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Julia's Second Collection

Page 40

by McAvoy, Bridy

  He laughed. “Eager little beaver, aren’t we?”

  “Just fuck me already.”

  He pressed harder against her, his fingertip brushing up against her clit as she spread her legs wider. She knew he was hard, but he seemed to be in no hurry. Bending down, he took her nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. She groaned, her skin there already sensitized by what her husband had done to her earlier.

  His hand changed the angle. Suddenly two fingers were thrusting up, parting her lips and sliding inside her, knuckle deep. She moaned, hearing the sound seem to echo around the clearing in front of the cabin, then bit her lip to stop any further noises, just in case someone came to investigate. His fingers slid in further as he used his teeth on one nipple while pulling and twisting the other one between his finger and thumb. She was unstoppable now, her hips churning as his fingers started to saw in and out of her grasping pussy. She arched her back, pressing more of her tit into his mouth, and then the orgasm hit. She started to shake and shudder, her body slipping down. She would have fallen if he hadn’t wrapped an arm around her, holding her as the climax worked its way through her body. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and saw him staring at her.

  “That was a good one, hey, baby?”

  She tried hard to smile, failed, swallowed, and then managed to force a smile.

  “I think it’s my turn now, don’t you?”

  Without waiting for her to gasp out a reply, he stepped back. Pulling his shirt over his head, he revealed a well-muscled and bronzed torso. Then he was pushing his pants down his legs, revealing a six-pack, and then as his shorts followed, a hard cock that seemed to point straight at her. She swallowed convulsively, trying to moisten her mouth to tell him to hurry, but no words would form.

  Kicking off his boots, he freed himself from his tangle of clothes and walked back toward her. As his cock touched her belly, its heat seared against her. She sucked in her stomach in reaction, but he just pressed closer. She was still panting from the after-effects of her orgasm as he bent, hooked one arm under each of her thighs and then straightened, lifting her. A moment before his cock had been like a branding iron against her stomach, now it was the same thing slapping against the inside of her thighs. She gasped as she realized what he was going to do, but there was nothing she could do to stop him. She wound her hands into the ropes binding her arms and hung on as he lifted her higher, then slowly lowered her down.

  At the first attempt, he missed her slick opening, skidding on her moisture, but he made no mistake lining up the second time. She couldn’t help moaning out loud once more as the thick end of his cock split her lips open and entered her channel.

  Julia was terrified he would just let go, drop her down, and truly impale her in one go, but he didn’t do that, remaining gentle as he slowly, inexorably, lowered her down onto his hard shaft. Inch by inch, she sank down onto it, gasping and groaning as he filled her. As he lowered her, he pressed forward and she felt something catch at her butt. Realization dawned. She was partly perched on the running board, presenting her wide open pussy at exactly the right height and angle for him.

  “I would never hurt you, baby, but I am going to fuck you hard.”

  She didn’t answer as she let her fears flow away, letting the pleasure build as he started to thrust in and out of her. He kissed her again as he drove in and out, then bent his head as she arched her back, enabling him to bite down on her nipple again.

  Then he straightened and increased the tempo. She grunted with each thrust as he slammed into her. It seemed it was effortless for him as he held both their weights but still continued to fuck her. Her butt was bouncing on the running board, her back slamming against the metal of the door, while her arms hung above her head, unable to clasp him, to pull him in tighter and increase the pleasure for both of them.

  For moments she felt like a rag doll, as he bounced her around, then another orgasm crashed through her system. This time she didn’t care if her screams and moans and grunts were heard beyond the tight confines of the clearing in front of the cabin.

  He kept going, neither speeding up nor seeming to tire. She couldn’t do anything to relieve the pressure on her body as he buffeted her between his hard body and the cold unyielding metal behind her. It wasn’t hard enough to bruise, but she knew she’d be sore afterward. Another climax rushed through her, and she could see the beads of sweat standing out on his forehead from the exertion.

  He started to straighten more, his cock starting to expand inside her grasping pussy. She clamped down hard with her internal muscles, hearing him grunt as he shot his load inside her. She came again as he sprayed his jism inside her and, gasping for breath, he slowly lowered her feet back to the floor.

  Her shoulders ached, but in truth, she ached all over. She stood there gasping for breath as he reached for her right hand, undid the knot and then unwound the rope. She immediately looked at her wrist, surprised to see no marks there, no reddening of the skin. A moment later, both hands were free and she staggered clear of the truck. She turned around to look at it, expecting to see two dents—a perfect imprint from her butt where he’d slammed her against it, but there wasn’t a mark.

  He chuckled and quickly dressed, tucking his deflating cock away before stepping into his boots. Leaning into the cab of the pickup, he fished out her underwear and gravely handed them to her. She nodded a thanks, still too worn to speak.

  “You go get yourself cleaned up, young lady. I’ll go make us that coffee. Then I’ll draw up the revised bill of sale.”

  Twenty minutes later as Chris’s two workers showed Max how to securely tie the boat to the dock, Julia was signing the documentation that made the boat theirs, complete with the discount she’d earned. She felt she’d earned the coffee too.

  Julia’s Zip

  As Julia pulled into the garage, she smiled to herself. Perfect. The other bay was empty, meaning Max wasn’t home yet. That might just give her the time she needed to put her plan into action.

  She almost jumped from the car, and as the garage door closed, walked around to the front door and unlocked it, then cancelled the house alarm. Still smiling to herself, she draped her work jacket over the top of the newel post at the bottom of the stairs, then discarded her left high heel on the second step. Her right high heel was artfully dropped on the seventh step and it only took her a minute to wiggle out of her skirt and drape that on the floor at the top of the stairs, the hem just trailing over the stairs so it was visible from the bottom.

  Her smile changed to a grin as she crept past the breadcrumbs she’d just left for her husband to find and headed through to the kitchen. They’d played this game before, but always with a simple straight trail. This time she was going to have a little more fun. Dodging into the kitchen, she dropped her blouse to the floor on the far side of the island, where he couldn’t see it unless he walked all the way into the kitchen. That left her in just the nice lacy bra and panties set she’d worn to work, other than her stockings, and she intended to keep them on, just to make the catch more fun. It took a couple of tries to get her bra to loop over one of the blades on the ceiling fan in the downstairs study and then she wrapped her panties around the handle on the door leading through to the garage. She grabbed her car key and stepped into the garage wearing just her hold-up stockings. She didn’t switch on the light, moving by touch only.

  This was the dangerous part of the plan. If Max arrived home in the next thirty seconds and opened the garage door he’d find her there, naked, waiting for him, and inadvertently display all of her to the whole street and anyone driving past. It was cold in the garage and she shivered a little, then decided it was worth it if she just had another couple of seconds to complete the process. Adrenalin lent her wings as she quickly pressed the button on the car key and unlocked her car. The courtesy light came on, giving her some illumination. Julia walked around to the rear door and, as she opened it, she heard a car pull onto the drive. It might be Ryan next door coming hom
e, or it could be Max.

  Another surge of adrenalin boosted her and she dived into the back seat of her car and pulled the door shut. She flicked the switch on the courtesy light, leaving herself in darkness again. A few seconds later the rumble of the garage door motor started and light flooded into the space as the door opened. She flattened herself to the seat, her heart beating wildly. She could hear it thumping in her chest, but she stayed still as Max parked his larger Lexus next to hers, and then climbed from his car. At least he was on the far side from her. She lay still, not wanting to accidentally rock her car on its springs and give the game away. A moment later she heard footsteps retreating and then the mechanism starting up as the door closed again.

  She knew her husband would recognize her sexy little game for what it was—an invitation to make love. As she waited for him to follow the false trail, and finally the real one, her anticipation grew. After ten minutes, she started to worry, but then, just as she was about to climb from the car and give it away, she heard the interior door to the garage open and then the overhead light came on.


  His voice was soft and she smiled. He hadn’t fully worked out the game, but he clearly knew some of it.


  She bounced on the seat of the car, enough to make the car move on its springs for him to notice. She watched as he walked up to the front of the car and peered into the shadowed interior. She flattened herself to the seat once more as he peered in the front windows. There was enough light for him to see they were empty, but not enough to see into the back. The tan leather that had been so cold to her body would camouflage her well. Instead of peering into the back window, he opened the door and she pounced, wrapping her arms around the back of his legs.

  “Come here, tiger.”

  “Fucking hell!”

  He tried to back away, obviously shocked, but she hung on and didn’t let him get away. He almost dragged her out of the car horizontally before he recovered.

  “What the fuck?”

  She pulled back, looking up at him, and batting her eyelids as she watched his face register her nudity. “It’s like this, darling: we christened every room in this house when we moved in, and we christened every room at the cabin last weekend.” She chuckled, giving it a low earthy rumble. “But it struck me we haven’t christened my lovely shiny new car yet, so get your ass in here, tiger. I want you, and I want you now.”

  His face broke into a grin. “All you had to do was ask, honey.”

  “I thought it would be more fun, but what took you so long?”

  He shrugged. “I guessed you were hiding, but your false trail fooled me. I searched the entire upstairs before I came back downstairs and found your bra. Never did find your blouse.”

  She shook her head. “Men. Never look for anything in the kitchen, do you?”


  “Now, will you get in this car? It’s early November and I’m fucking freezing. I need you to warm me up, the way only my husband can.”

  He slid into the car as she backed up, giving him the room, then crouching on her hands and knees she leaned in to kiss him. His hand immediately found her breast dangling beneath her and she moaned into the kiss.

  As they parted, she reached down to his fly. Max laughed. “Just remember one thing.”


  “It’ll be my car’s turn tomorrow.”

  “For what?” She knew what he meant, but wanted to drag it out.

  He groaned as she slid his boxers down and pulled out his already half hard cock. Sinking her face down into his lap, she took him into her mouth. He groaned again as he hardened.

  “To be christened.”

  She pulled off him and grinned up into his face. “Okay, but on one condition.”

  “Which is?”

  “You’re the one naked waiting in the back seat. It’s too fucking cold out here to do it twice.”

  He didn’t answer as she plunged her warm mouth down on him again.

  * * * *

  “You know, I think I’ve put a couple of pounds on. Well, more like six or seven.”

  Max finished straightening his tie and turned from the mirror to look at her. “No way, honey. I bet you’re still within a couple of pounds of the weight you were when we got married.”

  Julia gave him a tight smile. He knew the right thing to say, only she had the evidence right in front of her, or rather all around her.

  “Thank you, darling, but I’m afraid I can disprove that.”


  She pointed to the zip at her side that gaped at least an inch at the top and was only fastened about half way.

  “I could get this dress on when I bought it about eight months ago. Now look at it.”

  “Honey, I’m looking at it and I’m loving it.”

  “Well, you won’t be loving it if I can’t get it done up!”

  “Surely the dress has shrunk.” His fingers gently explored her side.

  “Stop buttering me up. I bought two dresses at the same time, but I’ve never worn this one. Now I can’t get the damn thing to do up.”

  “You could have bought a new dress.”

  “I know I could, but this is a new dress in the sense I haven’t worn it before.”

  “Breathe in, honey.”

  He gently tugged at the two sides of the dress and then used one hand to hold the dress in place, while he used his other hand to ease the tab up the zip.



  “The zip dug in.”

  “Sorry, nearly got it. Just breathe in and hold it for a second.”

  The zip slid all the way up and he deftly connected the hook and eye at the top that would hold it in place.

  “How’s that?”

  “Thank you, sweetheart.” She turned back to the mirror, flexing her arms as he stood back a little. He was splitting his time between the real her and the reflection.

  The black dress was meant to be tight from the hips upward. It flared into a tiny skirt that only just covered her stocking tops. It wouldn’t cover them at all if she sat down and crossed her legs. If she sat down, she was going to have to remember that. It hugged her butt, framing and containing it, while above, the off-the-shoulder top hugged her breasts equally tightly. She’d bought the dress simply because of the way it brought her breasts together, giving her a deeper, yet still natural looking cleavage. The sweetheart peephole showed off the inner curves perfectly too, but prevented her wearing a bra with it.

  There were, though, two obvious problems with the dress as she looked at herself in the mirror. Max had obviously spotted one, and she knew her husband wouldn’t consider it a problem. In the struggle to put the dress on, the top had slipped down a couple of inches on one side, exposing the top quarter of her left areola. As her gaze settled on the offending nipple, Max moved to stand right behind her again. Before she could grab the dress to adjust it, he took her hands in his, entwining their fingers.

  “Looks great.”


  He chucked, slowly lifting her arms out to the sides and then up. She realized what he was doing a split second too late and then he had her arms up above her head, stretching her. Of course, the traitorous dress simply slid down and her nipple popped out.


  “Looks better like this.”

  “Not if we are in a room full of fifty people it doesn’t.”

  He grinned and bent his head, capturing her earlobe in his teeth and biting down gently. She gasped, watching in the mirror as his playful but still sexual advances had the inevitable effect on her hardening nipple.

  “Think about it. What if they were all men?”

  She shivered at the thought which only made her breast shake. Max relented and let her go. She pulled the front of the dress back up and turned around to check the back view.


  “What, honey?”

  “VPL. I thought I’d got
that covered.”

  She was wearing her thinnest pair of boy-short style lace panties just to ensure it was a problem she didn’t have, but even so, she could see the outline of the seams through the tight clinging material around her hips. They were barely there as it was, but they were still visible.

  “I’ll solve that for you.”

  Julia watched in the mirror as Max dropped to his knees behind her, putting his hands on the outside of her thighs just below the hem of her skirt. It didn’t take a lot of imagination to work out what he was going to do, especially as he began to tease her by slowly sliding his hands up the outside of her legs

  “Max! I can’t go commando in this dress.”

  “Why not? You obviously can’t wear these.”

  “I’ll be flashing everything if I’m not careful.”

  He laughed. “Just think about it. Some stud asks you for a dance and you forget and start dancing with your hands above your head, jumping up and down. Then you realize everyone is watching your pretty little pussy peeping out while the top falls down, exposing your breasts.”


  His hands were underneath the dress, having moved on to the naked skin above her hold-up stockings. She shivered and felt that familiar tingle as her body responded to her husband’s touch.

  “That might start an orgy.”

  “Nah. It’d start a feeding frenzy. You’d be the center of the biggest gang-bang this town ever saw.”

  Her shudder this time was much more pronounced as his fingers crawled up onto her hips, grabbing hold of the elastic of her underwear and then starting the return journey—pulling them down. She could feel her outer lips plumping up as they reacted to the proximity of his fingers to her slit. She knew if he didn’t hurry, the panties he removed would be damp with her secretions.


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