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Sunny's Safe Haven (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

Page 2

by Vanessa Brooks

  She whimpered at the recollection of his harsh words and tried to turn on her side wanting to curl up and protect herself from the bitter memory but the pain in her womb halted her movement and she gasped, the agony keeping her flat on her back.

  A cool hand settled on her forehead, soothing her, as she wept harrowing tears of loss.

  A gentle voice shushed her. “You are safe and cared for here, I promise that no one shall hurt you, Stephanie, and your father will only be allowed to visit at your behest. Doctor Norwood ordered you to rest. You have lost a great deal of blood, my dear.”

  Stephanie turned her head on the pillow and recognized Madam Jewel from the Red Petticoat. Is that where she was? Well, it was appropriate at any rate. She tried to speak and thank the beautiful blonde but a dry croak was all she could manage. Instantly a glass of cool water was pressed to her lips and she drank thirstily before flopping back onto the pillows. A cool cloth gently swiped her face then rested across her forehead. Once again she attempted to talk, this time with a little more success.

  “Thank you. Where am I?” she asked weakly.

  “The Red Petticoat, you will be staying until you are well enough to leave but I want you to stay as long as you need to, you are very welcome here, Stephanie.”

  Tears welled in Stephanie’s eyes at the kind and softly spoken words of her hostess. It had been a long time since she had experienced such care from another woman, not since her mama had passed several years ago in fact.

  “Thank you, I-I don’t deserve such generosity,” she whispered, choking back an anguished sob.

  Jewel gazed down at the young woman, her heart twisted with pity. She knew how this girl was suffering, because she had gone through much the same experience herself, although she had been lucky enough not to fall pregnant. She ran the wet muslin cloth over the girl’s pale face once more before settling herself down upon the bed side. She placed her palm over the girl’s small hand. As Stephanie followed her movements, Jewel marveled at the girl’s rather startling eyes, a clear yellow-green. So bright that they reminded her of a mountain cat she had once briefly spotted whilst out riding in the Sierras with Gabe. They sometimes took off together with a picnic, spending the day together in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains. These mountains housed so many of the gold mines where their customers toiled all week before flooding into the saloon at weekends to spend their hard earned gold and cash.

  “I am going to tell you a story and then I want you to sleep, child.” Jewel smiled at her and squeezed her hand as Stephanie nodded once, her gaze fixed upon Jewel’s sapphire colored eyes.

  “Once upon a time there was a very young and innocent English girl who grew up surrounded by luxury. She lived in a castle with her father who was a hard task master and expected his daughter to be a perfect little princess. The girl was so protected that she had no idea that duplicity and unkindness existed in the world. She grew into womanhood naive and far too trusting. One day she met a handsome fellow who stole her heart and offered her love the like of which the pretty girl had never known before and she worshiped this man, giving all that he asked of her, believing his promise of a future together.” Jewel fell silent a moment, lost in her own thoughts and memories.

  “Is that the end of the tale?” Stephanie’s voice brought her back to the present. She smiled sadly down at the ashen faced invalid.

  “No, child. One day there was a grand ball, everyone who was important in the area was invited and while the party was in full swing the girl’s gentleman drew her aside into a private room where he ravaged her and she, adoring him as she did, allowed him, enjoying his skilled attention. The girl fully expected this party to be the moment of her engagement announcement.”

  “Ball?” Stephanie frowned at the term.

  “That is what a grand dance is called in England. Suddenly the guests entered the room and the girl was discovered in a compromising situation. There was shock and condemnation from everyone, including the girl’s father who was furious with her. The girl waited expectantly for her lover to explain everything and claim her as his future wife, but alas, he denied her and instead took the hand of another young lady, leaving the girl to face the shame and ridicule all alone.”

  “Oh!” Tears of empathy leaked down Stephanie’s temples into her hair line making her beautiful eyes glitter with liquid sheen. Jewel smiled and squeezed her hand in reassurance.

  “The girl was miserable for a very long time and kept herself hidden away from the world, avoiding her angry papa, but then one day a kind lady came, her grandmother, a lady who made her see that she was not in the wrong, that she had broken no promises, her only crime had been to trust a man whom she loved. Her grandmother built up the girl’s self-esteem and taught her to love again and to be brave. Eventually the girl met an honorable man, one who loved her as she loved him, with heart and soul and I believe that they will live happily ever after. Stephanie, you will eventually heal and you will become strong and capable once more but in the meantime please let those of us at the Red Petticoat befriend you and help you through this difficult time.”

  Stephanie’s tears flowed faster. She nodded her head, too moved to reply. Jewel leaned forward, pressing her lips against the girl’s damp temple. “Sleep now, child. I will ask Nettie to make you some reviving soup for later.”

  Gabe swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat as he eavesdropped outside the door, listening as Jewel recounted her own tale of heartbreak and woe, his hands clenching and unclenching. Every time he heard her story, he wanted to crush that cowardly Englishman under his heel. Yet, without her past misfortune, she would not have come to America and he would never had met and loved her. He heard the rustle of her skirts as she moved across the room to the doorway. As she swept into the hallway he stretched out his arm and scooped her into his embrace. His lips crushed hers and she molded against the length of his hard, lean body, acquiescing to him physically as she always did, wherever and whenever he demanded. He adored that about her. His Jewel had grown into a strong independent woman yet her submission to him as her man was something he would always treasure and never take advantage of. His one thought as her sweet mouth opened to receive his tongue, was how much he loved and adored her. His querida, the Jewel of his heart.

  Breaking the kiss, he held her at arm’s length, his concerned gaze assessing her emotional state.

  “I am fine, Gabe, but I ache for that poor child. At least I was lucky enough to escape becoming pregnant.”

  Gabe held her face between his hands, gazing down into her gorgeous face. “Your past brought you here to me mi amor and for that I can only be grateful. Fear not, for together we shall help this niña to find her place within the world.”

  “Thank you, Gabe, you always know just the right thing to say.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Come, mi corazon, we have at least an hour to ourselves. I want to hold you in my arms and hear those cries of yours that speed up my heart and spur on mi falo, querida.”

  Jewel gave a low chuckle and allowed her man to tug her towards their room. Gabe never failed to turn her knees to jelly and her pussy to molten lust. He was her rock and salvation, always knowing when she needed his strength and support. Very soon the last thing on her mind was her past as her virile man brought her very much into the present with his searing looks and commanding touch.


  Meanwhile, Tey was explaining his strategy to Sheriff Jeb Justice, a man he instantly liked and instinctively trusted.

  “I figure the men responsible for hijacking the gold must have someone working with ‘em from the inside. They appear to know which day and the exact time the gold is being transported down from the mine. Have you had any luck tracking the bandit’s trail?”

  “Nope, we’ve five dead men to date, and not a single clue. It’s difficult terrain to track in, grounds covered in loose rock. We’ve had our fair share of troubles in Culpepper of late, what with a young girl still missing and
outlaws bringing the militia out in force, the bank being robbed a couple o’ times. I tell you, Tey, it has been one hell of a year. I sure hope you have more luck than we did catching the outlaws, just give the nod if you need more support. I have my hands pretty full scouring the land for Bessie Trotter, the girl I mentioned was missing. Thankfully, I have an experienced deputy in Crawford Slade, his own wife was kidnapped before they were wed and he’s real determined to find young Bessie. I have discussed the gold theft situation with Will Rockwell, the Mayor of Culpepper Cove and he suggested that I make you a special deputy. That way you can arrest any outlaws you capture.”

  Tey gave a wry grin. “I’m more inclined to need an undertaker than a badge in my line of work, Sheriff, but I guess if you’re giving me arresting rights, I’ll take ‘em. Heck, I met a man jus’ yesterday I would have arrested.”

  The sheriff leaned across the space between them and held out the tin coffee pot, his brow raised in query; Tey nodded and lifted his mug. The sheriff poured out black coffee, first refilling Tey’s mug and then his own.

  “A man needed arresting in my town yesterday—that I don’t know about. Tell me,” he said, setting the coffee pot back on the stove.

  “Sweet gal, name of Stephanie Kendrick, knocked to the ground by her own father. I witnessed him hit her so hard that she fell off the sidewalk. The girl lost her baby because of that sonofabitch.”

  “Kendrick hit Stephanie? Hang on—whose baby? Hell and damnation, why does no one keep me informed? I’m sheriff here, yet seems as I’m always the last to know anything around here!”

  Tey shrugged and took a slug of his coffee.

  “Where is Stephanie now, any idea?” Jeb asked.

  “Yup, sure do, she’s staying over at the Red Petticoat.”

  “Makes sense, a kinder woman than Madam Jewel you’ve yet to meet.”

  “She the beautiful blue eyed blonde, belongs to the man they call Gabe?”

  “That’s her an’ Gabe’s a real good man, keeps the peace at the Petticoat, along with their men Charlie and John. Between ‘em, they make sure all runs smoothly in the saloon. First saloon I’ve worked with in a town where there’s been no real trouble. Gabe keeps those gems of theirs in line too.”

  “Warms their fannies for ‘em does he?” Tey winked.

  “Time to time, I hear tell he does.”

  “If I didn’t envy the man before, I sure as hell do now!” Tey shook his head with a grin and the sheriff chuckled.

  “I dunno. I find keeping my own red headed gem in line tough enough. To have a bevy of those naughty girls would drive me to rot gut.”

  Tey looked surprised. “You married a gem?”

  The sheriff narrowed his eyes. “Something you want to say about that?”

  “No, Sheriff, jus’ surprised is all. Most men want fresh meat for a wife. Personally, some of my best friends are whores, an’ yeah I’d have called every one of them a gem.”

  “That’s why they’re called gems in this town, mister, and jus so you know; my wife was as fresh as a daisy when I plucked her.”

  Tey registered the ice in the sheriff’s sharp tone.

  “I’m real happy for you, Sheriff. Good name for whores though, gems, jus’ what they are too, especially that Peridot, she’s a hot little number. I plan on seeing a lot more of her while I’m here in Culpepper.” The sheriff slapped him on the back then picked up his hat and banged it against his leg before setting it on his head. “I’m going to look in on Stephanie, see if she wants to bring charges against her Pa. Under the circumstances I don’t suppose you want to tag along?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Kendrick’s the mining clerk up at the bank. You’ll be reporting to him about solving these hijackings of the gold from the Merit Mine.”

  “Aw, hell no, I think before I talk to that piece of shit. I’ll take me a ride up to the mine and talk to the foreman, get the lowdown from him before I have to speak with Kendrick. Got any suggestions for a couple of reliable sidekicks? I’ll need two good men, accurate shots.”

  The sheriff thought for a moment. “Hm, we-ll there’s the undertaker’s lad, Kelly Thurgood. Cocky feller but never been in real trouble but the way he brags about his gun speeds, he might do. Then there’s Luke Cutler, another youngster who claims to shoot straight. Both are a bit hot headed but would be okay for your purposes.”

  “Thanks, Sheriff, I’ll head on over to the undertakers now an’ see if Thurgood’s right for the job.”

  “Albert Thurgood the undertaker is Kelly’s father and Luke’s folks are the Cutlers, they own the saddlers. Luke’s generally there helping out his pa.”

  Tey tipped his hat in thanks and each man left the jailhouse, the sheriff locking up behind him as each man headed off in the opposite direction.

  “Kelly Thurgood?” Tey watched the young man push off the wall at the back of the undertakers, where he was lounging. He stalked over to Tey with a cocky swagger and a confident grin. Tey studied the youth, could he trust that affable exterior, or did it hide a darker nature? In Tey’s line of work he never took a man at face value, unless his gut told him otherwise, as it had with Jeb Justice, his lip twitched with amusement, a great name for a lawman. He looked down at Dog who curled his lip in a snarl, so he wasn’t too keen on young Kelly.

  “Might be, who’s askin’?” The youth drawled.

  “Howdy, I hear tell you’re a mighty fine shot. Care to demonstrate for me?” Tey watched the calculating look that flashed briefly over the lad’s pale eyes.

  “What’s it worth, cowboy?” Kelly asked.

  What was it with this town? Everyone assumed that he was a cowpoke.

  “Hit the weather vane up on the church steeple and I might offer you an’ your gun a job, if’n you want one that is.” Tey replied.

  The lad swaggered over to stand next to Tey. He rolled his shoulders and took up a loose kneed stance before his hand whipped out, drew his gun, firing at the vane. The thing spun with the impact of the bullet, Kelly twirled his gun before fluidly slipping it back into his holster.

  Tey nodded. “I need a pair o’ sidekicks to protect gold being brought down from the Merit co-operative mine. Pays good an’ the job’s yorn, if you want it.”

  Tey noted that Kelly’s neck stained pink with pleasure but he gave the lad his due, he played his cards close to his chest, simply holding out his hand politely. “Sure, when do I start, mister?”

  “Few days from now, I got some business to see to first. Just so you know, I am a special deputy and this job has its dangers. Still want in?”

  “Yup, say, what’s your name?”


  “Thanks, Mr. Tey!”

  “Just Tey will do. Meet me at the livery six am Monday next week. You gotta horse?”

  “Yup, sure have.”

  “Your pal Luke… he still working in his Pa’s store?”

  “I guess. You gonna offer him a job?”

  Tey inclined his head. “Might do. Monday. Don’t be late.” As he walked away, he could feel the youngster’s pale eyes burning his back with curiosity. He hoped the sheriff was right about Kelly Thurgood because he himself felt uneasy about the kid.

  Luke was a different kettle of fish. He was fresh faced and eager. He hit the weather vane with his shot, as easily as Kelly had. Both fancied themselves as gunslingers and Tey didn’t disabuse them. Fact was, he could have killed the pair of them before their guns had even left their holsters.

  He made his way over to the saloon for a bite to eat and a shot. He’d heard tell Nettie, the cook at the Red Petticoat, made a mean gumbo and he was starving. He hoped Peridot would be free again tonight. He’d rather pay a full night with her to warm his bones than stay at the prim and proper boarding house across the street that the mine had him booked into.

  Chapter Three

  Stephanie had just finished a bowl of chicken broth when the sheriff was shown into her room by Gabe. Stephanie stared up at both men, her
already ashen face paling with anxiety.

  “No need to look so afraid, chiquita, the sheriff was worried about you and has come to ask about your health,” Gabe reassured her. Stephanie nodded but nevertheless, she sucked on her bottom lip anxiously.

  “Miss Kendrick, Stephanie, how are you feelin’ now?” the sheriff asked her kindly.

  “A little better, thanks, Sheriff,” she murmured politely.

  “Hm, well that’s good to hear. Now, I hear tell from Mr. Vasquez, that your pa hit you hard enough to knock you off the boardwalk. I want you to think about pressing charges against him.”

  Stephanie shook her head with violent denial. “No, no, I can’t!”

  The sheriff held up his hand. “Just a dang minute, consider this, young lady. You wouldn’t have lost your baby if it weren’t for your pa hitting out an’ knocking you down. It’s all well and good a father chastising his daughter, but hitting her so hard that she loses her child? Well, the law takes exception to that. You think on things awhile and I’ll be back tomorrow, see if you’ve maybe changed your mind.”

  “All right, sir, but I won’t. I don’t want to see my father or even speak to him again but I shan’t bring charges against him,” Stephanie uttered vehemently.

  After the men left her alone again, Stephanie slipped back down into the comfort of her bed feeling miserable and exhausted. How could she ever leave this room? The whole town knew that she had been pregnant now. How could her father have behaved that way toward her, exposing her precious secret in that humiliating and hateful manner?

  She had expected his support, thinking that he would make Kelly marry her once he knew about their secret engagement and her subsequent pregnancy, but he didn’t let her explain anything, not even asking her the name of her lover. She had only got as far as telling him that she was expecting when he had begun to unbuckle his belt, threatening to teach her the error of her sluttish ways. Stephanie had turned and fled into the street but her father had followed her, chasing her and berating her loudly all the way through the town. Finally, he had caught up with her outside the Red Petticoat saloon, whereupon he had slapped her face. He began shouting abominable things at her, some of which she didn’t even understand, she had never heard such expressions used before.


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