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Starr Fated

Page 24

by G E Griffin

  “Yeah, but we all know giving birth is excruciatingly painful,” I muttered.

  “Secondly, don’t assume Liam has large equipment just because he’s a big built guy. It doesn't always work like that. In my experience, some tiny, weedy blokes have an enormous willy, and some great big guys have a tiny one.” She grinned and wiggled her little finger at me to illustrate her point.

  “Really? Somehow I just know he’s going to be enormous.”

  “As in ‘hung like a stallion’ enormous? Well, I guess you're just going to have to wait and see, aren’t you? Don’t get yourself all worked up over this. At least you know Liam is very experienced and will know what he’s doing – unlike my first time.”

  “Yes, but that’s another thing. He’s said we’ll take it slow, but I know before long he’s going to want to do all sorts of things that I don’t have a clue about. I tried doing some research on the web, but I just ended up scaring myself when I saw what some people consider ‘normal’. But that’s what Liam’s used to isn’t it?”

  “More than likely, yes. You’ll just have to be upfront and tell him what you’re okay with and what you aren’t, and if he can't accept that, then you’ll have to walk away. But my gut feeling about Liam is that he’ll be cool about it. Having said that though, Sera, try not to be too scared and inhibited, because you might surprise yourself by what you find pleasurable. Just keep an open mind, is my advice.”

  “I’ll try,” I said. “So have you tried…everything?”

  “Pretty much I'd say. Enough to be confident of what I do like and what I don’t.”

  “So, what’s a no for you?” I asked curiously. If Abbey didn't like something, I couldn’t imagine I would.

  “Guys watch a lot of porn. And in porn, all the girls are perfectly happy to take it up the ass any time a guy fancies it. Real life just isn’t like that – anal sex takes a hell of a lot of skill and preparation, otherwise it can be really painful and cause a lot of damage, but all this porn the guys watch so avidly gives them unrealistic expectations. So now I make it crystal clear with a guy from the outset that I don’t do anal. Maybe sometime in the future, if I was in a more committed long term relationship, I might try it again, but not right now,” Abbey explained.

  “Anal? Oh my God, I don’t think I could ever find letting a guy play around with my bum erotic or sensual,” I gasped in horror.

  “Never say never, Sera. The anus has a huge number of nerve endings that can increase sexual pleasure. It’s just a case of having a skilled enough lover to make it a good experience for you. That’s one of the reasons I like being with a girl rather than a guy sometimes. Girls tend to be more creative and thoughtful because they aren’t as fixated on one part of their anatomy like a lot of guys are.”

  “I can totally get that. Men are so ridiculously proud of their junk aren’t they?”

  “Hell, yes,” Abbey laughed. “Like it’s their most prized possession.”

  “Okay, anything else you won’t do?”

  “Not really, but some things take time to build up to enjoying. Oral sex, for example. I wasn’t that keen on giving head to start with. I found it impossible to even try to deep throat a guy without gagging, but I've worked on my skills, and now I love seeing a guy totalling coming apart because of how I'm working on him. It can be the ultimate control trip.”

  “Deep throat?” I asked feebly.

  “Taking the guy’s penis right down into the back of your mouth, into the tightness of your throat, so that the really sensitive part of his tip is squeezed and stimulated. Most guys really love that, so they think you're a real star if you can manage it. But it’s very difficult to start with, especially if you have a strong gag reflex,” she explained, not in the least bit fazed.

  “I'm not sure about the whole oral sex thing either. I mean, it’s not what your bits were originally intended for, is it?” It all sounded a little bit kinky to me.

  “Oh my God, this is the good Irish Catholic repressed and inhibited girl speaking now, isn’t it? You’re happy to kiss a guy on his mouth, right? But you could argue that a mouth is intended only for food, couldn’t you? So if a guy kisses you on the lips of your mouth, or the lips of your lady parts, what’s the difference. You just need to make sure you keep it all nice and tidy down there.”

  “You mean shave or wax?”I asked, remembering Liam’s offer to pay for any waxing I needed at the Selfridges or Harvey Nicholls beauty salon – was this what he was expecting me to do? I’d made sure I was basically all neat and tidy down there before my date with Jamie, and assumed that was all that was expected.

  “Sure, I mean it’s the least you can do if you're going to expect a guy to return the favour and go down on you. He shouldn’t have to fight his way through the undergrowth to get to the essential parts, should he? Make it as easy as possible for him to find your clit. I've been tempted to have arrows tattooed down there to help point guys in the right direction,” Abbey laughed.

  “I don’t know, I think I'd find it way too embarrassing to have a guy between my legs, down there, doing that to me.”

  “Trust me on this one Sera, it feels fantastic when a skilled guy works on you. Oral gives you the most intense orgasms, so you soon get over any embarrassment. Do not miss out on this experience.”

  “Okay, I’ll try,” I promised, rather unconvincingly.

  “Just let Liam guide you – you are so lucky to have such an experienced guy. Don’t you think there must be a good reason why all these women have been queuing up to be his fuck buddy?”

  “Not something I like to give a lot of thought to,” I frowned at her. “But I don’t doubt the fact that he has a very affluent life style has influenced quite a few of them. He has this air about him, and he must know so much about all sorts of kinky things. Like how he explained to me about Dominants and submissives when we went to the club that time, how they wear collars and all that kind of thing, because he thought people might make assumptions about us when they saw us together and heard me calling him Sir, or Mr. Starr.”

  “Sera, did he actually tell you that he was a Dom?” Abbey asked excitedly.

  “No, he didn't say that, but he certainly seemed to know a lot about it, about how it can be a whole lifestyle choice, or just something played out for an agreed time, like a weekend. Maybe that’s what he likes to do sometimes; I have no idea.”

  “Liam does have that commanding air about him, no question. How intriguing. I have to admit that’s an area I haven’t fully explored yet, but I’d really like to,” Abbey admitted.

  “Seriously? You’d be someone’s sex slave?”

  “Who says I’d be the slave? Maybe I'd be a Dominatrix with my own submissive, that really appeals to me. It’s another new area to try out, that’s all I'm saying. You’ll need to open up your mind and push your limits with a man like Liam. You have to make the effort and work at these things, Sera. And then you’ll find you get a lot more pleasure out of sex. The last thing you want to be is a ‘lay back and think of England’ type. It’s your right, your privilege, to enjoy sex just as much a man.”

  “I know you’re right and I'm only too aware that there’ll be plenty of other women snapping at my heels if I don’t get into this,” I sighed. Liam had told me he hadn't been interested in any one else since he’d met me, but I knew that couldn’t last. Abbey was right. I mustn’t be my usual negative self and spoil things before they’d even got started.

  “Have you sorted out your contraception yet? Get yourself on the pill, then you won’t have to think about that side of things – assuming you’re good to go condom free. I take it Liam has a clean bill of sexual health?”

  “Yeah, he’s shown me all his latest test results, and says he’s always practised safe sex with all his previous partners. I’ve got an appointment at the clinic on campus tomorrow, so I should get something sorted out then,” I smiled.

  “Anything else you want to ask, or shall we go exploring now?” Abbey asked, as
we stood up from the table. We were dying to look around the whole Butler’s Wharf area as it was all new to both of us.

  “No. I think I'm all good for now. And thanks, you know, for putting up with all my stupid questions,” I grinned at her.

  “That’s alright, I can already see myself with a whole new career as a sex counsellor,” she grinned back as she gave me a quick hug. “I just have this gut feeling that things are going to work out really well between you and Liam.”

  “Now you’re sounding just like my family. Are you sure you haven’t got any Irish blood in you?” I joked, as we linked our arms and made our way out.

  Chapter 24


  Talking to Seraphina via Skype was both heaven and hell. It was heaven being able to see her and hear her, but it was hell not being able to touch her in anyway. At least she was using her new phone now, so I could ring or text her any time and ask her to log in, although I was disappointed by how often she was busy, or out somewhere when it would have been a good time for me to talk from New York.

  Sera seemed pleased with the apartment and found it acceptable, so that was a step in the right direction. She made a fuss about accepting the new MacBook I’d provided until I pointed out she’d need it when she started working at SCV. I was relieved she’d accepted the position, because I had no doubt that other companies would have snapped her up once they'd seen the quality of her work. I just needed to make sure she actually signed the contract so she didn't slip through my fingers. I’d ensured it was a very generous contract so there was no chance she’d think I was taking advantage of our situation to get her signed up on the cheap. I was also revising Tom Johnson’s contract to bring him into line, as I was relying on him for some continuity now that Rob Lewis had left, and Simon Draper was taking early retirement on grounds of ill health, and would be leaving at the end of the month.

  I was glad that Tom was a happily married man with a new baby, so having an attractive co-worker like Seraphina hopefully shouldn’t prove any kind of a temptation to him, although naturally I’d still be watching him very closely. Seeing Seraphina with the guy in Ireland had brought home to me how possessive I felt about her, and that I also had a very jealous nature where she was concerned. I'd never felt this way about anyone before, so these were all new and very powerful emotions I was discovering that I had to learn to keep under check.

  Finally my time in New York was up and I flew back to the UK, sleeping on the flight back so that I’d be fine for our date on Friday evening.

  I took extra care with my appearance for our first date, having my hair cut and a wet shave at the barbers – usually I use an electric shaver for speed.

  My suits are bespoke from my Savile Row tailor so they fit my large frame perfectly, and I picked out one of my newer suits to wear for our first date. I chose the lightweight silver grey, with a pale grey shirt and a contrasting purple tie. A pair of plain silver oval cufflinks completed the outfit, along with my favourite Foster handmade black leather shoes.

  I couldn’t wait to see Seraphina. I'd never felt such a desperate longing to see a woman, and I was finding it overwhelming and all consuming. Maybe this was why in times of old men swore they’d been bewitched, that they’d had a spell cast over them, because these feelings seemed to defy all logic and sanity to a man like me. I knew that Seraphina’s witch of a grandmother was right – if she left me again, I'd be compelled to go after her and bring her back.

  I always pride myself on being punctual, but it was impatience that led to me being a few minutes early in arriving outside Seraphina’s apartment.

  I buzzed the intercom to her apartment – I held a key to the place, but I had no intention of ever using it unless there was an emergency. She had to be able to trust me, and I was determined to earn that trust by behaving impeccably.

  “Hi. You’re early,” she answered on the intercom after a moment.

  “I allowed plenty of time for traffic and there wasn’t any,” I quipped, having made my way down from my penthouse apartment.

  “Oh, ha-ha,” she replied sarcastically.

  Seraphina opened the door and as I stepped in, our eyes locked, and I found myself smiling. I didn’t think it was possible, but she looked even more beautiful than I remembered. Stunningly beautiful. And she’d agreed to try and work things out with me. I knew I was a very lucky man.

  “Hi,” she smiled back at me shyly. She was wearing a short fitted button through cream lace dress, with bare legs and no shoes. She’d put her hair up in a mass of curls, which I liked because it left her neck exposed. She was wearing some rather unusual long dangly earrings with little feathers on them - very Seraphina.

  “Hi,” I smiled back, as I handed her the large bunch of white roses I'd brought for her.

  “Oh, thank you, Liam, they’re lovely,” she beamed, as she stuck her nose in them and inhaled deeply.

  “I didn't know what you liked, but I know your middle name means Rose, so…” I explained.

  “Roses are my absolute favourites, although I adore flowers of any sort. How did you know about my middle name?”

  “My intention is to know everything there is to know about you, Seraphina.” I followed her through to the kitchen area. Without her shoes, she was even smaller than I remembered. “All your details are on the paperwork you filled in for SCV.”

  “Of course. That’s how you tracked me down in Ireland, wasn’t it?” She found a vase in the cupboard, filled it with water and quickly arranged the roses, before taking them into the lounge area and putting them on the coffee table.

  “What shoes are you planning to wear tonight?” I asked.

  “I was trying to decide when you turned up. Nothing I have seems quite right,” she sighed.

  “Try these. I saw them in New York, and having noticed your taste for quirky footwear, I thought you might like them.”

  I handed her the Bergdorf Goodman bag I'd been holding behind my back. I’d never bought a woman a pair of shoes before, but these had called out to me when I’d seen them in the window as I'd walked past the store, because they seemed so her, so Seraphina. They were nothing like any shoes I would have picked out before I met her if I'd been asked what I liked.

  “For me?” she asked in amazement.

  “I don’t see anyone else here,” I said, pretending to look around.

  “Liam! You haven’t bought me a pair of Jimmy Choo’s have you?” she shrieked as she took the box out of the bag, then opened it to take the shoes out.

  “They are beautiful,” she whispered, as she reverently touched them.

  Malika metallic sandals, the very helpful shop assistant had informed me they were called, and went on to tell me that they were a perforated, two-tone metallic leather, peek-a-boo sandal, with an ankle-high cuff, back zip and five inch heel. Fuck all that bullshit. All I could think about was how sexy Seraphina’s legs would look in them, whatever they were called or however they were described.

  “Try them on, see if they fit.”

  I watched as she sat on the sofa, then slipped them on before standing up. Yes, her sexy legs looked fantastic in them, just as I’d imagined.

  “They’re a perfect fit. How did you know what size I was? You didn't get that from my personal details form,” Seraphina asked.

  “I have my sources,” I replied enigmatically. I’d emailed Abbey to ask Seraphina’s shoe size, and her somewhat overly enthusiastic response to what I had in mind left me in little doubt that I was on the right track.

  “Do you like them? Do they look alright?” she asked shyly, as she paraded up and down in them for me. “They must have cost you a fortune. You really shouldn’t have.”

  “They look amazing on you,” I loved the way they made her legs look, and was immediately turned on by her little show. “The cost is irrelevant.” One day before too long I hoped I'd get to see her wearing just those shoes and nothing else as she paraded for me.

  The next thing I knew, Seraphina had ru
n over and flung her arms around my neck.

  “Thank you. I love them. Not because they must have been hideously expensive, but because it shows you were thinking about me while you were away if you picked out something like this for me.”

  I held her tightly in my arms, savouring how she felt.

  “Of course I was thinking about you. All the time, to the point of obsession,” I whispered, as I bent down to gently nuzzle her soft neck and drink in her sweet unique scent, glad she wasn’t wearing overpowering perfume. She smells so good.

  “Mmm, you smell nice.” She feels the same. “I missed you, Liam,” she murmured as she started planting soft little kisses along my jaw line. She continued with her kisses until she reached my mouth. She planted a very soft kiss full on my lips, then stared into my eyes. It felt as if she could see right into me, in a way no one else ever had - that was what this connection between us meant.

  “We have to make this work, Seraphina. I don’t think I can contemplate the alternative, that’s how much you’ve got to me. And it’s not just because you’re an incredibly beautiful woman. I've given this a lot of thought while I’ve been away, while I’ve had some distance, and I want you to know how much I respect you. I hold my hands up and admit that for the most part up to now, I've regarded women purely as sexual objects. No doubt a shrink would put it down to my male dominated upbringing, but that’s no excuse. I’ve already told you I need you to make me a better person, and that’s why I'm so relieved you agreed to come back to London.”

  “I guess we all carry baggage from our past, Liam. I admit I hate having to rely on anyone else. Abbey says I shut people out to avoid being hurt and I guess she’s right. You know you don’t have the best track record with women, so if I let you in, if I start trusting you, you won’t let me down, will you?” she whispered as she looked into my eyes again.

  “If you just give me the chance, I’ll prove that you can rely on me,” I promised. “I’ve never lied to any of the women I've been with, and I’ve never promised something I couldn’t deliver. I've never two timed any of them either. I may be many things, Sera, but I am not a liar or a cheat.”


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