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Romance: Pummel Me: A Boxing Romance

Page 70

by Courtney Clein

  “Oh my G – wow, that’s great! Great to meet you, Mr. Andrews! I’m Annika Van Houten. Oh wait you already knew that. Sorry!” Annika babbled. Stop talking! Stop talking! Dickie snatched the card out of her hands and peered at it, suspiciously.

  “It’s Anders but please, call me Rhys. Could we go outside and talk privately?”

  Annika nodded eagerly, not trusting her voice and allowed Rhys Anders to take her hand. Dickie scowled after her, but softened his face when he saw how aglow was Annika’s. She deserves this, he told himself. Still, the guy seems like a giant turd. I have every right to be cautious of weirdos bearing business cards. Someone needs to look out for that girl. She’s naïve. He looked back at the card for any signs of fraud. Suddenly he stopped as a strange thought occurred to him. Oh dear lord – am I jealous?

  Outside, Rhys and Annika sat at a wrought iron patio table. Annika was girlishly pleased that he held the chair for her to sit before seating himself. He smiled warmly at her and her heart jumped. He has a dimple on his cheek too!

  “Annika, this is the third time I’ve come out to hear you sing. I’m sure you get sick of people telling you that you have a sensational voice. Not to mention that you are absolutely gorgeous.”

  “I never get tired of compliments,” Annika joked and then blushed crimson. Now you sound conceited. Rhys just smiled more broadly.

  “Well, I would prepare myself to hear many, many, many more. Because when you sell your first platinum record, that’s all you’re going to hear.” Annika felt lightheaded. Is he saying what I think he’s saying?

  “Would you consider signing with me? We can discuss the details now if you like, but I think it would be better if we sit down in a less busy environment – “

  “Yes! Yes, I will sign! Where?”

  Rhys laughed again.

  “Why don’t we have dinner tomorrow night and discuss the semantics. I’ll bring the contract and we can go over it so you understand all the terms and conditions.”

  Rhys stood up and offered Annika his hand. She accepted it and as she rose to her feet, the heel of her shoes got caught in a crack of the cobblestone patio. She braced herself for another humiliating fall. But this time, Rhys caught her by the waist as if she weighed a feather and he steadied her without skipping a beat. Annika looked up at him with naked adoration. I think I’ve found my knight in shining armor. Dickie had trailed after them onto the veranda and as he watched the exchange from the shadows, he had an awful feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  “You look beautiful, Annie,” Dickie said begrudgingly. “Just be careful.” Annika laughed in response.

  “You worry about me better than anyone ever did. Are you sure you’re a hundred percent queer?” But Dickie did not return her smile. He watched as she applied a burgundy lipstick to her full lips, making her pale skin seem almost iridescent. She was wearing a sleeveless silk blouse with a plunging V-neck in almost exactly the same color as her gloss which showed off her perky, B-cups. Her skin tight leather pants highlighted a surprisingly large and firm buttocks to on such a slight waist.

  “I mean it, Annika. There’s something about that guy that doesn’t sit right with me. Just use that pretty little head of yours and trust your gut.” She paused and regarded him through the mirror. As far as she could remember, he had never used her proper name. It was always “Annie”, “bitch” or “fire crotch.” He really believes he’s right about Rhys. But he’s not. I know men. He’s just as incredible as he seems. I can tell.

  “It’s just a business meeting, you over-protective grandpa. He hasn’t proposed…yet.” She laughed jovially and spun on her heel to rush out the door. She was going to be late for the most important night of her life.

  “I’ve never dressed like that to any business meeting I’ve ever been to!” Dickie yelled after her as she tore down the stairs at breakneck speed.

  “That’s because you don’t have my ass!” Annika shot back as she slammed the front door but not before she stumbled on the carpet runner in the hallway.

  “Clumsy bitch,” Dickie mumbled affectionately.

  The restaurant was packed with a waiting list over an hour long for people vying to dine there. The horde all seemed to be ablaze in emeralds and Rolexes and there were myriad luxury cars spilling out of the parking lot. It seemed to Annika that the entire crowd paused to gasp as the Mercedes limo drew up to the establishment and pulled to a stop in the valet. Shallot was a five-star steak house that Annika would never have dreamed of ever dining within. A celebrity chef owned and personally ran the day to day operations of the place. I’m underdressed! Annika thought horrified as she took in the finely dressed men and women in her midst. She also realized that even if she had known where they were dining, she didn’t own one item of clothing that would be worthy to be seen within those walls. However, Rhys didn’t seem to notice as he took her arm and gently steered her through the entrance way. In fact, he gave her an appreciative smile as he subtly looked her up and down, making Annika turn as red as the poppies lining the planters at the valet. The maître d’ ushered them to a table upon Rhys announcing himself. Annika noticed he smiled charmingly and greeted people as they walked past various groups. He knows everyone here! And they know him! She was so nervous; she was afraid she would wet herself.

  Once they were seated in a dim corner away, from the center of the hub, she wiped her damp palms on her pants and looked around. She could feel Rhys watching her, bemused but she was too anxious to look him in the eye. What am I doing here? I don’t belong here. I am a nobody.

  “Are you all right?” Rhys asked her, gently covering her hands with his. Annika suddenly felt faint. Get it together! You can do this! She forced a smile and nodded. He smiled knowingly at her awed expression.

  “Trust me, these people are all flash, no substance. They only look impressive.” Annika felt herself relaxing in spite of herself. How could he have known what she was feeling? Rhys gestured at the menus.

  “Please don’t tell me you’re one of those women who only eats rabbit food. I do hate eating steak alone.” Annika shook her head vigorously. Even if she had been a devout vegan, she would have eaten an entire cow that night for Rhys.

  “Good! Let’s order.”

  The night had been a blur from there. Rhys had ordered bottle of Dom Perignon after bottle and before Annika knew what was happening, she had signed some papers and was giggling, drunk as a Naval Officer on leave and in the back of the limousine with Rhys.

  When she thought back on the events later on, she was sure that he had been grimacing throughout the evening but she had been far too inebriated to remember specifics. They had gone from the restaurant back to Dickie’s place, Annika stripping off her clothes as she tripped up the walkway, kissing Rhys’ neck and face, sloppily. At some moment, Dickie had walked in on them in the living room as Rhys had her bent over the sofa but all Annika really recalled about that was Dickie screaming at them red-faced, “Shut the fuck up!”

  It was all so hazy, in fact, that when Annika woke the following morning in her bed, wearing flannel pajamas, she momentarily thought she had dreamt the entire night. That is, until she realized she was still drunk. Fuck! What did I do? She pulled herself out of bed and stumbled down the stairs into the kitchen. Dickie was sitting at the kitchen island drinking a coffee. There was fire in his ice blue eyes as he gave her a scornful once over.

  “So how did your business meeting go?” he asked sarcastically as she entered. Annika shook her head, trying to remember.

  “Did you put these on me?” she asked, gesturing at the plaid nightwear. Dickie grunted and nodded like he didn’t want to be reminded.

  “I did. And I hope you put something on him but gauging by the looks of things last night, I have a feeling there was lots of love without a glove.”

  Annika’s face burned with shame. Then the humiliation slowly slipped away as she recalled something. She flashed a dazzling white smile at him.

  “He signed m
e!” she exclaimed. “I have a record deal at ABC!”

  Dickie looked dubious.

  “Oh really? Let me see the contract.” Annika paused. The intoxication was fading and she was beginning to feel the tickling of a hangover. A headache was teasing the back of her neck. Had she received a copy of the contract? Of course she must have. Had she lost it or left it somewhere? She would have to call Rhys later and find out if he had picked up her copy. She refused to let Dickie’s miserable mood ruin her happiness.

  “You’re such a cynic. It’s legit!” Dickie said nothing but poured a separate cup of coffee and slid it to her down the island.

  “Drink this. There’s Advil in the cupboard over the stove. And by the way, if you ever pull that shit in my house again, you can find another place to live.” With that, he quietly left the room with Annika staring after him, open mouthed.

  “You are amazing,” Annika murmured as she ran her fingers through Rhys’ thick curls. “You fuck like a wild animal. Maybe a hyena?” Rhys laughed and slapped her butt. They were at the Four Seasons having an afternoon romp between the sheets. Rhys claimed that he was on the move so much that he had never bothered to commit to an apartment. He used Airbnb when he had extended trips but this round, he knew he was only in the city for a short time before heading out to Europe for an unknown period. He had decided to make the best of it by renting expensive suites or so he said. The company had him on an expense account after all. But Annika got the sense that he was actually quite lonely. Well, he used to be lonely. Now he has me.

  “What are you doing?” she asked as he leaned over the side of the bed and began to fiddle around at floor level. He didn’t immediately respond so Annika used the opportunity to ask him what had been on her mind. “Listen, before I forget, will you please try to remember to email me that contract today? I hate to be a pain but I’d like to look it over. Maybe frame it.” She laughed.

  “Sure, babe,” Rhys replied.

  A second later, he popped up, his eyes alit with mischief.

  “I have a treat for us,” he said. Annika giggled.

  “I don’t know how much more spoiling I can take,” she teased, sitting up and pulling the sheet around her naked body. He opened his hand and he was holding two green pills. Annika’s sweet smile faded slightly. They were Oxy. Once upon a time, she wouldn’t have hesitated but things had been going so smoothly. Oxy could lead on such a downward spiral so fast…she had been down that road and she had not enjoyed the scenery.

  “Have you had these before?” Rhys asked. She hesitated.

  “Yeah.” He grinned boyishly at him and as usual, Annika was smitten by that gorgeous smile.

  “You know you wanna…” he sang to her. He put one in her hand and gave her a glass of wine with which to wash it down. Annika pushed her fears out of her head and downed the pill. It’s a one-time thing – a celebration. It won’t lead to anything…

  Chapter Four: You Know I’m No Good

  The weeks had begun to whiz past without any definition or milestones. When Annika tried to recall this particular point in her life, she found it incredibly difficult to account for the months after Rhys entered her life. She was constantly being whisked off to a party or a club or some other place where the people were frilly, pretentious and loud but as far as she could remember, nothing of substance ever materialized from these encounters. Except liquor and lots of drugs.

  There were bottles of champagne, shots of tequila, dozens of Oxy pills and Molly at every outing. Annika was stoned from the moment she woke until she passed out from excessive use of intoxicants every evening. She rose from restless sleeps feeling anxious and sweaty until she popped another pill. The days and nights blurred together and all Annika knew for certain was that she was completely enraptured with Rhys. She saw him every night and their sex life had reached peaks she had only seen in porn films. The only aspect which was beginning to trouble her was Dickie. It seemed like he was constantly on her case whenever she saw him.

  “You need to slow down, Annie,” he told her one day as she fell into the house. She had been gone for four days without so much as a text to let him know she was alive. “You missed your show at The Pocket Watch on Friday.” Annika blinked at him confused.

  “Tomorrow is Friday,” she told him, uncomprehendingly. He stared at her, his expressive blue eyes naked with worry.

  “Tomorrow is Monday,” he replied quietly. Her rosebud lips parted in surprise but no words came out. He was shocked to realize just how thin she had gotten in such a short time frame. Her fire laden eyes seemed to have lost their spark lately. There were dark, puffy circles around them and she seemed older but less wise. Dickie had gently led her to the couch and laid her down. “Go to sleep. We’ll talk in the morning.” He would be up extra early to make her a huge, fat filled breakfast. She was beginning to take on the appearance of a person suffering from a terminal illness.

  Yet, when Dickie came downstairs the following dawn, he had found that Annika had slunk off in the night. She knew he was worried about her but he had nothing to worry about. I’m in love and I’m going to be a star! Yet even in her highest moments, she couldn’t help but feel an umbra of doubt. Since their first date, Rhys had not mentioned her contract again. Any mention of a recording session was quickly dismissed. Rhys’ constant reassurance was “these things take time, baby.” Of course she trusted him. He adored her. She could tell by the way he looked at her, his eyes aglow.

  “Of course he stares at you,” Dickie snapped when she tried to alleviate his fears regarding Rhys. “Just look at you. I stare at you. You’re a beautiful piece of ass. But that’s all you are to him, Annika. You’re not using your brain.”

  “I thought you always said it was a good thing I’m hot because I’m not that bright,” Annika retorted angrily and tuned him out. He just didn’t understand. He’s still bitter about Kevin. He’s jaded about love and new relationships. Annika and Dickie still lived in the same house but they didn’t have late night gossip fests or have wine and play silly made up drinking games anymore. Promoters stopped calling her for line ups at local clubs because she had earned a reputation as a no-show. In fact, Annika barely honored any of her gigs anymore and when she wasn’t being lavished upon by Rhys, she was digging through the sofa for change to buy a dime bag of marijuana and pepperoni sticks. When Dickie had started demanding rent money she began staying away from the house more than she likely would have if he had continued to look the other way. Why can’t he just be patient and wait for my huge payday? He’s working. He can carry me for a bit now. It will be worth the wait. I’ll buy him a mansion. Yet, no matter how she justified it, she knew she was wrong. She tried her best to ignore the guilt she was feeling but Dickie’s words often filtered through her subconscious when she was lying in bed with Rhys. Finally, she built up the courage and confronted Rhys.

  “Baby, I really want to talk about what’s happening with my contract,” she told him one morning. She had just popped a Percocet to stop her hands from shaking, chasing it down with a Screwdriver. The acidity from the vodka and orange juice blend burned her throat.

  “Uh huh,” Rhys replied, barely glancing up from tying his tie. His hair was still wet from his shower and as Annika watched him dress, she felt like she was already married to him. This is what married couples do; the watch each other get ready for work in the morning and chat about business deals. We are going to be so happy together.

  “Rhys, I – I’m just really excited to start this part of my life. I want to know what’s happening.” He smiled briefly at her through the mirror and Annika felt her tension dissolve. Of course he knows how I feel. He deals with new talent every day.

  “I know, babe. We’ll get there but you need to be a little more patient. I have some huge names in the studio right now so space is really limited for newbies. I thought I had explained this to you already.” Annika felt herself getting embarrassed.

  “You did it’s just…I’m really broke. I hav
en’t been working since I signed with you and I don’t have any money coming in. Dickie is giving me a hard time about not paying my share and – “

  Rhys interrupted her with a laugh. “You’re worried about money? Why didn’t you just say so? You can stay here. I’ll set up an account for you until you get going.” Annika was so relieved, she almost burst into tears. She flew off the bed and threw herself into his arms. See Dickie! You were worried about nothing! He loves me just as much as I love him!

  “Oh, you’re amazing! I love you!” she cried. He laughed and kissed her forehead. Then he gently pushed her head down with one hand, his other hand unzipping his pants.

  “Prove it,” he growled.

  Dickie had been beyond furious.

  “You cannot move in with that man!” he screamed at her as she collected her meagre belongings. She had intentionally waited to spring the news on him because she knew how he was going to react. She was trembling, partially from withdrawal but mostly because she had never handled confrontation well. The truth was, she had wanted to pack up and leave without telling her best friend face to face but he had unexpected arrived home, catching her in the act of packing up her room so she was forced to come clean.

  “He is my boyfriend. We love each other. What is wrong with moving in with him?” she replied lightly. She was trying her hardest to diffuse the situation but Dickie was not about to be disarmed by her attempts.

  “He is not your boyfriend!” Annika had never seen him so incensed. She hadn’t even known he was capable of such rage. He had always been so kind to her, so gentle. At that moment, he reminded her of her step-father on a drunken bender. His tone caused her to pick up the pace. She had never been surer of a decision than she was at that moment.

  “He is you sugar daddy at best, nothing but a middle age pervert who has set his sights on a young, gorgeous and stupidly impressionable girl, plying her with alcohol and God only knows what the fuck else. Look at you! You’re a fucking disaster!” Dickie stepped into the room and grabbed Annika by the shoulders, spinning her around to face the mirror. She was momentarily aghast by her appearance. Her once luxuriant auburn hair had lost its silken sheen and it fell in an unkempt mass to her waist which was almost non-existent now. She had probably lost fifteen pounds which she could not afford. She tried to remember the last time she had eaten. Or showered. I need to start taking better care of myself. This will all change when I move in with Rhys.


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