Book Read Free

Starr Fated

Page 36

by G E Griffin

  “You mean the sex info? Yes, I’ve been reading up.”

  “So, what are your thoughts? Do you have any questions? Is there anything that worries you? Anything that you definitely would or wouldn’t want to try?” I was very curious to know what might have piqued her interest.

  “Well, most of it seemed pretty straight forward, but…” Sera started blushing, as she toyed with her glass of water.

  “But? There’s no need to be shy with me.”

  “Well, since you ask, no anal. I couldn’t ever imagine… no, never. No anal sex, ever,” she stated vehemently.

  “Okay, so I’ll take that as a definite ‘no’ to anything anal,” I laughed, amused by the look of abhorrence on her sweet little face.

  Her head shot up as she stared at me.

  “I'm sorry if you find it amusing, Liam, and I know that probably seems really repressed and inhibited to a man like you, but you did ask if there was anything I wouldn’t try.”

  “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. No anal. It’s absolutely fine by me to take that off our sexual agenda, Sera. There are plenty of other fun things we can try . Of course, I’ll push you to be open minded and try new experiences, but the final decision will always be yours.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled, as she heaved a sigh of relief.

  “Anything else that has you worried at all? I always want you to feel you can be open and honest with me.”

  “I’m not sure about… that is… I'm not saying I wouldn’t, but…” she stuttered and mumbled.

  “Please, just come straight out with it, for goodness sake,” I coaxed her gently.

  “Okay… oral sex. Look, I know guys really love it, and I will try to do it, but I find the whole idea… weird, and as for having it done to me, it just seems wrong, but Abbey assures me I'd really love it, if I can just get over my prudishness,” she finally opened up.

  “So, you’ve discussed oral sex with Abbey?”

  “Amongst other things, yes. She’s my best friend, and she’s had a lot of experience, so I talked through a few of my issues with her.”

  “I see. And what other issues did you feel the need to discuss with her?”

  “I… err…I was worried that… well that you would be too big to… fit, and that the first time would really hurt, but she assured me that wouldn't be the case, that whatever size you were I could… accommodate you, and that she was sure you would make it good for me. And luckily she was right,” Sera smiled, as she reached over and squeezed my hand.

  “Despite her appearance to the contrary, it seems that Abbey is really quite sensible. So what did she say to you about oral sex?”

  “She said that I’d be mad not to try it. She also said it took her time to get used to doing it to guys.”

  “I'm glad you have Abbey to talk to, but I hope you understand that you can always talk to me about absolutely anything? I promise I won’t be shocked or embarrassed,” I promised. “And as for oral sex, Abbey is right, you really don't want to miss out on such an incredibly pleasurable experience just because you feel rather shy at first. We’ll take our time and gradually work up to it. But you do trust me, don't you? You know I would make it really good for you?”

  “Yes, I do trust you, Liam, especially after the way you were so patient and gentle for my first time. I do appreciate that it can't have been easy for you.” She smiled, and squeezed my hand again.

  “For you, Seraphina, I will always be patient and gentle, whenever you need me to be.”

  Of course she had no real idea of how difficult it had been for me to restrain myself, but I appreciated that at least she was acknowledging my efforts. That was sweet of her.

  “But I think I'm more worried when it comes to… I think I’ll probably be rubbish at… giving it to you…that is, going down on you,” she whispered.

  “I don’t know why you should think that, but don't worry about it for now. As I said, anything you’re nervous about, we’ll take extra slow. There’ll be no pressure, nothing needs to happen until you feel ready, whenever that is. But at least you seem to rather like touching my cock, so that’s a good start, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, that’s very true. I’ve actually rather surprised myself , because I thought I'd be far more intimidated than I am.”

  “You just need to relax and let yourself go under my expert guidance, and then I think you’ll be really surprised. As I said before, I believe you have a very sexual spirit just bubbling under the surface that I'm certain matches mine. That’s why we are so good together.”

  “How can we be so good together, when we’re so wrong for each other?” she sighed, as she looked down at the table.

  She was doing it again; trying to poor cold water over things.

  I leaned over and grabbed her chin to force her to look at me.

  “Don't say things like that, Seraphina. I don't understand why you feel the need to be so negative, so down on us all the time,” I said forcefully.

  “And I don't understand how you can be so sure, so positive that things will work out between us, when all the evidence suggests otherwise. I’m not being negative, I'm being realistic, Liam. It’s self preservation. If something seems too good to be true, it usually is.”

  “Just you wait and see, that’s all I can say. I’ll prove you wrong. I know it’s still very early days, but I’ve always been a very decisive man. I usually trust my instincts, and they rarely let me down. I was wrong to ignore my instincts when I first met you, because look how disastrously that turned out. That’s why I'm sure it’s right for us to be together,” I tried to convince her.

  “Okay, I don't want to argue with you, Liam. I promise I’ll try not to be so negative. Now let’s change the subject. I wanted to clarify about how to act with you at work, how this whole thing is going to work, and I want you to give me some idea of the projects you have in mind, because I'm itching to make a start. I really miss having something to work on.”

  I could see Seraphina was literally bouncing in her chair with excitement, which was great. But first I addressed the issue of our working relationship.

  “I’ve given some thought to this, and I just want to make it clear that I’m not in any way ashamed of our relationship, so I don't really approve of this secrecy. I've only agreed for two reasons. Firstly, as you know, I don't want to cause any upset with Jamie just before his finals, and secondly, because you’ve asked me to keep things under wraps to prevent unwelcome gossip and innuendo at the office.”

  “Well, quite frankly, I couldn’t give a fiddlers fart what everyone at work will think, because it’s no one else’s business but ours, is it? So as soon as Jamie has sat his last exam, which he’s informed me is on the 17th June, I’m going to fill him in about us straight away, and he can deal with the information however he chooses before he goes off travelling to Australia. He probably won’t bat an eyelid, but I'd rather just wait until then.”

  “After that, as far as I'm concerned we don't have to actively broadcast the news about us at work, but I'm not prepared to keep things under wraps either. I want to be able to take you with me to various functions and trips, both as a work colleague, and as my girlfriend.”

  “I see. Your girlfriend eh? Well, 17th June is still some time away, so we don't have to worry about that just now,” Seraphina replied breezily, as she avoided my eye. I knew what she was thinking – she wasn’t convinced we’d last that long – but I didn't take it up, not wanting to argue with her again. Actions spoke louder than words, and I’d prove her wrong.

  “So, just for now, in the workplace, I'm prepared to play along with the scenario that we don't like each other much, but that I recognise your talent as a designer, and that’s why I've employed you. At work you will address me either as Mr. Starr, or sir, and I will address you as Miss Jones. Every day that I'm in the office, we’ll have a catch up meeting at twelve thirty, so that you can update me on the progression of the projects I’m assigning you,” I stated.

  “A meeting every day? That’s a bit over the top, isn’t it?” She frowned.

  “Additionally I may, from time to time, issue an amendment to your personal dress code for the office, to enable us to complete any assignments that, as your personal mentor, I deem necessary.”

  “What? You don’t mean…we can't…not in the office,” she protested.

  “Well, office sex is certainly on the syllabus, just as the shower sex and kitchen sex we’ve already covered were. You didn't seem to have any problems with those assignments, did you?”

  Seraphina’s mouth dropped open in shock, and yet by her flushed cheeks and rapid breathing, I knew she was turned on by my words.

  With the incredibly strong sexual chemistry between us, I knew it was pointless to try and insist we maintain a platonic relationship at the office. I’d decided it was far better to bow to the inevitable and make sensible arrangements to cater for our needs. I had a lock on my office door, but as Joy, my PA, always went to lunch at twelve fifteen, a few minutes after that seemed a perfect time to set for our assignation. Knowing Seraphina was in the building, knowing how irresistible the draw between us was, I knew I would have to have a fix of my addiction to her at some point, and I thought I could probably just about last half way through the day. That’s how much Seraphina had got to me.

  “Liam, it just seems wrong. You’re meant to be employing me as a designer and….”

  “Don't misunderstand me, Seraphina. Make no mistake, you’ll be working extremely hard on your designs for me, and I’ll expect only the very highest standards of work from you. But as you reminded me earlier, it is possible to work hard and play hard. You’ll be presenting a full and detailed progress report to me during our meetings.”

  “Won’t Tom think it odd if he isn’t included?” Sera queried.

  “No, because he’s already scheduled in for his own daily report with me at nine o’clock, and then I’ll know if he’s late for work. Keeps him on his toes, and it’s only for a few minutes. I suggest you take your lunch after our meeting; that way no one will know how long you’ve been with me.”

  “Liam, I’m still not sure about all this, but I guess it’s too late for me to back out at this late stage. Just remember that you’ve promised we won’t do anything I'm not happy about, and I'm going to hold you to that, okay?”

  “Absolutely. We won’t be doing anything that you haven’t fully consented to,” I smiled at her, all the while confident that with her passionate nature, she would just as keen as me for some discrete yet great desk sex when the time came.

  “So, what projects have you got lined up for me?” she asked, obviously still wary of what I'd got planned for us.

  “Trust me, Seraphina, we’ll make this work, because I intend that our working arrangement will be productive and rewarding on every level. As for the projects I want you to work on, we’ll go into more detail on your first day, but the two most urgent companies in my business portfolio that I’ll want you to concentrate on initially are Evergreen Financial Solutions, and Arrow Accounting Advisors.”

  “So, you own them, but you’re aren’t planning to rebrand them as part of Starr Capital Ventures?”

  “No, I want them kept as separate entities. Gives more flexibility under certain circumstances, keeps options open that might be closed to SCV. But without question, they’re in urgent need of a total image overhaul. They both look very tired and lacklustre now, having seen the transformation you worked on the SCV image. So, they are the two main projects I want you to undertake initially.”

  I could see Seraphina instantly starting to mull these names over in her head, as she suddenly became preoccupied. She got up and cleared the plates away from our lunch, and then wandered off in the direction of her study as I followed.

  “Just because we talked a little shop doesn’t mean I was expecting you to start work this afternoon,” I protested, as I saw her sitting at the desk with her Mac open.

  “Hmm? No, I'm not working as such. I just wanted to call up a few ideas that instantly came to mind while I thought of them. I’ll only be a few minutes” she replied distractedly, and I realised the creative process had already begun to flow for her.

  I smiled ruefully, and decided it would probably be quicker to just leave her to it for a little while. I looked around curiously to see what she’d done with the apartment since she’d moved in. Here in the spare room that doubled as her study, all her large graphic folders were neatly stacked against the wall. I realised she could do with some sort of a storage rack for them, and made a mental note to get something ordered for her, to help keep her work organised, and prevent it from becoming the cluttered mess her room in the student house had been.

  I noticed she’d hung a series of photographs of beaches and seascapes on the wall above her desk, and I assumed they were her own work, like the one she’d shown me previously that had her mother in. They were very good, because of the exceptional way she’d captured the light in all of them.

  Seraphina looked up from what she was doing, and saw me studying the pictures.

  “Are these yours?” She smiled and nodded. “I really like them. You obviously have a very good eye.”

  “Thanks. I love going for walks by the sea, whatever the weather, even if it’s pouring with rain. It looks so different every day, the light changes, the water changes. And I love that it’s always very breezy to blow all the cobwebs away. Basically, I just love being by the sea,” she sighed, looking all dreamy.

  “Perhaps we could have a few days away together at the coast, maybe somewhere near that beach you talked about before. You could even collect some more pebbles,” I smiled, as I picked one up from the small dish I noticed on her desk. “Unless you think it would just stir up painful memories for you?

  “No, actually, I think that would be really nice, and it might be good to build some new, more positive memories. And some extra pebbles would be good – you can never have too many. I find them very relaxing because they’re so smooth and tactile,” She picked up a pebble as well, and rolled it around in her fingers.

  “I’ll look into it then. But come on now, enough with the working. What would you like to do? What do you usually do on a Saturday?”

  “Um, normally I’d be studying, and then working at the restaurant. It actually feels very weird not to be either working or studying. I guess that’s why I'm champing at the bit to get on with your projects. My brain feels underused, with all this time off.”

  “Monday will be soon enough to start work, so I suggest you make the most of these last couple of days. I told you, you’ll be working very hard for me. So leave that now.”

  “Just let me finish this, it won’t take me long,” she insisted.

  “Okay, if you must. I have a call to make, but after that, we are going to go for a walk. And don't forget, we’re going out this evening, Gregg is picking us up at six.”

  “Sure, I haven’t forgotten. Aren't you going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “It’s a surprise. But don't worry, you’ll be fine. This date doesn’t involve any skyscraper buildings,” I smiled at her, recalling her issue with our date at The Shard. Sera just raised her eyebrows as I wandered out of her study, closing the door as I left and headed for the lounge, opening the patio doors to walk onto the small balcony. I took my mobile from my pocket, as I looked out at the view over the River Thames towards Tower Bridge.

  “Hugh? It’s Liam. Sorry to disturb you on a Saturday, but an urgent issue has come up that needs dealing with immediately.”

  Hugh Wright was a fellow partner of the Butler’s Wharf Fitness Complex, and he was responsible for the hiring and firing of staff, while I was a silent partner who provided financial backing and advice.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, Liam. What kind of an issue?”

  “Inappropriate behaviour from a member of staff.”

  “Really? Which member of staff are we talking about? And what kind of inappropriate behavio

  “Scott Franklin. He directly approached a new young female recruit, and mislead her into believing that he was the only member of staff qualified to undertake her induction, despite the fact that she specifically asked for a female trainer. I have to question his motives, taking into account his reputation, of which I am sure you are well aware.”

  “I see. That is a disappointing and a highly irregular lapse of protocol,” Hugh agreed. He was a happily married man, but what kept him so happily married was that he liked to have plenty of no questions sex on the side, so he knew all about Scott and the list he ran. He also knew the man’s reputation for being a brutal animal when it came to young girls.

  “As a major share holder in this enterprise, I will not have the reputation of the gym brought into disrepute. I don't have to tell you that if word got out about any kind of sexual harassment, that kind of sordid publicity would see membership numbers fall dramatically. I want Scott out, now.”

  “That might not be so easy, Liam, not without definite proof or evidence, especially as he has a permanent contract with us rather than being a freelancer. But I could certainly get him transferred to a lower profile gym, out of harm’s way.”

  “No, that’s not good enough, Hugh. I want him out, so just do whatever you have to do to get shot of him, or I’m withdrawing my funding,” I stated. “It’s not my problem if you were foolish enough to go against my advice and give him a permanent contract. However, I would suggest checking all the accounts. I think you may find that he has been fairly creative in his book keeping, which will give you a perfectly legitimate reason to terminate his contract with immediate effect.”

  “Really? You surprise me because Scott came highly recommended. And I seem to recall that you’ve made considerable use of his talents without complaint up to now,” Hugh pointed out.

  Of course he was well aware that my name was included on Scott’s list. The truth was, up to now I’d turned a blind eye to Scott’s unhealthy predilections, telling myself that it was none of my business, but now I felt guilty wondering how many other naïve young girls like Seraphina he might have lured into his sordid web. I wanted no further part in his activities, neither did I want to allow him any new recruitment opportunities.


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