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Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

Page 22

by L. Ann Marie

  His hands go through his hair. “The MC was just hit. Pres is off. He was willing to let the Protectors work, but ordered Elizabeth and Harley away from the truck that hit the building. Elizabeth said they were too far away. My dad’s pissed and Uncle Danny isn’t talking to him. I don’t know what kind of help I can get for the guy.”

  He’s really worried about this. “Pres will apologize and I have the people. I just need the okay and a place for him to stay. I’ll have the Protectors work with him.”

  He smiles pulling the tie out of his hair. “That I can do. Have someone pick him up and I’ll get a place and food for him. I’ll call Kate, she’ll do it and have Doc waiting for him.” I nod seeing he has more. “Mucimi. How many are we talking?”

  I shrug. “I didn’t take it from him. He needs to learn this has to go through the right people. It isn’t for him to just decide and do alone.”

  He nods thinking that’s smart. “Have him brought over at three.”

  Fuck. I need to work Aiyana in later. Unless, “If I don’t get Aiyana back to the pipeline she’s going alone. If I can work the people will you help us again? At like four?”

  “Fuckin’ pipeline. I read everything I could find. They were fucked right from the beginning. If they didn’t agree with selling their land, the government took it under eminent domain and they got nothing. They don’t have casinos or other businesses supporting them. No money meant no chance at fighting the government or the fuckin’ company that stole their only source of income. There’s a barbed wire fence stopping them from getting to the water. They can’t even get food. Who the fuck does shit like that?”

  I put my hands up. I know the story, but he’s on a roll.

  He takes a breath. “We need more people hearing the truth from up there. A group that everyone believes in to stop this insanity.”

  I see it and smile interrupting him. “Vets.” I actually see them standing in front of the tribe and throw it to him.

  He stops and looks at me. “That would work. I can get ads up all over the country. Mitch would love to help with this.” His mind is spinning.


  He shakes his head and looks at me. “Anything else?”

  “Can you help with Aiyana later?”

  He stands up waving his hand. “Yeah. I need to get José to call Mitch for this. Dakota can see if the Vets from the houses are willing to go up. I’ll fly them there. They’ll need places to sleep and shit. I’ll see you at the meeting.” He walks out and I laugh.

  Darren comes in and looks around. “He went to José’s office. I was just leaving.”

  He nods. “You did a great job yesterday. Pres is kicking himself today, but he was impressed when he saw the feeds this morning.”

  I shrug. “He saw me training with Jeremy and Aubrey. He knew what we were capable of.”

  He’s thinking it was the women, but he doesn’t get it either. “I don’t think he doubts you Christian.”

  “Elizabeth and Harley are two of the strongest Protectors we have up there. Just because they won’t let them on HS doesn’t mean they aren’t capable. I’d take them here if I thought VP wouldn’t try killing me and Harley was older, but they need to be partnered together. Separating them would be a mistake.”

  “You and Mase did better here than all of them up there.” He thinks they aren’t as strong.

  I shake my head no. “Their threat started as the lunatics, but ended with a bigger fish they’ve been fighting too. They had hits everywhere. Ours were concentrated on the kids and Security. That’s why I only took Mase. They needed all the Protectors they had. If they would have used them right they wouldn’t have lost anyone. They shot the first fuckin’ truck Darren. Uncle Danny is pissed about the truck because they were warned. That’s where they lost BS. Sidelining Elizabeth and Harley got them damage to the building. Jeremy and Aubrey kept each other safe and helped stop the truck that almost went into the building. A minute later and the Officers would be dead today. That truck was loaded to take out the entire building. They were fuckin’ lucky.”

  “Sonofabitch. Why are you telling me now?” He thinks I’m holding back.

  I shake my head again. “Because you can talk to Pres in a way that I can’t. He didn’t get the warning for a reason. Giving it to Uncle Danny got it in the meeting and everyone, including VP was aware. I gave them all I could. If they aren’t listening, using the information and the people they have, they’ll all end up dead. Their trouble didn’t end with yesterday’s run on them. Someone needs to get through.” They won’t make the next one, I think, but don’t say.

  When I turn Prez is standing there. Fuck. With the visions hitting me I’ve been shielding too much. I didn’t feel him close. He looks pissed. “Were you going to tell me?”


  Yep he’s pissed. “Why the fuck not?” He walks around his desk and I’m relieved. Last time he put me against a wall.

  “Pres isn’t listening to you. Ricky is still in KC, they won’t put Elizabeth on HS and she’s been HS for fuckin’ years, Harley should be on HS—Colt is, I gave them warnings and they didn’t listen. Jeremy got shit for going to MC-Baxter when he was told to go to the Compound and they fuckin’ saved every one of them. Do I need more?”

  He puts his hand out waving me to a seat.

  “Jeremy helped with the truck?”

  We all turn and look at my dad. Jesus. I nod my head. “How much did you hear?”

  Fuck he’s pissed. “Not e-fuckin’-nough.” He growls and my head falls forward. I throw to Prez he heard all I said.

  “Good. Maybe something someone else says will get them using the people and abilities they have,” Prez says throwing a file across his desk. At least he’s not mad at me.

  “What did I miss?” my dad asks.

  I look at Prez. “Before you get into all this I need to set up the meets for later. Ricky will need to pull people for me.”

  “Are you holding back more shit?”

  My head goes back. “Yeah Prez, but I tell you everything I can. With Pres, nothing you’ve said has made a difference with the women. I was telling Darren hoping for a better outcome.” I look at Darren and my dad. “Jeremy needs to be off the leash. Him and Aubrey together are able to do more than anyone gives them credit for. Off his leash, he’s free to help where he’s needed. Of all the people in HS, he shouldn’t be the one taken for granted.”

  My dad nods and Darren throws me chin. I get up and make the door. “Christian.”

  I rise up and turn back. Darren laughs. I’m watching Prez. “Work your Protectors from the MC however you need to. Ricky, VP and Uncle Danny are behind you. I’ll run interference with Pres.” I nod and get out before he sees I was planning on it.

  I suspend down the stairs and hear laughing behind me. “I guess you didn’t need us to carry you up the stairs last night,” Jessie says.

  “No Brother. I was going for coffee, but didn’t think making and sending the cup up would be good here.”

  He cracks up. “You may be right, but seeing you fly down the stairs ranks right up there with floating cups.”

  “I don’t fly Jessie.”

  “What-the-fuck-ever.” He walks toward Ops.

  Back in my office I call Ricky and get Harley and Elizabeth on the reader in the woods. Ally is set and VP will run it for them. He’ll pull what we need for the meet at four. I call to Aiyana and Co letting them know we’ll meet at four. Aiyana is surprised I’m working, but happy to get to the pipeline by jumping. I call to Ops and get the kids a transport shuttle so they’ll be here on time for the meet with HS Security. Connecting with Mucimi, I let him know the man will be picked up today and the meet is set. He knows, making me smile. These kids are going to be a trip when they get older. They’re a fuckin’ trip now and they haven’t grown into all their abilities.

  My last call is to Jax. He got the call on the Jeep and will have it later today. Trapper will get it to me as soon as he can.

>   With everything done, it’s Hawk’s walk time so I jump. He’s waiting for me and we walk. I run through everything in my head with the ancestors and feel settled when I jump back. VP and Uncle Danny are sitting in front of my desk. I really need to stop shielding in the building.

  VP smiles. “Hawk’s there? Where you go.”

  “Yeah. He stays with Nunánuk.”

  He nods thinking it’s good. I look at Uncle Danny. “I don’t think the tunnels are safe. I have transport bringing the kids in.”

  “No. They need some reinforcements. I have a meet with LB for it. You put the kids here knowing they would help?”

  I look at the door, thank fuck it’s closed. “Yeah. I needed them to shield or we would have lost everyone.” I expect them to be pissed, but they’re not.

  “Use what you have,” VP says.

  I nod. I plan to use every bit of ability we have to keep people from dying.

  Uncle Danny sits forward. “The vision was all of them?”

  Fuck. Since it’s past and he’s not asking about the next, I guess it won’t hurt to say. “Both buildings went with everyone inside. I got it from Jeremy. I was taken out by a truck before the buildings were hit.”

  “Fuckin’ Christ. That’s why you called?”

  “Yeah. You needed it so more weren’t lost. What the fuck would have happened to the Clubs without the Officers? No one would have recovered from that loss. Losing the kids wasn’t an option either. With Prez and the kids inside and Aiyana and Kaya helping from the reservation they had a chance of shielding here without me. Mase would have done it if I didn’t make it, but it worked out.”

  He nods then looks at VP. “Pres needs this.”

  “Yeah. Jeremy?”

  “A minute later, you wouldn’t be here to ask.”

  He sits back. Uncle Danny stands up. “Why didn’t he say?”

  “He sees shit you have no clue about. His brain is running so fast all the time he can’t always slow it enough to talk. For you a vision is all you hear. For us it plays then the result plays. If he’s trying to run different scenarios he can’t say until he knows. Maybe him getting shit wasn’t worth slowing his brain down to explain. He knew I told you. He knew the vision didn’t change and he was trying to keep his Officers safe. I wouldn’t give a fuck if you were pissed at me either.”

  “Got hit savin’ your Officers.” Uncle Steve points out.

  I smile. “No one gave me shit over it either.”

  Uncle Danny laughs. “Jessie wasn’t happy.”

  I shrug. “His family is alive. Thank fuck he moved me, but I’d do it again if I had to.”

  “Good Brother.” VP is throwing thanks at me. I throw him chin. “Got you somethin’.”

  I see and close my eyes. Fuck. Uncle Danny opens the door and a dog walks to VP and sits. “Know it’s soon. You need him. Still got Hawk where you go. Need protection here. Already trained for you. Kids and Alex kept him.”

  I look from the dog to him. “You knew?”

  Uncle Danny sits. “A few months ago, Teller said Mucimi was healing Hawk. He was old Christian.” I look away and swallow. “VP started looking for the right dog, he found him, then trained him for you. He helps with the energy like Hawk did. Jeremy tested him for us.”

  I throw chin and a thanks to Uncle Steve. “What’s his name?”

  “My brother.”

  I smile and call him over. He sits on my foot and I pet his head. Nekanis is a hell of a name, but it’s better than dog. Hawk will like him. “He calms me.”

  Uncle Steve nods. “Works good. Changed out Hawk’s stuff with his. Thought you’d like that better.” I nod not able to talk.

  They stand. “Is there anything we can do for you Christian? Seems like you saved everyone that means something to us.”

  They’d do the same for me. They have done the same for me. My truck jumps in my head. “There is. My truck is at the reservation and I could use it here. The Harley works with the cast, but I can’t use the tunnels and I need to get Nekanis home.”

  “You rode in? How the fuck did you make that work?”

  I laugh at his expression and shrug. The Brother has one eye and never had a problem.

  “Done,” Uncle Steve says and walks out. Uncle Danny throws me chin and follows him.

  I look at my new dog. “How they kept you a secret is beyond me. Let’s find water,” I tell him in Mohegan. He stands and waits for me.

  * * *

  In Prez’s meeting room the dogs stand at the door. Prez walks in and looks at Nekanis. “Who got a dog now?” He looks at Aaron.

  “Me. VP said I need him.”

  “Jesusfuckin’Christ. It’s been a fuckin’ day,” Jessie says making me smile.

  “Mucimi was healing Hawk. When they found out, he found Nekanis and trained him for me.”

  Aaron leans forward. “Good name.”

  I nod. I didn’t name him. Prez looks at me. “Are you okay with this?”

  I shrug. “He didn’t give me any options. They replaced all Hawk’s stuff with his and brought him here. He calms me, so I guess it works. Jeremy said he takes the energy too.”

  He nods. “Why don’t I know this shit?” I shrug again and it’s starting to feel like a bad habit, I’ll have to watch that.

  The kids come in and Uncle Steve and Danny are right behind them. Prez looks at the ceiling and we all smile. He looks at Uncle Steve. “Tell me you’re just dropping them.”


  The whole table laughs. Prez looks at me. “I thought this was Mucimi?”

  I almost shrug, but catch myself. “They’re Brothers. He needs them like you needed Darren and Jessie, and Jeremy needs Jacob.”

  He nods. “These are the Brothers that help make decisions for the Princes.” He gives a look to Uncle Steve and Uncle Danny. “And the MC. When there is something happening, we all work to find a solution. We have the man from the woods in the yard with the MC. Christian will talk to him tomorrow and see if he can be a help to us. What I know is that he’s being hunted. He’s happy to be protected by the MC and Amanda is checking in on him. He’s going to be fine.”

  Mucimi nods. “Monia.”

  “Pneumonia, but yes he’s sick and Doc saw already know. He’ll get better.”

  Teller stands on his chair. “He helps Jeremy.”

  I hold my laugh. Prez looks at me and I nod. His hands are in his hair and I look away before I start laughing out loud. “Why didn’t you tell me this morning?”

  Phoenix stands and Teller sits down. “We tell Christian about visions. He tells if we can talk about it. He said we have to meet to help with this one. We can tell you now.”

  Uncle Danny cracks up then Jessie then Aaron. I clench my jaw and watch everything go through Prez’s head. He looks around the table with his eyes flashing a warning. “I’m standing here being given visions by kids seven and under. If you can’t get it together then get the fuck out.” Everyone stops and looks at the kids.

  Prez nods at Phoenix and he sits. “That’s as it should be and good that you learned so quickly. You’re right, that should pass through Christian in case it would alter something else in the future.” The kids nod so serious. They get it. “What do you have today Mucimi?”

  He stands on his chair and looks at the boards. “On TV?”

  Prez looks at me. “You can put them on the board Mucimi, everyone here is cleared for it,” I tell him. Teller takes one of his hands and Aquyà takes the other. The boards flash on and we see faces flash on all three. A woman is running and tackled to the ground. A man is running dripping blood from his head. I turn back to Mucimi and see his tears. Phoenix and Justice are holding Aquyà and Teller’s hands. I call Nekanis to Mucimi. He jumps on the chair and leans into Mucimi.

  “Fuckin’ hell. These pussies are fuckin’ nuts,” Taylor says.

  I throw to Prez, ‘We need to get a list and slow him down. He’s never going to make this twice.’ His eyes find mine and he nod
s. I stand behind him and touch his shoulder. “Mucimi we need you to go slower and give me a little more. Can you do that?” His little face looks at me with tears running down it. He nods. “I need locations so I’ll need you to show more with each person.” He lets the boys’ hands go and turns to me. I lift him up and look at Prez.

  “Brantley, we need a list.”

  Brantley opens his laptop. “Ready Prez.” He looks at Mucimi and thinks, ‘You got this my big boy.’

  Little man nods. “Yeah.”

  I sit and call Nekanis. “Dakota, can you help?” He stands behind us and touches Mucimi’s shoulder. “One at a time until we get locations on all. Little Brothers if you get it, tell Prez.” They nod and look at the boards. Mucimi throws the woman that was tackled first.

  “Seminole County, Florida,” Jessie says. We see a building. “Winter Park Medical.”

  “Next Mucimi,” I tell him softly. He’s shaking trying to move slower for us. I throw it to Prez. He nods watching.

  We spend close to forty minutes watching people beaten or hiding. Mucimi is spent and the boys are all shaken. I turn Mucimi and he puts his head on my shoulder. Uncle Steve takes him from me. “Dakota fix him.” He throws his chin toward me. I feel Dakota’s hand on my shoulder and call Nekanis to me. I have twenty minutes to get my shit together. While they talk, I jump. Hawk comes running and I sit petting him. Feeling the ancestors always settles me. I jump back and see the boys watching me. ‘Jump?’ They nod so we jump. ‘Now Little Brothers.’

  Dakota is here. “It is good to ask for the peace you need. The ancestors are always happy to help.”

  He gets nods, but no words. When they’re ready they tell me they’re jumping. I feel good opening my eyes. They’re smiling and I see Prez is relieved. Brantley has Mucimi and is talking to him away from the table.

  When Uncle Danny and Uncle Steve take them out, Prez sits with his head in his hands. “He’s fuckin’ three. I don’t even know what to say to you Brantley. If you think this is too much for him tell me and we’ll figure something out.”


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