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Iron Claw MC: The Collective

Page 4

by Erin Trejo

  “Iron Claw.”

  “Stay here.” He closes the door as I try to fight glancing back over at the truck to see if Nina is laughing her ass off at my pending assault when the door flies back open.

  “This way.” He leads me inside before I risk the glance back at Nina.

  Shit, if I’m going to die in here I might as well have one last look at that girl.

  Why am I here?

  Chapter 17

  I follow the hulk to the back of the house before he motions for me to go into the kitchen.

  Walking in I see the man who must be Roy sitting at the table.

  “Sit down.” The man says.

  Doing as I was told, I sit in the chair across from him.

  “Why are you looking for Matthew and alone at that?” He asks. His eyes meet mine with a newfound interest.

  “He owes my club. It’s not pocket change either.” He nods his head as if he understands.

  “And you came here for what?”

  “I was hopin’ you might know how I can find his ass. I have a peace offerin’ for him.” He narrows his eyes before something registers with him.

  “You have Nina?” He says like he already knows. Nodding slowly, he swallows hard. Shit, does everyone know that girl gets kidnapped all the time?

  “That poor girl has been to hell and back because of him!” The growl that rips from his throat amuses me. There’s more to this than I know.

  “She’s in good hands right now.” Chuckling, he places his hands on the table.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “Blaze.” Roy leans back in his chair before grabbing the beer bottle off the table.

  “I don’t like to meddle in Matthew’s shit anymore. He’s a user that is slowly working his way through the people that once trusted him.” The look in his eyes is unsettling. He’s been burned by him too, I can see it.

  “That include you?” His eyes reconnect with mine before he nods.

  “I don’t work for free, not anymore. One hundred thousand and I give you the information you want.” Now it’s my turn to chuckle. A hundred thousand. Clearly Roy has been hit in the head one too many times.

  “What a fuckin’ joke. Hundred k for what? You don’t have shit that I can’t find on my own.” I growl before I shove back from the table as the chair slams to the floor.

  I don’t give him a chance to respond before I head towards the front door.

  What a goddamn waste of my time. What kind of low life piece of shit thinks he can get a hundred thousand from me?

  I stalk across the street while Nina watches me. I need a minute though. I don’t want to take my bullshit out on that girl if I can help it.

  I walk to the back of the truck, leaning against it before lighting up a cigarette.

  There’s so much bullshit that needs to be handled and in a timely manner.

  “What did he say?” She asks. Glancing over I see her standing next to the truck.

  “Told you to stay in the goddamn truck.” She rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Did he tell you where he is?” Shaking my head, she grunts before turning quickly, heading straight towards the house.

  Who is after you?

  Chapter 18

  “Goddamn it!” I growl before I flick my cigarette to the ground and jog up behind her. Gripping her around the waist, I drag her back towards the truck as she fights me.

  “Put me down! That son of a bitch knows something!” Slamming her roughly onto her feet, I spin her around to face me.

  “You don’t get a play in this Nina!” She jerks slightly before staring at me. I hit a nerve with her.

  “He knows where to find him! Let me talk to him!” Slamming her hands into my chest, I close my eyes briefly. She pushes every button I have so why the hell do I love it so much?

  I move closer into her, pinning her little body to the side of the truck with mine.

  “You have no fuckin’ business in this shit. Do you understand?” Lowering my voice to an almost deadly tone, her breathing picks up.

  Before I can think of what to do next, Nina slams her lips into mine. Kissing me frantically as if she can’t get enough of me.

  I snake my hand around the back of her neck, dragging her impossibly closer to me.

  Devouring every part of her mouth with mine, I can’t pull away. An invisible hold has linked itself around my neck and refuses to let me walk away from her. Of every bad idea, I’ve ever had, I think this is by far the worst. Getting involved with Nina isn’t going to end well for either of us.

  Noises sounding off behind us are the only thing that keeps me from fucking her right here on the side of the road.

  “What?” Her eyes lock on mine before I motion for her to be quiet.

  Bullets embed themselves in the front of my truck when I grab her hand.

  “RUN!” Dragging her along with me, I race to get us out of the line of fire. Down a side road, I can hear the shots coming closer. Who the hell is that?

  We bob and weave through the little alleys between the houses but I can still hear the shots.

  Spotting a garage door slightly lifted, I pray there is no one in there.

  “In there. Slide under.” I tell her. Nina doesn’t move though. I force her to her stomach before she slides under the door with me close behind her.

  Crouching in the back of the garage I can hear the car coming down the alley.

  “Oh god!” Nina begins to shake when I pull her into my arms and hold her. Pressing a kiss to her temple, I whisper in her ear.

  “Shh. You’ll be fine.”

  “Where are you Nina?” My stomach knots up when I hear a man’s voice calling to her.

  Nina is as shocked as I am. I didn’t miss the gasp that escaped her.

  “Who the hell is after you?” Whispering to her, her body shudders in my arms.

  It’s good to know that we are after her father while someone is after her.

  I wonder what kind of shit this girl has gotten herself into.

  Better yet, I wonder what kind of shit I’ve just gotten myself into.

  No time for questions

  Chapter 19

  I stick my head out under the garage door looking for the car that was there a few minutes ago.

  When I don’t see it, I motion for Nina to follow behind me.

  “We need to get out of this area.” Talking more to myself than her, she grabs my arm.

  “You’re truck. We have to go back to the truck.” Shaking my head, she looks around nervously.

  “We can’t. They already have that shit.” She looks up at me with tears in those big blue eyes.

  Reaching up, I grip her face in my hands when she looks like she might scream.

  “We need to move. The truck is gone. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” I state as a fact. There’s question there and I can’t blame her. This is a fucked up situation that we’ve found ourselves in.

  Brushing the tears away from her cheeks with my thumbs, Nina nods.

  Gripping her hand in mine, we walk towards the main road so I can get my bearings when we hear the explosion.

  Nina screams but I keep moving.

  “There went the truck.” It’s not the first time one of my cars has been blown to hell.

  “I’m sorry.” She says softly. Glancing over at her, I shake my head.

  “It wasn’t one of my favorites anyway.” Her lips curl slightly calming my nerves just a little.

  We keep moving until I can hear the traffic of the highway close by.

  “We’ll get a ride soon.” I reassure her. Nina’s tired and out of breath but we have to keep moving.

  We get onto the bridge when I hear tires squealing behind us.

  I turn quickly to spot a truck pulling to a stop behind us. Isn’t this just great. What the fuck else could go wrong today?

  My hands itch for a fight but not one that will put Nina in the line of fire.

  “Well lookie here.” The man
steps out of the truck as I push Nina behind me.

  “Who the fuck are you?” I ask. The man grins as his friends pile out of the truck behind him.

  Shit. Six on one isn’t going to end in my favor. Not like that’s ever stopped me before.

  The man smiles as he walks closer but stops when he’s about ten feet away. Smart move on his part.

  “All I want is the girl.” He says. A sob escapes Nina as her hands clench around the back of my shirt.

  I glance around at the area trying to gauge what to do next or where the hell to go.

  “That’s all you want?” I ask as the man nods his head. I turn around to look at Nina. Her eyes are wide and wild with worry. Worry that I would hand her over to some men that were just shooting at us.

  “There’s no way out. We have to jump. When I say now, you cling onto me with all you have. There’s a patch of grass right before the tree line. I’m gonna take most of the impact but you fuckin’ run. Five five five nine two eight three. We get separated you call that number.” Nina shakes her head rapidly.

  “No. Please don’t leave me.” She cries. The tears in her eyes rip at my soul.

  Pulling her around in front of me, the man smiles but Nina is still facing me.

  Too bad this motherfucker doesn’t know how much I like playing games.

  “You can’t have her! Now!” Screaming, I lift Nina in my arms before hopping up on the ledge.

  The wind whips around us as my heart hammers in my chest.

  This might have been one of the stupidest ideas I’ve ever had but I do it.

  I jump.

  Run as fast as you can

  Chapter 20

  We hit the ground in a hail of bullets, one of which grazed my shoulder. My knee screams from the impact of the fall but I push myself up and drag Nina into the trees.

  I can hear the guy screaming and hollering even from here.

  “We gotta move!” I yell. Releasing her hand, I try to work the pain out of my knee as we move.

  “Oh god! You’re hurt and bleeding.” Nina cries. I check my arm quickly knowing it was only a flesh wound before starting to walk again.

  When I notice, Nina isn’t following, I turn back to see her standing there is shock. I know this is hard on her but she has to listen to me right now.

  Taking the few short steps back to stand in front of her, I grab her face in my hands forcing her to make eye contact.

  “Look at me, Nina.” I growl at her. Her whole body shakes with a fear that I’ve never seen in her since we took her.

  “They’re going to kill me. They all want me dead.” Her voice cracks and so does my chest.

  “Not while you’re with me they’re not. I won’t let them near you. We need to figure this shit out but not now.” I tell her. Her eyes narrow in on me before she speaks.

  “You’re one of them. Are you going to kill me too? If you don’t find him?” Slamming my mouth against hers, I force her to open her mouth to me.

  When she parts her lips only slightly, I force my way in. The way this girl is making me feel is throwing me off balance. I’m not on my game when I’m near her. How can I make her understand that I don’t want to hurt her?

  Pulling away quickly, she stares into my eyes.

  “We need to run now, Nina.” She nods her head slowly before I turn, grabbing her hand.

  I run the best I can on this fucked up leg of mine before we reach a small backroad. Glancing around, I know this area fairly well.

  “There’s a bar right over there.” Nodding down the road slightly, that’s where I head.

  A friend of ours, Red, owns that bar and I know we’ll be safe until I can get to a phone.

  I limp as we make our way to the front door before ushering Nina inside. I take a quick scan of the room making sure there isn’t any threats to us before I pull her inside. The strangest thing I can see is a man in a fedora whistling some kind of fucking children’s song.

  When I’m satisfied, he isn’t a threat, I grab Nina and lead her towards the stock room.

  “Tell Red the stock is in back. Code blue.” The woman at the counter watches me but nods her head.

  Pushing through the door, I drag Nina with me to a small back room. I pull her through the door and close it before dropping onto the small couch that sits in the corner.

  Blowing out a breath, shit just gets more and more complicated.

  A safe place

  Chapter 21

  Nina paces in front of me as I lay my head back catching my breath. I need to get with Pres and have someone come pick us up.

  The door opens and Nina nearly screams when Red walks in.

  “Calm down honey.” Red says. He narrows his eyes on Nina before I chuckle.

  “Good to see you, Red. Been awhile.” I say. Red moves to sit on the chair across the room as he looks over me.

  “Fucked that knee up pretty good.” He says nodding toward my leg. Grunting, I already know this.

  “What happened?” He says, looking at Nina as she still paces. I can’t fucking think with her doing that.

  When she moves closer, I grab her hand, pulling her into my lap.

  “Calm down. It’s safe here.” Whispering against her neck, she nods slowly before I look back at Red.

  “Was lookin’ into some shit. I don’t know who the hell it was that came after us but damn! They came out of nowhere man. I need to get with Damion.” Red shakes his head before pulling his phone out of his pocket, tossing it to me.

  “That’s some crazy shit, Blaze. Glad you were close enough to get here.” He says. Nodding my head, I dial Damion. That’s the damn truth!

  “Yeah?” He answers. I smile hearing his voice. Thank fuck he answered.

  “Hey Pres. Need a transport, brother. Shit went a little south.” I tell him. Damion chuckles into the other end before he speaks.

  “You ok?” He asks. Laughter is the best medicine, right?

  “Yeah. Blew my goddamn truck though.” His laughter only increases when I tell him that.

  “Goddamn Blaze! How many is that now? Six?” I can’t stop the smile on my face.

  “It’s seven motherfucker. Come get me. I’m at Red’s.” I hear the son of bitch laughing until the line goes dead. I toss the phone back to Red.

  “I’ll be out front if you need anything. I’ll come get you when Damion gets here. Lock the door.” Nodding my head, Red heads out before Nina jumps out of my lap locking the door.

  This shit has really thrown her off.

  Her body visibly shakes as I watch her. I’ve never been the asshole to women that a lot of the guys are. I’ve always had a soft spot for the good ones.

  Watching her like this, it rips me up.

  Affection is scary

  Chapter 22

  Nina slowly turns to face me with a strange look on her face.

  “What is it?” I ask. She licks her lips before I push myself up. I watch her intently, as though she might explode. Ready to pounce at a second’s notice if she tries to make a run for it.

  “Nina?” I say her name this time. Her eyes never leave mine. She rushes me. Slamming into my chest, I wrap my arms around her before lifting her.

  My body aches from the fall but it all disappears when she grinds her body against me.

  “You need it now?” I growl against her neck. She nods her head before I limp back to the couch.

  Well shit. I know they say that adrenaline and close calls can make a person horny but damn.

  Nina pulls back with tears in her eyes as I slowly push her up to yank her pants down. Freeing my dick, I grab a condom from my wallet before sliding it on as she watches me.

  “My knee is fucked, sweetheart. You’re gonna have to take the lead here.” I tell her but I don’t think she cares. The wet tears caress her sweet face before she steps towards me.

  She straddles my lap before grabbing my dick and lowering herself onto it.

  The groan that roles from my throat doesn’t go unnoticed.<
br />
  “You saved me.” Her words are a whisper before her lips are brushing over my neck, her body moving slowly on me.

  “I don’t need repayment.” I tell her. I don’t know if that’s what is going through her head or not but it’s what hits me first. Then again, I don’t think I have the balls to stop her right now even if it is.

  The slight bite she places on my neck has my dick twitching inside of her.

  Her head comes back as her hands rest on my shoulders. Her pussy clenches while she rides me.

  The look on her face is pure ecstasy.

  Sliding my hands up her hips to stop on her waist, I grip her tightly.

  Shoving her body down my length, she cries out.

  “That’s it. That’s my girl.” I tell her biting her nipple through her shirt. She arches her back as the words I just said float through my brain.

  I can’t have this girl. I fucking kidnapped her!

  The more Nina rocks on my dick, the more I feel that warmth building up inside of me.

  Increasing the pressure my fingers have on her hips, I raise my hips to slam into her.

  “Oh god! Blaze!” She cries out. The rough thrusts are pushing her just as far as she’s pushing me.

  When I feel her pussy clench around me, I lose all self-control as I fill her full.

  Nina follows as she cums with me. Her body shaking and shuddering, she drops her head onto my shoulder as my dick twitches inside of her.

  Her breath is warm against my neck making my dick squirm even more.

  “Thank you for saving me.” Her words send chills over my body.

  “I’d do it all over again.”

  Good to be home

  Chapter 23


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