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Chasing Leah (Journey Series)

Page 4

by Williams, C. A.

  “C’mon,” he places his hand on the small of my back and leads me to my seat before dinner starts. “So I’m the first girl you’ve ever brought around, huh?” I raise an eyebrow at him. He flashes a tight smile at me before lightly running his fingers on over my bare shoulders. Yup, he definitely thinks were more than just friends.“Well I wouldn’t say the first but I don’t do it often. You see how some of these people can be a little….pretentious. Your special to me though and you kind of have the attitude where you don’t care what anyone thinks about you.”

  I shrug my shoulders, “I just like to be myself. I’m not going to pretend to be someone I’m not just because they drive a nicer car than me.” Gage moves his long fingers to the base of my neck and rubs lightly, “Thanks for coming with me Leah you definitely make it more interesting.”

  We finish our meals and Gage does his rounds saying goodbye to his father’s acquaintances as we make our way towards the exit. Gages father leans in and murmur something in his ear as we leave and I can see Gages body tense up, his jaw tighten as he gives a quick shake of his head. “Thanks for coming Leah, it was very nice to meet you,” Mr. Mccroy says stiffly. “Thanks for having me I had a great time,” I grab Gage’s hand as he pulls me hurriedly to the door.

  I slide into the passenger seat as Gage climbs in and slams his door, hitting his fist on the steering wheel. I can see the anger flash through his eyes as he guides us out of the parking lot. “Gage what’s wrong? I thought we had a nice time. Did your father say something to upset you?” He sniffs before giving me quick sideways glance. “No nothing that I haven’t heard before Leah. It’s just….you’re so…different than anyone I’ve ever brought around before.” I rub my hands on my skirt trying to wipe away the sweatiness. “So I take it your father didn’t approve of me?”

  He dryly laughs before replying. “He doesn’t approve of anyone Leah unless their parents our in his ‘class’. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have taken you there.” I chew on my lip and look down at my hands. “I don’t mean it like that,” he says, “I just don’t want you treated poorly because you didn’t have a privileged childhood like I did.” I grab one of his hands in mine.“Trust me Gage I know how people can judge you based on your parents. You’re a good guy, you’re not like your father at all.” I see his shoulders relax as I rub my hand on his thigh reassuringly. Okay now maybe I’m going over the friends line a little bit, but he is a good guy and his father is an asshole.

  Gage pulls up to drop me off and runs around to open my door for me. “Thanks Gage, I had a nice time tonight.” And before I know it Gages lips are planted squarely against mine and I instantly tense up from the abruptness. He seems likes he’s trying to devour my mouth, probing with his tongue trying to inch my mouth open that’s clamped tightly shut.

  “Gage,” I push lightly on his chest and he abruptly pulls away rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m really not looking for a relationship right now. Seriously. I have way too much going on that you just wouldn’t understand. Can we be just friends or do we need to end this now?”

  “Yeah sorry Leah. I just got a little carried away.” He shoves his hands into his suit coat and shuffles his feet on the parking lot, kicking stray rocks around.

  “Gage you’re a great guy, any girl would be lucky to have you ya know?”

  “Yeah but the one girl I want is the only one I can’t get.”

  I feel badly that I’ve hurt his feelings but a friend is all I can be right now. And not that I’m some kind of hopeless romantic or something but I didn’t feel any kind of sparks or fireworks when he kissed me. Like at all.

  “Kay well thanks again well get together soon Gage.”

  “Bye Leah,” he says in a defeated voice and jumps back into his car.

  I step into the apartment and Allys sprawled out on the couch with Skylar watching movies.

  “Hey guys, how was Caleb tonight?”

  “Great as usual, we even got him to try some of our tofu.”

  I groan and plop down in the recliner, kicking off my heels. “Really Al? You are not allowed to turn him into a vegetarian.”

  “I don’t think you have to worry about that,” Skylar replies. “He spit it back out in my hand and demanded something good.” Sounds just like Caleb. He can be a sweetheart but he can also be a demanding little man.

  “How was your ‘date’?” Ally asks with the little bunny ears. “Well it wasn’t a ‘date’,” I answer back. “But you were right, Gage clearly thought differently about our whole relationship. Maybe I just can’t be friends with a guy.”

  “Well you’re pretty hard to resist,” she replies back with a wink. “Me and Skylar are going to head back to his place. Are you free tomorrow? I was thinking we could do a girls day, well plus our little man, maybe a little shopping and some lunch.” Tomorrow being Sunday I have a day off and am free of school so that sounds perfect. “Yeah Al, I’ll see you tomorrow around noonish. You two have a good night.”

  Chapter 7


  We head out early the next day and grab some lunch at a little deli near an outdoor shopping plaza. I found a few cute shirts and shoes that I splurged on with a little of the spending money I set aside from the tips I had been raking in at Ginos. I rarely bought new clothes for myself, most of that extra money went towards stuff for Caleb but I figured I was due for a few new things. Kids were expensive and while I loved him and all I wouldn’t be having one of my own for a long long time, if ever.

  “So,” Ally says as she pulls out of the parking lot of the outlets to head back to our apartment. Caleb has already conked out in his car seat after running from store to store with us and he has arms wrapped around the new stuffed giraffe that Ally bought for him. “You sure you don’t want to date Gage? I know it’s hard with Caleb but I don’t mind helping and you deserve to have some fun every once in awhile.”

  “Ally,” I give her a warning tone. “Please don’t start, you know how it is for me.”

  “Nope, not gonna accept that Leah. You just don’t want to put yourself out there so you can’t get hurt. It’s going to happen but someday you’ll find your Mr. Perfect. Now I don’t think that’s Gage, he’s kinda stalker-ish the way he always just happens to pop up wherever you are, but sometimes you have to kiss a lotta toads to get your prince charming. I mean are you planning on staying a virgin till Caleb turns 18 or something?”

  “Stalker-ish? Is that even a word? Gage isn’t a stalker Ally, I know you don’t seem to like him but he’s a good guy. A good friend. As far as dating him I just don’t get that vibe. So when I think I’m ready you’ll be the first to know.”

  She huffs out a breath as we pull into the parking lot. “Fine be that way Leah. I do have someone you should meet though, we just never seem to run into each other lately.”

  Ally grabs our bags from the trunk while I hoist Caleb up onto my hip and we head upstairs as Ally opens our door and throws are purchases onto the couch. “You wanna lay down for a bit baby?” I ask a sleepy Caleb as he rubs his droopy eyes and I lay him down on the recliner, covering him with a blanket before he quickly dozes off again.

  Allys phone buzzes and it lights up with My Sky on the caller id. “Here, its lover boy.” I toss the phone to her and she hits the side button to decline it. I raise my eyebrows at her, normally she’s on the phone with Skylar almost every minute she’s not with him. “Trouble in paradise?” She shakes her head at me, “No I told him this was strictly a girls day. I felt like I haven’t spent any time with you at all since we’ve gotten here it. I miss you.” I roll my eyes at her, “Aw thanks Ally, I knew you loved me. I do have a ton of laundry to catch up on though so I really wouldn’t mind. We’ve had all day together.”

  “You sure? I could help if you want.” “Uh no but thanks I think I can handle my own laundry. Now go!” She stands up and grabs her keys back out of her purse, her phone already glued to her ear calling Skylar back. “’Kay, see ya later. Don’t wait up either. Feel f
ree to have any guys over. Just stick a sock on the door or something.” She slams the door behind her and I can hear her excitedly talking and giggling with Skylar. Ah young love.

  I change out of my clothes and put on a pair of comfy black yoga pants and a bright orange racer back tank top and throw my hair up into a messy bun. If I’m feeling motivated enough I’ll hit the gym down there while my laundry is running. I pack up a small backpack for Caleb with some juice, snacks, and toys that will hopefully keep him entertained for a little bit.

  I grab my two overflowing laundry bags and a sleeve of quarters. By the time I’m ready, Caleb is wide awake and refueled for the day so we drag the laundry bags down the two flights of stairs to the basement where the small laundry room and gym are. Another plus to this apartment complex. We didn’t have to drag our stuff to the laundry mat every week and with the gym we could work out whenever we wanted.

  Surprisingly, I’m the only one in there on a Sunday night and I grab two machines separating mine and Calebs clothes and dumping detergent in. I grab some skittles from the vending machine, debating on whether or not I want to head to the gym before getting Caleb settled. “Here buddy you want to color while our clothes get all clean?” I rifle through Calebs favorite Elmo book bag and pull out two of his coloring books, settling him down at a folding table that’s been stuffed into the corner. “Sure Mommy. Can I have a snack too?”

  “Sure thing jelly bean. Here’s some pretzels and juice. Remember only color on the paper, nowhere else, right?” “Right,” he answers back as he starts to scribble over all of the pages and stuffing his little mouth with his snack.

  “Hey are these machines free or were you going to use ‘em?” I turn around at the slightly familiar voice and see tattoo guy who has two bags of laundry trailing behind him. “Yeah I’m just using those two,” I reply as I point to the machines that I have filled. “But I’m pretty sure this laundry room is really only for the tenants to use so….” I guess he must think since he’s here so often with all of his one nighters he’s welcome to all of the facilities too. I really need to talk to the landlord about the security around this place. He gives me a strange look and says, “Well I do kinda live here so I guess I’m welcome to the machines right?” I nod my head at him and shrug my shoulders. “Uh, I guess.” Woops way to shove your foot in your mouth Leah.

  He smirks back at me, “Did Ally not mention meeting me before the party the other night? I helped her carry in a few boxes the day you guys moved in.” Well that explains me not being introduced to him before. Ally and Mr. James had driven the U-Haul up the night before and I had driven my car up separately the next day. By the time I had pulled in, the U-Haul was gone and Ally had half the apartment unpacked.

  “Nope she didn’t actually. I just assumed….uh….”

  “What? That I’m working my way into every girls apartment? Do you think I’m some kind of man whore just cause I’m a college guy?” He raises a brow at me and I can’t tell if he’s offended by my assumption or amused. Either way he looks damn sexy in his grey pajama pants that are hanging low on his narrow hips and his black muscle shirt. And oh the muscles he has. Yup he definitely works out.

  And the tattoos hmm….. Most of the time whenever I see guys covered in tattoos I think of the biker trash that hung out at the bar where my mom worked but he knows how to pull them off. I count ten that I can actually see, a variation of words and symbols, mainly from his shoulders reaching to his elbows and then two scrolls peeking out from the top of his shirt near his collarbone. Ally and I had gone and gotten matching star tattoos on my 18th birthday. I had gotten mine right on my hipbone and Allys on her wrist. That right there was enough pain for me, I can’t imagine how long his took to get done.

  “Well yeah that is kinda exactly what I was thinking. I mean you did come home with Ally that one night and then I run into you that one day in the hall. I’m normally in and out a lot so I haven’t met a lot of the neighbors.” He sticks his hand out to me, “Well then I guess Ally probably never told you my name then. Chase O’Neil, apartment 2B, nice to meet you Leah.” I reach over and shake his hand back. “I’m actually kinda surprised Ally never mentioned me. The day I helped her move in, she told me I was her roommates soul mate and she needed to set us up immediately.”

  He lets go of my hand as I turn around to switch my laundry into the dryer. Of course Ally actually said that to him, she really needed to get a filter on that mouth of hers. “Well that’s Ally for ya. She’s always trying to set me up. She’s been a little preoccupied lately though with her own soul mate.” So this was the guy Ally said she had wanted to set me up with. I turn around and slide onto the top of the dryer as Chase begins to sort his laundry into the empty washers to study him. Well I guess Ally really does know my nonexistent taste in guys pretty well cause if I had one he would be the flavor I would want to sample.

  “I thought she was going to introduce us the night of the party but when I ran into her she seemed to be a tad drunk so I figured it was best to get her home.” He pauses as he throws in some detergent and then hops onto the dryer next to me. “I wanted to make sure she got home okay and then I got home and remembered I never gave you my name.” My ears perk up a little bit at this, I had just assumed that they had hooked up. I tuck a loose curl behind my ear. “Oh so you guys didn’t uh, ya know…”I chew down on my lip wondering why I care. He laughs. Wow even his laugh is sexy. “I was in there for like 10 minutes, did you seriously think that’s what we were doing? Give me a little more credit than that.” He pauses before giving me a wink with one of his glittering green eyes. “No, I just wanted to make sure she got to bed okay. I know how overwhelming your first college party can get.” I shrug my shoulders. As if I care. Even though that was pretty sweet. “Well whatever not like I’m her keeper or anything.”

  He hops off and heads over to the vending machine, “You want anything?”

  “Nope I’m good,” pointing down to my skittles. He bends over looking at his choices. I tilt my head sideways and check out the view. And what a nice view it is. I kind of got like a rocker vibe off of him but he definitely has the physique of an athlete. Preferably a football player, he could really fill out a pair of those tight pants very nicely.

  “Mommy can I have some more snack?” Calebs little voice calls out from the corner that I had shoved him in. Woops totally forgot he was there while I was ogling my eye candy. What kind of mother am I? “Yeah sweetie,” I reply. “You want a few skittles?” He nods his head and I pour a few into his small hand as he separates them by color. I swear that child has OCD.

  “Hey little guy,” Chase says as he crouches down to the table. He must have been so fascinated by me as well because he seems to have just noticed Caleb as well. “What you doing there man?”

  “Coloring, duh. What’s it look like? What you have for snack?” Caleb holds out an open hand waiting for Chase to share whatever he picked out from the vending machine. “Caleb. That’s Chases snack you have your own buddy. Manners please.”

  “But Mommy his looks yummy,” he points at the snack cakes Chase has. “Not a problem buddy as long as you’re Mommy says it’s okay I’ll share some with you. Cause sharing is the cool thing to do. How’s that sound?”

  I don’t correct him that I’m in fact not Calebs Mommy but I really don’t want to confuse Caleb with THAT whole sticky situation. I nod my head in reply and Chase shares a snack cake with Caleb. I know that is going to be one chocolatey mess just waiting to happen. I see a bath in our very near future.

  “So Ally told me you waitress down at Ginos,” he says as he climbs up onto the machine next to me. Not even skipping a beat when he realized I have a kid. “I love that place.”

  “Yeah I work a couple of morning and night shifts a week over there. It keeps busy so I’ve been making some pretty good tips. Works out good with my school schedule.” The buzzer on my dryer goes off and I hop down to start folding it. Oh maybe I should’ve waited to do this
upstairs. I did just meet the guy, I really don’t want to fold all of my underwear and bras in front of him. Well at least most of it comes from Victorias Secret, no granny panties here.

  I start to fold some of my work shirts up and Chase looks at me with a smirk as he bends over and hooks a leopard bra around his pinky that had escaped from the dryer. “I think this is yours.” I snatch it from his hands quickly and toss it on to my pile. “Doesn’t look familiar, I think it came from your pile but it looks about the same size so I’ll keep it.” He crosses his arms over his broad chest. “Hey I’m not that kind of guy,” he looks at me like I offended him. “I don’t do girls laundry, they take it with ‘em.” He laughs and I catch the glint of light off his tongue ring.

  Mmmhmm and I bet he has plenty of girls tripping over each other to claw their way to him. “So what are you majoring in?” I quickly change the subject as he tosses his laundry into the dryer.

  “Well I’m in my last year actually. I’m majoring in secondary education and minoring in English. My dream job would be to teach English at a high school. It’s always something that’s interested me.” Huh. He definitely doesn’t seem the teaching type as I gaze at his tattoos. They could all be covered up with a long sleeve shirt so I guess there was no problem there. Well he could teach me a thing or two anytime he wanted.

  “Really? I couldn’t imagine wanting to go back to high school, having to deal with all the drama. Doesn’t sound like a fun time to me.” He grins back at me, “Well yeah but you’re the teacher so you make the rules or be a dick and give ‘em a year’s worth of detention. I think Ally told me you’re in the nursing program, right?”

  “Yep I’ve done some dual enrollment and summer classes too so I’m almost half way through.”

  “Wow that’s really impressive. You must be very ambitious.” I shrug my shoulders, “Well I’ve always had to kinda be that way. Neither of my parents are around and I have that little man to take care of. I’ve always just pushed myself harder, I don’t want to end up like my mom. And he deserves a better life than I had.” Chase stares back at me with a hard look likes he’s contemplating the right words to say back to that.


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