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Her Captain's Command

Page 4

by Isabella Kole

  When they finished, he suggested they attend a luau and watch the dancers in their grass skirts. It would already be in progress, he told her, but they could join in the festivities for a while.

  He took her hand as they stood in the crowd and watched the entertainment. Charlie shivered.

  "Chilly?" he asked as he looked down at her.

  "N-no, I'm fine," she replied. She turned her attention back to the dancers and the crowd. Soon, it was growing dark, and Blaine suggested it might be time to think about getting back to their hotel. "I'll call for a car," he said as he took his cell out of his pocket.

  Charlie watched as he made the call. He was every bit as handsome as she remembered. He was more muscular, his hair still dark with no signs of graying. He exuded an air of command, and she assumed that was because of his position, but then again, he'd always held that air about him. She recalled the discipline from years ago. Stern, but never harsh, he expected her to toe the line, and when she erred, she paid the price. The loving concern that followed made it all worthwhile. She would have been lying to herself if she said she hadn't missed it.

  But now, she was a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy. Could she go back to that? How could she?

  The car arrived, and it wasn't long before they found themselves back at their hotel. He helped her out and took her hand as they walked inside in silence. When they stepped off the elevator on their floor, he did not walk her to her room. Instead, he led her to his. She was powerless to protest. He expected her to accompany him, and to her dismay, she wanted to do just that. What could it hurt? They were on shore leave. They would have a fling, brief, nothing serious, and afterward, they would return to the ship and their duties.

  "Charlotte Rose?" he asked as he opened the door. "A nightcap?"

  "I guess that would be okay," she replied, sounding much more confident than she felt. Her stomach was churning, her heart beating faster by the minute, and her knees felt like jelly. What was happening? What was she doing?

  He motioned for her to sit on the couch in his room while he made drinks for them.

  She slipped off her shoes and curled her legs under her as she waited for him. When he joined her a few minutes later, he handed her the drink and sat down.

  "This is nice, isn't it? Just the two of us," he said. "I would say it's just like old times, but it isn't, is it, Charlie?"

  "No, Blaine, it isn't. We are two entirely different people than we were back then."

  "That may be, but there is unfinished business between us. I think we both know that, don't we?" he asked as he set his glass down and moved closer to her.

  "Blaine…" she began, but he stopped her by lowering his head and grazing her bottom lip with his teeth.

  "I want you, Charlie, just as much as ever," he said in a low, husky voice.

  His breath hot on her face, his eyes boring into hers as he waited for her response, he kissed her full on, devouring her mouth, forcing her tongue to dance with his as his arms pulled her closer.

  When they came up for air, she whispered, "God, help me, I want you, too."

  That was all he needed to hear. He scooped her up in his arms, carried her to the king-sized bed on the other side of the room and laid her down gently. Loosening his tie, he looked at her with a look that could easily be mistaken for love if she didn't know better. She knew he was proving a point, knew he was convinced she was his for the taking. But, in that moment, she didn't care. All she wanted was to feel his skin against hers again, if only for one night or maybe two. Unfinished business… just like he said. She needed to feel the ecstasy that only he could bring her to. Fourteen years was a long time to make do with mediocrity.

  "Don't move," he said.

  She didn't, she couldn't. She watched, hypnotized, as he removed his tie and then his shirt. His shoes and khakis followed. She noticed he wore nothing underneath. Then, he stood naked beside the bed. He was even more beautiful than she remembered.

  "Charlotte Rose, let me undress you."

  She nodded, and he slowly removed each article of clothing, from her dress to the lace bra and panties she had painstakingly chosen in anticipation of what might occur. When she was completely without attire, his gaze roamed over her body slowly and sensuously.

  "You are perfect. I remember each curve, every sensitive spot," he murmured as he joined her on the bed.

  His lips touched her again, and she was lost. This was insane, she knew it, but she was beyond the state of reason. His touch, his body next to hers, was all that mattered. It would be over, they would return to their duties as if nothing had ever happened, but they had these few days. Days and nights to finish what had been left undone and unsaid all those years ago.

  His lips found the first sensitive spot, just behind her ear. She shuddered as his mouth lingered there before moving to her neck and then her shoulder. He didn't stop there and proceeded to move downward until he found her breast. Flicking the nipple between his forefinger and thumb, he watched as she moaned in pleasure. His lips took over for his fingers, and he suckled before moving to the other one to give it equal attention. Charlie felt the beginnings of a fire that was rapidly rising. Starting in her toes and moving up her limbs, she could feel the core of her existence warming to his touch. His fingers explored, first her belly, then her swollen, throbbing clit. He rolled it, massaged it, and finally, his tongue worked more magic as she groaned and thrust her hips upward in obvious arousal. The juices began to flow, and soon she was shaking, her body convulsing in a climax unlike any she'd known for quite some time. Damn him! Damn Blaine Rogers!

  He moved up to capture her lips again, and she could taste herself on his tongue. It only fueled her desire for him more. She needed this; she needed him to take her.

  "I think you have something coming, don't you?" he asked in a devilish voice.

  "Wh-what do you mean?" she asked, panting between words.

  "For the angst you caused both of us by your actions years ago. Don't you agree you should be punished?"


  "Oh, yes, Charlotte Rose… punished."

  He flipped her over, and his hand crashed down on her bottom before she could protest. "Ouch! Dammit, Blaine, what are you doing?"

  "You know what I'm doing. You've missed this, haven't you, my love?" he asked as another slap echoed through the room.

  "Stop it!" she hissed.

  "You could have saved us both a lot of wasted years if you'd only explained yourself, you know that, don't you?" Another smack of his hand burned her bottom. God, he was so right. She had missed this.

  "N-no," she protested through clenched teeth.

  "Don't lie to me." He smacked her again.


  "From now on, you belong to me."

  "No, never!" She could argue all night, they both knew she wanted this, needed it.

  As suddenly as the punishment began, it stopped. He flipped her back over and thrust himself into her in one hard move. His hands grabbed her sore bottom and pulled her upward. She began to move with him, the feel of him filling her so completely, making her feel as though she had come home after a long journey. And she was home, if even for a brief time. She would remember this time and cherish the memory forever.

  They moved together furiously, almost angrily, as if to wash away the pain and horror of the years without each other. The memory of that awful last night together became the catalyst for their fury. White hot desire rushed through her body just as the first waves of bliss made her shudder again. He grinned triumphantly down at her. Yes, she was his, and the knowledge that he knew it only made her orgasm that much stronger. He joined her soon after, screaming her name as his seed spilled into her. Thank God, she had not gone off the pill after the divorce.

  "Now, is there any doubt as to who you belong to?" he asked.

  "Blaine, this will never work, we both know that," she said as she struggled to move out of his embrace. He only held her tighter.

  "You keep saying that. I think it's obvious there is no other way."

  Before she could speak again, he silenced her with a kiss; demanding, passionate and possessive.

  He was staking his claim, and there was nothing she could do. She was his. She had always been his. Tim or any other man hadn't stood a chance.

  The next three days were spent making up for fourteen years, getting to know each other again and enjoying their time away from the duties that awaited them back at the ship. When it was time to return, Charlie resigned herself to the fact that the fun was over. She would not let this brief interlude interfere with her responsibilities.

  They were soon back at sea. The next stop would be Japan. During that time, she and Blaine would remain on the ship, so that others could take their leave and enjoy some relaxation. Charlie went about her duties, avoiding Blaine as much as she could, following his orders and carrying them out to the letter. The crew must not know of anything that had occurred between them.

  On the third day, Blaine cornered her in the hallway outside her cabin. "How long are you going to keep this up?" he demanded to know.

  "Keep what up?" she asked innocently.

  "This charade," he replied, his face stony.

  "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "I think you do. Do I have to take you to my cabin and remind you? My hand is just itching to go at your ass."

  "Captain Rogers, I am doing my job, am I not?"

  "Yes, you are."

  "And do you have any complaints about that?" she asked.


  "Well, then, I don't see a problem. Now, if you'll kindly step aside, I have things to attend to."

  He held out his arm to prevent her from passing. "Not so fast."

  She sighed. He wasn't going to make this easy for her.

  He leaned down and kissed her thoroughly before letting her go. She turned to him and saluted. "Captain," she said and turned to walk away.

  Her heart was beating fast as she hurried back to the deck. Damn him!

  He left her alone for the next few days, but on the sixth night at sea, he called her to his office.

  "Officer Vandecamp, it has come to my attention that the cook has been negligent. I want you to check the kitchen each night from now on to see that all is in order."

  "You've got to be kidding me. I don't believe this falls under my job duties," she said in protest.

  His eyebrows raised in warning. "You are on the verge of insubordination, Commander. It may seem trivial to you, but I can assure you, I have my reasons for issuing this command. I am not sure what is going on, but as I said, it's been brought to my attention there is cause for concern."

  "Perhaps you should fill me in," she suggested.

  "Just do as I ask, please. I cannot reveal what I know. In due time, you will know, but for now, this has to be kept quiet. If there is indeed a problem, I will deal with it when we stop in Japan. For now, I need you to be diligent in making sure all is in order. This is very serious or I would not ask it of you."

  "You think the cook is ill?" she asked.

  "I cannot say any more." He gave her another warning look, and she knew it was time to be quiet.

  "Yes, Captain," she said as she saluted and turned to go.

  "Charlie," he said.

  She turned to look at him. "Yes?"

  "Thank you. I trust you to keep this conversation between the two of us."

  "Of course, sir," she answered quietly, still wondering what was going on.

  He got up and walked to where she stood. He kissed the top of her head. "I miss you."

  She turned and left the office.

  Charlie was confused. He missed her? Did he mean that?

  She made her way to the kitchen and saw that the cook was just finishing up after the evening meal. She made small talk with him and walked out with him, waiting until she was sure he had gone to his quarters before going back to the kitchen. She was surprised to see that the stove had been left on. Blaine was right! Something was definitely wrong here. She turned off the appliance and made a quick sweep of the rest of the room, making sure everything was in perfect order before switching off the light and closing the door again. She went back on deck and resumed her normal duties, all the while thinking about what she had been told and what she had seen. She was on night duty all week. She mulled over the situation and devised a plan by morning when she went back to her cabin. The other woman on board, Marci, was preparing to leave her own cabin when Charlie got to her own door.

  "You'll have peace and quiet, I'm on duty now. Enjoy your sleep," Marci said as she greeted her.

  "Have a good day. I am bushed," Charlie replied as she unlocked her door.

  Plopping down on the bed, she sighed. So many things were running through her mind. Tired as she was, how would she ever fall asleep? She got up and shed her uniform, falling back onto the bed, and before long, despite her concerns, she was sound asleep. At lunchtime, she woke, bathed and dressed. It was a good time to check out the kitchen. She went for lunch and was careful to observe the workings of the kitchen when she chose a table close by. Yes, something was definitely wrong.

  Chapter 4

  Over the next several days, Charlie kept careful notes of the comings and goings in the ship's kitchen. She spoke, casually, of course, with some of the crew, as well as checking on things herself each evening. Twice now, she had found something amiss after the cook had gone off duty. The stove being left on one night, and on another occasion, food had been left out that should have been put away. She made a mental note to watch for any unusual behavior, otherwise.

  They would soon be stopping in Japan, and she would be among those remaining on the ship at this port. She learned that Marci, also, would be on duty. The two women made plans to get together one evening, which pleased Charlie. Blaine was not on shore leave, but would be leaving the ship one day to see to ship business. A brief respite from the constant tension Charlie felt after their interlude in Hawaii. It had been a mistake to sleep with him there. It didn't give her the closure she had been seeking, but only served as a reminder to what she had been missing in her life for the past fourteen years. It had only made her realize he was the man she needed and wanted in her life, the man she would never have, all because of a misunderstanding.

  "Commander, may I see you in my office, please?" Blaine asked as he came up behind her as she attended to a problem in the supply room.

  "Of course, Captain," she said as she handed the clipboard she'd been looking at back to the clerk, with her recommendations. She turned around to see that Blaine was waiting for her.

  "We can walk together," he explained when he saw the expression on her face.

  "Is something wrong?" she asked as they walked along the corridor and up the stairs.

  "I need you to brief me on your findings in that matter we spoke about before I go ashore tomorrow," he replied when they reached the privacy of his office.

  "Certainly, sir," she said when he offered her a seat.

  "Care for coffee, water, soda?" he asked as he helped himself to a soda from his mini fridge.

  "I'll have a bottle of water, thank you," she said. She accepted the drink from him, and after unscrewing the lid and taking a sip, she began to tell him of her findings and suspicions.

  "It would appear to me that there may be some sort of memory lapse or possible medical issue with Cook. He seems perfectly lucid at times, but other instances when I've spoken to him, he just seems to be in another dimension, so to speak. The forgetfulness of leaving food out or the stove turned on is not like him, from what I've learned. He has always been quite thorough in carrying out his duties."

  "Are you recommending he be examined?" Blaine asked.

  "I think he should be given shore leave. I'll continue my daily inspection in his absence. Perhaps he only needs a rest. When he returns, we will see if the carelessness continues."

  "He should be taken off duty immediately!" />
  "Not necessarily, please, let's give him the benefit of the doubt. I hate to see him disciplined if this is a medical problem. Let me continue to assess the situation. I am checking things nightly, so if something is wrong, I can correct it until we get to the bottom of it."

  "You know this goes against my better judgment," Blaine bellowed.

  "I just don't agree with you."

  His eyebrows raised slightly. "That is your prerogative, of course, to have your own opinion. But let's not forget who is in command here."

  "On this ship, yes, that would be you."

  He looked at her with a thoughtful expression. "On the ship, and anywhere else, Charlie?"

  She glowered at him. "If you are referring to what I think you are, I do not care to discuss it with you. Hawaii is over."

  In a flash, he was on his feet and around to where she sat, pulling her up from her chair. He sat down and promptly tossed her across his lap.

  "What the hell are you doing, Blaine?"

  "Showing you that what happened in Hawaii most certainly is not over, as you so bluntly put it. Hawaii was a new beginning, not the end. And if I have to spank your ass daily and kiss you senseless nightly to prove that to you, then by God, I will."

  His hand came crashing down on her butt with a loud thwack.

  "Dammit, Blaine, you can't do this here. We are on duty!"

  "When it comes to you, Charlotte Rose, I can and I will. You belong to me, just like I am yours. You know it, and I know it. The sooner you stop fighting it, the better off we'll both be. I do not intend to spend another day living the agony I've lived the last fourteen years, wondering if I should have stayed. Hawaii only proved the inevitable." Another hard clap landed on her behind, and, still, she fought him.

  He held her down with his free hand while he administered five more hard smacks to her bottom. When he let her up, he said, "If we had been in the privacy of one of our cabins, you wouldn't have gotten by so easily. It would have been bare-assed. I love you, Charlie; I don't know what I have to do to prove that to you." He took her face in his hands and tilted it so she was forced to look in his eyes. Then his face lowered, his eyes closed, and his lips descended on hers. She tried to fight him, but it was no use. One taste of his lips and she was sunk. The ship may as well have taken on water, for she was drowning.


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