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Starr Fated

Page 33

by G E Griffin

  “That’s it, enjoy it, breathe it, take what I’m giving you,” I urged, as she shuddered and moaned while I held her tightly, until she finally slumped back against me, spent with pleasure.

  “You are so amazingly responsive, sweet girl,” I murmured as I nuzzled her neck and nipped her ear.

  “It’s you, Liam. You seem to know my body better than I do.”

  “And I intend to get to know it even better, trust me,” I grinned, as I shifted her slightly because of my erection.

  Seraphina turned herself around so that she was kneeling facing me in the bath.

  “But what about you? It hardly seems fair when you are still so…unsatisfied.” She stared at my cock.

  “I wouldn’t complain if you wanted to help me out,” I whispered, as I took her hand and gently placed it on my length.

  “Tell me what to do, how you’d like me to touch you,” she murmured, as she continued to stare at my cock, seeming fascinated.

  “You want a tutorial? No problem. The head of my cock is very sensitive, and also the underneath, so stroking both these areas is very pleasurable for me. Then if you use your other hand to grip and squeeze my shaft or gently massage my balls at the same time, that makes things pretty much perfect for me,” I explained, amused but delighted at how seriously she was watching as I demonstrated.

  “Like this?” she asked, as she experimented. Seeing her take my cock in both her hands, and feeling her delightfully light feathery touch was extremely arousing, especially as she was the one who’d initiated it. And she was a very fast learner.

  “Yes, just a little faster and tighter,” I instructed as I leaned back and closed my eyes. “Mmm, that’s it. You’ve got it, that’s perfect. And please don't stop when I come, carry on until I’ve completely finished.”

  Naturally it didn't take long for me to climax. I gripped the edges of the bath as I felt myself exploding hard, as Sera obediently did exactly as instructed, and continued with her touch until I was finally done.

  I opened my eyes to see Seraphina watching my face, a small smile playing around her mouth.

  “Come here, my sweet girl.”

  I pulled her up against my chest as I kissed the top of her head. “That was very, very, good. Thank you for pleasuring me so wonderfully.”

  “Was it alright? ” she asked shyly, her voice muffled from where she’d tucked herself up against my chest.

  “It was perfect. You have very talented hands,” I smiled. “But now I must get you out of the bath and dry you off before you get cold.”

  I went to move, but she clung onto me.

  “Just another minute. I like it here, with you, like this,” she insisted as she put her arms around my neck.

  “I like you here too. But the water is getting cold,” I insisted, as I stood up, carrying her with me.

  I carefully dried her off, then myself, and carried her back to my bed. She curled herself against my chest once more as I held her close, and it felt perfect.

  And that was how she fell asleep that night. I listened to the relaxing sound of Seraphina’s regular breathing, until I too fell asleep.

  Chapter 27


  I was woken by the sound of my phone alarm, and as I opened my eyes, for a moment I hadn't got a clue where on earth I was, apart from the fact that I was in an enormous, extremely comfortable bed.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead,” a deep voice rumbled next to me.

  Of course. It all came flooding back to me. I was in Liam’s bed. I turned to look at him as he lay on his side, propped up on one elbow and smiling down at me. He leant down to kiss me, and brushed a strand of hair out of my eyes. I wondered how long he’d been awake and watching me, because that felt rather weird, an invasion of my privacy almost, I suppose because I'd never actually slept with anyone before.

  “Sleep well?” he asked.

  “Um, yes, actually, I did sleep well, thank you,” I smiled shyly back at him. “I must just go and take my pill, and…well… I need the bathroom.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be right here waiting for you,” he smiled lazily. He rolled to lie on his back as he put his hands behind his head and then watched me. Damn, I was naked, and there weren’t any clothes within reach, a fact of which he was obviously very well aware.

  Why was I feeling so shy after everything we’d done last night? Because that was last night and this was this morning I guessed. I looked at Liam lying there, the duvet only just covering his modesty. Of course he wasn’t the least bit shy or inhibited about being naked in front of me. But that was because he’d been naked with so many other woman, and it all seemed perfectly natural to him. He had a great body to show off, so why should he feel shy? I used to think I didn't go for big muscly kind of guys, but now I loved Liam’s broad chest and strong arms, and there were other parts of his anatomy that I was growing very fond of too. I’d always felt rather intimidated by the thought of a man’s equipment, but now I found myself thinking that Liam’s cock, as he’d told me to call it, was kind of fascinating, much to my surprise.

  But before I let myself dwell too much on that thought, I decided I’d better attend to my personal needs. Liam had seemed to enjoy looking at my body last night, so why not give him a proper show now instead of acting like a shy little girl, I told myself. I bet his previous women hadn't acted all shy and prim for him.

  Ugh. I had to stop doing this - picturing Liam with all these other women, doing everything he was doing with me, all the while knowing that they were so much better at it than I was, because their experience matched his.

  He’d even had to give me a tutorial on how to give him a decent hand job for crying out loud, but at least he’d appeared to enjoy it, much to my satisfaction. I’d surprised myself by how proud that had made me feel, as I’d watched his face when he reached his climax. I remember Abbey telling me how she enjoyed the power of watching a guy come apart due to her actions.

  Of course she’d been talking about oral sex, but now I began to understand what she meant. Maybe one day I'd be brave enough to try that with Liam too, because everyone knows how much guys love it, and I bet all his other women…stop it, I told myself again. I took a deep breath, threw back the duvet, and headed for the bathroom, trying to look as sexy as possible and not trip over anything on the way.

  “Don't be too long, Seraphina,” Liam called out, grinning as I turned and smiled shyly back at him before scurrying off.

  Once I was in the bathroom, I locked the door, leant back against it and took a deep breath. First things first – I got my pill packet from my overnight bag, checked I'd definitely got the right day, popped the pill out of the packet and quickly swallowed it. Job done.

  As I attended to my needs, I thought about how Liam had gone to so much trouble to make my first time, my deflowerment as he’d called it, a wonderful experience with the way he’d set the scene, filling the bedroom with beautiful flowers and candles. All the things he’d done to me last night had felt so incredible, that I’d soon lost most of my inhibitions and had ended up virtually begging him to go further. I’d just known instinctively that it was the right thing to do, and there’d been no doubts, no worries, no voice in my head screaming at me to stop. Because he is the one.

  Then the sex had been amazing. Totally mind blowing. Better than in my dreams, way better than I had ever imagined it could be.

  Liam had been so patient, so wonderful as he’d made love to me. By the time we’d got to that stage, I’d been so ready that it had only hurt a little. It had felt so right, so good as I'd felt the waves of pleasure building and spiralling with each delicious stroke of his powerful hardness surging into me. He was unquestionably a highly skilled and talented lover to have given me such an intensely powerful orgasm the first time I had sex, and I tried to push to the back of my mind the thoughts of how he’d gained all his impressive talents, of all those other women he’d been with to hone his skills.

  But at least w
hen I felt Liam releasing deep within me, I’d sensed an immense satisfaction to know that he was experiencing his own intense orgasm because of me, because of my body. Whatever happened afterwards, just for that moment, Liam was totally mine. It was me he was bonding with as I lay pinned down by his powerful body.

  Afterwards, he’d been so sweet when he’d bathed me, refusing to have sex with me again in case it made me too sore. Sweet was not a word I would have thought I would ever be using to describe The Big Guy, but that was exactly what he had shown me he could be. Sweet, gentle and kind.

  And yet I had no doubt there was another far more wicked and dangerous side to Liam. A jealous, possessive and controlling side. A side that would spank me and do other unmentionably kinky things to me. A shiver of anticipation ran through me at the thought of this. What was I getting myself into? I had no real idea, I just knew I had no option but to continue along this path.

  Just take one day at a time. That’s what I had told Liam we should do, and it was advice that I should heed, because I knew I had a tendency to over think things. So I told myself that for now I should just let myself relax and finally enjoy getting to grips with my new found sexuality. Just enjoy the great sex, seeing as I was undoubtedly in the hands of a very skilled expert.

  But however much I tried to convince myself that this was a casual affair that could end tomorrow, in my heart of hearts I knew I was in severe danger of falling very fast and very hard for Liam. If I didn't want to get badly hurt, I had to hold part of myself back to keep some distance between us, in preparation for when he got bored and moved on, as he always had, as he always would. A leopard can't change its spots.

  I stared at my reflection in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. Did I look different now that I was no longer a virgin? Well, I certainly had bed hair, no question about that, so I brushed it through and plaited it back out of the way. I glanced at my body, still finding the lack of hair down there very odd. But when Liam had stared at me with such a hot look and told me I had a pretty little pussy, it’d made me really glad I’d made the effort for him. He was so naughty in what he said sometimes, but it was also very erotic, as he well knew by the dirty smile on his face.

  Typically, Liam was upfront and forthright about what terms he preferred to use for various parts of the anatomy, but I guessed he was right. It was so much better to have it out there, rather than stuttering and muttering in embarrassment. He was also very matter of fact about the messy practicalities of sex, but that was a good thing, wasn’t it?

  We’d spent the night together, but what happened now? I very much hoped we were going to have sex again when I rejoined him in bed, but I decided after that I should probably head back to mine, to give Liam some space. The last thing I wanted was to come across as needy or clingy – that was not my style at all, and I was certain he would hate that kind of female.

  So I gave myself a final check over in the mirror, wishing my boobs were a bit bigger, whatever Liam had said about them being fine, then took a deep breath as I unlocked the door and headed back.

  “I was about to send out a search party, Seraphina. Are you okay?” Liam asked, a worried frown marring his face. He held up the duvet for me to slide under next to him.

  “I’m fine,” I curled up against his warm body, loving the way his arms immediately snaked around my waist to pull me closer to him.

  “Sure? Are you very sore?”

  “No, not at all. Really, I’m fine,” I insisted, as I gazed at him and reached up to gently stroke his rough stubbly cheek. His eyes looked intensely blue this morning, and I noticed that he had very long dark lashes, which seemed at odds with his blonde hair, but made his eyes even more striking.

  To prove my point that I was perfectly willing, keen and able to indulge in some more great sex with him, I softly kissed his lips, and bravely let my hand go exploring.

  “Morning wood?” I enquired archly, having heard the boys in the student house discussing this phenomenon. Amazing the things I’d learned from them over the months I’d lived there.

  Apparently having a huge boner first thing in the morning made things very difficult for guys when they woke up desperate to pee. Adam and Toby had had a long discussion one morning about the best way to get around this problem. It had been a fascinating and enlightening breakfast conversation for me to listen into at the time.

  “What do you know about morning wood? I thought you were totally inexperienced in these things,” Liam grinned at me as I gently stroked his length, and satisfyingly felt it grow even harder. “And anyway, my tumescence has nothing to do with morning wood, as I'm sure you can guess.” He flexed his hips to push his erection harder into my hand.

  “Your tumescence?” I giggled. “Have you swallowed a dictionary or something?”

  “I like to think I can include an impressive vocabulary amongst my many skills,” he smirked.

  Then he suddenly rolled me onto my back, swiftly pinning my hands above my head with one of his large hands and manoeuvring himself to hover over me. I could feel his breath on my cheek as he looked into my eyes.

  “I’d very much like to make love to you again, but only if it won’t cause you too much discomfort,” he whispered, as he trailed soft little kisses from my temple down to my cheek, then on to my neck.

  “I want you to make love to me again, Liam. In fact I think I might have to go off in a sulk if you don't. I told you, I’m absolutely fine.”

  “Go off in a sulk eh? We can't have that, can we?” he laughed. “So, do you want to try being on top this time?”

  “No. I want it to be exactly the same as last night. You on top, pinning me down,” I breathed, as I felt myself already aroused and wet for him.

  “I see. So you like to be restrained, do you Sera? That is a very interesting and intriguing disclosure that’s begging for further exploration in the not too distant future,” he whispered wickedly, as he tightened his grip on my hands that he still held firmly pinned above my head. “It proves what a good match we are, because that is an area I happen to excel in.”

  “It…it…is?” I stuttered as I gazed up at him, even more aroused than ever, but confused and puzzled by my own admission.

  “Don't worry about it, sweet girl. I’ll look after you; I know what your body craves better than you do. You’ve spent such a long time having to be strong that your body is tired and looking for someone to lean on and hand over control to just for a short while, to let you finally relax and let your guard down.”

  Yes, yes, he understands because he is The One, the voice in my head whispered with a huge sigh of contentment.

  And although my feminist logic urged me to tell Liam to get lost, that I certainly didn't need him or anyone else to lean on, deep down in my heart I couldn’t deny that what he was saying resonated with me. So I decided to just go with it for now, for however long it lasted, as I’d told myself earlier. Just enjoy the great sex this man could give me.

  “I’m going to try something now, to see how ready for me you are,” Liam whispered “Because I think you want this as much as I do, and I think you might be just as ready as I am.”

  No doubt my panting breaths, my flushed cheeks, my speeding heart rate and the fact that I was squirming under him, trying to get him to make contact with my desperately aching need were something of a giveaway.

  He settled himself between my legs after he’d nudged them further apart, lined himself up against me, and then slowly, very slowly, pushed just the tip of his length into me.

  “Sweet Jesus, you are so wet already,” he groaned, as he slid further into me. “And still so wonderfully tight.”

  “Mmm, that feels good, Liam,” I moaned, as I threw my head back. I loved the feeling of him possessing me like this, and all I could think was that I wanted more and more of him.

  He pulled back and then thrust into me again, harder and deeper this time.

  “Yes!” I cried out, as I felt him stroking every nerve ending because of the f
antastic way his cock filled and stretched me.

  “Your wonderful silk lined pussy is sucking my cock, and she’s very greedy,” he growled as he stepped up the pace, building up to a perfect rhythm as he kept stroking in and out of me. Already I could feel the tension building again, like a coil being wound tighter and tighter, waiting to be released.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist to draw him in deeper, and he let go of my hands to grip my hips and tilt me slightly. It meant I had to take more of his weight on me, but I didn't mind. This was what I seemed to crave, this feeling of being overpowered, of being unable to get away or escape from this big powerful man. This was exactly how it had been in my erotic dreams of him, except in real life it was even better.

  He plunged into me deeper now, thanks to the change of angle.

  I moaned and writhed with pleasure under him as I gripped his back, feeling his muscles flexing under my hands as he moved.

  I gave myself up to the pure carnal pleasure that streamed though me as he kept thrusting harder and deeper.

  “Oh Angel, you feel so fucking good. I want to fill you up, I’m going to come very soon,” he moaned, as he held my hips tightly in place. He rolled his hips in that fantastic way of his, and I felt his cock grinding against me as he reached some exquisitely sensitive spot.

  “Fuck! Liam! Oh Fuck!” I screamed out, as orgasmic waves of pleasure suddenly washed over me. I felt my muscles clenching and gripping tightly around Liam’s cock, seducing him into climaxing deep inside me.

  “Yes, yes, that’s it,” he cried, as he thrust really hard one final time and then stilled as he poured into me. The sensation of his spurting release sent me flying even higher, as I clutched his back in a wild frenzy. I wrapped my legs tighter still around his waist, and we remained closely entwined and locked, writhing together as we let the waves ride over us and then gradually die down.

  Finally Liam collapsed on top of me, both of us panting and breathless. He withdrew from me and rolled onto his side where he propped himself up on one elbow so that he could look at me.


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