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Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

Page 14

by L. Ann Marie

  We walk around to my place and I laugh at Mucimi’s pictures. Dean is talking to the kids at lunch tomorrow. The kid is cute.

  Chapter Six

  One week

  Walking down the beach I open and think about my week. I’ve been starting my days at the school just connecting, training or jumping with the kids. It keeps me settled. I like the way this has been working, but Prez was wrong about my days. I don’t have any full days at the school. The Protectors are a motivated and determined group that are keeping me hopping. I know this settles down, but for the next couple of years they’ll be busy. I’m not complaining. Just the thought of doing more for the kids and our Security makes me smile. I loved working at the school, but this job and knowing that I’m worth something to the Clubs feels fuckin’ good. Teaching the Protectors their value and how to defend themselves and our families works for me.

  A scream rips through my head, my breath catches and I stop. Aquyà! I run. Phoenix screams and I’m torn. Mucimi screams and I see why. He’s throwing pictures of me. Fuck! “I’m here Little Brothers. I’m okay. I’m right here. It’s not a new vision, it’s from before the Protectors started.” I’m coming up to Aquyà’s and Dakota says he’s got him. I keep going to Prez’s talking to them. “Mucimi look and see, it’s not a new vision.”

  I get a ‘yes’ in my head and I’m glad he’s calm. Phoenix is still screaming and I walk right in. Alpha and Omega are at the stairs, I command them to stand down and they move so we can pass. Prez is pacing with Phoenix in his arms. “Let me try.” He gives me a look then hands me Phoenix. ‘I’m here. I’m fine Little Brother. The vision is old. Connect to Mucimi and you’ll see it’s not now Phoenix.’ I walk across the room and back. By the time we’re close to Prez again Phoenix is calm. I feel the other boys, but they’re not screaming. I hand Phoenix back.

  “Listen Brothers. We need to jump. I want you all to sit with me. We’ll jump together and calm you all with the ancestors’ strength and reassurances. Yeah?”

  Teller comes running in and pulls Phoenix’s leg. Prez puts him down and they sit with Teller holding Phoenix’s hand. I look at Prez. They need a minute for Teller to see Phoenix is okay. “I had Lily take him out and was keeping him shielded.”

  I shake my head no. In my head, I tell him, ‘You can’t separate them like that. Teller would have calmed Phoenix, he sees more clearly and isn’t as sensitive.’

  I sit with the boys, but Prez is still standing. He’s pissed, but I’m not answering him. I have six boys, Dakota and Jessie waiting to jump. I let Brantley know what we’re doing and he sits watching Mucimi and Chance. ‘Just be there Brant. I’ve got them.’

  He’s good, so I look up at Prez. He sits and I pull the boys closer in my head. “All at once Little Brothers, close your eyes and jump now.” I stay with Mucimi while he guides Chance.

  Dakota guides us all to his tree and we sit. “Feel Little Brothers. Let the ancestors wash through you. Take the gift of peace they offer.”

  Prez is shocked that they got here on their own. I don’t say anything, but help them receive the strength of the ancestors.

  “Our wise Protector is right to bring you here when you are so unsettled. The ancestors can help in ways our mere human minds cannot. Let them replace your worry with peace. Christian is right, the vision you saw was old and has changed,” Dakota says and Prez relaxes. The boys smile.

  I look at the boys waiting for them all to focus on me. “Visions hit all the time. I get them continuously; Jeremy and Tess get them and they’re gone. We decide if it’s safe to tell, based on the next vision, if we alter what is to happen. If the outcome is changed in a good way we tell Prez here or at the MC. If altering will cause more harm, we come here and get peace from the ancestors to help us put it in its place. It isn’t easy seeing people close to you get hurt and holding that inside when you see them every day. You must do that though. You can’t alter a vision just because it hurts you right now. The outcome doesn’t always come to you right away. Until you see that outcome you can’t change anything. Do you understand?”

  Phoenix is shaking his head no. “If we don’t tell you, you’ll die.”

  I touch his back. “That may be, but if telling me hurts more people, you can’t tell me. You have to look at the bigger picture. If all we thought about is how we feel right now, we would not make very good Protectors. It has to be how that vision impacts life for people beyond what you feel. I think Protectors with visions are the strongest people I know. They have to sacrifice what they want to happen and allow things that hurt in here.” I touch his heart. “When you have to make that sacrifice you come here and get help. The ancestors will give you the strength to deal with it and a healing peace so your mind will not keep fighting what hurts your heart.”

  He nods, but his tears fall. “It is not an easy job Little Brothers. It is not a happy one on some days, but it is the job we were given. If you couldn’t do it, you would not have that ability to use. You will learn how to harness the ancestors’ strength and use it even when all you want to do is tell so your friends and family will not be hurt. It takes a will of steel, a strong heart and wise guides to become who you are meant to be. Look at who is here with us. You would not be here if you didn’t have a will of steel. The ancestors would not have given you the abilities, if you didn’t have a strong heart that they trust to do your job.” They nod so cute. “You have some of the strongest guides I have ever seen. The ancestors are very powerful. Your dads, your grandparents and the other Protectors are always here for you. Look to us for your lessons, advice or as a comfort for what is not easy. We are here for you always.”

  Phoenix jumps on me and I roll us through the air laughing. “You will feel it all Phoenix and it is as it will be. You find happiness and live in light Little Brother. It is not all bad. The Clubs and your family will make sure you get what you need for happy.” I set us back on the branch and the boys are all smiling. “Mucimi and Aquyà are you at peace with all I’ve said?”

  “No, but it is as it will be and you and my dad will help,” Aquyà says looking at the lake. He has tears, but Dakota has him.

  I look at Mucimi. “Jeremy showed Aubrey the vision.”

  I give a quick look to Prez then back to Mucimi. “Yes. It was from a while ago.”

  “He didn’t get a new one.” His tears fall and I hold him.

  “I know little man, but they don’t always get them. I saw me teaching you to jump after that one. I know it was changed. Because they get the vision doesn’t mean they always see the outcome. Especially Jeremy, he is a busy Brother and not always open to receive. We help Brothers like that. I’ve always helped him. It’s who I was meant to be. You need to see this now so you know it’s not all on you. Protectors work together. You may get a vision that is the change for Aiyana’s vision. You bring it to the ancestors and me or your dads. You will learn who should know and bring it to the right people. You’ll also learn who can heal you when you need it. For me it’s you, Dakota and Jeremy. We are bound and you all are my healers.”

  He nods and I let him go. “Take your time here and gain all the peace the ancestors give to you. When you are ready, you jump back together. Justice stay in between Mucimi and Chance and help get Chance back.”

  “I am here my wise Protector. I will guide them back safely,” Co says making me smile. I wondered when he would show himself.

  “Thank you my wise Shaman.” I look at Prez, Jessie and Dakota. “It is time to let them heal each other and learn the power of the ancestors.”

  Dakota nods. “As you will Christian.”

  I look at Jessie, but he’s just watching. He hasn’t said a word this whole time and is okay with what I decide. Prez isn’t happy, but won’t stop this. “Believe in the ancestors, the boys’ abilities and me, my Warrior Leader. We will not put them in danger.” He nods at me and we jump.

  In the boys’ room, he is watching me when I open my eyes. “When?”

  I kno
w what he’s asking. Fuck. “Last week. The vision was from a month ago. I couldn’t say and asked Jeremy to hold it.”

  “Fuckin’ Christ!” He stands and paces. “You’ve been without Security all this time.”

  I stand. “I will continue without it. Prez, I can’t always tell and I wasn’t giving up. I took the warnings and adjusted my movements. I’m here and it worked. Co, Nunánuk, Jeremy and Dakota all knew. They also knew telling you was wrong. It happened the way it was meant to without anyone getting hurt now or in the future.”

  He nods. “Jeremy isn’t a Protector?” He’s thinking I’m keeping him apart from the rest for a reason.

  “He is, but not with the purpose the rest have. Aubrey either. All the Protectors have different purposes. I put the focus on the boards so you could see that. Their focus is where their purpose is aligned.”

  He takes a minute to go through the boards and get it straight on the list in his head. “Aiyana and Kaya are meant only for the reservation?”

  He’s getting it. “Yeah, but they are a strength we can use for other purposes. Like us helping them, they will be here for us.”

  He nods. “The boys are ready to come back. Do you need to get to Brantley’s?”

  I shake my head no. “Mucimi can get Chance back, but for the first time I wanted him to have the support from Justice. Telling them he might need it will have them all helping. They need to build that bond between them.”

  He stops and takes a deep breath. “You are a good leader for them Christian. Thank you.”

  I sit and wait. Teller and Phoenix open their eyes and I look for Mucimi. He’s hugging Chance. Phoenix looks at Prez. “Mucimi did it.” He smiles.

  Prez nods. “He is young, but very strong. That doesn’t mean you let him go. Always watch and be ready to step in if he needs it.”

  Teller hugs him. “We won’t let go Dad. We’re going to be like you and make sure we hold all our Brothers.”

  I laugh. “You’re going to make excellent big Brothers.” I stop and feel Dean. “I need to go. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”

  “She needs you now,” Teller says looking worried.

  I nod and mess his hair. “I’m on it Little Brother.” I look at Prez. “I’ll see you tomorrow and can answer your questions. I need to go.”

  He throws me chin and we’re out the door running to the gate. “Stay with me Dean.” Serenity is looking for my number. “I’m on my way,” I tell her and she slumps on the counter. She’s crying and I can’t get much from her so I focus on Dean. The guard opens the gate and we run through.

  Serenity is at the door waiting for us. “She won’t wake up. It’s never been this bad.” She tries to touch my arm and I move her away.

  I know she won’t hurt me, but I need everything to get through to Dean. “I got her.” I walk by and hear her crying, but she doesn’t follow.

  Dean’s thrashing on the bed. “Up Hawk.” He lays beside her and I touch her hand. Her body relaxes, but she’s stuck in the dream. “We’re here Dean. Come to me. Follow my voice and come to me.” The shit going through her head is brutal. “We can get past it. Fight Dean you can do this. Come to me.”

  “They’re killing them!” she screams, and Hawk lays across her legs.

  “No. It hasn’t happened. Come to me and we can work to keep them safe. I need you to help do that. Come to me Dean so we can make sure it doesn’t happen.” I call to Dakota. ‘I need you.’

  ‘I am here Brother.’

  ‘Help me pull her away. She can’t get back.’

  She screams then her eyes open. Thank fuck! “Thank you, Dakota.”

  “They die!” She sits up and holds onto me crying. Fuck. After the initial energy, my body calms. Dakota didn’t let me go. I thank him and hold her feeling calm and alert. I’m a bastard, but I like the feeling of her body plastered to mine. Dakota laughs in my head. ‘Fuck off Brother.’

  He laughs again. ‘I am no longer needed Christian. Your night will be good.’

  I’m glad she can’t see my smiling face. “Thanks Brother.”

  He’s gone and I’m still holding her with a clear head and energy that I can manage. My smile gets bigger and I hold her tighter while she sobs against my chest. “We use your information to keep everyone safe Dean. Together we can get through this. That’s what we do.”

  She calms and loosens her hold on me, but I keep her tight against my chest not wanting to let go. “I need tissues.” She hiccups and I smile.

  I’m fuckin’ sick. I let her loose and pull my shirt off. “Use this.”

  Handing it to her she looks up at me embarrassed. “We can keep them alive?”

  I nod. “That’s how the readers help us. Your information will keep them safe. It’s a fuck of a way to live, seeing all the bad shit, but the warnings are always taken seriously and we will do everything we can to keep them safe.”

  She’s skeptical, but nods. “Thank you for being here. How come you can hold me?”

  “Yeah. I can’t touch her for that long. How come you can?” Serenity says moving into the room and sitting on the edge of the bed. She’s a fuckin’ mess. Jesus. She’s still shaking.

  I tell Hawk to move to her and look at Dean. “Dakota was here and helped with the initial energy. I don’t know how I can still touch you now that he’s gone and I’m a fuckin’ lunatic too, but I don’t want to let you go.”

  She leans against my chest again and I don’t stop her. “Don’t let me go.” Her arms go around me and I’m hard as a rock.

  Serenity laughs. “Me being right here means nothing to either one of you?”

  “No,” I say giving her a look that tells her I don’t give a shit if she stays.

  She moves fast walking out. Maybe I threw what’s in my head to her. “I have to get some sleep. I have a job to get to tomorrow.” I laugh watching her walk away.

  “You’d think she’d be happy I can touch someone.” Her breath hitches, but she’s still calm.

  “People don’t know what this feels like. They’ve always had the ability to touch anyone they want. I saw the boys touching you. They do that a lot knowing what you feel from it. They did the same thing for me. I can hold them anytime and manage the energy alone. My family has a ten second rule. They let me go before that usually. I hold the kids longer.”

  She nods. “I love them all so much. How do we keep them safe?” She’s getting worked up again so I slide in and calm her.

  “We will. To me the visions come in clear. We do this and with your information we will do it right. It takes all of us, but we’ll keep them safe.”


  Jesus I just want to hold her. “Tomorrow I’ll bring it to Prez and we’ll plan with the other Security Officers. Tonight, I’m holding you so you can sleep. My boys were up late and everyone needs some sleep.” I’m never sleeping with the fuckin’ hard on I have, but I don’t need sleep like they do.

  “It won’t be too late?”

  I lift her and move us to the headboard. “Come Brother.” I sit her across my legs and pull her so her head is on my chest. Hawk leans against us and relaxes. “Sleep Dean. You’re waking up safe in my arms, but for right now sleep.”


  I want to will her to shut the fuck-up so I can just hold her, but push against the frustration. “Yeah.”

  “Is this why Mucimi brought me here?”

  What? He told why he brought Chance, but didn’t say anything about Dean. “I don’t know. I can’t see me.”

  She yawns, thank fuck! “Okay.”

  This time I use her sleepiness to keep her quiet and focus on where she’s leaning against my body. I kiss her head smiling and sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  We walk into the school holding hands and both Done and Holly notice. I throw to them to leave it alone. With sly smiles, they watch—but don’t say anything. The kids are all around Dean. They saw and were worried, but she smiles and bends so she’s at their height. “
Christian explained it and I understand now. I’m just a piece of the puzzle.”

  They nod and Justice hugs her. “We all are Dean. Uncle VP says, together, we can do anythin’,” he says it like Uncle Steve would.

  Holly cracks up and I give her a look. “That’s right Little Brothers, we’ll get through it like we always do. I need to get to work early. Is everyone good here?”

  I look in on them and see concern, but nothing over the top. Even Mucimi is calm.

  “We’re good, Christian. We’ll stay together and do what Done tells us to.” Dean stands up wondering if she should kiss me.

  I hold her face and kiss her lips. “Good. I’ll pick you up later.”

  I walk out smiling with all the questions hanging in the air. Holly and Done are shocked, but Taylor and Sheila, who just walked in, more so. I fly to Security laughing at their expressions. When I pull in I remember Hawk. Fuck! He’s at the school. I throw to him to keep Dean safe and see him sit by her. I’d rather him be with me, but keeping her safe is good and I don’t want to go back showing them how much that kiss affected me.

  Dakota laughs behind me. “It was a good night?”

  I throw him chin. “The best. Nothing happened, but me holding her. I know nobody will get how big that is, but it was fuckin’ awesome.”

  “I am one that understands Brother. You need to know she has no experience. She could not touch either.”

  I stop and turn. Fuck. “What do I do? I’ve never been with anyone, but Club chicks and whores.”

  He looks embarrassed. “Call Patches.” He walks by blocking me. Fuck. It was just a question.

  We grew up seeing sex as part of life around the Brothers and Club. It isn’t a subject Brothers are embarrassed to talk about. “Dakota didn’t live like we did Brother. He isn’t comfortable talking about it like we are,” Prez says coming out of Ops. I need to shield better coming in here. He laughs.

  “He told me she doesn’t have experience then to call Patches. He’s a little old for this one, isn’t he?”


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