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The Boss’s Unconventional Assistant

Page 8

by Jennie Adams

  ‘I’m taking a brief leave of absence from the company.’ His announcement brought surprise to every face in the room. ‘A short holiday, that’s all, to…rest up.’

  He glanced her way. ‘An agency provided Sophia to assist me, drive my car and so forth.’

  Many of those faces had turned to gaze speculatively at her, and Grey had taken care to make their relationship plain. It was both a kind and gentlemanly thing for him to do.

  Before Soph could do more than offer a tentative smile, her boss drew an almost inaudible breath and went on. ‘In my absence, you’re all in charge of and fully responsible for all the projects in your separate departments. If there’s an absolute emergency—and I’m talking epic proportions when I say this—you can contact me. Otherwise, sort it out yourselves. You have the necessary training and abilities and I know I can…trust your judgement.’

  Soph doubted anyone else would have noticed his infinitesimal hesitation, but she did.

  He glanced at two nervous-looking individuals towards the end of the table. ‘In your cases, you’ll pass this on to your seniors.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘Yes, Mr Barlow.’

  Grey nodded and made eye contact with two men to his left. ‘McCarty and Coates, please remain behind. The rest of you are dismissed. Thank you for your attendance and I’ll let you know when my status changes. There’ll be a memo today about… arrangements in my absence.’

  The moment the door closed after the last person, the two middle-aged men turned to Grey. He held up a hand to stay any questions. ‘I apologise that I’ve given you no notice about this, but I need you to stand in my stead in an overall management capacity while I’m gone.

  ‘Shuffle responsibility for your projects as necessary, except for Beacon’s Cove. You’ll take care of that together. Make what decisions—jointly—that you have to. When I return to my duties, I’ll expect a full report. Do your best to make it a positive one. Hilary will release a statement about your standing to all the relevant staff.’

  ‘I appreciate the opportunity.’ Coates seemed to straighten even more in his chair.

  McCarty nodded. ‘I’ll do everything in my power to ensure that good report.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Grey stood from the table and reached for Soph’s arm.

  She rose and moved instinctively closer to him.

  He dipped his head as the men murmured their farewells. ‘I’ll be in touch.’

  Then, with his fingers wrapped around her arm and the muscles in his body so tightly locked that Soph could have bounced concrete off him, Grey moved to the door and scanned and quickly signed the single sheet of paper his office assistant held out to him.

  As they exited the building, Soph gave vent to her questions. ‘How long will you stop work completely? Can you trust those two men to run things? Will there be financial consequences as a result of your withdrawal—?’

  ‘I can take a step back for a short time. Naturally I’d prefer things to go well while I do that, but I can’t…make that happen.’ He continued moving towards the car.

  No, but maybe he would discover that he could trust his employees and their assurances and dedication?

  ‘So you only need to do that? Take a break and everything will right itself and stay righted?’ That was the other concern and, in her eyes, the even more important one. She searched his face as she waited for his answer.

  ‘I’m off for the remainder of the week, then Doc Cooper will re-examine me.’ His frown darkened. ‘It had better be enough.’ He sighed as they arrived at the car. ‘Let’s go back to the town house, Sophia.’

  And Soph sighed. Was this a complete acknowledgement on his part? Or a small capitulation that he hoped would be enough, but might prove not to be?


  ‘I’M SURE there are heaps of relaxing things you’d like to do over the next few days, using your country house retreat as a base.’ When Grey simply glanced at her blankly, Soph forged on. She wanted to get him enthused, or at least help him to accept his immediate fate. That much would be one small step in the right direction, wouldn’t it? ‘Maybe some small trips during the day, a bit of local touristy stuff…’

  Kissing your temporary assistant.

  No. She didn’t want him to do that again.

  Yes, you do.

  They were seated on comfy outdoor chairs on the balcony of Grey’s town house with a view over the back garden and of some magnificent portions of the Melbourne skyline.

  Soph had Alfie in her arms. It was really hard to sit here beside Grey and not desire him, because she did, and she felt closer to him emotionally thanks to all that had happened today, which was dangerous and quite probably dumb.

  But she’d seen his vulnerability, had watched him hand over control of his company to others, even when he hadn’t wanted to do it. Now, hours later, he was still struggling to accept what he had had to do. She could feel that, sense it, but somehow even that struggle drew her closer to him.

  ‘Is there anything touristy to do other than climb in the mountains?’ He didn’t turn to look at her, but she felt his attention locked on her anyway. ‘I suppose we can look into that when we go back tomorrow.’

  ‘Yes, that will be soon enough.’ Soph stroked Alfie’s soft fur as she examined Grey’s profile, so strong, and so stark right now. She’d seen that expression on her sister Bella’s face at times over the years, when Bella had been worried but determined to hug her fears to herself.

  ‘A lot of companies run successfully with a group of people to control their various areas, don’t they?’ She wanted to encourage him. ‘Sometimes people like a chance to prove themselves. Maybe your staff will surprise you.’

  Well, Soph could contribute to help Grey in ways she hadn’t managed for her sisters. Now, in her new independent life, she wanted Grey to trust her with his feelings and his difficulties. Yes, she really did want that.

  Warnings ricocheted around in her mind even as these thoughts came, but here, with the city around them and Grey so close at her side, Soph couldn’t seem to think beyond his nearness.

  ‘You think I’ve micromanaged when it wasn’t necessary.’ He did turn his head then, and let those fathomless green eyes pierce her.

  Soph tipped her face up to the sky. ‘I think you’re trying to come to terms with your doctor being right about your stress levels, and you’re furious about it and feel trapped by circumstances you can’t control.’

  ‘I haven’t turned my back on the company since the day it became my responsibility. My father left me with three stepmothers to support financially. The money for their stipends comes out of company funds and he didn’t stint in his generosity.’ The words seemed to force their way out of him, low and intense. He sucked in a breath of air. ‘The company employees also rely on me, upwards of five hundred people, one way and another. If I fail, they all pay for it. Maybe I’ve felt that if I’m in ultimate control at least I’ll only have myself to blame if things go wrong.’

  ‘I don’t think you could be a failure if you tried.’ He was too strong for that, strong inside and out, no matter what his physical condition might be right now.

  ‘But you still think I have control issues.’

  She hesitated because she didn’t quite know how to deny it.

  Grey got to his feet, held out his good hand to her. ‘It doesn’t matter. Let’s go inside. I hadn’t realised the amount of time we’d passed, just sitting here. I think we should order a meal. I’m not sure if there’s much worth scrounging in my fridge or freezer or cupboards, and it’s close to dinner time.’

  Soph took Grey’s hand, got to her feet. The movement brought her close to his big, muscled body, to the taut face that made her want to reach up, stroke and sooth, and touch him for the sheer pleasure of it.

  She was overly aware of him, of the blunted scent of his cologne as it drifted to her on the evening air, of the crisp dark hair that seemed to beg her to run her fingers through it. Soph
did want those things, could be so tempted to reach for them if he showed even the slightest interest in pursuing that path.

  Then where would she be? Abandoned by him, that was where, because he wouldn’t want more than an uninvolved few moments.

  Soph stepped away from him, preceded him into the living room and waited while he closed and locked the balcony doors.

  He subsided on to the sofa and positioned his foot on an ottoman for elevation. ‘There’s a restaurant menu stuck to the fridge door with a magnet. Will you order for us and pick us out a bottle of wine from my selection?’

  She ran him a bath and he took that while they waited for the food to arrive. Then they ate and talked about nothing much. It felt weird and good all at once. Grey skimmed through a magazine while she took Alfie outside for a break.

  Soph had helped Grey with a final set of physio exercises for the day and they were sipping a small second glass each of red wine side by side on the sofa when a hiccup burst out of her. She clapped a hand over her mouth and heat crept into her cheeks. ‘I’m sorry—how embarrassing.’

  Grey laughed. It was the first time the tension had truly left him all day, and something inside Soph fluttered into life. The press of his leg against hers now became something more than incidental, the look in his eyes deeper than simple interest in their conversation.

  Please, Grey. Don’t make me notice how wonderful you look when you smile, don’t make me so aware of your nearness. I’m having enough trouble already.

  She stuttered into speech—anything to dissipate the tension suddenly inside her, on his face, all around them. ‘My sisters say I have no palate, but I chose a nice wine from your selection, don’t you think?’

  Grey’s gaze dipped to her mouth, then rose to her eyes. ‘I enjoyed the wine.’

  ‘And you had it in moderation.’ Soph was pretty much a one glass wonder herself and, with their two small servings, they’d had about that.

  Grey needed to change the subject to something that would take his mind off wanting to kiss Sophia. Discussing her family seemed a safe choice.

  ‘You could visit your sisters in the morning before we leave the city.’ He didn’t quite manage to shift his gaze from Sophia’s softly flushed face. ‘I figure you would like to see them, as you all seem to be close. I’ve noticed lots of text messages flying to and fro.’

  Grey never indulged in voluntary family gatherings.

  ‘That’s very nice of you.’ Her words were appreciative. ‘I don’t think I’d feel comfortable leaving you to amuse yourself when it’s my job to do that, but if you felt you might enjoy the visit we could go together.’

  That wasn’t what he had meant. But she watched him with such hope on her face that he opened his mouth and agreed before he could stop himself.

  ‘I guess that would be okay.’ And then he justified his decision. ‘I’ll be relying on you to find ways to keep me occupied. Enforced leisure isn’t something I have any familiarity with. A visit to your family will use my time as well as anything else.’

  ‘I guess so.’ She sobered a little at that, but then that generous smile slipped through again. ‘Let me call my sister, make the arrangements. I’ll do my best to keep you busy, and you’ll probably enjoy meeting Bella and Chrissy. They’re really great people.’

  Grey just wanted to work hard, as he had for as long as he could remember. As for relaxing, could he do that with Sophia? With the way he still wanted her? ‘Make the visit for about ten-thirty tomorrow morning, if that will suit them. It will give us time to buy some groceries first. You can make more healthy soup for me.’

  ‘I’d like to do that.’ Her gaze locked with his a little too long before she looked away. At his indication, she used the phone on the end stand beside the sofa to put in a quick call to one of her sisters, Grey wasn’t sure which one.

  Soph didn’t have to move away from him as she made the call and he found he wanted her near. Her whole tone of voice changed as she talked, softened with a particular kind of affection that tugged at him.

  A family that actually gave a damn about each other wasn’t something he usually thought about. Until now he had accepted his history, had used it as an example of the mistakes he didn’t want to make and accepted that most of the times he heard from his stepmothers they wanted something.

  Oh, they cared about him in their own ways, he supposed. He cared about them. They were his father’s past wives. How could he not? But it wasn’t the same as what Soph had.

  Yet why start examining all that now? Looking at it wouldn’t change anything, and he had accepted his limitations and his family’s limitations long ago.

  Soph ended the call. The rabbit chose that moment to come to life where it sat on the floor near her feet. It sat up on its haunches, twitched its nose and dipped its head up and down, then sniffed the carpet, tried to chew on it and gave up and settled back into a boneless lump beside Sophia’s feet.

  With a soft laugh, she lifted the rabbit into her arms. As she cuddled the furry blob she crooned to it in a soft, sweet voice. ‘I’m so glad I found you, Alfred. You’re just so special.’

  She was doting on a rabbit, and why that should underscore his attraction to her Grey could not have explained, but it did.

  ‘At least it hasn’t had any accidents.’ While Grey stared at Soph and recited all the reasons he shouldn’t want her, she glanced up at him.

  Her gaze lingered, linked with his and held. ‘You’re really quite tolerant of Alfie.’

  ‘I don’t know why you think that.’ But Grey admitted that he wanted to be cuddled and crooned to by her. Not pampered, not because he had injuries.

  He wanted Sophia’s softness, her sweetness and openness, all for him, a man who couldn’t be more closed off emotionally if he tried. He’d set out to be that way and he’d succeeded. Yet the desire stayed with him.

  ‘I think it because it’s true.’ She eased the rabbit back on to the floor and locked her hands together in her lap. Too damned close—close enough for Grey to touch her, and he did. His fingers lifted, brushed the soft nape of her neck. He couldn’t stop himself.

  Their faces were so close. He could smell the tang of wine on her breath, could imagine kissing it from her lips. Frustration clawed at him, undermining his control again. He’d been forced to give up his working life, even if only for now. The doctor had snapped at him and treated him like a baby and accused him of having too much ego and not enough sense.

  Overall it had been an irritating, frustrating day and just for once he would like to have what he wanted. And what he wanted…was Sophia. He wanted her more than he cared to admit, in so many ways.

  ‘G-Grey?’ Her eyes widened as she searched his face and tension whirled around them.

  He should stay the heck away from her, but he wasn’t sure if he could. Grey closed his fingers around that soft nape and exerted just enough pressure to bring her closer. ‘I know what I said this morning, but I want to kiss you again, Sophia, and I think you want me to.’

  A second kiss. What could it matter if they both agreed?

  If this was self-delusion, he didn’t want to know about it.

  ‘Maybe I do want it, but…’ The words were a mere whisper. Her gaze locked with his. Her lush mouth was soft and inviting.

  Her lashes fluttered. He imagined them against his skin. His fingers tightened and he fought himself, forced the words to come because she had to decide.

  ‘You can tell me goodnight, Sophia.’ He wanted her in his bed, under him, wanted her in every way imaginable, but right now, in this moment, he wanted her kiss.

  She drew a slow, deep breath that did stunning things to her curves and made his body clench with need. ‘I…don’t want to say it yet.’

  Grey let out a low growl and drew her up close to him because if he was doing this he was taking everything he could, and he let their mouths fuse.

  He knew the taste of her now and once he had it again he didn’t want to stop. Instead, with h
er cooperation clear in each sigh, each press of soft lips to his, he dived headlong and recklessly forward, sensible thought far away, subjugated by want.

  And perhaps need.

  That last was truly worrying, but he pushed the worry aside and focused on the feel of her clasped close to him, the soft curves of her body and the sweet giving of her mouth.

  Their bodies merged, two parts that fitted as though made for each other. He forgot his injuries and simply held her as he absorbed every nuance of this. Of Sophia—warm and sweet and seductive in his hold.

  She wrapped her arm around his neck, pressed against him. Her fingers trembled against his nape. Emotion caught in her eyes and stirred in him.

  Something yielded inside Grey then. He couldn’t explain it and didn’t want to think about it, but he had to have her. Close to him, as much as he could take, as much as she would give and he could give back to her. He didn’t know how much that was and couldn’t try to figure it out.

  The cast was a barrier. He made up for it by exploring her face and neck with his lips until she shivered in his arms. Need pressed behind his eyelids, filled his fingertips, climbed his spinal column to settle at the base of his neck where her fingers touched him.

  Her soft murmurs of approval urged him on. He cupped her arm, her shoulder, her waist and finally her breast through the cloth of her blouse and the silken bra beneath. Grey moaned and deepened their kiss, and her hands slid to his chest in a return of the caress he had instigated.

  In moments or aeons—he was too lost to know which—they were pressed back into the sofa, bodies entwined. Hands tugged at buttons while soft sighs and urgent murmurs led to deeper kisses, to more—just more of everything.

  Grey had Sophia beneath him, all of his senses engaged in one need. He wanted to bring them together utterly. Brown eyes met his gaze, wide and mellow and welcoming. He buried his face in her neck and leaned both arms down without thinking.


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