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Brontë, William (Patrick’s brother), 4
Brooke (mill owner of Dewsbury), 69
Brooke, Leah, 214 343
Brooke, Maria (née Patchett), 343 403
Brooke, Thomas, 358
Brooke, Revd Titus Senior, 343
Brooke family, 199
Brookfield, Mrs, 759
Broughton-in-Furness, 375 386 391
Brown, Dr A., 11
Brown, Eliza, 968
Brown John: and Branwell’s drinking, 374 642 friendship and correspondence with Branwell, 376 389 and church rate controversy, 418 and Andrews’ memorial tablet, 464 Branwell visits Liverpool with, 538 533 and Branwell’s relations with Mrs Robinson, 541 letters to Midgeley
Brown John – continued memorial, 558 and Branwell’s debts, 667 with dying Branwell, 669 adds Branwell’s name to family monument, 672 objects to Nicholls’ proposal to Charlotte, 840 de Renzy complains to, 889 and Charlotte’s wedding, 893 funeral 927
Brown, Martha: at Haworth Parsonage, 113 371 474 508 778 826 photograph of Branwell portrait, 250 and Branwell’s attacks, 642 and Emily’s decline and death, 680 682 and Anne’s final trip to Scarborough, 698 writes to Charlotte in Scarborough, 703 sickness, 712 753 812 on Charlotte’s authorship, 741 spring cleans parsonage, 824 dislikes Nicholls, 856 and Mrs Gaskell, 872 and Charlotte’s wedding, 893 witnesses Charlotte’s will, 908 and Charlotte’s death, 911 legacy from Patrick, 925 looks after invalid Patrick, 967 at Patrick’s funeral, 968 accompanies Nicholls on retirement to Ireland, 974 death and burial, 974
Brown, William, 287 390 669 956 958
Brussels: Charlotte visits with Emily, 423 429 440 442 life and study in, 448 Charlotte and Emily teach in, 462 Charlotte returns alone to teach in, 480 494 effect on Charlotte, 484
Buckworth, Revd John: ill health, 33 as vicar of Dewsbury, 33 37 Patrick dedicates poems to, 49 preaching, 69 edits The Cottage Magazine, 80 and Patrick at Haworth, 115 and Maria’s death, 118 financial help to Patrick, 120 Patrick refers Mary Burder to, 131 A Series of Discourses, 45
Bull, Revd George, 255 399 417
Burder, Mary Mildred Davy: Patrick disappoints in love, 21 32 43 54 refuses Patrick’s desire to remarry, 130
Burder, Sarah, 27
Burnett, Revd John, 612 875 968
Burwin, Benjamin, 168
Busfeild, Mrs William, 517
Busfeild, Revd William, 399 503 866
Butler, William Archer, 588
Butterfield, Richard Shackleton, 522 826
Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron: Brontës’ admiration for, 210 222 228 248 256
Cambridge University: Patrick attends (St John’s College), 1 7
Campbell, Revd John, 24
‘Captive Dove, The’ (Anne Brontë; poem), 511
Carlisle, George William Frederick Howard, 7th Earl of (formerly Viscount Morpeth), 259 279 313 418 797 906
Carr, Dr William, 573 597 751
Carrodus, J.T., 961
Carter, Revd Edward, 211 328 362
Carter, Edward (junior), 348
Carter, Susan (née Wooler), 191 211 328 362
Cartman, Revd William, 821 845 855 875 967
Cartwright, William, 52
Carus Wilson, Revd William see Wilson, Revd William Carus
Cassels, Revd Andrew, 743
Cator, Revd Mr (of Kirk Smeaton), 887
Catton, Thomas, 10
Chambers, William and Robert, 572
Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal, 572
Charlotte, Princess of Wales: death, 86
Charnock, Revd James, 91
Charnock, Revd Thomas Brooksbank, 280 508 597 suicide, 643
Chartists, 418 471 654
Cheadle, Revd James, 596 885 957
Chilcote, Revd Samuel, 16
Chorley, Henry, 734 936
Christ Church, Bradford, 80
Christian Remembrancer (journal), 105 864 939
Church of England: proposed disestablishment, 252 260 278 and Catholic encroachment, 781
Church Missionary Association, Bradford, 69
Church Missionary Society, 39
Church Pastoral Aid Society, 281 503 794 880
Clapham, Henry, 677
Clapham, Mary see Robinson, Mary
Clapham, Robert, 910
Clayton, James, 431
Clayton, Rachel, 431
Clayton (Yorkshire), 73
Clergy Daughters’ School, Cowan Bridge: Brontës attend, 136 154 162 167 331 768 moves to Casterton, 147 Emily and Charlotte leave, 159 portrayed in Jane Eyre, 601 644 663 718 724 945 in Mrs Gaskell’s biography of Charlotte, 944
Clifton (Yorkshire), 44
Clough House, Hightown, near Hartshead (Yorkshire), 65
Cobbett, William, 211
Colburn, Henry (publisher), 590 620
Colchester (Essex), 20
Cole, Revd John, 19
Coleridge, Hartley: Charlotte writes to, 303 394 410 716 Branwell writes to and visits, 388 392 comments on Branwell’s translations, 393
Collins, Revd John, 361 379 381 400 626
Collins, Mrs John, 400 626
Congregationalists, 19
Cook, Ann, 211 276 341 927
Cook, Ellen, 276
Corn Laws, 384 611
Cornhill Magazine, 962
Cottage Magazine, The, 79 158
Courtney, John, 648
Cowan Bridge see Clergy Daughters’ School
Cowper, William, 477
Cox, Revd Robert, 24
Cragg (Haworth auctioneer), 73
Crimean War (1854–5), 886 905
Critic (journal): reviews Poems, 586 633 reviews Jane Eyre, 633 on identity of ‘Currer Bell’, 721
Crofton Hall (school), near Wakefield, 135 144 149
Croly, Dr George, 662
Crosby, Dr John, 545 553 584/5, 608 667
Crosse, Revd John: incumbency, 32 46 63 69 81 death, 82 and Haworth church trustees, 93
Cross Stone (Yorkshire), 91 194
Crossley (Bradford churchwarden), 97
Crossley, Thomas, 434
Crowe, Catherine, 758
Crowther, Revd Thomas, 213 252 508 597 645 806 946
Crystal Palace, 798
Currer, Frances Richardson: sends money to Patrick, 121 as patron of Clergy Daughters’ School, 138 566
Daily News, 721 847 914
Davenport, Mrs, 802
Davy, Mildred, 19 26
Dawson, William, 42
De Quincey, Thomas, 388 589 769
de Renzy, Revd George, 862 889 893
Dean, John, 419
Dearden, William, 124 174 248 434 468 947 951
‘Death Scene’ (Emily Brontë; poem), 588
Denholme (Yorkshire), 73
Denison (parliamentary candidate 1841), 419
Devonshire, William Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of, 532 956
Dewsbury (Yorkshire): Patrick’s curacy in, 33 37 character, 35 epidemic, 43 riots, 342
Dewsbury Auxiliary Bible Society, 70
Dewsbury Moor see Heald’s House
Dickens, Charles: speaks at Royal Literary Fund dinner, 753 Charlotte dislikes, 779 reading in Bradford, 961 Oliver Twist, 308
Dickinson, Barnard, 406
Disraeli, Benjamin, 818
Dissenters: status and rights, 252 260 Patrick’s controversies with, 253 260 278 298 347 370 417 505 507
Dixon, Miss, 828
Dixon, Abraham, 496
Dixon, Mary, 482 497
Dobell, Sydney, 587 771 781 789 881 Balder, 881
Donne, Revd, 742
Douglas Jerrold’s Weekly Newspaper, 637
Driver, John, 339 753
Driver, Revd Jonas, 173
Drumballyroney (Co. Down), 2 5 15 17
du Maurier, Daphne, 550
Dublin: Charlotte and Nicholls spend honeymoon in, 894
Dublin University Magazine: reviews Poems, 588
Duddon Valley, 376 386
Dury, Anne (née Greenwood), 361
bsp; Dury, Caroline, 397
Dury, Isabella, 130
Dury, Revd Theodore, 129 138 167 255 399
Earnshaw, John, 961
Eastlake, Lady see Rigby, Elizabeth
Easton Farm, Bridlington, 368
Edinburgh, 762
Edinburgh Review: reviews Shirley, 724 943
Egan, Pierce, 266
Egglestone, Revd P., 534 597
Elder, Alexander, 634
Elliot, Ebenezer, 589
Ellis family, 566
Emma (Charlotte Brontë; unfinished), 160 906
‘End of All, The’ (Branwell Brontë; poem), 618
Enoch, Frederick, 589
Epps, Dr, 676 681 726
Era (journal): reviews Jane Eyre, 633
Evans, Miss A. (superintendent, Clergy Daughters’ School), 155 157 163
Evans, William, 582 607
Examiner, The (journal), 470 630 633 721 847
Eyton, Revd John, 28 32
Eyton, Thomas, 28 30
Eyton on the Weald Moors (Shropshire), 28
Factory Act (1833), 255
Fawcett, Professor, 15
Fawcett, Colonel David, 505
Fawcett, Joshua, 98 138
Fawcett, William, 968
Feather, Timothy, 168
Félix, Elisa (‘Rachel’), 799
Fennell, Jane (née Branwell; Maria’s aunt), 55
Fennell, Revd John: friendship with Morgan, 31 in Yorkshire, 33 as headmaster of Woodhouse Grove, 55 58 and daughter’s marriage, 57 as godfather to young Maria Brontë, 68 prepares for ordination, 68 friendship with Patrick, 70 baptizes Elizabeth Brontë, 76 and death of John Crosse, 82 appointed to Cross-stone, 91 and Maria’s final illness, 118 Brontë children visit, 194 Williams family stay with, 404 illness, 416
Ferrand, William Busfeild, 471 767
Filey (Yorkshire), 704 822
Firth family (of Thornton), 75 99
Firth, Anne (formerly Greame; John Scholefield’s second wife), 80 86
Firth, Elizabeth see Franks, Elizabeth
Firth, John Scholefield, 75 80 84 death, 117
Fish, Ann, 376
Fish, Edward, 376
Fish, Harriet, 376
Fish, John Hardy, 376
Fish, Margaret, 376 391
Fletcher, James, 287
Fletcher, John (né de la Flechère), 31 82
Fletcher, Mary (née Bosanquet), 32
Fonblanque, Albany, 633 721
Forbes, Dr John, 690 797 843
Forster, Jane (née Arnold), 777 810 828
Forster, John, 734 888
Forster, William, 777 810 815 827
Foster, Henry, 287
Foster, John, 259
Fox, Eliza, 726
Franks, Elizabeth (née Firth): diary, 74 81 83 102 136 friendship with Maria, 75 81 84 99 at Bradford missionary meetings, 86 marriage, 86 reads Patrick’s The Maid of Killarney, 89 and restoration of Old Bell Chapel, 90 as Anne’s godmother, 102 170 visits Haworth, 117 financial help to Patrick, 120 Patrick proposes to, 121 134 170 Patrick seeks advice from, 134 271 schooling, 136 visits Brontë girls at Clergy Daughters’ School, 149 Patrick resumes friendship with, 170 Charlotte visits, 206 292 gives frock to Charlotte, 207
Franks, Revd James (senior), 86
Franks, Revd James Clarke: marries Elizabeth, 86 121 in Huddersfield, 200 and Roe Head, 329 and Patrick’s search for non-Calvinist curate, 347
Franks, John Firth (Elizabeth’s son), 292
Fraser’s Magazine, 208 684 721 939
Free Grammar School, near Oxenhope, 507 514
Frobisher, John, 364 406 434 577
Garrs, Henry, 881
Garrs, Nancy, 82 89 121 128 150 154 551 926 961 968
Garrs, Richard, 82
Garrs, Sarah see Newsome, Sarah
Gaskell, Elizabeth: and Haworth box tombs, 44 on Thornton, 73 on Redhead’s treatment at Haworth, 96 on Haworth, 103 113 871 960 on Haworth Parsonage, 113 on Brontës’ childhood, 121 125 177 portrayal of Patrick, 123 287 768 874 929 934 942 947 961 978 on Clergy Daughters’ School, 140 144 147 on Brontës’ reading, 171 on Charlotte’s drawing, 249 on Branwell’s painting, 250 on Charlotte’s lack of optimism, 255 and Branwell’s plans to enter Royal Academy, 264 on Patrick’s behaviour, 281 768 875 on Heald House, 335 and Charlotte’s experiences as governess, 364 on Branwell’s dissolute behaviour, 432 642 on Charlotte’s faith, 457 misrepresents Brontës’ poverty, 528 on Branwell’s dismissal by Robinson, 539 541 545 and publication of Brontës’ poetry, 567 literary earnings, 622 ideological writings, 656 reads Shirley, 710 725 and identity of ‘Currer Bell’, 726 732 meets Charlotte at Kay Shuttleworths, 768 Charlotte declines invitations to visit, 782 788 809 820 Charlotte complains of being treated as invalid by, 794 Charlotte visits in Manchester, 804 856 886 family, 805 correspondence with Charlotte, 816 and publication of Charlotte’s Villette, 842 Charlotte invites to Haworth, 862 900 letter from Patrick, 870 visits to Haworth, 870 922 930 tries to arrange pension for Nicholls, 875 878 and Charlotte’s engagement to Nicholls, 884 886 on Charlotte’s illness, 909 and Charlotte’s death, 912 article on Charlotte in Sharpe’s London Magazine, 920 begins memoir on Charlotte, 922 collects letters and material for Charlotte biography, 923 secures manuscript of The Professor, 929 and publication of The Professor, 933 and publication of Charlotte biography, 935 threatened with libel actions, 943 revises later editions of Charlotte biography, 950 visits Patrick in old age, 964 criticises Arthur Nicholls, 966 969 death, 975 Life of Charlotte Brontë, 144 539 541 761 874 938 953 954 977 Mary Barton, 691 The Moorland Cottage, 785 Ruth, 843
Gaskell, Meta, 964 969
Gaskell, William, 943
Gauntlett, Elizabeth and Maria, 144
Gawthorpe Hall (Lancashire), 746 906
Geller, William, 356
George III, King, 30 death, 102
George IV, King (formerly Prince Regent): succeeds to throne, 102
Gérin, Winifred, 327 544 550
Gilpin, Joshua, 32 34 46 49 Monument of Parental Affection to a Dear and Only Son, 76
Glasstown (imaginary world), 175 180 185 188 208 215 219 223 231
Glenelg, Chrales Grant, Baron, 802
Glover, Miss, 81
Gondal (imaginary world), 178 181 184 224 272 275 293 301 316 344 370 401 426 484 512 534 565 567 590 604
Gore, Catherine Grace Frances, 802 820
Gorham, Mary see Hewitt, Mary
Governess Institution, 711
Grant, Revd Joseph Brett, 514 597 612 692 740 750 845 851 856 879 893 898 968
Greame, Fanny, 85
Great Exhibition, London, 1851 794 798
Greaves (memorial sculptor), 959
Green, Charles (balloonist), 168
Green, John, 247
Greenwood family (of Bridge House), 118
Greenwood, Frederick, 611
Greenwood, James, 100 166 278 346 821
Greenwood, John (father of Mrs Sidgwick), 361 363
Greenwood, John (organist), 245
Greenwood, John (stationer of Haworth): and Charlotte’s health, 765 and Charlotte’s death, 913 918 transcribes Brontë memorial for Mrs Gaskell, 924 misleads Harriet Martineau, 951 child christened with name Brontë, 964 969 Mrs Gaskell visits, 965 969 antagonism to Arthur Nicholls, 969
Greenwood, Joseph, 254 278 308 557
Greenwood, William, 100
Grimshaw, Revd William, 93 100 112 Life, 104
Grundy, Francis: and Branwell’s failed plan to enter Royal Academy, 265 on Branwell’s life at Luddenden Foot, 430 433 meets Branwell, 430 and Branwell’s dismissal from railway, 439 and Branwell’s optimism, 466 and Branwell’s literary ambitions, 467 470 correspondence with Branwell, 473 letters from Branwell on relations with Mrs Robinson, 540 578 585 and Branwell’s applications for new railway post, 558 585 visits Branwell in Haworth, 668