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Rogue for Hire

Page 12

by Sasha Cottman

  You love me. Oh, Harry.

  The tears came back full force this time. “You love me?” she whispered.

  “Yes. I would never have taken you to the Temple of Diana if I didn’t think you and I belonged together. Though I must confess that at the time, I wasn’t sure if you felt something strongly for me, so I held back. Alice, you have made me share things about myself with you that I haven’t done with anyone else.”

  Harry slipped a hand around her waist and planted a kiss on her lips. “It took every ounce of my self-control not to make you mine that night. You set things off in me that no other woman ever has; a deep burning desire for you flamed the moment we met. But I was determined that you would know the best and the worst about me before I put you in a position where marriage was the inevitable outcome of our relationship.”

  Alice wiped at her tears. She had thought his refusal to make love to her that night was his way of rejecting her. That he hadn’t seen her as a potential wife.

  “I would have given myself to you that night, and I wouldn’t have regretted it. I love you, Harry Steele. I love your madness, your outrageous dress sense, even your cute little piglet.”

  He raised both eyebrows at those words. “And my wicked ways?”

  She pursed her lips. There could never be a point where she could see herself being comfortable with the dangerous and illegal things that he and his friends did. “Only if you promise that in the years to come, you will do everything to move the RR Coaching Company to a respectable footing. I know you have powerful family and friends, but there may come a time when they cannot protect you.”

  “I promise. In return, I want your answer to my question.” Harry went down on bended knee.

  This time, Alice didn’t stop him. The choice now lay with her. Was she prepared to set aside her concerns, and consider a future with this rogue, relying on his promise that one day they would be free of danger?

  Her heart whispered its answer. The one she would never be able to deny.


  “Alice North, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I want to spend as much of that time as possible in respectable, wedded bliss. Will you marry me?”

  There were times they had both pushed things to their limit. But if this was the life they could have as husband and wife, one where they were equals and striving forward together, Alice wanted it.

  It was such a relief that all the doubts and questions which had been preying on her mind were now out in the open. The road ahead would not be easy. Until the day Harry told her he was no longer involved in shady dealings, Alice would always worry. But she had made up her mind and would now stand beside him, helping him to create a better life.


  Harry got to his feet, and Alice stepped into his embrace, accepting his tender kisses with a grateful smile. A smile which turned into a longing sigh as his lips found their way to the side of her neck. He gently nipped, and heat pooled in her loins.

  Memories of that night at the club came flooding back into her mind. No matter how long she lived, Alice would never forget that moment when Harry had brought her to climax as she lay on the floor.

  Soon enough, she would ask Harry to take her back to the Temple of Diana, for him to show her more of that side of herself. But here and now, she was going to seize the moment.

  They were alone in a luxury hotel suite. They were engaged. There was nothing and no one to stop them indulging in whatever they wished.

  “Harry?” she whispered.

  “Hmm.” His lips were in the crook of her neck, his hot breath sending shock waves of desire through her body.

  She lifted a hand and ran her fingers through his hair, ruffling it gently when she reached the long wayward mop on top. Was there ever a sexier hairstyle for a man? She was certain there was not. “You could have had this discussion with me at my home, so I am assuming you brought me here because you had a plan which involved more than talking.”

  You had better have plans or I am going to have to take a stand for both of us.

  His body shook as a chuckle rumbled through him. Her whole core clenched at the sound. What his laugh did to her was beyond anything she had ever imagined humor could do.

  Harry lifted his head and met her gaze. “Actually, I hadn’t got much further than rehearsing what I was going to say. Trust me though, I am a man used to making things up on the fly. Improvisation is one of my strong suits, so the day will not be wasted.”

  Alice grinned at him. Harry, the gorgeously, sexy man was back, and she wanted him. Wanted to share her all with him today.

  His fingers toyed with the opening of her gown. Alice lay her hand over his and whispered, “I want to keep these undergarments; they are some of my favorites. So, please don’t go getting any ideas about tearing them to pieces.”

  Harry flashed his stunning green eyes at her. Alice shook her head. If she succumbed every time, he chose to use his sexual weapons on her, she would never win a battle.

  “Harry Steele, you are not allowed to play unfairly when it comes to the bedroom. If you do, punishment shall follow.”

  Harry groaned. “Oh, Alice, you have no idea what that does to me. If you are going to be strict, I promise I will misbehave all the damn time.”

  She swiped playfully at him. “Naughty boy.”

  As the topmost button on the front of her gown opened, Harry leaned in and kissed her. The next button saw another kiss. And so, it went on. By the time he had worked his way down the line of the dozen small fastenings, they were both breathing heavily. Harry then made fast work of Alice’s stays before discarding them and her gown.

  Now, she was determined that Harry would also know pleasure. They were in this together, and she wanted him to experience all that she felt for him.

  She brushed her hand over the placket of his trousers and Harry groaned once more. Unlike last time, he didn’t push her away.

  What a pity you are not wearing a toga. I could take you in hand so much faster.

  “Promise me that you will tell me how you like to be touched. How I can give you the pleasure you need. Don’t be afraid that I will hold back. I want us to know everything about the other, even our darkest desires,” she said.

  He took a hold of her breast, brushing his fingers back and forth over her peaked nipple. The sensation even through the thin fabric of her chemise sent heat pooling in her loins. Her body ached for him to show her the heady heights of sex once more.

  “We will take things slowly. There is far more enjoyment in a slow, sensual dance than a fast waltz. Today, I want to know you as my woman, for our bodies to reach climax together.”

  Alice swallowed deeply. She wanted this, trusted Harry to show her the way. He took her lips in another long, soft kiss.

  When he released her, Harry held her gaze. “Do you remember the night at the club, when I asked for your permission? We are going to do that again. I want you to always feel that you are in control of what is happening to your body, of your sexual release.”

  Her answer to each and every one of his requests was going to be yes.

  “Harry, make love to me,” she replied.

  He nodded. His jacket and cravat were quickly dealt with, his boots toed off and flung into a corner.

  When they came together once more, Harry was clad only in his shirt and trousers, the placket of which was partly undone. Alice stared longingly at the bulge which pressed against the remaining fastenings.

  She held a hand to her chemise and shyly smiled at him. “Remember, no ripping.”

  Harry placed his hands either side of her body, then slowly began to bunch the fabric up in his hands. Inch by inch, the chemise lifted.

  Cool air kissed her calves, then her thighs. When the hem of the garment barely covered her hips, he stopped.

  “May I?” he asked.


  There was a whoosh of fabric, her vision momentarily covered, and then Alice was free of h
er chemise. She stood only in her stockings and slippers. The shoes went the same way as Harry’s, into the corner.

  Alice slipped a hand down and covered her sex, earning herself a disapproving shake of the head from Harry.

  She bent to remove her stockings.

  “No, they stay on,” he said.

  She scowled; why would he want her to keep her stockings on?

  “You have no idea of the nights I have lain awake and thought of you naked except for your stockings. Of how many times I taken myself in hand and stroked my length just thinking how amazing it would feel to be deep inside you with your stocking-clad legs wrapped around me.”

  “I see. So, the stockings stay, but the rest of me is naked?” she replied.

  He moved her hand away from where it covered her sex.

  “Never be ashamed of your body, my love, especially not in front of me. I intend that you will spend a great deal of time naked, so you may as well get used to it,” he said.

  She raised an eyebrow at his remark. “Breakfast naked? Doing the household accounts naked? What about when we fight?”

  Harry stepped forward and gently placed his hands on her hips. “I look forward to listening to you yell at me when you are naked. I can just picture how your breasts will bounce up and down the more riled you get. Fighting then fucking will be the order of our marriage. I shall demand it.”

  She pretended to be shocked by his rough language, but having heard it from her brother enough times, Alice couldn’t muster the right expression. Instead she simply laughed.

  He pulled her against him, his hard erection pushing against her stomach. Emboldened by their honest conversation, Alice dropped her hand to the last button on his trousers and flicked it open. Harry’s cock leapt free and into her hand. She squeezed gently, then began to stroke him.

  He let her toy with him for a time, his breathing slowly growing more ragged by the second. Resting his hand on hers, he stilled her movement.

  “Enough, woman. Time for you to be ravished.” After scooping her up in his arms, Harry marched over to the bed and promptly tossed her onto it. His shirt and trousers disappeared in an instant and a naked Harry climbed on, rising over Alice.

  He stilled, staring deep into her eyes. “Where to begin? It’s like being given a huge menu and not knowing which dish you want to start with.”

  She grinned up at him. “We do have all day, so we could feast for quite some time.”

  His gaze shifted to her breasts and he gave an appreciative hum. “I started with those last time, so I think I might leave them to the next course.”

  Alice’s hips bucked as Harry traced a finger down her stomach and brushed over the outer folds of her sex. Her body thrummed with desire. He was barely touching her, but the memory of his fingers and what he could do with them had her panting. “Yes. Yes. Anything,” she whispered.

  One, two fingers dipped into her wet heat. She was not the least surprised that his strokes were so easily deep and long, she had been ripe and ready for him from the moment he had first kissed her. Alice was hungry for his touch.

  Pleasure coursed through her body as he slowly thrust his fingers in and out. His thumb rolled exquisite circles around her sensitive bud and she groaned.

  I will never be able to get enough of this, of what he does to me.

  Harry shifted further down the bed. Alice’s back arched off the mattress as his hot mouth and tongue began to feast on the soft flesh of her sex. Her fingers clutched at the bedclothes, grabbing and holding them in tight fistfuls.

  “Oh my god, Harry,” she whimpered.

  Her climax was near; it took all her strength not to beg him to finish her off. She was desperate to come, but not this way.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said.

  “I want you inside me. I don’t care what else we do this afternoon. I just want this first time, and now,” she whispered.

  He positioned himself between her legs, his cock large and hard in his hand. She flinched for a moment as he pressed himself inside. There was a momentary sting and then it was gone.

  Harry stilled. “When you are ready, let me know.” He traced his thumb around and over her sensitive nib, and Alice gripped his arms.

  She let out a shuddering breath. “Yes. Please. I want this.”

  He pushed all the way in, and she moaned. “Oh, Harry, that is so good. Please, I need more.”

  A steady rhythm of deep thrusts and withdrawal began. She had never imagined it could be this way with a man. That her first time would be so incredible, the groans of pleasure which came from Harry making the encounter all that more glorious.

  The bed rocked with his every move. Alice closed her eyes and gave herself up to him. Let Harry take control of her body and her ever-growing hunger.

  Her need built to fever-pitch. She was so close to release, but it was just out of reach. In a sudden movement, Harry pulled back, and taking one of her breasts into his mouth, sucked hard. It was all it took to push her over the edge.

  “Harry, oh!”

  Alice’s world exploded.

  The orgasm he had given her at the club was nothing compared to this mind-altering climax. Pleasure tore through her like lightening. On and on it rolled.

  “Wrap your legs around me. Take me deeper,” he commanded.

  She lifted her stockinged legs and did as he asked. Harry buried his face in the crook of her neck as he pounded his cock deeper, harder and faster with every stroke. His fingers gripped to the side of her hips, his breath coming shorter every second.

  And then he let out a guttural groan and slammed into her one last time. They collapsed into each other’s arms, panting for air. Hot, sweat-slicked bodies held tight to each other.

  When Harry finally rolled off Alice, he pulled her to him. “I love you,” he whispered.

  “I love you too.”

  IN THE LATE EVENING, Harry eventually took Alice home. They had shared a long afternoon of making love and exploring one another’s bodies. He had lost count of the times he had brought her to climax, but the memory of hearing her cry his name when she was on the verge of release would forever remain in his heart.

  The carriage slowed to a stop in the mews at the rear of the North family home, and Harry helped Alice down. They walked toward the house, hand in hand.

  As they passed the main entrance to the stables, Alice paused mid-stride, before stumbling to a halt. She pointed to a large travel coach which had not been in the yard when Harry had arrived earlier in the day.

  “Oh, thank heavens,” she exclaimed.


  She turned to him, and cupping his face in her hands, gifted him with a hundred kisses. She then drew back, smiling. “That’s the North family travel coach. My parents have come home early from their trip.”


  THE FOLLOWING AFTERNOON, Harry walked the short distance from his house in Grosvenor Street to Redditch House. It was only a matter of a hundred yards or so to his family home in Upper Grosvenor Street, but at times over the past year, it had felt like an ocean separated them.

  He got a welcoming smile from the head butler as he stepped in the front door of the early Georgian mansion. The house took up a great deal of the block with its imposing Portland columns; the dukes of Redditch were never ones to hold back on showing their wealth.

  Upstairs, Harry waited outside his father’s study. For the first time in his life, he wasn’t nervous about seeing Lord Steele. The man had already cut him off and thrown him out of the house. There was nothing left for his father to hold over his head.

  “Your grace, your son is here to see you.”

  The sound of a throat being cleared, and gruff mumbling drifted out to where Harry stood.

  “Which one? I have four of the beggars,” replied Lord Steele.

  “My apologies. Lord Harry Steele.”

  Silence followed, and Harry could just imagine what foul curses would be running through his father’s mind at
the mere mention of his name.

  Nice to see you too, Papa.

  “Alright, show him in.”

  He quickly checked his jacket and cravat in the hall mirror, making sure they were all in order. Taking a deep breath, he straightened his back and strode into the Duke of Redditch’s study.

  His gaze took in the all too familiar room. Books, piles of papers, and the ever-present cigar hanging out of his father’s mouth greeted him.

  Harry caught the scent of burning tobacco and smiled. “Port-tipped. I thought you had given up on those.”

  Lord Steele raised his eyes from where they had been staring at a ledger and fixed his gaze on Harry. “A year, and that is all you have to say to me?”

  “I thought I would go with something innocuous to begin with, recalling that the last time we spoke you were raining down hellfire and brimstone on me,” replied Harry.

  His father rose from his desk, setting his cigar on an ashtray where it continued to send out a small, thin plume of smoke. “And as I recall, you were telling me to ‘go to the blasted devil,’ so I think we might call that even.”

  Harry grinned at the memory. At the time, there had been nothing amusing about it, but over the past eleven and a bit months, he had made his peace with it—mostly.

  He took a moment to study his father; little had changed about his features during the period of their estrangement. The man had barely aged a day. There was comfort in seeing that the old bastard was still fighting fit. They might not currently see eye to eye, but he could confess to having a soft spot somewhere in his heart for his father.

  Lord Steele came around to the front of his desk and gave Harry a slow looking over.

  I dressed in my best courting clothes today. He can’t possibly have any cause to find fault with my attire.

  “Are you well, boy?” he asked.

  Harry chuckled. He was twenty-six years old, and had long ago stopped being a lad, yet his father still referred to him as if he was a child.

  “Yes, Father, I am in excellent health,” he replied.

  A half sniff and a nod were his father’s reply. He pointed toward the nearby whisky-laden sideboard. “Fancy a drink?”


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