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Educating Casey [Cattleman's Club 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 21

by Jenny Penn

  Dylan snorted at that impassioned plea. It was overacted just like the rest of Casey’s monologue. This wasn’t some cheap dinner theater production, and he wasn’t going to waste his time asking her for the truth again, but she would give it to him.

  Of that, he was certain.

  * * * *

  Casey’s heart raced, sending blood pounding through her veins in a frantic pace that matched the rapid, heaving pants that escaped her lips as she desperately tried to draw in enough air to soothe the fires burning in her, but it was a futile task. One that neither Dylan nor Josh appeared willing to let her accomplish.

  Between the two of them, they kept her stretched on the razor’s edge of one release or another, torn between panic and anticipation. Somewhere deep inside of her, Casey knew she should rebel against their domination. They didn’t have a right to force her to answer them, but that didn’t matter.

  Not to them and not to her.

  Right then, all that mattered was the pleasure. That was fed by both their touch and their primitive display of power. They were proving a point, and she was loving their efforts. They were hard and demanding and full of male aggression. They made her feel so delicate and sexy, wanted like she’d never been wanted before.

  It wasn’t an act, either. Casey could feel the heat of passion in Josh’s hard body flexing behind her. He ground his deliciously thick cock against the sensitive muscles of her ass, splitting it wide with the proof of just how much he really desired her. Dylan too, though, his passion was, as always, a little rougher but no less exciting.

  Casey reveled in the hard slaps of his hand over her open cunt as much as she did in the intermittent laps of his tongue as he tried to drive her pleas toward a confession, but he was only demanding what he already knew.

  Somehow, some way, Dylan had found out that Peyton was Patton. What he didn’t know was that Casey had another secret, a bigger one. How could he? She’d only figured out the truth herself in the past few days.

  Casey may have come to the club to help Patton and indulge her own sexual curiosity, but she’d stayed for them. For Dylan and Josh. If not for them, she probably would have left because this—the domination, the bondage, the sharing, the exhibition, all of it—only felt right because Dylan and Josh were there to share it with her.

  That was the real secret she kept sealed behind her cries, but it grew harder and harder to hold it back as Josh and Dylan drove her back toward a point where desperation would force her to choose between her own secrets or Patton’s.

  It was an unfair choice, and she rebelled, even as the ecstasy began to wind into a tight, glorious release that was snatched right out of her hands every single time she reached for it. Without fail, Josh and Dylan seemed to know right when Casey was about to come. Every time they sensed her pending climax, they stole it from her with an arctic blast of cold water over the heated flesh weeping between her legs.

  That’s just what Casey wanted to do—weep. The intensity of the emotions building inside of her, the pressure growing within, it was all too much to bear, and it was only the beginning.

  Casey bit down on her lower lip, trying to hold back her whimper as she watched Dylan set aside the hand-held showerhead. Every muscle in her body tightened in anticipation as he turned back to her, his hand settling on her thigh close enough to the folds of her pussy for Casey to feel the heat of his palm spread over her mound.

  Dylan’s hands were just as big and thick as Josh’s, but where his brother’s fingers tended to slide over her skin, teasing her with an almost ticklish touch, Dylan’s bit in to her soft flesh with a savage strength that warned her his patience had come to an end. He didn’t give her a chance to brace herself, though, before he yanked her free of Josh’s hold, jerking her forward to drape her knees over his shoulders and bury his face in her pussy.

  Casey’s squeak of surprise turned into a squeal of delight as Josh’s cock slid almost free of her ass while Dylan began devouring her cunt with the ravenous hunger of a starving man. His tongue whipped over her sensitive flesh, curling around her clit before dipping to plunge into her sheath at the exact moment Josh rammed his thick, swollen length back into her ass, pounding Casey down the length of his brother’s tongue and fucking a scream right out of her.

  They passed her back and forth, screwing Casey with a relentless rhythm meant only to torture her. They wanted the truth, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before all of her defenses caved and she gave it to them. Still, Casey fought to make the moment last.

  The carnal indulgences that had filled the past several days had taught her just how intense the bliss could be if all she did was hold on as long as she could, allowing the pleasure to bloom into unspeakable heights. She was almost there, mere breaths away from that beautiful sunrise, when Dylan and Josh came to yet another stop, plunging her back into the shadowed depths of a need that had her writhing in a futile attempt at rebellion.


  She lashed out with a bellow, unable to break their hold as she twisted and bucked. With her hands pinned high above her head, Casey could do little else but roar…roar, and answer their damn questions because they were clearly more stubborn than she.

  “Yes,” Josh contradicted her, the harsh wash of his whisper heating her neck as he growled over her shoulder and straight into her ear. “Tell us, Firecracker. Who sent you here?”

  Casey hesitated, reluctant to her core to betray a friend, but then Dylan caught her clamped clit beneath his thumb and pumped the little bud, eliciting both a gasp and an answer, though she had enough sense to offer only half a truth. It wasn’t her fault they saw it for the lie it was.


  “You mean Patton,” Dylan corrected her almost instantly, proving that he knew way too much already.

  “If you know the answer, then why do you ask the question?” Casey shot back, her fighter’s spirit rallying with that pointed question. Almost immediately they punished her for her insolence.

  Without wasting his time on reminding her who was in charge, Dylan, instead, unleashed the clamp, allowing the small bud to swell with a rush of sensation that shot her straight back toward the edge of a release that she needed so desperately that she would say or do anything for it.

  “Yes!” Casey snapped, giving him all that he demanded—the full truth. “Yes! Okay? Patton! Patton is Peyton, but we didn’t know you knew her men… This wasn’t about you but finding out…”

  “Finding out what?” Dylan pressed when Casey’s words faded away. “Finding out of if her men were loyal?”

  “No, never.” Casey shook her head. Patton might be jealous, but she wasn’t afraid of her men straying. “This isn’t about them. It’s about the club. They won’t let her in and…she wants to know why.”

  “And have you figured out why?”

  Casey blinked open eyes she’d clenched closed long minutes ago to meet the gaze of the man lingering near the bathroom door. Chase Davis stared back down at her, waiting for his answer. She didn’t know how long he’d been there or when he’d arrived. All that Casey knew for certain was that Patton was in a whole lot of trouble.


  She really hadn’t. That’s all Chase apparently needed to know. He shot a nod at Dylan before turning and disappearing into the bedroom. Casey didn’t have a chance to wonder where he was headed. Her concentration remained completely focused on Dylan as he rose up to his feet.

  In the next breath, he had her fully penetrated and stretched wide over the thick width of his erection. Casey caught one last glimpse of Chase retreating before her eyes fluttered closed and she gave herself over to her two lovers as they began to fuck her with hard, sure strokes.

  Caged within the strength and heat of Josh’s and Dylan’s arms, Casey felt both cherished and wanted as their hips began to pick up speed. All too soon, the lust and passion that sprang up whenever they came together spun out of control, and they were taking her with a ruthless desperation.

bsp; Two sets of hands clutched at her hips, forcing her to bounce back and forth between the two big cocks pounding into her in an alternating rhythm that had Casey begging for more. She needed it.

  So did they.

  Josh stretched her ass wide over his thick, heavy length before allowing her to be pulled back down over Dylan’s massive dick. The brothers fought each other, their motions picking up speed until they were slamming into her at the very same time. The pressure was too much, and she clung to Dylan as she felt the pleasure boiling in her veins erupt into a magnificent release that stole the very soul from her body.

  This wasn’t just about sex…but that didn’t mean it was going to come to an end.

  That thought had her heart seizing painfully as it led to the reminder that this was her last day. Worse, this might possibly be the last time she got be held like this by them. They meant everything to her.

  That thought sliced through her and then faded away, along with the rest of the world as her climax consumed her. All that remained was pure, undiluted bliss. Casey was cast adrift in a sea of splendor, and time meant nothing to her. All that mattered was the pleasure.

  She was only dimly aware of Josh’s and Dylan’s shouts of fulfillment or the feel of their releases flooding into her body. Casey couldn’t even be bothered to stand on her own two feet when the brothers finally pulled free of her body, but she moaned over the loss of their cocks, not caring for the empty feeling that plagued her almost immediately or the sense that she was suddenly free falling.

  Josh and Dylan were there to catch her. Catch her, bathe her, and tuck her into bed. The two men, who had so mercilessly used her, tended to Casey with a gentleness and care that left her feeling loved as she curled onto her side. Loved and protected, there was no other way to describe the contentment that filled her as Dylan and Josh curled her between them, keeping her safe as she passed into complete oblivion.

  Chapter 22

  Sunday, June 1st

  Casey woke up to the stroke of rough hands and the heated massage of moist lips as Josh and Dylan once again rallied her toward another sweaty release that hadn’t even begun to fade before they began again, going all night long. Each peak she reached was higher than the last, driven in part by the heart-wrenching belief that this was the end until finally it was and there was nothing left to do but slip out of the bed.

  She left Josh and Dylan snoring happily away, not daring to wake them and test the bonds of her self-control with an actual goodbye. Holding it together, Casey managed to make it all the way back to the harem, where she moved about in a daze, following Lana’s instructions without a thought. She didn’t dare to have one, fearing that any hesitation would bring about her total humiliation as she broke down in front of a woman as strong as Lana.

  It became easier to hold back as she dressed for the first time that week. With each layer of clothing she pulled on, Casey felt as though another chink of armor was snapped into place until finally she looked in the mirror and saw her reflection staring back at her.

  She looked tired but otherwise normal, which was a lie because she felt far from normal. That didn’t mean she didn’t know how to bullshit her way into appearing healthy, happy, and fine as she entered the same dank little office Lana had first showed her into to find the raven-haired beauty waiting there wearing nothing but a sad smile.

  “I’d ask if you’d be interested in returning, but I’m guessing the answer is no,” she murmured as she stepped up to give Casey a quick hug.

  “I doubt the Davis brothers would let me come back.” Casey returned the quick sign of affection before leaning back to assure Lana that she meant no harm. “I can imagine that they were a little upset, but really Patton was just curious…and so was I.”

  Casey wasn’t so focused on the wretched knot growing in her stomach that she didn’t noticed the flash of emotion that darkened Lana’s eyes at the mention of Patton’s name. As it was, Casey was too busy trying to get out the door before she broke down and ended up a sobbing puddle on the floor to care.

  “Motives are irrelevant.” Lana waved away her explanation. “The only thing that matters is that you had a good time.”

  “It was the best.” That wasn’t a lie.

  “Good.” Lana opened up the door that led back out toward where Casey’s car was still parked. “Then our mission has been successful… Don’t look so sad. I have a feeling your education in ecstasy is only just beginning.”

  Actually it was ending. If their mission had been to break Casey’s heart and leave her with a burning need that she feared no man but Dylan or Josh would ever be able to appease, then the club had certainly served its purpose. Otherwise, the truth was she didn’t really belong there.

  It was just too bad that she’d figured that out too late.

  Now everything had changed and would need to be changed because she couldn’t go on living next to Dylan and Josh. The very thought of listening to Dylan brag about his conquests or, worse, seeing them as he dragged them into his apartment had her hands shaking as she clutched the steering wheel.

  Then there was Josh. Their friendship would obviously never be the same. There was no going back. There was clearly no going forward either. If Josh had wanted that, then he would have mentioned it. After all, he wasn’t the emotionally stunted one.

  Josh was the upfront one. The honest one. The type of guy who said what he meant and meant what he said and didn’t speak unless he had something to say. His silence was all Casey needed to hear. It was all she could bear.

  If he’d even bothered to try and offer her some cheap reassurance, she probably would have broken down. As it was, she managed to fight the coming tide until she’d reached the Davis ranch. She could feel the control slipping away from her as she got out of her car. All it took was one look from Patton, who greeted her at the door with a smile that quickly darkened into a frown as Casey stumbled into her arms and broke down.

  “What happened?” Patton pulled her into the house as she demanded answers without waiting for them. “What did those mean men do to you? You tell me who, and I promise I’ll have the bastard strung up by his balls. Just give me a name.”

  “It’s Dylan.” Casey sniffled as she glanced up and spilled the one secret she’d been intending on keeping. “Dylan and Josh!”

  * * * *

  “You are a real son of a bitch, you know that?” Chase asked, not giving Dylan a chance to defend himself against that accusation before he continued on his indignant ranting.

  “And they say I’m the asshole, but at least I never intentionally set out to make my woman cry, and I sure as hell didn’t laugh when she did!”

  “I’m not laughing,” Dylan denied, though he was on the edge of it. “I’m just smiling.”


  “I’m not!”

  “Whatever you say, man.” Chase waved away Dylan’s outrage as if it were nothing. To him it probably was because there was only one thing that Chase really cared about. “That’s between you and your woman. I’m concerned about my woman, and she’s concerned about yours, so you see I now have to consider Casey under my official protection.”

  That sounded ominous, but Dylan didn’t have a chance to press Chase on the matter before Josh came jogging up in a rush, which was just what he’d been in all morning.

  “Hey, man, thanks for inviting us down. This place is awesome.” He paused long enough to shoot Chase a nod before turning to pin Dylan with a pointed look. “We got a lot to get done and not much time to do it. So you ready to hit the road?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be there in a sec,” Dylan assured him, waiting for Josh to take that hint and back off, giving Dylan a moment with Chase.

  “Hey, look, man, I’m really sorry we didn’t manage to catch your arsonist.”

  “Don’t be,” Chase cut him off, his scowl darkening with a sense of true tension. “That little shithead of a sheriff knows what is going on. You helped me figure that much out, and that’s all I
really need to know.”

  “Yeah,” Dylan drew out that agreement as he eyed Chase with concern. “Well, just remember he’s the sheriff, and I’m left with the impression that he will throw your ass into jail.”

  “Won’t be the first time,” Chase shot back, proving not only that he wasn’t listening but that he wasn’t interested in hearing any of Dylan’s advice. “If you really wanted to help me, then you would get your ass out to my ranch and take Casey back home so that I can go back home without risking getting blamed for whatever it is you did to make her cry.”

  “I didn’t do anything,” Dylan defended himself, though he knew that was just the problem.

  Casey had been waiting all week for some sign or little clue from Josh or him that they planned to continue the relationship once they returned home. Dylan didn’t exactly see the wisdom in Josh’s plan, but he managed to hold his tongue, despite the worries darkening in her gaze.

  That didn’t mean it hadn’t been hard. Despite Chase’s accusation, knowing that they’d made Casey cry did weigh on him, but she wouldn’t be suffering for long. Besides, Dylan reasoned, she could have said something.

  * * * *

  “So, you just walked away without saying anything?” Patton blinked as if she were confused by her own words, which they both knew she wasn’t, making the question all the more obnoxious.

  “Me?” Casey responded in kind, going with a dramatic rebuttal as she straightened up in her seat, clinking her coffee down indignantly as she confronted her best friend as if Patton were one of the two men driving her nuts. “Why should I have to say anything?”

  That earned her a snort and not a single ounce of respect as Patton smirked. “Because you are the one who felt something.”

  “Exactly!” Casey exploded, not understanding how Patton couldn’t see the very point she’d just proved. “If they felt anything, they would’ve said something, so why should I be the only one who says anything?”


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