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The Sheikh's Marriage Of Convenience (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 10)

Page 14

by Cara Albany

  She saw both her sisters frown on hearing the way she'd said that one simple syllable. It hadn't sounded convincing. Not at all.

  Belle and Nicole sat down on either side of the bed, gazing down at their big sister who now felt as if she'd accidentally opened up a can of worms.

  "What's going on, Erin?" Nicole asked.

  Erin threw a hand over her forehead and sighed heavily. She'd known her sisters would have to know the truth about her sham marriage sooner or later. It was just that she'd assumed that "later" did actually mean more than within a week of her marriage. They deserved to know the truth. But, what was the truth? What could she tell Nicole and Belle? She wondered if her mother had told them, but decided that was unlikely.

  Erin sat up and gazed at Nicole and Belle. "There's something you should know about my marriage to Karim."

  She felt an uncomfortable knot twisting in her middle as she looked at her sisters. Both faces were wide-eyed, expectant and definitely concerned. How would they react? There was only one way to find out.

  Erin cleared her throat and clasped her hands tightly. "My marriage to Karim isn't exactly what you think it is."

  Nicole and Belle's brows furrowed in unison.

  "I agreed to marry Karim just as a matter of convenience."

  Her sisters squinted at her, obviously not fully comprehending what Erin was saying.

  Erin sighed. "My marriage to Karim was only a temporary arrangement. It was never meant to last."

  As Erin said those last words, she felt a surge of emotion well up inside her. Was that last part true?

  Nicole and Belle looked at each other disbelievingly for a very long moment. Then they both looked back at Erin. "Are you saying you don't love Karim?" Nicole asked incredulously.

  Erin was taken aback by the bluntness of the question. But, that was Nicole. The exact opposite of their mother. Nicole didn't have a diplomatic bone in her body. Erin couldn't answer Nicole. Because it was the first time anyone had really asked her that question quite so directly.

  Did she love Karim? Hadn't she whispered those words to him less than twenty-four hours before? And hadn't he murmured them to her in response? Of course, they had said those timeless words to each other. But had they really meant them? Or had they just been prompted by their temporary longing for each other?

  "It's complicated," was all that Erin said in response looking at Nicole.

  Her sister frowned and leaned back. Erin could see Nicole trying to understand what she'd been told. Did it make any sense at all? Erin wasn't sure.

  "So, that's why you're here, today? Because you're leaving Karim?" Belle asked quietly, as if she didn't really want to say the words.

  "No!" Erin exclaimed suddenly. The force of her reply took even Erin by surprise. The word had flown instinctively out of her with surprising power.

  Erin reached out and took hold of one of Belle's hands. "No," she repeated more softly this time. She peered into Belle's eyes, hating that she could see hurt in them. Had she disappointed her sister that much? Couldn't Belle understand that Erin hadn't had any choice, once the decision to marry Karim had been made?

  Erin looked at Nicole and saw an equally heart-breaking look of despondency on her sister's features. She loved both of them, deeply. How could she have done this to them?

  Erin sighed. "Some day I'll explain to you. I just can't, right now, okay?"

  Erin glanced from Belle to Nicole seeking at least the beginnings of agreement, just a hint of forgiveness.

  Then both Belle and Nicole did something which made Erin's heart warm. They both nodded slowly. They still weren't smiling at Erin, but she saw the same love in their eyes that she'd always known ever since they'd been kids.

  Erin extended her arms. "Hug?" she asked looking at them both.

  Nicole and Belle exchanged glances and then nodded.

  All three sisters collapsed into each other's arms, muttering incoherent words of sisterly devotion to each other.

  As she wrapped her arms around Belle and Nicole, Erin couldn't help asking herself if the worst was over. Karim was gone. Erin was back where she'd started.

  Or was the worst just beginning?


  Karim woke with a start to the sound of the telephone blaring in his ear. He twisted in bed, momentarily aware that he was alone. That wasn't right. That wasn't the way it should be, he told himself as he stretched out to grab the phone. Erin should be by his side.

  He squinted at the clock on the bedside table. Eight o'clock. He didn't normally sleep this late, but last night he hadn't been able to get to sleep. For obvious reasons.

  He sighed and then spoke into the phone. "Hello?"

  "Sheikh Al Rasareh," came the heavy, slow voice down the phone. At first he didn't recognize who it was. Sleep still had a hold of his mind. Karim ran a hand through his hair. "Who am I talking to?" he asked brusquely.

  "Come now, Karim," said the voice. "You and I have known each other a long time. Surely you know who I am."

  Karim blinked. "Sheikh Abdullah?" he said sharply. Karim sat up and leaned back against the headboard of the bed.

  There was a sharp sigh from the man on the other end of the phone. "I'm surprised you returned from your honeymoon so early."

  "What do you want?" Karim demanded.

  "I think you are well aware of my interest in your so-called marriage to the beautiful young American woman who has become such a darling to the media," Abdullah said. His voice had a disbelieving, sarcastic tone.

  "What do you mean "so-called marriage"?" Karim barked.

  He heard Abdullah laugh quietly. "Come now, Sheikh Al Rasareh. Do you take me for a fool? We all know your marriage to Miss Summers has been a sham from the beginning. I'm surprised it has lasted even one week. Although, from what my sources have told me, it hardly lasted that."

  "That is a lie, Abdullah," Karim grunted.

  "Sheikh Abdullah to the likes of you, Karim. Do you forget my family connections? My influence? Or did you think that marrying this woman would prevent me from forcing the change this country so badly needs?"

  Karim was momentarily lost for words. What had Abdullah heard? Had he found out that Karim and Erin were back in Qazhar, and that they were already spending time apart?

  Abdullah was the one man left in Qazhar who still had the connections and the authority to call upon people who could cause political chaos. Abdullah was the real reason why Karim had married Erin.

  And the man had the audacity to call him on the phone? Was the Sheikh merely taunting Karim? This must be a test, Karim concluded. He had to face the Sheikh down; show him that he was wrong. Karim sighed. How could he do that when Erin wasn't even with him?

  "Are you still there, Karim?" Abdullah said, his voice oozing with venom. There was hatred in that voice; years of Abdullah's resentment at his tribe being marginalized by the other more progressive families. Bitterness soured every word Abdullah uttered.

  "Of course I'm here, Abdullah. There's nothing you can do. Erin is my wife, and I already know that your base of support has backed off in the last few days." Karim forced himself to laugh confidently. "You've got nothing to back up your claim, anymore. Why don't you just accept that you've been beaten?"

  "On the contrary, Karim. I know you've been trying to undermine my efforts to improve this country. You thought making yourself and your new wife into a happy couple would persuade the people of Qazhar to maintain an outward looking view on the world."

  "From what I saw on TV, it looks as if we succeeded," Karim said emphatically.

  "The people can be easily led. And they will be, once my regime has taken control of the country's affairs."

  Karim scowled and felt a sudden urge to reach down the phone line and grab Abdullah by the neck. "That's not going to happen, Abdullah," Karim retorted. "It's too late. You've failed. And you won't get another chance."

  "Perhaps," Abdullah said quietly. There was a long pause at the other end of the lin

  Karim leaned forward. "Don't you understand, Abdullah. You don't have a chance. Erin and I are happily married. You won't win popular support for anything you want to do."

  "Maybe that's true. There is only one small detail I don't quite understand."

  Karim felt a chill make its way up his spine. He didn't know where Abdullah was going with all this. But, Karim had the distinct feeling that the man was up to something. Maybe, Abdullah felt he had one last trick up his sleeve.

  "What's that?" Karim asked.

  "If you and your wife are so happily married, why isn't she by your side this morning." Abdullah paused and then continued. "Why is she, at this moment, having breakfast in the American embassy surrounded by her family?"

  Karim frowned, aware that he didn't have an answer to that question. In fact, it was the question which had tormented him all night. And now the man he hated most in Qazhar was asking him.

  "How do you even know that?" Karim asked, determined not to make matters worse by lying. He would deal with this situation using strength and honesty. The time for deceptions was over.

  "I have my sources," Abdullah replied.

  "So what if she isn't with me today. How does that change anything?"

  "I think it changes a great many things," Abdullah said. "Indulge me for a moment, if you can, while I explain to you."

  Karim swallowed nervously. The whole conversation had been leading up to this.

  "Let's say I have a meeting this morning at the American embassy," Abdullah said. Karim slid off the bed and stood, every muscle in his body suddenly tensing. "And let's suppose that for the purposes of good publicity I bring along my own friendly media people," Abdullahe continued. "I'm sure they will be very interested to know why your new wife is now living back inside the safety of the embassy. Without her husband, the beloved Sheikh Al Rasareh." Abdullah's voice was slow and filled with poisonous certainty.

  "You have no right to enter that compound without an invitation," Karim objected.

  "I already have such an invitation."

  "What?" Karim exploded.

  "It's good to see that the current ambassador values good diplomatic relations between Qazhar and her own country. Even with those like myself, who are of such humble position," he said with an acid, sarcastic voice.

  Karim scowled and paced the floor. "Why are you telling me all this?"

  "So that you understand the full importance of what will happen when you are humiliated this morning, Sheikh Al Rasareh. You will suffer. And, once your shame is complete, there will be an inevitable reaction to your deception. A deception you have carried out against the Qazhar people, no less," Abdullah roared down the phone. Karim could hear the passion, the hatred in Abdullah's voice. Was there no limit to what this man would do to gain power?

  "Enjoy the rest of your morning Sheikh Al Rasareh," Abdullah taunted and then the call was ended. Karim stood dumbstruck for a few moments. Had that just happened?

  He found the number of the embassy and dialled it, but there was no answer, just a recorded message intended for US citizens.

  He threw the phone down onto the bed and paced the floor, his mind a whirling torrent of thought.

  Fear had gripped him. But, not fear for himself. Fear for Erin. What was being planned for this morning could not be allowed to happen. He would not permit it, not while he had breath in his body; not while he had the power to prevent it.

  He quickly dressed in shirt and pants and raced downstairs, taking his servants by surprise as he ran out the front door and jumped into one of his sports cars. He fired up the engine and raced away from the palace.

  He'd been a fool. He'd let Erin down in so many ways. And now, it looked as if he was even going to let his country down. If Abdullah was able to twist the meeting at the embassy to his selfish purpose then it would be revealed that the whole marriage had been an shameful trick played on the Qazhar people. Everything he'd hoped to achieve would be lost, and there would be troubled times ahead. Very difficult times for so many people.

  All because he hadn't been able to convince Erin that he loved her. Because, if there was one thing which was true it was that simple truth.

  Karim loved Erin.

  She was the woman who destiny had delivered into his life. He knew that now. And, only a day before, he'd been sure she felt the same about him. How could that have happened with something as crazy as an arrange marriage? He didn't know the answer to that but, right now it didn't matter. He had to get to the embassy before Abdullah. He realized Abdullah hadn't mentioned when that meeting would be taking place. That had been part of the taunting Abdullah had indulged in.

  Karim pressed down the accelerator, powering the car along the narrow strip of road which cut across the desert. The early morning sun made the golden sands look so beautiful, but Karim had no time for enjoying the view. His gaze fixed resolutely ahead, he narrowed his focus on the road ahead.

  He had to get to Erin and tell her one thing that now meant more to him than life itself.

  He had to declare once and for all, with every part of his being, that he loved her and that she would be his forever.


  "Why are they here?" Erin asked Nicole as she looked out the window of her bedroom. Down in the courtyard, on the wide grass verge, there was a group of photographers and TV crews. They all looked impatient, glancing at their watches and glancing toward the front door of the embassy.

  "Apparently there's an important meeting on downstairs," Nicole said gazing over Erin's shoulder. "It is a little odd. The Sheikh who is here seems to be quite important. I didn't know he was that important."

  Erin frowned. "That's a lot of media for just one Sheikh." Erin turned to Nicole. "What did you say his name was?"

  Nicole quirked a brow. "I didn't." She narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. "Sheikh Abdullah something or other," Nicole said.

  Erin felt anxiety twist in her middle. That name was familiar. Where had she heard it before?

  Erin let the curtain settle back into place, but she stayed at the window, curious to see how things would play out down there.

  "Whatcha doing today?" Nicole asked casually.

  Erin shrugged. "I don't know for sure."

  "No plans to see anyone?" Nicole teased, her mouth creasing with a knowing smile.

  Erin shook her head. "No," she said emphatically.

  "Not even a certain Sheikh?" Nicole pressed.

  "Look, Nicole. We've been over that already. There's nothing else I can say, right now. You understand, don't you?"

  Nicole frowned. "No," she barked. "Of course I don't understand. He's your husband. He's gorgeous. He's rich. You love him," Nicole said counting things off on her fingers.

  "Nicole!" Erin exclaimed.

  "Well, you do, don't you?

  Erin turned back to the window and tugged the curtain aside. "I told you. It's complicated," was all Erin could force herself to say. She wanted to say so much more. She'd spent the entire night thinking about Karim. Had he been thinking about her? She knew, deep down in her heart that he must have been. She'd expected him to call, and had been surprised he hadn't.

  No. That wasn't right. She'd actually been hurt that he hadn't called. Why hadn't he contacted her? Of course they'd had a disagreement, but now that she'd had time to think about it more carefully, she'd seen that there were other things more important than what they'd argued about.

  Like love, for instance.

  All through the night, memories of being with Karim had tortured her. She'd savored every moment of those memories, recalling in detail everything she'd felt, everything she'd said to him.

  And, just as importantly, everything he'd said to her.

  Every time he'd whispered to her that he loved her; every quiet declaration of his devotion; every sweet, tender word promising her the world.

  Her heart warmed just thinking about those intimate memories. Was that all they were destined to be? Memories.

>   No wonder she hadn't been able to sleep all night. Without Karim next to her, she had felt an awful emptiness inside. She wondered if he'd felt the same terrible void in his soul.

  She recalled her own words, whispered to him in the middle of that momentous night. She'd told him she loved him and when she'd said those words, his eyes had lit up with joy, and he'd kissed her tenderly.

  Every memory of that night had become part of her, something that she would never lose. And, if Karim was to never come back to her, then she would have to live with the consequences of that, even if she was sure it would be almost impossible to carry on.

  There was a flurry of activity down on the grass. The media people had seen something and were busy taking photographs. Erin craned her neck and saw her mother and a tall Qazhar man, the Sheikh called Abdullah, she assumed, make their way down the steps and pause. They shook hands posing for the cameras.

  Then she heard the roar of an engine, and she shifted her gaze quickly toward the entrance of the embassy compound. A red sports car was speeding up the driveway, its top down. Sitting inside it was Karim, his gaze intently focused on the scene playing out below Erin.

  She gasped. "Karim!" she exclaimed.

  "What?" she heard Nicole say from behind her. Her sister came to her side and peered over Erin's shoulder. "It is him. What's he doing here?"

  Erin turned and gave Nicole a look that said something about how stupid that question had been. Nicole just shrugged and continued watching what was happening down below.

  Karim's car skidded to a halt. The camera crews started scrambling to get pictures of the dramatic arrival. Two security guards came running toward the car, but Erin's mother signaled to them that everything was fine.

  "I have to get downstairs," Erin said sharply. "Now."

  She turned and headed for the door.

  "Wait for me," Nicole screeched following behind.

  Erin raced down the stairs, out the front door and halted abruptly at the top of the stairs. Her mother turned and smiled. Next to her, Sheikh Abdullah was doing anything but smiling. He was actually scowling at Erin. She wondered why that was, but then her attention was seized by the sight of Karim leaping out of his car and starting to make his way toward the stairs.


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