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Julia's Second Collection

Page 21

by McAvoy, Bridy

  There was a collective groan but they were all grinning, especially Max.

  Moving quickly, they gathered up their clothing as modestly as they could then made a dash for the bedroom.

  Shutting the door, both women sat down on the end of the bed, panting hard.

  “Fucking hell, girlfriend, what a rush.”

  Julia giggled, “Yeah. I know.”

  “Did you tell Max who to pick?”


  “I thought you did.”

  There was a knock on the door. Josie rose to her feet then opened it a crack. Seeing it was Max, she opened it wider as he passed in two glasses of champagne. She didn’t let him in, though—both women knew how that would end.

  “Cheers. Happy birthday.”

  “Thank you for a wonderful surprise.”

  As soon as Max left, they both started to get changed again. Stripping off their garter belts, stockings, and heels, they slipped on their white bikinis, grabbed hotel toweling robes from the bathroom and slipped them on over the top.

  As they left the bedroom, there was almost a collective sigh of disappointment as eight heads turned to watch the two women walk out onto the terrace and quickly fill plates from the still half-uneaten buffet.

  “More champagne, ladies?”

  They were both in the process of having put their plates on the side of the hot tub and were just removing the robes. Julia turned around and watched Hank’s eyes widen as she slipped the robe off, revealing the tiny white bikini.

  “Yes. Please.”

  Josie chuckled and dropped her robe to the deck too. Motioning to Julia to be quick, she slipped into the hot tub and sank down until only her head was visible. Julia followed suit, not quite sure what her friend was doing. When Hank reappeared with two more glasses of booze, Josie sat up. They both were wearing tanning suits, the type that faded to near transparent when wet. Hank caught an eyeful from close range as first Josie and then Julia sat up to take the glasses from him.

  He returned to the rest of the party and Josie giggled. “Watch. They’ll all be offering us drinks, or fetching more food now, you’ll see.”

  Over the next hour and a half, all of Max’s seven friends came out one by one, offering drinks, getting more food, or simply to chat to the two women. Josie always took the lead and sat up to greet them, Julia usually following suit. However, when Josie sat up out of the hot tub with just her feet in the water, her legs parted to display more than just her breasts, Julia didn’t follow her friend’s actions.

  Sometime about midnight, Max wandered outside for the first time. Seeing the two pairs of breasts encased in more or less transparent fabric made him grin and he knelt down to kiss Julia on the mouth.

  “Football’s finished. If I send them all home, do I still get a final surprise?”

  “If I answer that, it won’t be a surprise then, will it?” She grinned up into his face and glanced over at Josie. Max took the hint and, over the next ten minutes, one by one the others came out to say goodbye. This time, Julia did stand up in the hot tub, giving each guy a final look and a kiss on the cheek. She was careful, though, to stay clear of any hugging, citing the fact she didn’t want to wet their clothes. Julia did notice the way their gaze drifted down to her virtually exposed mound before they reluctantly left.

  About five minutes later, Max returned. “They’ve all gone. Can I join you?”

  Julia shook her head. “No. Time for us to get out. I’m starting to feel like a prune.”

  He held her robe as she stepped out, then repeated the process for Josie. Julia noticed the way her husband’s eyes were drawn to her friend’s body, but she didn’t mind.

  “Did you enjoy your surprise?”

  “Very much. I was rock hard when I realized it was Josie here, and that you had a hand in it somewhere. I almost cracked up when I heard you spanking her.”

  Josie shivered. “Inside. I’ve had enough drink, and enough food, and I’m cold.”

  “Fair enough.” Max grabbed his wife by one hand and Josie with the other and led them inside. Julia pressed the switch to close the glass doors then the switch just below to shut the drapes.

  Once they were all inside, he hugged his wife, and then without asking, slipped the robe off her shoulders.


  “What? I’ve seen you naked once tonight, but I didn’t get to fuck you. In fact, you’ve both been naked tonight and neither of you has cum. I think that’s a crying shame.”

  Josie chuckled and dropped her own robe. “He’s got you there, girlfriend.”

  Max laughed. “Now, why don’t the two of you lose those bikinis, rectify your mutual lack of orgasms, and then you can help me with my problem.”

  Julia smiled at him as she reached behind Josie to untie her halter neck. “What problem is that?”

  “I can’t decide which one of you two I want to fuck first.”

  Julia shivered as Josie turned and undid the strings on her bikini. Pulling her still damp body to her, Josie leaned in and kissed her. Julia fumbled for the strings holding her friend’s bikini bottoms in place and pulled them undone. At the same time, she could feel Josie’s fingers returning the favor.

  Breaking the kiss, Julia led Josie over to the middle of the room, down the two steps, and sank to her knees, pulling her friend with her. Max stood above them, watching intently, and she smiled at her husband, no longer needing words.

  She pushed Josie down to the floor and leaned over her for an open-mouthed kiss. Josie moaned into her mouth and arched her back as Julia started to play with a nipple. The brunette’s hands clutched at Julia’s back and then slid lower. Breaking the kiss, Julia smiled down into Josie’s welcoming eyes.

  Spinning around, she squatted over Josie’s face, lowering her face toward the waiting wet slit. Some of it was residual water from the hot tub, but some of it was clearly Josie’s natural lubrication. As she lowered her own pussy onto Josie’s mouth, she knew the same was true for her own slit.

  Extending her tongue, she started licking at the other woman’s pussy, then groaned into it as Josie returned the favor.

  She glanced up to see Max watching them, his fly now undone, and his hand inside his boxers touching himself. That sight sent a shudder through her body and she returned to her task, redoubling the pressure she applied. Josie’s hips left the floor as she tried to increase the pressure herself, and Julia stiffened her tongue, plunging it into the welcoming hole. Josie quivered and bucked under her, the movements increasing her own pleasure as she raised her head and pressed against Julia’s slit in turn.

  Josie pushed her chin forward, grazing against Julia’s clit and she lifted her head, gulping in air as she quivered and groaned. Glancing across at Max, Julia saw he had his erect cock all the way out now, openly stroking it as she bent her head back to her friend’s pussy once more.

  She left the opening to Josie’s channel alone, moving her target higher, and started tongue-bathing the clit in front of her. Josie almost mewled with pleasure, redoubling her own attack on Julia’s open pussy. Spreading her legs wider apart, Josie started to thrust upward into Julia’s face. She could feel her juices dripping down onto Josie’s face while the brunette’s own juices coated her chin and nose.

  The heat built and built and she could feel herself panting for air as she moaned in pleasure. Writhing on Josie’s face, she could feel the other woman’s every movement underneath her.

  Josie came first, her body stiffening under Julia, and a few moments later Julia yelled out her own ecstasy as her orgasm hit. She was still panting as she felt strong hands grabbing her arms, pulling her up and off her friend. Josie lay there panting as Max drew his wife into his arms and kissed her, obviously tasting Josie’s juices on her lips.

  “Come on, the pair of you. Enough with the foreplay. It’s time we really celebrated my birthday.”

  Julia looked at the clock behind his head, showing twelve forty-five. “Sorry, darling. Yesterday was your

  He grinned. “So? Let’s start celebrating next year’s one, early.”

  Julia’s Trouble

  Julia could tell she was pouting as she listened to Simon, her boss, rabbiting on, on the other end of the phone. She sighed, hoping he didn’t hear her and tried to let her face form a neutral expression. After another minute or so he ran down.



  “If you want eye candy on this job, why don’t you take Andrea? I’m sure someone could cover her desk while you…” She winced, that hadn’t been the best choice of words.

  “You just weren’t listening to me, were you? I don’t want my secretary along. I want someone who understands the processes we use for handling orders. Those are the kind of questions you can answer—she can’t.”

  She waited for the inevitable tetchy, almost bitchy response to the other implication of her comment. Given Andrea was actually a friend of hers, she regretted it already. Simon delivered.

  “And I’m quite sure Andrea would object as much as you appear to, to the term ‘eye candy’. If I wanted eye candy I’d hire someone for their looks. The fact you have looks to go along with your brains is a plus, but not essential. The same is true for Andrea. Both of you are pretty women, but that’s not why you’re employed, nor why you, rather than her, are needed tomorrow. Now sort it out, and sort out that attitude.”

  At that point, she found herself listening to the dial tone. She brought the handset around in front of her face and stared at it in open-mouthed astonishment. He’d hung up on her. Her boss had just hung up on her. He’d never been that rude to her, ever, not in all the time she’d worked in sales admin for the company.

  She put the phone back on its cradle and it immediately buzzed with another call.

  “Sales admin, Julia—”

  “What the hell did you just say to him? He’s stormed off to the cloakroom like a bottle rocket.”

  “You don’t want to know. Nothing really. I guess he thought I was reluctant to go on this little junket tomorrow.”

  “Which you are.”

  “Which I am. I’m not the customer schmoozing type—that’s why I’m in admin and he’s in sales.”

  “You’re going to have to grin and bear it. Gotta go. He’s coming back.”

  For the second time in less than five minutes she found herself listening to the dial tone. Putting the handset down, she was surprised when it immediately rang again.

  “Sales admin.”

  “Julia, what’s got up your nose today? You sound like someone made you swallow a wasp and it stung you three times on the way down.”

  She shuddered. “Mike, that is not a very nice image at all. I do not, and I’ll have you know a wasp can only sting you once.”

  “That’s a bee, sweetheart.”

  “Anyway, what can I do for you? Just remember using terms of endearment to other members of staff is an offence under the code of conduct.”

  “Remove the pole from your ass. It’s me, Mike, your friendly warehouse manager.”

  “Now we’ve got the pleasantries, and the various forms of medieval torture out of the way, what can I do for you?”

  “This order for Smithsons.”

  “Which order for Smithsons?”

  “Order three-eight-nine, one-seven-six.”

  “Hang on.” She typed the digits into her computer and pulled up the order. “Yep, I’ve got it. What about it?”

  “Why are they ordering ninety pound paper? They always have one hundred and ten.”

  “You have a good memory. Let me check.”

  She pulled up the order history for Smithsons, one of their biggest customers, and ran her practiced eye down the list of products they’d ordered over the last few weeks.

  “You’re right, Mike. Let me check with Karen. She’s got the original paperwork and I’ll get back to you. Give me five minutes.”

  “Good girl. And I don’t think you’ve got a pole up your ass…just sayin’”

  “Gone. Bye.”

  This time she had the satisfaction of cutting him off rather than being cut off. She called Karen over and pointed out the discrepancy, asking her to check the original paperwork, then started back on her own work. A minute later Karen came back to her, the paperwork in her hand. One look at Karen’s face told her she’d spotted her own mistake.

  “Is Mike right?”

  “Yeah. Sorry, Julia. I must have slipped.”

  “Think yourself lucky he spotted it.”


  “Well, I guess you should be the one to give him the answer, then pull the order and route him a replacement by e-mail. Knowing Mike, he’ll start someone picking that before he even gets the paperwork. Is the only thing wrong the weight?”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “Fixable. Don’t sweat it, and thank him for catching it.”

  Her phone rang and she rolled her eyes as Karen turned and headed back to her own desk.

  “Sales admin.”


  “Yes, Simon?”

  “I’m sorry if I was a little rude earlier.”

  She wasn’t sure if she was more shocked by his apology than she had been at his original brusqueness.


  “I know, I know. You’re not used to me saying sorry, but I shouldn’t have been so rude. Anyway, there’s a slight change of plans.”

  “There is?” Hope sprang in her heart. Maybe she wouldn’t have to go on a stuffy business lunch after all, even if the food would be excellent.

  “Yes. Jamison would like to see the manufacturing plant in the afternoon rather than on Friday. So, would you mind taking your own car to the restaurant, and we’ll take our leave of you there, then you can head back here. That way you’re not going to be stuck fifty miles from home ʾtil late o’clock, like I will be.” He sounded quite disgusted with the change of plans.

  She sighed, but it did make sense. “No problem.”

  “I’ll leave you to settle the bill. Just present it to accounts. I’ll pre-authorize it, so they can reimburse straight away.”

  “No problem, Simon.”

  It wasn’t really. She’d done these kinds of things for him before, although it was usually Andrea’s job and not hers. “Good. I’ll get Andrea to call you up to the conference room when we’re ready for you tomorrow. See you later. Bye.”

  At least he’d said bye this time, which was an improvement. Karen turned around in her seat and gave her a thumbs-up to let her know she’d sorted the warehouse’s problem—well, Karen’s own mistake, and she gave her a smile back. Maybe things didn’t look quite so bad after all.

  * * * *

  “You are sure putting on the Ritz, honey. Anyone I know?”

  In the act of pulling up the stocking on her left leg, she turned and glared at her husband. Max was still in bed, and showing no sign of moving. After yet another weeklong trip to Mexico, he had a day off to recuperate from the twelve hour on, twelve hour off work cycle. In such days, when she had to go to work, he was quite content to lie in bed, watching her get dressed. Which was what he was doing, a smile on his face as he enjoyed winding her up.

  “I am not putting on the Ritz. I’m simply making sure I can impress. I told you why.”

  “Honey, if they get an inkling of what you’re wearing under that sharp suit of yours, they’ll be more than just impressed. You’ll have four men eating out of your hands for starters and the main course will get you all arrested for gross indecency.”

  She gave him an arch look and shook her head. “Is that a warning, or wistful thinking?” Julia smiled to show she was teasing, then turned back to putting her other stocking on and smoothing it up her leg. Seeing she had, as yet, not put on anything else, she made a show of it, knowing his eyes would drink in every detail. As she sat up again she arched her back. He could only see them in profile, but she’d made sure the wardrobe door was partially open to allow the angled mirror
to show her reflection in rather more detail.

  “You are fucking gorgeous.” His low hissed comment was a warning. She hopped off the bed just as his forward lunge didn’t quite reach her.

  “Sorry, darling, but we don’t have time. I can’t be late.”

  “I know, but…”

  “Later, okay?”


  She turned around to face him, showing him everything since she still only had her stockings on. “Do I need to?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Good. But the answer is still yes. You won’t have to work hard to get your wicked way.” Her laughter filled the room and he grinned, settling back under the covers.

  “So what are you going to do today?”

  He shrugged. “Not a lot, although I will get the lawns done.”

  “You only need do the back. Steve Hutchins did the front three days ago.”

  “Oh, why? What did you have to do for him this time?”



  “Yes, truth. He may be a lecher and a dirty old man, but he does have a good heart. He knew you were away so he did our lawn when he did his. All done and dusted by the time I got home.”

  “So he didn’t ask you to pose for him?”

  “No, not this time.”

  She pulled her boy-short panties into place and made sure they were snug between her legs. The near brush of her fingers close to her pussy sent a shiver through her. At that moment, she wouldn’t have needed more than the slightest excuse to fall back into bed with her husband, and to hell with work. Max seemed to sense that because he turned down the heat of his gaze on her otherwise nude body.

  The matching pink bra covered her breasts, and Max again let out a low whistle. “That’s new.”

  “You like?” She preened as she adjusted her breasts inside the cups. The one thing she’d always been unhappy about on her body was her smallish breasts. She’d have preferred a C cup, not necessarily anything bigger than that, but had to settle for Bs. Her underwear was, in every way, designed to enhance what she had. Max appreciated it, as always, but that appreciation always gave her a warm feeling and she had to turn away before her passion ignited again.


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