. He knelt in front of her and cupped her chin in his palm. “Look at me.”

  Julianna opened her red swollen eyes. The last time I’d seen such fear in her beautiful face, it was the day after Mika had been shot.

  “I love you, pet. I love that our baby is growing in your belly. You’ve showered me with gifts, but this is absolutely the most magnificent present you could ever give me.”

  Julianna didn’t respond. She simply opened her mouth and bawled louder than before. Mika laughed and pulled her up into his arms, peppering her face with kisses.

  As he walked toward the door, Drake stepped forward, his mighty paw wrapped tightly in Trevor’s hair. “What do you want us to do with these two?”

  Mika paused and pursed his lips as his gaze darted between Trevor and me. “Hrmm,” he pondered. “They were accomplices to my pet’s subterfuge. I’ll leave that up to you, gentlemen.”

  I raised my chin and issued a heavy sigh. “It was my idea,” I confessed. “Julianna was scared to find out. I forced her here. I forced her to take the pregnancy test. Trevor didn’t do anything except hold her hair while she barfed. If anyone should be punished it should be me, not him.”

  “Obviously, I’m not keeping you busy enough to keep you out of trouble, am I boy?” Drake growled, cinching his fist tighter in Trevor’s mane.

  Trevor didn’t reply. His face skewed in pain.

  I managed a guilty glance at my Masters, immediately wishing I hadn’t. Both their mouths were set in firm, tight lines.

  “I’m sorry for disappointing you, Masters,” I mumbled as I dropped my gaze to the floor.

  Mika laughed. I peeked at him from beneath my lashes. Julianna’s face was nuzzled against his neck as intermittent sobs shook her body. “I’d say take her back to your room, or the dungeon below deck, and use her hard.”

  My eyes grew wide.

  “I think that can be arranged.” Dylan’s feral grin sent a shiver coiling up my spine. “Come on, kitten. I think you’ve caused enough trouble for one day.”

  Nick arched a brow as a devilish smile tugged his sensual mouth. “Maybe we need to push a button or two, little one. What do you think?”

  He stepped closer and began to glide the silk robe from my shoulders. I squeezed my eyes closed and sucked in air. “If it will take the disappointment from your eyes, I’ll do it, Master.”

  Dylan’s rugged body pressed up behind me. He pushed the robe back over my shoulder. Nick leaned in, his warm breath fluttering over my ear. “I think we’d rather sink balls deep into your hot little holes, pet. Practice for the day when you will give us the same glorious gift Mika now has.”

  I raised my head. My mouth fell agape. I launched my arms around his neck. “Really, Master? Really?” I giggled.

  “Not today, but soon, little one,” Nick laughed.

  “Very soon,” Dylan growled.

  I reached out for Dylan then hugged them both tight. Their hard, hot bodies urged on my simmering need. “Use me, please Masters. Use me hard for hours,” I whimpered.

  “Not so fast, kitten,” Dylan warned with a scowl. “You have a punishment to take. And you have all day to think about sticking your nose in other people’s business. About how you should have encouraged Julianna to talk to Mika instead of pseudo-Domming her actions and forcing her to take the pregnancy test.”

  “Let’s go, little one,” Nick growled.

  My heart raced in a combination of lust and fear. Their lecture started as
we left the first aid room and continued well past breakfast. After they’d put me through the emotional guilt-laden wringer, I was left alone for two hours to “Think about your actions,” as Nick had eloquently instructed.

  With a heavy sigh and a pout, I sat on the bed, praying to everything holy that they wouldn’t make me endure another session of forced orgasms. I’d learned my lesson well that night. I couldn’t wipe my cooch without wincing for days and I thought my poor little clit would never stop aching.

  Picking at the food on my plate at dinner, my stomach felt like a teeter-totter. They were going to punish me in the dungeon. Push my buttons. Or so I’d been warned.

  Everything from whips to public nudity plagued my timorous thoughts. Panic swelled as the dining room thinned. I knew everyone was assembling in the dungeon to witness my punishment.

  Although I didn’t think it would do any good, I set my fork down and raised my head. I had to give it one last try.

  “I’m sorry for what I did today, Masters. Can you please forgive me and not punish me?” A fat tear slid down my cheek.

  “You’ve already been forgiven, kitten,” Dylan assured as he leaned forward and brushed it away.

  “Then why am I still going to be punished?”

  “Let’s go, little one,” Nick directed as he stood and extended his hand. “We’ll explain before we hand out your discipline.”

  My bowels turned to liquid as fear slammed through my chest. Forcing my legs to support my weight, I stood and wobbled down the hall with my all-too-silent Masters and into the dungeon.

  The room was packed. Everyone was seated and facing an empty cross. I felt as if I were being led to the gallows. Death would be a welcome respite over standing before all the people staring at me.

  My chest rose and fell in frantic breaths as I gazed at the floor. Nick and Dylan stood by my side in their prevailing Dominant stances.

  “Thank you all for coming here this evening to witness Savannah’s punishment.” Nick began. Suddenly a commotion in the audience caused me raised my head.

  “Go easy on the girl, Nick. Thanks to her, I just found out I’m going to be a grandpa,” Emile, Mika’s father cried out with a fist pump.


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