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Malevolent Hall 1666AD

Page 16

by Rosemary Lynch

“Oh damn,” she groaned, realising she had left her nightdress upstairs in the tower. Instead of going upstairs to get it, she decided to nip downstairs and make herself a mug of herbal tea to take up to bed with her.

  Switching the light on Matilda entered the kitchen. She walked to the kettle and switched it on. Giving a shiver as the cool air caressed her bare shoulders she walked to the dwindling fire and sat on the couch while waiting for the kettle to boil. Pulling the throw off the back of the sofa, she wrapped it around herself and snuggled down. She yawned, her eyes began to doze, and she drifted off into a light sleep.

  “Get her,” the woman hissed. The four demons moved to the sofa. Two grabbed her arms, and two grabbed her feet. Matilda’s eyes flew open, and she screamed.

  “Silence her,” the woman ordered. One of the demons lifted its clawed hand to her mouth forcing it open. Tipping something down her throat, he shut her mouth tight. In a panic, Matilda gagged having no choice but to swallow the burning liquid. Her attackers were human in appearance, but their skin was mottled and scarred and their eyes a piercing red.

  “Bring her,” the woman ordered. With a swish of her long black cloak, she exited the kitchen through the back door.

  Matilda writhed against them as they lifted her into the air. The throw fell to the floor, and as they followed the women through the back door, the towel fell away from her too.

  They carried her, wriggling and moaning deep into the wood. The freezing night air bathed her naked body, and goose bumps swept across her as she shivered involuntarily against the cold. As they carried her through the trees, she was facing upwards and the light of the full moon shimmered on the faces of the demons. Cloaked in black, they walked in silence not once looking at her.

  Drugged, she was dazed, and her eyes kept sliding closed as she struggled to remain conscious. It was as if she were in a dream, no, not a dream, a nightmare, a terrible, terrible nightmare. She wasn’t even certain if this was actually happening to her or if she were still asleep cosy on the sofa.

  Matilda turned her head to the left, and in the distance, she thought she saw a light. Her eyes were blurry and she couldn’t focus, but the light appeared to be getting closer. All of a sudden, the demons dropped her and she landed with a hard thud on the ground. For a moment, she was confused, the world around her spun and the howling wind whipped around her lifting her long, dark hair in a frenzied fashion.

  A demon grabbed her arm, its claws digging into her flesh. Matilda screamed at the sudden pain.

  “Shut her up!” the woman ordered. A hand came from nowhere and slapped Matilda hard across her face, stunning her. She fell back to the ground, the damp leaves sticking to her naked body, while sticks and acorns dug into her flesh.

  The light shot between them. The demon that struck her screeched as the man of light grabbed hold of him and sent a shockwave of power through him. The demon exploded in a flash of white light.

  Screaming in terror, Matilda crawled across the ground as another demon came for her. The man of light jumped between them. Grabbing the demon, the two fought, and the shadowman burned his light into the demon’s flesh. Although dazed and confused, the scent of burning flesh filled Matilda’s nostrils, she scrambled to her feet, and stumbling blindly ran through the trees.

  A demon shot out from her left, she dodged him once, but he front flipped and landed in front of her. It lashed out, whacking her across the face.

  Her breath knocked from her body, she fell, landing on the wet carpet of the woodland floor.


  Mike woke to Parker’s barking.

  “Parker, for crying out loud what’s with all the barking today, you’re driving me nuts?” he complained. The dog growled, and Mike lifted an eyebrow concerned that perhaps Parker had heard something after all. He sat up in his bed and listened - silence.

  “Go back to sleep,” he groaned at his dog, and just as he laid his head back on his pillow, the dog starting barking again.

  “Parker, shut up!” he yelled. As the woman screamed, the sound rippled through to his core.

  “What the hell?” he said, and throwing his duvet back, he jumped out of bed. “Okay, Parker, I hear her,” he said to his dog who was scratching at the door frantically trying to get out. It was a woman, of that he was sure. He pulled on his boxers, t-shirt, and trousers. Grabbed a jumper and pulled on his boots. He shot out of the bedroom grabbed his jacket and a torch and flew out of his porta-cabin. His breath erupted in a plume of white as it hit the cold.

  He looked to the other two mobile homes and deliberated whether to wake Steve. Her scream sounded sharp through the stillness. Parker barked and shot off into the trees, and without further thought, Mike turned and fled after him.

  “Parker, come back,” he yelled, as he ran. He stopped and stood for a few moments, trying to get his bearings, his torch searching the darkness.

  Ahead of him, he saw a light.

  “Hello,” he shouted. “Is anyone out here?” He got no response, on hearing Parker barking he ran towards the sound.

  “Parker!” he hollered. His torch light picked out what looked like a body lying just ahead of him on the ground.

  “Oh my God,” he muttered. He could see whoever she was, and he was certain it was a woman, was naked. As he ran, his torch light scanned the trees either side of him.

  “Parker!” he yelled. He skidded onto his knees in front of the woman.

  “Matilda!” he screamed in realisation. Mike’s stomach tightened. “Matilda, shit, Tilly,” he cried. She whimpered at his touch. She was freezing. He pulled off his coat, and removed his jumper.

  “Mike,” she mumbled, sure she could hear his voice.

  He lifted her and pulled her into his arms; her skin so cold it burned his flesh.

  “Matilda, what the fuck are you doing out here?” he cried.

  Matilda was incoherent, as whatever they gave her made her mind spin, and heavily drugged everything appeared as a bleary haze, she wasn’t even sure if she was awake or asleep and dreaming it all.

  “I’m - cold,” she managed. Quickly putting his jumper on her, he wrapped his coat around her.

  “Come on let me get you back inside. Who did this Matilda, what happened?” he begged, and he was terrified someone had raped her.

  “I don’t know,” she replied, and she groaned as he lifted her into his arms. As fast as he could Mike carried her back towards the hall.

  “Parker, Parker!” he yelled, trying to locate his dog as he ran.


  Matilda shook profoundly in his arms as the cold seeped deeper into her bones. He carried her up the stairs to the front door.

  “Shit,” he yelled, kicking in frustration at the locked door. He hurried back down the steps and went around to the back of the hall, where he found the back door wide open. Kicking it shut behind him, he carried her to the sofa.

  “Matilda, wake up,” he urged.

  She groaned; so desperately cold, her mind swirled with images of demons.

  Mike kicked off his boots, slipped off his trousers and his t-shirt.

  “I’m just going to warm you, okay,” he said as he took his jacket off her and then hurriedly pulled off the jumper. “Matilda!” he cried as he saw her eyes roll. He dove on the sofa beside her and gathered her in his arms. He wrapped his legs over her, pulled her in as tight as he could, and pressed the warmth of his body against her freezing flesh. Reaching down he grabbed the throw and pulled it over them.

  “Come on, Matilda, warm up,” he begged. His hand rubbed her back briskly as he tried to get her circulation going. “Fove amica tibi ut incalescat,” he chanted.

  Matilda stirred against him as a wave of magical warmth invaded her body, but her mind was lost. She was still in the woods, and she could hear a familiar voice.

  “Mike,” she screamed in her mind, but her mouth merely mumbled.

  With tenderness, Mike slid a wayward curl behind her ear. “Matilda, sweet Tilly, please wake up,” he w
hispered, his knuckles gently stroking her face.

  Matilda took a deep breath and Mike felt her breasts push against his chest. The sensation of her body against his, seemed all too familiar to him, and his heart pounded in his chest.

  “Tilly,” he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

  “Mike,” Matilda yelled. She could see him running down the road towards her, and then a mist swept across the path and he disappeared.

  “Mike,” she mumbled, and she started to run. Twigs and stones cut into her bare feet making them bleed. She glanced over her shoulder the demons were closing the gap. As she turned back around, she bashed into him. Gasping as he swept her into his arms, her eyes lifted to him in relief. She screamed in alarm, as it wasn’t Mike, but a man in a hooded cloak.

  “Hello, Tilly,” Richard said, his black eyes piercing at her. “I’ve come for you.”

  “Hey, shush,” Mike comforted as she whimpered in her sleep. “It’s okay, you’re okay, Matilda.”

  Her eyes suddenly flew open, and they were deep with fear as she looked at him. It took Matilda a moment to gather her senses. As his eyes settled on hers, she caught the kindness and the love with in them, and it caused warmth to run through her trembling body.

  “Mike,” she whispered, pushing herself close against him, enjoying the healing warmth of his body.

  “Hi,” he replied, and his warm hand reached up to cup her cheek.

  “Mike, what’s going on?” she asked. “I’m naked.”

  “I know,” he replied, a smile tickling his lips as his fingers toyed with her hair.

  “Erm, you’re…” she stuttered.

  “Wearing my boxers,” he replied with a smile, while at the same time hoping she could not feel how much of an effect she had on him. She smiled back and inhaled him, and he smelt wonderfully comforting.

  “What happened?” she asked, snuggling into him.

  “Don’t you remember?” he asked, pulling her tighter against him.

  “No. I just feel so cold.”

  “I found you out in the wood – like this, naked.” Her eyes widened as she looked at him.

  “I was afraid someone had attacked you. I mean - you haven’t….”

  “No, no,” she said quickly, knowing what he was implying.

  “Oh, thank god,” he said. She felt his chest fall in relief.

  “Why are you…?”

  “Holding you,” he finished. She nodded.

  “It was the fastest way to bring back your body heat,” he replied.

  “Oh, thank you,” she said. “You’re very hot,” she added, referring to his body heat, and she lifted her eyes to look at him.

  “That’s what all the girls say,” he quipped. She laughed, her eyes smiling at him.

  Touching her felt good and although he was reluctant to let her go, he knew she was starting feel a little uncomfortable so he released her.

  “I’ll make you a hot drink,” he offered, slipping out from under the throw.

  Matilda pulled the throw to her chest. The room was dark, apart from the glow coming from the dwindling fire and she watched his silhouette as he dressed.

  “Watch your eyes, I’m going to put the light on,” he warned. Matilda squinted at the brightness, and as her eyes adjusted, she looked over to him. He wore his jeans and a t-shirt, his feet were bare and his boots discarded by the sofa.

  She gave a shiver, still feeling chilled to the bone.

  Mike returned to her with a hot mug of tea.

  “There you go, get that down you,” he said.

  “Thank you,” she said gratefully, and cupping it in her hands. He threw a couple of logs on the fire, and pulled over the guard. Picking up his mug of tea, he sat on the sofa next to her.

  “Matilda, what were you doing out there?” he asked. She shrugged as she took a grateful sip of the hot tea.

  “I don’t know. I don’t remember going out,” she replied. “Where did you find me?”

  “Right out in the wood, beyond the drive. Your screaming woke Parker and he woke me, and you were just lying there in the middle of the path that runs down to the river.” She gave another shiver.

  “Do you remember anything, why you are - naked?” he asked.

  Matilda drew the throw tighter to her chest, she was not embarrassed that he had seen her naked, she was embarrassed because she had enjoyed waking up to find his body against hers.

  “I had a bath. I remember I forgot my nightdress, so I came down in a towel to make myself a mug of tea to take up to bed. I remember sitting down by the fire while I waited for it to boil, as it was chilly. I guess I must have fallen asleep. I really don’t remember going outside.” She frowned as she thought of the dream, of the demons, and a strange woman in a black cloak.

  “What is it?” he asked. He could see her frowning, as if deep in thought.

  “It’s nothing, just a dream I had.”

  “What dream?” he asked.

  “I dreamt there were demons, and they were taking me somewhere. There was a woman, in a black cloak, and...” she hesitated.

  “And what, Matilda?” he asked.

  “A shadow man of light, he stopped the demons,” she said. “It was just a dream, Mike,” she added quickly as she saw him mulling it over in him mind. The last thing she wanted was for him to think she was crazy.

  “What if it wasn’t,” he said.

  “Wasn’t what?” she asked.

  “A dream,” he replied.

  She lowered her mug to her lap. Her eyes lifted to his in thought. What if what happened to her had been more than just a lucid dream? They stared at each other, frozen for a moment.

  “I slept walked,” she said, with a shake of her head and dismissing any other possibility. “That’s what must have happened. It’s just stress I expect,” she said, breaking away from his gaze.

  “What if it weren’t, Matilda?” He took hold of her wrist and lifted her arm.

  “Look at you wrists,” he said. She looked at them, and they were red and bruised. “Your arm,” he added. He lifted his hand and stroked the deep scratch on her upper arm.

  “Mike, come on demons?” she said.

  “I didn’t mean they were demons, but what if someone drugged you, and took you.”

  “No, no,” she said, with a shake of her head.

  “Maybe Parker and I disturbed him or them,” he added.

  “Who would do that, there’s no one here apart from your team. Are you saying you think you have a nutter in your workforce?”

  “No but after what happened to Carlos and with Sam still missing. I think you should tell the police.”

  She shook her head.

  “Mike, with my history they will think I’m crazy, lock me up and throw away the key.”

  “What history?” he asked. She leaned back against the sofa.

  Mike was certain she knew a lot more than she was telling, something weird was going on within this Hall and it was time he started to push her for answers. He needed her to trust him.

  “Matilda?” he insisted. She gave a heavy sigh in resignation.

  “After it happened, I spent a lot of time in hospital, recovering. Let’s just say my mental state was not good for quite a few years.”

  Mike lowered his eyes sensing he had stirred emotions that she chose not to allow to surface often.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m just worried about you,” he said.

  “I know.” She lifted her hand and touched his arm. He glanced to her. “And thank you, for being there,” she said. He smiled and gave her a wink.

  “Anytime, now do you want another cuppa?” he asked.

  “Yes please, thanks, Mike,” she replied. He took her mug, and walked to the kettle.

  “Matilda, can I stay here for the rest of the night. I’ll sleep on the sofa?” he asked. He looked over his shoulder at her. “Please,” he insisted.

  She could see the concern for her in her eyes, he cared ab
out her she could see that. She nodded. He gave her a nod back and poured the milk into their tea.

  “There you go.” He gave her a mug.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m just going to nip outside, I will literary be just in front of the Hall. Parker came out with me, but he didn’t come back when I called.”

  She sat up and looked at him.

  “I’ll be fine, really,” she reassured. Mike gave her a nod and slipped on his boots.

  He pulled the back door closed, switched on his torch, and headed back into the woods.

  “Parker,” he yelled. “Where are you boy?” he whistled. “Parker!”

  After about ten minutes of yelling, Parker came bounding towards him.

  “Oh, thank God, where have you been, boy?” he asked, crouching down and fussing him. Parker licked his face and wagged his tail.

  “Come on, let’s get inside, it’s bloody freezing out here,” Mike said, turning and hurrying back to the Hall.

  Matilda looked up as the back door opened, and she smiled relieved when the dog bounded over to her. She stroked him.

  “Found him then,” she remarked. Mike nodded.

  “Yeah, little scamp, he was probably chasing the wild life.”

  “Thank you, Parker,” she said, and she gave the dog a kiss on the top of his head. “For waking, Mike,” she added.

  Matilda stood. Now wrapped in her towel she dropped the throw on the sofa.

  “Ouch,” she moaned, and she glanced down to her feet.

  They were bloody and sore.

  “Jesus, Matilda, look at your feet!” Mike gasped. Matilda sat back down, and fought to hold back her tears.

  “Stay there, we need to wash the dirt out of those cuts,” he said. Grabbing the washing up bowl, he rinsed it out before filling it with warm water. “Tea towel?” he asked.

  “Second drawer,” she said pointing. Mike opened the drawer and took a couple out. He dropped one into the water and carried it to her.

  “Here, put your feet in,” he said. She did as he asked and groaned as it stung. Gently he began to wash her feet, moving gradually up her legs to her knees.

  “Mike,” she said, biting back her tears. He glanced up at her.


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