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Starr Fated

Page 31

by G E Griffin

  I’d cleared my schedule for the weekend, having worked my socks off all week in order to spend some quality uninterrupted time with Seraphina. I’d even left work early to pull together all the plans to make this evening as special as I could for her.

  While I laid the food out on the dining table, she wandered over and looked through the music on my iPod.

  “Well, Liam, you do surprise me. Kayne West, The Black Keys, The XX, Kasabian, Mumford and Sons, Bruno Mars, Ben Howard, even some David Guetta. This isn’t the type of music I’d have expected you to listen to at all,” she commented.

  “Why? What would you have thought I liked?”

  “I don't know, I suppose I would have had you down as more into classical music.”

  “Really? What makes you say that?”

  “Oh come on, Liam, you can't deny how conservative you are in most things. Take your décor in here and your office for example. Everything is so neutral and bland, at least that’s how I would describe it. So I guess I assumed your taste in music would be along the same lines.”

  “Well, that just goes to show you shouldn’t make sweeping assumptions, doesn’t it? For your information, I like something quite heavy to work out to in the gym. Of course there are also other types of music I like - I like classical piano pieces when I'm travelling. So I'd say I have a pretty varied and diverse taste in music.”

  “There’s hope for you yet, then,” she grinned at me.

  “I'm pleased to hear it. Now, please come and eat.”

  As we sat down at the dining table, with some soft music playing quietly in the background. Seraphina suddenly blurted out,

  “Look, I know this probably isn’t the right time, but can I just ask something about Jamie to get it out of the way because it’s been bothering me. Then I promise we won’t talk about him anymore.”

  “If you must. What did you want to know?” I frowned, not really wishing to discuss anything to do with my brother this evening.

  “What exactly happened between you two when you had him round for lunch last Sunday? Because afterwards you suddenly started acting kind of weird about him.”

  “What exactly do you mean by acting weird?”

  “Well, you insisted I go and put some stockings on just because Jamie had seen me in stockings. I'd say that was a bit weird.”

  “Sera, I don't deny that I feel very possessive about you. The thought that he’d seen you in stockings and I hadn't didn't sit well with me, so I just wanted to put that right.”

  “So as well as being possessive, I'm guessing you’re the jealous type as well?”

  “Unquestionably, and you would do very well to remember that.” I looked her straight in the eye as I took a sip of my wine.

  Seraphina rolled her eyes at me.

  “And if I don't? Are you going to punish me by spanking me again?” Her words were defiant, but the huskiness of her voice gave lie to her apparent disapproval.

  “Only if you want me to, Seraphina,” I gave her my best wicked smile and watched her blush. She was turned on by the thought of me spanking her, no question.

  “So, back to Jamie. Did you tell him you'd given me a job at Starr Capital Ventures?” she quickly changed the subject.

  “I did, yes.”

  “What was his reaction?”

  “He was somewhat surprised, of course. But he said he was pleased for you, and that you deserved a break.”

  “Did he?” she smiled, as she toyed with the food on her plate. I sincerely hoped her interest didn’t mean she still harboured romantic feelings for him.

  “Yes, and then he had the nerve to start lecturing me on how he’d always told me how talented you were, and how I should be thanking him for setting you up as an intern in my company,” I fumed. I'd not enjoyed being reminded of my previous attitude towards Sera.

  “You didn't like me much back then, did you?” she stared at my face, watching for my reaction.

  “I didn't know you.” I felt myself squirming uncomfortably because she was right.

  “Yes, but you didn't like the idea of some stupid little art student Jamie had virtually picked up off the street moving in. As his over protective big brother, you thought I was planning to just use him, didn't you?”

  “Maybe initially, but I was totally wrong. I’ve told you, I’m not proud of how cynical I was about your motives. I admit I wasn’t nice to you before. I could have made things so much easier and more comfortable for you, but I didn’t, and I feel very guilty about that. That’s why I need to make amends, so I'm pleased you’ve finally started accepting gifts from me. Speaking of which, are you wearing any of the Agent Provocateur lingerie I had sent to you?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see, won’t you?” she smiled tantalizingly at me. She was sat opposite me at the table, and I stared when she crossed her legs because her short dress teasingly rode up even higher. “That fish was very good, by the way. My compliments to the chef,” she smiled.

  I collected our empty plates and headed to the kitchen, where I took a deep breath and subtly rearranged my cock because I already had an achingly hard erection. It wasn’t going to be easy pacing myself this evening, but I knew I had to for her sake, however desperately I wanted to take her hard and fast for my own pleasure. I refocused my brain from where it had descended into the gutter, and concentrated on serving up our dessert.

  Once we’d finished our simple Affogato ice cream and espresso dessert, Seraphina excused herself to go to the bathroom.

  While she was gone, I quickly cleared up and then headed to my bedroom to put the finishing touches to create the perfect ambiance. Trying to be romantic was all new territory for me, but I was determined to make a break with my sordid past and make a fresh start with Seraphina.

  I’d never taken a woman into my bedroom before. I’d always had sex with my previous partners in the guest bedroom, after which I’d returned to my own room to sleep. I’d always made it plain that my room was out of bounds, that it was my own personal space that they were not to invade. The guest room had its own en-suite bathroom, so it was self contained and had everything they needed.

  Most of my previous partners had happily accepted this arrangement, with one or two exceptions of course. Most notably Kimberley, who’d tried her hardest to inveigle her way into my bedroom and had been very reluctant to end our arrangement. Even now, she still tried to make contact with me from time to time to try her luck again, and I didn't think it was coincidence that I’d seen her hanging around the gym a few times at a very early hour when I knew she really wasn’t a morning person.

  The guest bedroom had always been my fuck pad where I kept my assortment of sex toys, along with my favourite tantra chair. The room had several large mirrors to increase my selfish pleasure because I liked to watch when I gave a good hard fuck to whoever had agreed to play around with me.

  That bedroom door was locked now because I didn't want Seraphina wandering in there by mistake. She didn't belong in that room. She was different. That wasn’t how I was going to treat her.

  With Seraphina I wanted everything to be different. I’d promised that I was going to make love to her, not fuck her. I wanted to create a sensual and romantic atmosphere, so I’d ordered vases of flowers of every possible type and shade to be delivered, specifying that I wanted plenty of her favourite roses included.

  Before she arrived this evening, I carefully arranged the flowers on every available surface in my bedroom, so that she would see them wherever she looked. The colourful flowers stood out against the plain backdrop of the white walls, and the dark blue bedding in the room. I'd come in to light the candles that I’d strategically dotted around the room, making sure I wasn’t about to set the place on fire of course. I checked out my bathroom too, which was also crammed full of flowers, interspersed with candles which I was planning to light later on, if things went according to plan.

  Satisfied that everything was in order, I returned to the lounge, a little surprised th
at Seraphina still hadn't returned. I hoped she wasn’t suffering from a sudden attack of nerves or having second thoughts. While I waited, I changed the playlist on my iPod to suit the mood, hoping that the time I'd spent trying to compile some suitably romantic tracks was not going to be wasted. But if she had changed her mind, there was nothing I could do about it. I was just going to have to be patient, as I’d promised her.

  Just as Ed Sheeran’s ‘Kiss Me’ started to play, I looked up to see Seraphina standing in the doorway, watching me. I felt my heart literally jump as our eyes locked.

  “Dance with me.” I smiled and held out my hand.

  She smiled back shyly as she came over to take my hand. I entwined her fingers with mine, and put my other hand around her waist to bring her up closely against me. As she rested her head against my chest, we started slowly moving round to the music.

  I gently raised her chin with my finger and bent down to kiss her.

  It was a soft and tentative kiss, checking how nervous she was, but that light touch was all it took to ignite the passion between us. It instantly flared into a frenzy of deep kissing with erotic tongue dancing, as we couldn’t seem to get enough of each other.

  Seraphina gripped my hair to pull my head down to her, while my hand explored the sensual curve of her hip and then ran along the length of her thigh until I grabbed hold of the back of her knee to wrap her leg around me, bringing her heat right against my hardness. She moaned as she ground herself against my erection.

  “Is this what you want?” I broke away to ask breathlessly, as I held her face in my hands to gaze into her eyes. “You want to carry on?”

  “Yes, oh yes, Liam, don't stop, not now,” she pleaded as she clutched at my arms. That was all I needed to know, so I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist while we continued our frenzied kissing as I carried her to my bedroom.

  “Liam!” she gasped as she pulled away from me to look round. “All these flowers…the candles…everything looks so beautiful.”

  “Only the most beautiful surroundings will do for your ‘deflowerment’,” I whispered as I set her down and stood behind her. I wrapped my arms around her as she took it all in.

  “Flowers for my deflowerment,” she murmured as she smiled in delight. “Liam, that is such a romantic thing to do. Oh, and you’ve got candles too. I love candles.”

  “I’m glad you like everything. Shall I let you into a little secret?” I whispered in her ear. I brushed her hair to one side and then nuzzled her neck and behind her ear, making her shudder as a little moan of pleasure escaped from her.

  “What secret?”

  “You are the first woman I've ever brought in here, into my bedroom. This has always been my very private zone, but now I'm sharing it with you. Only you, Seraphina.”

  “You never brought any of the others…? I'm really the first?”

  “That’s right. Only you.”

  “Then I feel very honoured and privileged.”

  “I'm the one who’s honoured and privileged, that’s if you’re going to allow me to continue?” I asked, turning her round to kiss her again.

  “Yes, Liam, and you don't have to keep asking. I want to be here. I want this, really want this.”

  “But promise you will tell me to stop if you change your mind? I need to be sure, I wouldn’t want…” I couldn't forget that she had changed her mind at the very last minute with Jamie. She had to understand that I could still control myself if she needed me to.

  “Stop worrying. This is nothing like….then. This is right. This is what I want. You are what I want. Now please, stop with all the worrying. We’re all good here,” she smiled, and I could tell that she was sincere and not just pretending.

  So I kissed her again, and put all the doubts out of my mind.

  “In that case, I think we’re both a little overdressed, don't you?” I said as I kicked my shoes and socks off.

  “I suppose so,” she replied shyly.

  “Come here and lift your arms up,” I gently ordered her. “This is a lovely dress, but it’s surplus to requirements.” I’d already worked out that all I needed to do was pull it off over her head. As the dress fell to the floor, I gazed in awe at the sight revealed to me.

  Seraphina was gorgeous. Slim but curvy, with the promise of full breasts peeking out from her bra. Long, long legs. Glowing pale ivory skin.

  She was stunning.

  “Just stand there and let me look at you. Don't look down, be proud of how beautiful and sexy you look. Turn around, I want to see all of your loveliness.”

  I swallowed hard, then took a deep breath to control the urge to throw her down on the bed and immediately take my selfish pleasure as my eager cock was demanding. But this evening wasn’t just about me. It was about what was best for Seraphina.

  Everything she was wearing, from the Agent Provocateur frilly cream bra and briefs, to the lacy top hold up stockings and the Jimmy Choo shoes, were items that I had chosen for her.

  The underwear looked even better on her than I had imagined, which frankly was hard to believe considering how vividly I'd pictured her. The lace and ruffles and demure colour were just perfect set against her dark glossy hair, and her long, slim shapely legs went on forever in those sexy high heels.

  “Do you like what you see?” she asked, as she self consciously played with a lock of her hair.

  “Like? I love how you look, Seraphina.” My eyes feasted hungrily on her, and I was pleased to see her smile and relax a little more. “Now, why don't you be a good girl and help me take my shirt off, hmm?”

  She stood in front of me and undid the buttons of my shirt with shaking hands, her breath hitching as I reached down to very lightly stroke the entrancing curve of her bottom with my finger tips. She had such a sexy bottom that it was hard to resist touching it, especially in those little frilled knickers.

  Once the buttons of my shirt were all undone, she pulled it out of my trousers. I held out the cuffs for her to undo, and then let her slide the shirt off my shoulders. I groaned with pleasure when she leaned in and started softly kissing my chest, as she let her fingers wander over my arms.

  “Do you like what you see?” I asked her in return.

  “Oh yes, Liam. I like what I see very much,” she whispered as she raised her head to look up at me, and I could see desire burning in her eyes.

  “Trousers next,” I whispered. “See if you like what’s in there as much.”

  She only hesitated for a second before she undid the fastening and then the zip to allow my trousers to fall to the floor. I stepped out of them and kicked them to one side, where I'd also tossed her dress and my shirt.

  She gasped as she looked at my erection straining in my boxer briefs.

  “Touch me, just like you did before,” I took her hand in mine and guided her to stroke me through the fabric.

  I closed my eyes as she stroked and rubbed, a low rumble of pleasure escaping from me, especially when her hand travelled lower and she carefully explored the softness of my balls, just as I’d shown her before. Clearly she had been paying attention in that tutorial session. A very eager pupil.

  “Do you like what you can feel?” I asked her.

  “Yes… but it’s so big,” she looked at me wide eyed.

  “All the better to pleasure you with,” I smiled. “I promise I’ll make it good for you, as long as you relax and trust me. Do you trust me, Seraphina?”

  “Yes, Liam, I do trust you,” she smiled back.

  “That’s enough for now.” I gently moved her hand away. Her touch was too arousing to allow her to continue.

  “Much as I love these shoes on you, today I want us to get fully naked, so I'm afraid they have to come off now.” I bent down to take them off. “And these.” I rolled the stockings down and slipped them off too.

  As I picked her up to carry her over to the bed, she slipped her hands around my neck.

  “I want you so much, Liam,” she whispered in my ear. “An
d I do trust you. Just tell me what to do.”

  “Oh, I want you too, sweet girl, more than you can imagine,” I murmured back.

  After pulling back the duvet, I carefully put her on the bed, then lay down next to her.

  “You can touch me anywhere you want, I won’t mind,” I smiled, as I started a trail of kisses from behind her ear, down her neck and then down to her breasts. I licked her skin and then she jumped as I gently bit the swell of her breast that was visible above the frilly bra cup, and tugged at the garment with my teeth.

  “Time for this to come off now. Sit up for me, Seraphina.”

  I kneeled up and reached behind to unfastened her bra as she sat there and let it fall away to reveal her breasts.

  “I've wanted to look at you like this since that first time I saw you in my office,” I said hoarsely, as I stared at her beautiful, perfect body.

  “Really? You hid it extremely well.” She let me gaze at her for a moment, only her slight blush belying her nerves.

  “You have perfect breasts,” I whispered, as I cupped them with my hands. They felt soft and full and pert as I gently caressed them.

  “You don't think they’re too small? I thought you liked really big breasts, and mine…”

  “I told you. Yours are perfect. Not too small at all. Look at the fantastic natural shape of them.” I looked at her from the side, and then ran my finger over the top of her soft mounds, and again underneath them.

  “I take it you like them then?”

  “Oh I like them a lot, believe me, Seraphina. And look at these deliciously pretty pink nipples. Sweet Jesus. They are just begging to be kissed.” I bent down and gently kissed first one and then the other.

  “Mmm, I like that,” she whispered, as she held my head in her hands.

  “Lie down for me, because there are a lot more things I can do that you’re going to like.” She slowly relaxed enough to let herself sink back down onto the bed.

  I licked and kissed her first nipple, then suddenly sucked it hard. Sera threw her head back as she cried out with pleasure.


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