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Romance: Pummel Me: A Boxing Romance

Page 22

by Courtney Clein

The smell of flavored coffee swirled around the small snack area as Alex scanned the items on the menu. “Welcome to the Underground, can I get you anything?” The guy behind the counter had a green apron on over his clothes.

  “Ginger ale?”

  “Top shelf, case behind you.” He pointed to the glass refrigerated case plugged into the wall behind her. Alex grabbed two and handed them to him so he could ring her up. “Thanks,” She gathered the bottles and headed back to her dorm. Even the sodas were sweating by the time she made it inside.

  The rest of the day went by in an anxious rush. Alex packed her backpack for tomorrow and set her alarm. Seven a.m. was going to come too soon. She lay down for the second time in her dorm room. It seemed like hours before she finally fell asleep.

  Beep. Beep. Beep. Alex’s alarm blared incessantly.

  “Make it stop.” Tish groaned from her bunk.

  Alex fumbled around until she found her phone wedged between her pillow and her mattress. “This. Sucks.” She turned off the alarm and laid there for a moment with her head buried in the pillow.

  She slid her foot over the edge of the bed and found the top rung again. Alex dug through her dresser and pulled out a pair of black yoga pants and a gray tank top. She changed quickly and grabbed her I.D. from her desk.

  “Please, suffer in silence.” Tish rolled over and pulled her blanket over her head.

  “Sorry,” Alex tiptoed to her backpack and pulled it on over her shoulders. She eased the door shut behind her and headed off to her yoga class. She jogged across the lawn to the dance studio at the other end of campus. Dew on the grass made her sneakers slick. Alex paused outside of the door to catch her breath.

  “Good morning!” A cheerful lady in her mid-twenties greeted her as she opened the door. “Shoes off and grab a mat.”

  Her sneakers squeaked on the waxed floor as she walked over and set down her backpack. Alex slid her shoes off of her feet and grabbed a blue, foam mat from the corner. It smelled faintly of feet and sweat as she plopped it down on the glossy wooden floor.

  “Ok,” the teacher turned on some soft, soothing music, “let’s begin with our legs out in front of us. Just lean forward slowly and reach your hands out to greet your toes.”

  Alex yawned as the music relaxed her almost to the point of falling asleep. She struggled to focus on the stretching in order to stay awake. By the time class was over, Alex was having to bounce on the balls of her feet in order to keep her eyes open.

  She put her shoes back on and grabbed her bag. She had an hour until her next class started. Chemistry was the only class she hadn’t been able to find yesterday. She pulled her schedule out of the side pocket of her backpack. The slip of paper said it would be in the Mayes building. Alex unfolded her map and located the dance studio for a point of reference. The Mayes building should be right up ahead.

  Alex walked along the sidewalk. A few acorns dropped to the ground beside her. She looked up to see a squirrel scamper along a limb overhead. Alex ducked and hurried through the doors of the building on her left.

  Abstract paintings hung on the walls. Colors swirled and melted into one another in a cacophony of shapes. Alex walked down the hallway looking for her chemistry room. The hall ended in a short flight of stairs that led downwards. She could hear music and sawing coming from below. Alex walked down the steps, hoping someone would be able to help point her in the right direction.

  “Hello?” Alex called out as she stepped into the room below. There were splashes of paint on the floor. Chunks of scrap wood was piled against a wall. The sound of the sawing stopped.

  Liam leaned out from behind a table saw, “Hey there.” He pushed his safety goggles to the top of his head. “What are you doing here?”

  “I can’t find my class.” Alex looked around at the tools that lined the walls and the pieces of plywood propped against each other, “What is this place?”

  “Set shop for the Theatre department.” He brushed sawdust off of his clothes.

  “You do theatre?” Alex was surprised.

  Liam walked closer to her, “No, but I’m good with my hands.” Alex bit her bottom lip as she stared into his eyes. He watched as she nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Let me see your schedule.” He held out his hand. Her fingers brushed against his as she handed him the paper. “Come on, I’ll take you there, but first,” he paused, “you have something on your face.”

  “What is it?” Alex wiped at her cheeks.

  “Here, let me.” Liam cupped her face in his hand and ran his thumb gently across her cheek bone. He leaned in and let his lips lightly graze hers. The sensation sent shivers across her body. She moaned softly as he pulled away from her. “I think I got it.” He whispered as he smiled.

  Adrenaline coursed through her. Her heart raced against her chest. She wanted more, but Liam had already taken her hand and was leading her back up the steps. His thumb played along the inside of her palm. She could smell his cologne, deep and woodsy, as she walked behind him. He led her to the other end of the building.

  “This is it.” He gestured as they stopped in front of an empty classroom. “Hey, I know you’re not much of a party girl, but there’s this theme party this weekend at Marcus. Would you like to go with me?”

  “Hmm,” Alex leaned her back against the wall and pulled him closer, “that depends.” She smiled and bit her lip again, “What’s the theme?”

  “Moxie and Mayhem. Basically it’s gangsters, mobsters, flappers, stuff like that.”

  Alex laughed, “I have absolutely nothing to wear for something like that.”

  “Now that,” He leaned in closer, “I would like to see.” He paused, “Though maybe not in a party setting.”

  Alex punched him playfully and rolled her eyes, “Yeah, I bet.”

  “I’m sure you could find something. A lot of girls get stuff from Goodwill or just throw together something from what they already have.”

  “I’ll see what I can come up with.” Alex smiled at him as other students started trickling down the hall. “I should get inside.”

  “Friday at eight?” Liam asked as she walked into the classroom.

  “Sure.” She called back to him.

  The rest of the week flew by in a flurry of ice breakers, homework assignments, and unfortunately early yoga classes. Alex finished up with her English class on Friday and made her way back to her dorm.

  “No, no, no! Shut the door!” Tish yelled down from her bunk.

  Alex hurried inside and shut the door behind her. Towels were scattered around the floor. “What is going on?”

  “Put the towels back under the door!”

  Alex stuffed the towels back into the gap between the door and the floor. She looked up at her roommate expectantly.

  “Ok, so don’t get mad,” Tish held out her hands defensively, “but I got a hamster.”

  “We’re not allowed to have pets!” Alex’s eyes grew wide.

  “Well, it’s a secret hamster.” Tish smiled meekly.

  “Why are you up on the bed?”

  “He escaped.” Tish’s eyes narrowed as she scanned the room. “I put him in his ball to let him get some exercise, and he kept ramming it into things. I thought he was just too dumb to go around stuff. Turns out he’s a criminal mastermind.” She picked up a pair of binoculars as she continued looking around. “The bumping loosened the lid, and the next thing I know, he’s gone!”

  “Oh my gosh.” Alex crawled up the side of Tish’s bed and plopped down beside her.

  “I know he’s still in here because I barricaded the door, and occasionally I hear tiny paws pitter pattering around.”

  “What did you name it?”

  “Walter.” Tish squinted, “Although, now I’m considering Houdini.”

  “Hey are you going to that party tonight?” Alex asked as she kept her eyes on the ground, looking for any sign of Walter.

  “I think I’m gonna sit this one out.” Tish frowned, “I’m not real
ly too keen on a repeat of last weekend.”

  “Well, do you think you could help me find something to wear?” Alex could feel the butterflies flitting around her stomach as she asked.

  “Of course!” Tish crawled clumsily over Alex and made her way down to the floor. “Welcome to my costume collection!” Tish flung open her closet revealing a cluster of sequins, silks, and feathers. The Viking helmet she had been wearing when she was trying to hack the Wi-Fi password was stuffed on a shelf with a tiara and an Indian, feather headdress.

  “Holy crap.” Alex stared at the brightly colored outfits wedged together in Tish’s closet. “Why do you have all of that?”

  “Erika told me they do a lot of costume parties here, so I made sure to pack the necessities.” She shuffled through the hangers, sliding them down as she called them off, “You’ve got your Indian princess, your Greek goddess, your Catholic school girl, but for tonight,” Tish flipped through the outfits until she found what she was looking for, “I’m thinking this.” She held out a bright red dress as she motioned with a flourish.

  “Whoa.” Alex’s jaw dropped. The dress was floor length, crimson silk with slit up to the hip. Alex crawled down from Tish’s bed and held the dress up to her in the mirror.

  “Try it on!” Tish exclaimed excitedly.

  Alex slipped the silken fabric off of the hanger and draped it over her chair as she quickly undressed. She stepped into the dress. There were two clear elastic straps that she pulled over her shoulders. They were almost invisible against her skin. Two more straps of silk hung off of her shoulders, giving the illusion the dress was barely hanging on. Her breasts were a little too large for the bosom area, but that only helped increase her cleavage. “Can you zip me up?” Alex held the front of the dress close to her as Tish zipped up the back of the costume. The low-cut back gracefully dipped down to her hips and accentuated her curves.

  “You have to wear this dress tonight.” Tish was staring with her hands on her hips.

  “You sure it looks ok?” Doubt started to creep in as she looked at herself. “Is it too slutty?”

  “It’s just the right amount of slutty.”

  Alex laughed, “Ok, unzip me so I can shower, and then let’s go grab an early dinner.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I think I’ll take one too.” Tish unzipped Alex and rummaged under the sink for her shower caddy.

  Alex slipped out of the dress and pulled on an oversized t-shirt. She flung a fluffy blue towel over her shoulder, “Ready?” Alex picked up her own shower things and headed for the door.

  “Yup!” Tish bent over and picked up an extra towel. The two of them went out into the hall. “Just a sec,” Tish paused in the hallway and stuffed the second towel under the door. “Just in case Walter tries to make a run for it while we’re gone.”

  The two of them took a quick shower. Alex finished first and called out over the rushing water of the shower next to her, “Hey, I’m gonna head back.”

  “Kay!” Tish yelled in reply.

  Alex went back into the dorm room and scooted Tish’s towel back in place to block the door. Alex glanced at the desk chair on her side of the room. The mystery stain was back. She quickly swapped chairs again before Tish had a chance to come back. She braided her hair and threw on some shorts and a baggy shirt. Tish came in, dripping water on the floor. “Hurry up, slow poke!” Alex teased.

  “Oh, hush.” Tish stuck out her tongue. “Any hamster sightings?”

  “Not yet.”

  Tish threw on some clothes and grabbed her I.D., “Let’s go.”

  The two of them headed across Garner’s lawn to the Rec center. Tish nudged Alex, “Hey isn’t that the guy you were talking about?”

  Alex looked over and saw Liam and Pasty Girl talking underneath a tree. He had a hold of her arms, and his face was tilted down towards hers. Alex felt jealousy swirl around in her stomach. Her mouth tightened into a thin line, “Yeah, that’s him.” Liam moved Jen backwards until she was pinned against the tree. Alex turned and started walking in the other direction.

  “Where are you going?” Tish had to jog to keep up with her.

  “Anywhere but here.” Tears were starting to brim up in her eyes. She fought them back as she walked.

  “Whoa, wait.” Tish grabbed Alex’s elbow and stepped in front of her, “Now there’s two ways you can handle this. One, we can go back to the room, and you can eat ice cream and cry. Or two,” Tish stared hard into her eyes, “We can put you in that knock-out dress, get you a few shots, and you can go to that party and make him wish that you would even breathe in his direction.”

  Alex blinked back the tears, “I like option two.” Her lip trembled a little.

  “Ok,” Tish pulled out her phone and started dialing, “Hey, Erika.” A mischievous smile lit up her face as she talked on the phone, “Could you bring over some tequila and maybe some vodka? No, not for me. Alex. See you in a bit.” She hung up the phone as the two of them walked back up the steps to Garner.

  Tish was curling Alex’s hair when Erika knocked on the door. “What’s with the towels?” She was dressed in a pin stripe skirt with a white button up-shirt. Erika gently sat her backpack on the floor. Glass clanked inside as she laid it down.

  “There may, or may not, be a hamster on the loose,” Tish said as she coated Alex’s hair with hairspray.

  “Great.” Erika shook her head and laughed while she unzipped her bag. “Okay, ladies. Tequila, Salt, limes, vodka, sprite, and grenadine.” She named off the items as she lined them up on the floor. She looked up at Alex, “Any preference?”

  “Um…Dealer’s choice.” Alex looked at Erika’s reflection while Tish did touch ups on her hair.

  “Lick your hand.” Erika held out the salt.

  “What?” Alex looked at her like she was trying to pull a prank on her.

  “Ok, watch.” Erika licked her left hand and sprinkled the salt on it. She poured a stream of tequila into a shot glass and pulled a wedge of lime out of a plastic bag. “Lick it, slam it, suck it.” Erika licked the salt off of her hand, downed the shot, and sucked the juice from the lime. “Your turn.”

  Alex licked her hand and let Erika sprinkle salt on it. She held the shot glass in front of her, “It smells awful.”

  “You’re not doing it for the smell.” Tish pipped in as she and Erika watched Alex prepare to take her first shot of alcohol.

  “Here goes,” Alex licked her hand, dumped the shot into her mouth and shoved the lime between her teeth. She shook her head, “That’s disgusting!” Alex’s face contorted as the other two girls laughed.

  “Trust me,” Erika poured herself another shot, “by the time that one kicks in, you won’t care how anything tastes.”

  Tish started doing Alex’s make-up. “Do you have waterproof?” She fished around in Alex’s make-up bag.

  “Yellow mascara tube is the waterproof.”

  “Tish, you want one?” Erika held out a shot glass.

  “No, thanks. I’m going to be the designated dancer tonight.”

  Alex blinked her eyes, “I feel a little giddy.”

  “Oh good, it’s already working.” Erika smiled as she downed her next shot. “We’ll wait another thirty minutes before we give you a second one.”

  “Ok, beautiful, go put on that dress.” Tess finished up Alex’s make-up and ushered her out of the chair.

  Erika sucked on another lime wedge, “So what are you going to wear tonight?”

  “Hmmm,” Tish flipped through her closet, “what about this?” She pulled out a little black dress and a red tie.

  “That’ll work,” Erika nodded. Alex walked back in front of the mirror, “Damn, girl! You’re rocking it.”

  “Thanks,” she smiled and blew out a long breath.

  “Here,” Erika poured her another shot. “Liquid courage.”

  “I thought we were going to wait thirty minutes?” Alex looked at her uncertainly.

  “Eh.” Erika shrugged her shoulders and hel
d the glass out further.

  “What time is it?” Alex took the shot and then smoothed out the edge of her lipstick.

  “Seven thirty.” Tish had shimmied into her dress and had the tie looped loosely around her neck. “You guys ready?”

  “Yup.” Erika got to her feet.

  “One more shot?” Alex smiled and held out her hand imploringly.

  “One more, then I’m cutting you off.” Erika handed her the tiny cup and pointed her finger at her. Alex downed it, and the girls headed over to Marcus Manor.

  Music blared across the lawn as they entered the party. Alex took a deep breath and made her way into the dancing room. The lights and bodies waved around her in beautiful rhythms. Someone took her hand and pulled her up on top of a desk. Alex let her body move to the music. She could hear guys cheering her on. The music and the dress made her feel sexy. She swayed her hips and turned towards the wall letting the deep swoop of the back of her dress accentuate the movement of her curves. Two guys joined her. One danced in front of her, and the other placed his hands on her hips. Alex could barely feel their hands on her. Her body was starting to go numb. She closed her eyes and continued dancing. The next time she opened her eyes, she saw Liam by the door. He clenched his jaw as he watched her. Alex leaned back on the guy behind her. She lost her footing. The guy wrapped his arms around her. She felt herself being lowered back into the crowd.

  “Let’s get you some water, ok?” The guy whispered into her ear as he cupped her breast and forced her towards the door. Alex tried to push his hand away, but her arms wouldn’t do what she told them to.

  Alex stumbled into the hall. She could feel his lips on her neck. He pushed her against the wall and started lifting up the fabric of her dress. Alex tried to tell him to stop, but her mouth fumbled the words. The next thing she felt was the guy being pulled off of her. She turned to see Liam on top of the guy. Her vision wavered as she saw him punch the guy repeatedly. Alex slid to the ground; the world around her went black.

  Chapter 4: The Morning After

  Alex opened her eyes. She was underneath a soft grey comforter in a king size bed. Grey and black pillows were tossed around her head. She sat up slowly. Black curtains blotted out the sunlight that was trying to peek through. It smelled familiar and woodsy.


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