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Julia's Second Collection

Page 32

by McAvoy, Bridy

  “Oh, and what is Rule Seven?” She knew it was a dumb question, but it seemed better to play along than let herself be cut out of the conversation.

  “Rule Seven is make a fuss over the pretty woman in our midst.”

  “Oh, I see. And if said woman doesn’t want a fuss made over her?”

  Alec laughed, taking over the conversation from Chas, who seemed to be the ring-leader so far. “Rule Eight, double your efforts. You might get lucky.”

  “Just where do you get these rules from?”

  Alec shrugged. “We made them up about ten years ago in the middle of a very slow conference.”

  “I see. So what happened to Rules One to Five?”

  “Ah…” He had the grace to look a little embarrassed, an unusual look for a guy who had to be approaching fifty. She’d noticed Matt wasn’t taking part much in the conversation, but she could see he was watching carefully, although clearly concentrating on her, not on them. She guessed he was gauging her reactions and planning his own move.

  “Rules One to Five only apply in the situation where the woman in question has rather fewer clothes on.” Bart seemed the most impulsive of the three.

  “I see. I guess that counts me out as exempt from them.”

  “For now, baby. For now.”

  It was her turn to blush at Chas’s comment, and rather than answer him, she turned to Matt. “What time did you say the table is booked for? I’m starving after that insipid buffet.”

  Before Matt could answer, the other three burst out laughing. “If you think the buffet was bad, you should have seen the one two years ago. It made this one look like a feast.”

  She shuddered at the thought of an even worse lunch buffet than the one they’d been served. She noticed that four pairs of eyes dropped their gaze to watch her chest as she shuddered. As they all looked up, one or two had a pained or disappointed look on their faces for a moment that disappeared as soon as they realized she was watching them. She knew they’d all been checking for the presence of a bra, and had come away disappointed—she was wearing one, after all.

  “Oh, that buffet was fabulous.” Alec rolled his eyes.

  “Sandwiches that had curled into U shapes.”

  “Pastries with uncooked bottoms.”

  “Crostini that you couldn’t pick up, they were so soggy.”

  “Lettuce that looked like it wanted to get up and walk away.”

  “Peanuts that squished in your fingers.”

  “Coffee you could see the bottom of the cup through.”

  “Water that was cloudy.”

  She shuddered again and held up a hand. “Stop it, guys. Stop it. You’re going to put me off my dinner and, as I said, I’m starving.”

  Everyone laughed, and they continued to swap stories about nightmare training sessions with this and other companies for several minutes until a waiter approached them and ushered them to the table.

  Julia found herself sitting between Matt and Alec. The other two contrived to try and hide their disappointment but seemed to settle for staring at the front of her dress as often as they could. They did, however, manage to look away, hiding a guilty face each time she looked at them.

  She’d have preferred if they’d just treated her as an equal rather than trying to get in her pants, but she knew there was no real malice in their approach. They were like business people in hotels the world over—lonely and trying to find a way to have enough fun to get through the evening.

  She’d just finished her beautiful scallops on French toast and was reaching for her wine glass when she felt a hand on her left leg. It rested on her knee for a second then, when she didn’t instantly flinch away, it slid a little higher. Matt’s little finger toyed with the hem of her dress and then inched slightly further, pushing the dress up.

  Taking a deep breath, Julia changed the target for her hand. Instead of picking up the wine glass, she lifted the butter knife, still unused, thankfully, and slid her arm back along the table. Nobody noticed.

  Reaching under the table, she placed the cold edge of the knife against the back of his hand. He froze, his hand ceasing all movement—he couldn’t even try to move it away without getting cut. She lowered her voice as she turned to face him. She didn’t want the others to hear.

  “Now, I’m not a nasty person, but I’m about ten seconds away from plunging this knife through the back of your hand and skewering you to my leg. Yes, that will hurt my thigh, but it will provide perfect evidence of assault for the police when the hotel calls them, don’t you think?”

  Her tone had remained pleasant and even throughout her delivery. She was still smiling at him as she lifted the knife off his skin and he recoiled immediately.


  “You tried, you lost. Here endeth the lesson.”

  She watched Matt shiver, but he held her gaze then cracked a smile. “You’re good.”

  “Sweetie, I’m the best.”

  “I guess I struck out, bottom of the ninth and all that.”

  She shrugged. “No, I’d call it strike one, and I did say no sports talk.”

  At that moment, the waiter reached the table with their main courses, and the incident was over.

  Julia thought her steak looked perfect, but her eyes were drawn to the massive mixed grills ordered by Alec, Chas and Bart.

  “That looks amazing.”

  “You want to change yours?”

  She shook her head. “No, no thanks. It looks good, but it probably contains my entire calorie allowance for the week. How on earth do you put that much away and not expand like a balloon?”

  Bart shrugged. “I guess it’s a combination of two things. We need to fuel up, given the poor food provided at lunchtimes and, besides, we’ll be in the hotel pool at midnight.”

  “Swimming at midnight.”

  “Yeah, lots of lengths. Why don’t you join us? It’ll be good for you.”

  Julia hadn’t missed the deliberate innuendo about lengths. “Sorry to disappoint, but I didn’t bring a suit.”

  Bart grinned at her and she knew what was coming, or at least she thought she did. “Not a problem. The management allows skinny-dipping after eleven thirty.”

  “No chance, guys.”

  She tried not to think about the idea of being in a swimming pool with these three, assuming Matt didn’t join them—which was probably likely if she agreed. She imagined getting undressed in the female changing room, and then boldly stepping out into the pool area itself, naked, the three men already in the pool looking up at her, studying every inch of her skin; seeing the fact her nipples were already hard in anticipation, and how her pussy lips were puffy and already damp with her secretions. She opened her eyes to find the others all watching her.

  “I’d love to have been in that fantasy of yours.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Chas. I think you were. I think we all were.” Alec’s rider to Chas’s comment made them all laugh.

  “Stop it, guys.”

  Everyone laughed, and she tried hard not to blush at having been caught out like that. She wasn’t paying that much attention when a hand—it had to be Alec’s—started to stroke along the outer side of her thigh. That side of her skirt was vulnerable, because that was where the slit was, and his fingers were sliding along the slit. His hand was already four or five inches higher than Matt’s had been when she stopped him. He’d found the zip tab too and was pushing that open, lengthening the slit along her leg. His hand was already high enough to have discovered she was wearing stockings and not pantyhose.

  She grabbed for the butter knife again and repeated her message as she scraped the blade over the sensitive skin on the back of his hand. As soon as she let up the pressure, his hand returned to the surface of the table and he picked up his fork again, behaving as if nothing had happened. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him mouthing a word toward his friends, who grinned and then looked at her. She wasn’t sure, but it had seemed like stockings was what he’d told them

  She shivered and concentrated on her food, letting the conversation flow around her. She patted her stomach and refused dessert, and when everyone rose from the table to return to the bar, she excused herself and headed for the cloakroom. As soon as she closed the door to the stall she leaned back against it. Assessing what had happened, and what she wanted, she reached a quick decision. Despite the attention being lavished on her, despite the various fantasy scenarios playing in her head, she couldn’t let something happen tonight, and then spend the next two days in the same conference room as these guys. Even if she slept with just Matt, it would still be awkward.

  Her decision made, she picked her way through to the bar, to find Pete and Hank, the two local trainees, had joined the other guys. Hannah, the trainer, came in about ten minutes later. Julia had to do a double-take. The twenty-three/twenty-four year old had presented a very demure business-like and professional image when she’d stood at the front of the room all day. Now, though, she presented a very different image, indeed. Her black blouse seemed barely there, displaying her black satin bra through the gossamer-thin material. Her denim skirt was shorter than all but one of Julia’s collection—her favorite type of skirt, which she freely admitted. Below the skirt, she was bare-legged all the way down to her towering high heels. Julia had placed her at about two inches taller than herself, but Hannah towered over her. The expression Sex on legs seemed to fit her perfectly. Julia noticed there were a lot of male eyes in the room drawn to her, but Hannah seemed impervious to that as she walked up to the little group.

  Hannah shook hands with all of them, then air-kissed Julia on the cheeks. As she did so, she whispered in Julia’s ear, “Please don’t tell me you’re leaving early.”

  Alec brought the new arrival a drink, and as the conversation flowed, Julia found the group rather quickly split into two groups. Julia, Matt, Pete and Hank started talking shop, discussing the implementation of the new software. The others, sticking to their rulebook, seemed disinterested in that and the three colleagues from the same firm quickly surrounded Hannah and had her laughing as they told her joke after joke. Julia could hear one or two snatches of their conversation, and she knew those jokes were getting more risqué and racier as time went on.

  Looking at his watch, Hank declared he needed to make a move otherwise his wife would crucify him for leaving her alone with their twins. Julia took that chance to excuse herself as well, and Pete and Matt also said goodbye, see you tomorrow, and drifted over to where the attempted seduction of Hannah was in full flow.

  Julia raised an eyebrow at the younger woman, offering her an unspoken exit, but Hannah winked and carried on the conversation. Shrugging to herself, Julia headed for her room.

  * * * *

  Once in the hotel room, she kicked off her shoes and lay down on the bed. She began to imagine how the pool scenario may have played out—if she’d given in and gone with them.

  “Come on, don’t hang back.”

  All three men were grinning at her as they eased through the double doors into the room surrounding the swimming pool. It was dark except for a couple of security lights overhead. She heard the lock on the door snick, stopping anyone else from coming in. Chas moved on sure feet to the light switches and flicked a couple, spreading light around the pool, but leaving the surface of the water still dark. Then he hit another couple of switches and all around the pool bright lights came on beneath that surface. The water blazed clear and bright and Julia blushed, knowing that in a few minutes those lights would be picking out every inch of her naked body.

  The men had no modesty. None of them went to use one of the five or so changing cubicles lined along the back of the room. Each pulled their shirts over their heads and kicked their feet free of their shoes at the same time. Pants came down and they all hopped for a moment as they removed socks, leaving them in just shorts. Two wore boxers, but Bart was wearing much tighter Calvin Kleins. She could see the way they outlined his already half-hard cock.

  It was obvious what they would be doing next, but her mouth still dropped open as they all dropped their underpants, revealing partially erect cocks.


  “What? Nothing you’ll not have seen before, baby. Come on, you’re lagging behind.”

  She shuddered and bit her lip. They’d egged her on to go skinny-dipping with them, and they were already naked.

  Without saying another word, all three turned and made running racing dives into the water. All three cut the surface like knives, perfectly executed entries to the water she couldn’t even begin to match.

  They surfaced about halfway along the pool, all three of them in a line, and turned to look back at her.

  “Come on. It’s beautiful in here, nice and warm.”

  She swallowed hard and lifted her hands behind her head, reaching for the tie on the halter neck. The room fell quiet and she watched as all three waded forward through the chest-deep water toward her, their eyes intent on her soon to be revealed body.

  “You don’t have to watch.”

  Alec grinned. “You didn’t have to, but you did.”

  The two ties were loose in her hands now. If she brought them forward and let go, they’d fall, exposing her bra to these men. She’d called them toads when she’d described them to her husband, but to be fair, they weren’t that bad. “You could turn your backs.”

  Bart chuckled. “We could, but we won’t. We want to watch, don’t we, fellas?”

  The other two nodded their agreement.

  Julia felt warmth spreading up her body from between her legs. Her nipples, already hardening from their brazen behavior, kicked into overdrive. She almost grunted as her arousal kicked in. She brought the straps forward and let them drop, then turned to her left, letting them see her bra-encased bust in profile as the dress fell to her waist. Turning to her left had exposed the slit in her skirt. She hadn’t adjusted it after Alec had opened the zip further so, as she pointed her knee forward, it showed off quite a length of thigh. Reaching down with both hands, she used one to hold the skirt in place, and the other to undo the zip to its fullest extent.

  As she straightened, the skirt opened all the way to the top of her thigh, exposing her creamy skin above her gossamer white stockings. The guys whistled and cheered and she flashed them a quick smile as she slowly eased the dress down over her hips then dropped it to the floor. Stepping out of it, she turned her back to them before bending at the waist to pick it up. The way the white lace tightened across her butt brought another cheer, but she wasn’t going to leave the dress lying there on the tiled floor where it could get wet. The idea of walking back through the hotel in soaking wet clothes didn’t appeal to her at all.

  She sat down on the nearest chair to remove her shoes, only for Bart to call out, “Leave those ʼtil last, baby. Show us what you’ve got.”

  She smiled at them and stood again. Arousal coursed through her system. She knew they weren’t going to let her swim. Their sole intention of getting her into the pool had been to get her naked, as naked as they were, and as soon as she was in the water she knew they would converge on her. She shivered at the thought, but brought her hands up behind her back and unclasped her bra. As the cups fell loose, she used one arm to mash the garment to her chest and took a deep breath before whipping it out and away, lifting both arms above her head.

  All three whooped and hollered at the sight of her naked breasts and she could see they were closer to this end of the pool now.

  The idea of six hands caressing her naked body, or three mouths sucking at her eager flesh, or three cocks ready to plunder her pussy and her mouth, was sending her into libidinous overdrive. She stared at the three of them, noticing how one hand was under the water in each case. The ripples on the surface stopped her from seeing what they were doing, but she knew they had to be stroking their cocks, and getting themselves ready for her. That thought sent another shudder down her spine as she lowered her hands to her waist and grabbed the wais
tband of her panties.

  “Lose them, baby. Quickly.”

  She shivered again then, as if she’d suddenly made a life-changing decision, pushed them down onto her thighs. She knew they could see her slit as she pushed her underwear down further and then, as they fell to the ground, stepped out of them. She pulled the chair forward, and sat on the cold plastic, making herself shiver and then, almost as an afterthought, leaned forward and picked up her panties, placing them on her dress.

  She was under no illusions. One or other of the men would undoubtedly claim them as a prize before they let her leave. Sitting back up, she lifted her left leg straight out then up and eased the top of the thin stocking down past her knee. Bending her leg out to the side, she pushed the thin nylon all the way down to her ankle. She knew doing that would expose her slit, opening up the outer lips to show a glimpse of the darker pink underneath. Panting for air, she repeated the maneuver on the other side then slowly undid her shoes and slipped both them and the stockings off at the same time. She wondered if the stockings would go the same way as her panties, but she just smiled as she rose to her feet and walked over to the pool.

  Standing above them, she could see them all looking up at her, fire in their eyes, fists pumping their cocks as they drank in her beauty. She spread her feet a little apart and flexed her knees, knowing they now had a close-up of her wet, willing and very available pussy. Nobody was talking about skinny-dipping now. That had been the pretext. This was about sex, nothing more. As she lowered herself to sit on the side of the pool, letting her legs dangle into the water, the three men seemed to lunge for her, capturing her in their hot hands…

  Julia could hear her own moans echoing back from the walls of the otherwise empty hotel room as she came. Her pussy convulsed, gripping her fingers, and she arched her back and grunted as the orgasm washed through her. It took a few seconds for her senses to return fully, and she panted for air.

  She looked down at herself. The halter neck of her dress was undone, one side gaping open, her bra pushed down as her hand squeezed her breast. The bottom part of the dress was rucked up, exposing her leg and allowing her hand underneath to worm into her panties to touch herself. She could still feel the muscles of her channel walls clamping down on three of her fingers, while her thumb was still gently circling her clit, bathed in the copious juices she’d leaked. One of her shoes was still on, but somehow she’d kicked the other one off in the throes of passion. Similarly, one of her stockings seemed okay, but the other one had a ragged ladder from her thigh down to beyond her knee.


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