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Christian (The Protectors Book 1)

Page 24

by L. Ann Marie

  She smiles and I love how happy she is. “Not at Dakota and Jeremy’s level, but yes.”

  Okay then. “Would you like some coffee?”

  She sits waving her hand. “My office is attached to Dunkin’. I am full of caffeine today. I’m fine and if I get thirsty I can get a drink.”

  I nod and look at Serenity. “I like her.”

  “Did the old ladies set you straight with the crazy shit the Brothers do?”

  I giggle. “Yes. They’re quite the boyfriends and husbands.”

  “They are.” She giggles.

  Serenity laughs. “I expected you to be a basket case.”

  “Oh, I was. Eliza and Beth explained and I get it now. Well not the healer thing, but the rest. He had an energy problem, he didn’t get hurt again.”

  She’s surprised. “Energy like you? Someone touched him?”

  Joey is watching us with a smile. I look at Serenity. “Similar, but different.” She doesn’t ask and thinks she doesn’t need to know. I agree so I stay quiet.

  Joey tells us about her family. I’ve heard most of it, but she’s funny and so damn happy. When Sebastian comes down she stands and asks if she can hug me. “We have a ten second rule and Christian is my biological brother. I get the touch thing.”

  I stand and hug her moving away fast, but she’s smiling. “I’m so glad he found you! It took him long enough.” Sebastian pulls her to the door. She didn’t get to see Christian. Maybe Sebastian tells her.

  Serenity looks at me. “They are the craziest happy people I’ve ever seen.”

  “You don’t know the half of it.” I tell her all that’s happened and she’s shocked. When I get to the panties and baths, I tell her what Beth and Eliza said, and she’s laughing.

  “I wish a man would treat me like that. This is priceless. You deserve every minute of it Dean. Don’t let the little things slip by.” She’s smiling, but I know she’s thinking of Dad. I just nod.

  Dakota, Jacob and Mucimi come down. “He will be fine. Nekanis is with him and will help. Do not be alarmed if he does not respond. He jumped to the ancestors for strength.”

  “Thank you, Dakota. You too Mucimi and Jacob.” Mucimi giggles and we laugh. He’s so damn cute. I look at Dakota. “Nekanis?”

  He smiles. “His dog.”

  Okay then. They leave with Jacob doing the chin thing and I look at Serenity.

  “Is it me or do they all look like models?”

  I laugh. “Every one of them. How do you like the job?”

  She’s happy. “It’s the best job I’ve ever had. Everyone is respectful. Weird, but in a good way. I love Jess too, she’s a trip. The woman has her shit together and is so smart.”

  “I heard that too. I’m glad you’re happy.”

  She stands. “I’m getting out of your hair. I wanted to check on you and make sure you’re doing okay. Do you need anything?”

  “No. Christian is determined to take care of everything. Oh, I didn’t tell you my news. I have a phone! The bill is mine before you go spastic about it and I enrolled in school. I have the money for that too.” I take my phone out and call hers.

  She presses, buttons and smiles. “I’m so proud of you!” She hugs me quick. “Letting him take care of you doesn’t mean you lose your values. I’m glad to see them show.” I nod smiling.

  When she leaves, I run up the stairs. Christian looks like he’s sleeping and Nekanis is laying against him. When I climb on the bed I’m nervous the dog will bite me, but he watches and lays his head back down. I move closer and lay my head on Christian’s chest. His arm goes around me pulling me closer. I smile and fall asleep.

  Chapter Ten


  I open my eyes and smile. Dean and Nekanis are on each side of me. I look for the time and see it’s just after midnight. Checking my people, I see all are settled so I get some work done. Mucimi’s list is all over the fuckin’ place. I get the laptop hovering above my legs and put the readers in an order by need then run through it. Pulling up a map I pin each location and get it all on spreadsheets. We need a place for processing. I make a list for Prez and send it by OC.

  Nekanis jumps down and wants out. Suspending us I move the pillows around and get Dean comfortable. It’s almost four, but I think she’ll stay sleeping. I kiss her head and take Nekanis down to the beach. He runs ahead and I laugh telling him to go. When he comes back I throw a stick for him. He’s happy and full of energy. I sit and jump with him. Sitting on the rock I’m happy to watch Hawk running around the lake with Nekanis following.

  I feel Dean. She’s terrified of something. I call to Nekanis and jump. Nekanis runs while I move a foot above the sand, then grass and road. It looks like every light in the house is on. “Dean!” I yell coming through the door.

  I move up the stairs hearing her crying. “Dean!” What the fuck happened? I feel her hurt and scared.

  She’s on the bed crying. “Oh, my God! I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  Fuck. “I’m sorry baby. I thought you’d sleep until I got back.” I lift her to me and hold her against my chest while I spin and sit. I should have left a note.

  “I thought something else happened.”

  I kiss her head. “No baby. I just took Nekanis for a walk and lost track of time.”

  She sits up and looks at me. “You’re fine after yesterday?” I nod feeling like a shit for making her worry. “You were just walking the dog?”

  “Yeah. I don’t sleep much so I walk the dog, work or work out at night.”

  She nods. “They said you didn’t sleep much.”


  “Beth and Eliza. They were here before. I didn’t know. I checked everywhere.”

  The old ladies came to talk to her? They must have seen something wrong. “Are you okay?”

  She waves it away. “Now that you’re here I am. I was so scared. Something has me nervous, I thought it was you being hurt again. Once it was in my head nothing else got through. Nothing else mattered.”

  I clench my jaw to stop from smiling. I’m a dick, but nothing mattered if I was hurt. I shut the lights off in all, but this room and stand up. “I’m fine my worried Little Pixie. I should have left a note or told you where I go. I’d never leave the Compound without telling you. Uncle Danny put a gym in the basement for me and I work from here or walk on the beach.”

  She nods. I strip her clothes off and she’s smiling. “I’ll remember it next time and look for you there first.” When my clothes start coming off she laughs. “You didn’t actually walk on the beach did you?”

  “No, more like over it. I didn’t want to get sand in the cast.”

  She doesn’t ask any more questions. I kiss her moving us over the bed. “I missed you last night.” I kiss down her neck.

  “You held onto me and I fell asleep. That feels good. I only woke up to feed the dog and let him out. When I came back you did the same thing.” She moves my head to her tit and I get to making her forget about talking.

  Since it’s working, I move lower and breathe in that scent I’ve been craving. Then I taste her. Jesus I’m never going to get enough of this. Her hands are in my hair traveling down my shoulders and back up until she screams. I love her touching me and move up her body. “I love to hear my name when you come baby. So fuckin’ beautiful.” She kisses me like she can’t get enough and I’m grinding into her.

  “Love me Christian.”

  Jesus. I move me up and look at her. “We’ve got time baby.”

  “I don’t want to wait another minute Christian. I love you. It’s just wasted time if I don’t show you.”

  My mouth crashes down and I hold her tight while showing her what that means to me. Patches’ list runs through my head and I raise up. “I love you too Dean. I never thought I’d get the chance to say it and here you are. Let me show you baby.” She’s got tears in her eyes, but she’s smiling. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive.” She’s serious and I see the truth of that in h
er eyes.

  I picture my hands all over her and she moans. I get a condom over to me and she snatches it out of the air smiling. “I love your hands touching me everywhere even though I see them right here.”

  My finger slides into her and I get a moan. She’s breathing heavy when I slide a second in. “You’re so fuckin’ wet.” The package in her hand tears and I pull the condom out moving it to me. She watches with a purring sound deep in her chest. When I’m covered, I kiss her, moving her legs out and bending her knees high. “I love you my beautiful Little Pixie.” The tip of my dick touches her entrance and she tenses up. “Relax baby. I’ll make it good for you.”

  She watches me and nods. Taking a deep breath, she lets it out, “I’m ready.”

  As soon as she relaxes I slide in. Holy fuck I’m not going to make it. She grips my arms. “I’d never hurt you babe. Relax for me.” I picture the little bump inside her and stroke it lightly. Her whole body relaxes and I see my hands all over her. She moans and I slide in until I’m stopped. With my mind touching every part of her I watch her eyes and pull back. Stroking her g-spot harder, I push through. Her breath catches and a tear falls. I lick it away and kiss her eyes waiting for her to be ready for more. “Tell me when baby.” Her eyes close. I’m going to die here. When she opens them she nods. I picture my hands moving faster and hold her tight. “So fuckin’ beautiful baby. You feel incredible.” I pull out moving slow. She rolls her hips into me and I move. Never have I felt this close or so fuckin’ good. My head is spinning and she holds me tighter. Fuck. “We’re going Dean just hold on.”

  “Christian!” She grabs onto my back and rolls her hips.

  Jesus. We’re at the reservation and everything is flying through me. “Feel them Dean, the ancestors are happy today. You can feel them.” I’m awed by the touch of the wind and colors swirling around us. She’s already tight, but when she’s ready I lose my breath. “Dean.”

  “I love you Christian.” She squeezes my dick again and I hold my breath hearing her scream.

  Holy fuck. I open my eyes and laugh. Fuckin’ freaky just jumped to a new high. Dean is against my chest and still holding me tight. She’s out. Shaking my head I raise us off the bed. I’m glad she’s out and doesn’t see the blood or me smiling the whole time I’m cleaning her. She gave that to me. Swear to God, I feel like beating my chest. I calm myself and bring us back to the bed so I can hold her.

  I go through my people and don’t see anything concerning. I open and see the woman from the top of the reader list talking to Dean. Interesting, but I push it away. Prez is talking in front of the Baxter’s plane. I push it away. Mucimi running stops me. I watch it through and try to get time. He’s scared, but I can’t see when it’s happening. Aquyà is calling to him to keep going. Mack runs past him. I look around and see Brandon run toward him and fall. Fuck! I close my eyes trying for time again, but it’s gone.

  I jump holding my girl and sit on the rock with Hawk. The ancestors come, throwing relief over me. Co tells me to relax and spend time considering all around me. I thank him and the ancestors and jump back much calmer.

  It’s not five minutes and Dean moves. “How do you feel baby?”

  “Like silly putty.” I laugh. Silly putty is good I guess. “What happened? Don’t get me wrong, it was the most incredible feeling, but I don’t think that happens to everyone. No one would ever be seen again.”

  I can’t help laughing again. “I don’t know babe. We were here, then it’s like I was sucked into the spirit world with the ancestors. They were happy we were there. All the colors and them flowing through me was like a show of them accepting us. It’s not anything I’ve ever felt before.”

  ‘It is so Christian. The ancestors are pleased with your union and were showing you that pleasure,’ Dakota says.

  ‘Seriously dude? This isn’t the time for you to be throwing shit in my head. I can talk to you later.’

  Dean looks at me. “Fuckin’ Dakota telling me the ancestors are pleased with our union.”

  She cracks up then I do. When we’re both quiet I ask again. “Do you want me to run you a bath? It might help if you’re sore.”

  “I feel good Christian. Thank you. I can take a quick shower. I must be a mess.” I see her face turn red before she puts it on my chest.

  “You’re clean babe. We both are.” I kiss her head smiling again. “Nothing between us should embarrass you. Every woman gives herself to someone and every man should be honored to receive that gift. We are no different. Well, the ancestor thing was different, but I am honored and so fuckin’ glad you chose me.”

  She giggles making me smile. “The ancestor thing was cool.”

  “It was. Love you Dean, but we need to get up.”

  “Yes. I don’t want to be late for work. Thank you for taking care with me and making it so special. I love you Christian.”

  I lift her chin and kiss her loving the sound of that.

  * * *

  I walk in and Mucimi and Teller come running. I kiss Dean’s lips and bend putting the cast in front of me to balance. She walks into the classroom and they both hug me. Mucimi is scared. He saw the vision through Aquyà. Jesus these kids are going to be fuckin’ strong. “I’ll get with Jeremy and Dakota and we’ll do what we do little man. Protecting you is our job.” Teller lets me go and takes Mucimi back to the classroom. Aquyà is at the door watching me. “You need a minute?” He nods.

  I throw him the daycare room and follow him in. “The ancestors said you will teach what is needed. Mucimi needs a way to shut off from everyone.”

  I’m fuckin’ shocked. “You’ve jumped?”

  He nods, “My dad jumps with us then comes back when we are ready.”

  “All of you?” I’m relieved they didn’t go alone.

  “No, Phoenix, Teller, Mucimi and Justice. Dad said we have to wait until you teach the rest. They don’t go yet and Brandon and Stella don’t jump.” This confuses him.

  “Brandon is like Jacob. He is support for the Protectors. Stella is like your mom and grandmother. She will make the world better, but doesn’t rely on the past to do that.”

  I see when he gets it and he nods. “Will you teach Mucimi how to shut the visions off? He’s not sleeping right and worries all the time. Phoenix is worried too. He said Mucimi is too little to see so much.”

  I’m hit with a vision of Phoenix and Aquyà together, but older. They are leaders and will work together. I push it away and focus on Aquyà. “I’m trying to get time to teach him Aquyà. Everything has been coming at us and I’m having trouble making the time for him. He’s not sleeping?”

  He shakes his head no. “You could teach him at night. Do you need to be with him?”

  I shake my head no already working a plan of action in the back of my mind. “I’ll work with Mucimi. Try to keep him calm and I’ll start tonight. Yeah?”

  He jumps to me. “Yeah. Thank you my Warrior Protector.”

  I hold my laugh and give him a squeeze. “You’re welcome Aquyà. Let Phoenix know.”

  He nods. “I already did.”

  I laugh as he runs out. Fuckin’ kids.

  I pull up to Security and suspend up the stairs. Nekanis stays right with me. Uncle Steve holds the door and I’m surprised he’s still here. “Needed some time. Somethin’s wrong with the kids.”

  I nod. “I got it. I need to see Prez.”

  He nods. “Office.”

  I tell Nekanis to go eat and throw him that I’ll be in Prez’s office. He goes to the break room and I go to Prez’s.

  “Listens good.”

  I turn surprised he’s following. “Yeah.” I knock and walk in. Uncle Danny is sitting in front of Prez’s desk. “I can come back.”

  “No, I need to talk to you.” He looks at Uncle Danny then Uncle Steve. “You’re driving me fuckin’ crazy. While you’re here nothing is getting settled at the MC. We need all of us to get through the next few months. The biggest threat we’re facing is against you. The fuc
kin’ fanatics aren’t helping, but they aren’t anything compared to your shit. All that happened, all the explosives, vehicles and men, cost money. I don’t have the people here to follow all that and deal with the threat from the fanatics. You saw what Mucimi gave us. This will take time and planning and I can’t afford the people to do that while they’re running down leads for you. Go home. Settle your shit with Pres and get everyone working on the leads we have. Dakota is waiting at the hangar.” Fuck. He isn’t asking.

  They look at each other and Uncle Danny stands. “He’s right. We have the PD and MC-Baxter’s spinning their wheels waiting for direction and we’re playing shuttle service here. Let’s go VP, we got shit to do.”

  I watch them walk out and Prez sits hard putting his hands in his hair. “They make me fuckin’ crazy.” I can see that. He sits up and pulls a file. “Your list first. I had to shut the boards down, but saw you’ve added sheets.”

  I nod as he opens the hologram board. “We have another vision. The kids are upset. Mucimi got it from Aquyà. It has Mucimi running scared, Aquyà calling him to keep going and Brandon shot running to help him.”

  “Fuckin’ hell. I need a way to help that kid, he can’t be watching all this at fuckin’ three.” He stands and paces.

  “He isn’t sleeping. I told Aquyà I can work with him at night. It calmed him and Phoenix.”

  He nods. “How likely is that to work?”

  “He’ll spend a lot of time with the ancestors because it helps calm him. He’s strong Prez. I can show him how to shield and stop what’s coming in until he’s with someone or ready to deal with it. Kind of how Jeremy works.”

  He stops pacing and looks at me. “You can stop them now?”

  “Not stop them, but shield until I’m ready to look. I still get hit with some, but it’s not the constant movie in front of the now.”


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