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Only You

Page 3

by Rachel Lacey

  Luke looked up at her, and she gave him a look that she hoped he understood meant that it was time for him to leave. No sense getting Noah used to having him around when he was only in town for the wedding.

  Apparently able to take a hint, Luke turned to Noah, “I’ve got to get going. I promised my mom I’d be home in time to help her with supper, and I can’t break a promise, especially not to my mom. You know how it is, right?”

  Noah nodded. “You can come watch Brick Tricks with me again sometime if you want.”

  “I’d like that. I’ll probably be around a lot for the next week and a half helping your mom get this place ready for the wedding.” He stood and crossed the room to Amy.

  “I still can’t quite believe I agreed to let them get married here.” The ramifications of that decision just kept amplifying in her mind. Good God, there was so much to get done.

  “Don’t worry about it. Joe’s been on the phone all day, rustling up help. As long as you don’t mind having a bunch of people out here pitching in, we’ll pretty much take care of everything.”

  “What about when I’m at work?”

  “You don’t even have to give us a key. We can just work out back when you’re not home.”

  She sighed. “That’s silly. I trust you.”

  He smiled, and it made her insides feel all warm and shivery. She shouldn’t be thinking about giving Luke a key to her house. Because…

  Well, because she still wanted him.

  And she knew better than to fall for him a second time.


  Luke spent the better part of Wednesday ripping out the carpet in Amy’s living room. The hardwoods beneath had seen better days, but once they’d been sanded and stained, they should look good as new. Amy’s little dog watched him from the couch, which currently resided in the kitchen.

  Out back, Joe’s friend Max rode his lawnmower back and forth across the field, taming years of overgrowth.

  “You know, I don’t think I ever asked what your name is,” Luke said to the dog.

  It just watched him.

  “It’s Yoda,” Amy said from behind him.

  Luke looked over his shoulder at her and smiled. Between his work and the roar of the mower out back, he hadn’t heard her come in. “Cute.”

  “Noah named him.”

  “I figured.” He stood to face her.

  Amy walked over to check out his progress. “Wow. It looks so much better already.”

  “Yeah, that carpet needed to go. Had to have been thirty years old.”

  “Older probably.” She bent and yanked at the next section of carpet, but he hadn’t removed the nails yet, so it wasn’t going anywhere. Her fingers slipped, and she stumbled backward, her ass landing flush against his groin.

  His dick hardened at the contact. He put his hands on her shoulders to steady her. “You alright?”

  She spun to face him, eyes wide, lips parted. They stood like that for several long seconds while lust thickened in the air around them. His heart thumped a hard rhythm against his ribs, every cell in his body attuned to the woman in his arms.

  “Amy.” His voice was a low rumble. “Tell me now if you don’t want me to kiss you.”

  She sucked in a breath, her gaze dipping to his lips.

  He slid his hands from her shoulders to her waist, then dipped his head and brushed his lips against hers. And damn. Just that simple contact made him weak at the knees. Her lips parted beneath his, deepening the kiss. His tongue brushed hers, and he felt a shiver ripple through her body.

  God, she tasted good. Like teenaged fantasies and moonlit nights on a blanket beneath the stars.

  “Amy,” he whispered, drawing her closer against him. His hands roamed her body, familiarizing themselves with her new curves. She whimpered, her head falling back as he nibbled at that sensitive spot on her neck that had always driven her completely wild.

  “No fair,” she said hoarsely. “You’re cheating.”

  He swirled his tongue over her skin, and she gasped, her hips thrusting against his. “Not cheating,” he murmured. “I studied hard to learn what you like.”

  “Luke—” She planted her hands on his chest and looked at him. “This is a bad idea.”

  He grinned at her. “Are you sure? Because I thought it was the best idea I’d had all day.”

  “We can’t—we shouldn’t—” Her pupils were wide, her cheeks flushed.

  And it made him want to fuck her until she’d forgotten her name. It would be even better now than it had been when they were teenagers, and it had been pretty fucking great even then. “Okay,” he said instead. He dropped his arms to his sides, noticing with some satisfaction that she looked as disappointed as he felt. “But just out of curiosity, why not?”

  She looked away. “Well, for starters, there’s our history together.”

  “Pretty great history as I remember it. And you know what they say about history repeating itself.”

  Amy glared at him.

  He took her hand, stroking his thumb across her palm. “I liked everything about our time together except the way it ended.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Oh yeah, then why did you get married like five minutes after we broke up?”

  Oh, no way was she turning this back on him. “You dumped me, remember? After that, I made some admittedly stupid decisions, but if you hadn’t ended things, we’d probably be happily married with a house full of kids right now.”

  She drew back as if he’d slapped her. “What in the world is that supposed to mean?”

  “I was crazy in love with you, Amy. We were good together. I like to think we’d have made it work if you’d given us half a chance.”

  She pushed past him and walked to the window. “No way. I knew it wouldn’t work once you’d gone off to college and left me here, and you more than proved my point.”

  That struck an uncomfortable chord in his chest. Was she right? Would he have gotten caught up in college life and left her behind? “Then forget about the past and focus on the present. I want you. I’m pretty sure you want me too. Why not see what happens?”

  She shook her head. Her jaw was set, but her eyes welled with hurt and regret. “I can’t.”

  He heard the squealing brakes of the school bus outside. The conversation might be over for now, but it wasn’t over for good. Not if he had anything to say about it.

  Chapter Three

  Having all manner of hot, sweaty men working in and around her house was proving to be highly distracting. Well, one hot, sweaty man in particular anyway. Amy kept her eyes firmly on the tray of lemonade she carried as she walked onto the back patio. “Who’s thirsty?”

  They descended on her like ants on a picnic. Joe was first to the patio, his dark skin glistening with sweat under the hot midday sun. “You are the best. You know that, right?”

  “If supplying lemonade while you guys sweat your butts off out here makes me the best, then so be it.” She smiled sweetly as they all grabbed glasses from the tray she held. It was Saturday—one week until the wedding—and Joe and Amanda had recruited anyone and everyone they knew to help out here today.

  Luke lifted the last glass off her tray, looking particularly delicious despite the sweat running down his face. He wore a battered gray T-shirt that showed off some impressive muscles beneath. He took a long drink, his eyes never leaving hers. “Thanks.”

  “Welcome.” Heat bloomed inside her, growing hotter the longer he stared, and yeah, it had been way too long since she’d had sex because she was about to go off like a firecracker just looking at him. She squirmed beneath his gaze.

  “Christ.” Luke scrubbed a hand over his face. He gave her one last smoldering look, then walked off to join the other guys.

  Seven days. Surely she could survive one more week of having him around without jumping his bones like a sex-starved maniac. Okay, the sex-starved part might be true. She’d had one drunken one-night stand after Daryl left her. The sex had been terrible, and the
whole encounter left her feeling nothing but sleazy. Since she didn’t have time for an actual relationship while raising Noah, she’d come to the conclusion that she’d just have to put her own needs aside for now.

  And it had been fine. Until Luke Benson walked back into her life.

  Now all she could think about was getting him naked and letting him take care of the restless ache still throbbing inside her. He’d been good at it, even as a teenager.

  “You’re looking at Luke like you want him naked in your bed.”

  Amy whirled, her cheeks burning. “What?”

  Amanda stood there, a smug smile on her face. “You do! Look at you. Your cheeks are as red as ripe tomatoes.”

  “I don’t.” Amy touched her cheeks with her free hand self-consciously. “Well, he’s not hard to look at anyway.”

  “Not at all.” Amanda gave him an apprising look before turning her gaze to her husband-to-be. “Although I think Joe’s got him beat.”

  “It’s looking great out here,” Amy said, changing the subject. “I never would have thought of it myself, but I think it’s going to make a really beautiful wedding location.”

  Amanda’s eyes grew misty. “It’s gorgeous. The change has been a lot of extra stress, but in the end, it might turn out even more special than the country club.”

  “Definitely more unique.” And it really was special that Joe and Amanda would be married here. Amy watched as Noah planted flowering bushes along the edge of the patio with Amanda’s sisters Tara and Becca.

  “I found the perfect arbor on eBay,” Amanda said. “It’s being delivered on Tuesday. And I even rented a couple of those fancy port-a-potties so that we don’t overwhelm your plumbing.”

  Amy nodded with a smile. “That’s probably for the best. This house is ancient, and the plumbing is not the most reliable.” Although, thanks to Luke, the faucet in the guest bath was working now, and she had gorgeous new—old—hardwood floors in her living room.

  She still felt guilty about being on the receiving end of free home improvements because of her friend’s wedding, but Amanda assured her everything was being paid for out of her refund from the country club and that she would have spent at least twice as much anywhere else trying to recreate what she could have here at Amy’s for virtually free.

  Amy walked inside to put the tray away, then she and Amanda joined Noah and her sisters planting bushes. There was lots of laughter and happy chatter as they worked. Amanda and her sisters shared a rapport Amy wasn’t familiar with. Her family was close, really close, but she had a brother, not sisters, and it was a totally different dynamic.

  T.J. had been more likely to give her an atomic wedgie than share stories and gossip. It made her sad sometimes that Noah wouldn’t have a sibling. But he had a loving, supportive family, and that was more than a lot of kids had.

  “Mom,” he said. “Look.”

  He held some kind of gross, wiggly bug on his outstretched palm.

  “Oh!” Amy tried not to recoil. “Look at that.” Boys were so weird. She was convinced she’d never fully understand them.

  “Oh my goodness,” Becca half-shrieked. “What in the world is that?”

  Amanda gagged.

  “Looks like some kind of grub,” Luke said from behind them.

  Amy turned to see him leaning over Noah, his brows drawn in concentration as he studied the bug in her son’s hand.

  “Cool.” Noah set the bug gently back into the dirt, and all the women heaved an audible sigh of relief. “I need to go wash my hands now.” He stood and walked off toward the house. Luke walked beside him, still talking about bugs.

  Noah had a big grin on his face.

  “There are stars in your eyes,” Amanda whispered in Amy’s ear.

  “Will you cut it out?” But she knew it was probably true. Watching Luke with Noah warmed the darkest corners of her heart. No man had ever had such a rapport with him except her brother.

  “Need your opinion on something,” Luke said to her when he came back out of the house.

  “Okay.” She stood, wiping dirt off her knees.

  He led her across the field to the spot by the two oak trees where the ceremony was to take place. “They want to put the arbor here, which means we’d have chairs set up across the grassy area there.” He gestured in front of them. “The tent will go over there, and we’ll run power out to it for speakers and fans in case it’s as hot next Saturday as it is today.”

  Amy nodded. “Okay.”

  “Amanda wants to have that tree cut down.” He pointed toward the Dogwood that had been Amy’s favorite place to sit and read when she’d visited her grandparents’ house as a child. “So that it’s not in the way of the tent. I just wanted to check with you first.”

  Amy looked at the little tree. “Well, I am kind of fond of that tree, but if it’s in the way, you can cut it down.”

  “It’s your property. If you want to keep the tree, just say so.”

  “What I want most is for Amanda to have the wedding of her dreams.”

  Luke gave her a long look, then his lips curved in a soft smile. “Do you always put everyone else’s needs above your own? You like the tree. I’ll find a way to save the tree.”

  “It’s just a tree.” And what was he talking about anyway?

  “It’s okay to speak up for what you want, Amy.” With a slight shake of his head, he walked away.


  Luke wiped sweat from his eyes and surveyed his work. Not bad. The arbor had gone together easily, and—from his strictly guy standpoint—it looked good. Everything seemed to be on track for the ceremony on Saturday, only four days away now.

  Amy came out the back door of the house, looking good enough to eat in a pink summer dress and matching sandals. “That looks perfect.”

  “Think Amanda will approve?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “You could keep it, you know. Put a little bench here or something.”

  “Might be a nice place to sit and read.” A soft smile turned her lips.

  “Also a great place for a first kiss as husband and wife.” He winked.

  Amy’s cheeks turned the color of her dress. “Yes.”

  “I’ve enjoyed being here this week, with you and Noah.” He stepped closer and took her hand.

  She looked up at him, worry bunched in her brows.

  Yeah, she didn’t want him to say what he was about to say, but too damn bad. He was only in town another week unless she gave him a reason to stay, so there was no time to wait for her to come to her senses on her own. “I like you, Amy. So damn much. I’d really like to see if there could be a second chance for us.”

  Her gaze fell to his chest. “I can’t. Not right now.”

  “Why not now? I’m here. You’re here. Who knows when or if that will happen again?”

  She looked up, her brown eyes swimming with doubt. “That’s exactly the problem. You don’t live here, and I don’t have time for things that aren’t permanent.”

  “I could live here.” He tugged her closer, but she dug her heels in, refusing to fall into his arms.

  “But you don’t. You live in Baltimore. Your job is there. And I… I really don’t have time for anything but Noah right now.”

  “Those are tomorrow’s worries. Right now, you and I are standing together under this wedding arbor, and I really, really want to kiss you.”

  “You really shouldn’t.” She stared at his lips.

  His blood heated beneath her gaze. “You’re all I think about, Amy. Please let me kiss you.”

  “This is crazy,” she whispered. Her eyes closed, and she leaned in ever so slightly.

  All the invitation he needed. He bent his head and brushed his lips against hers, lingering there in case she changed her mind. But she stepped closer, sliding one hand cautiously over his chest, making him burn everywhere she touched.

  He slid his hands around her waist, anchoring her against him as he kissed her again. This time her lips
parted beneath his. His tongue slid against hers, and she let out a breathless moan. They kissed until his heart felt like it might burst out of his chest and he was so turned on his whole body ached with it

  “Amy.” He drew her closer, sliding his hands down to cup her ass. God, she felt perfect, so perfect, in his arms. “I want you so much.”

  “I want you too, but that doesn’t make it a good idea.” She drew back to look into his eyes, gasping for breath, her lips pink and swollen from his kisses.

  “Doesn’t make it a bad one either.” In fact, right now his dick was reminding him that it had been a long, long ass time since he’d gotten laid.

  “Do you think it would be as good as we remember? I mean, we were just kids.” She settled closer in his arms.

  “Only one way to find out.” He winked playfully, but he knew she wasn’t ready.

  “Typical man. Is it really all you think about?”

  “At this particular moment, yes, all I’m thinking about is sex. Specifically, sex with you, Amy Jameson. Even though I know we’re not going to, not today anyway.”

  “No?” Her eyes had gone all hazy, and she pressed her hips against his.

  He didn’t pull away. “No. For one, I need you to be sure. And two, Noah will be home soon, and if we do this, when we do this, I want to be able to take my time with you.”

  “Oh.” She chewed her bottom lip and stared at him.

  “But you could kiss me again in the meantime if you want.”

  Her lips slammed into his almost before the words were out of his mouth. This was no sweet kiss like they’d shared earlier. This one was raw, and fierce, and passionate. She rocked her hips against him as they devoured each other in what might have been the hottest kiss of his life. Without even meaning to, his hands had slipped beneath the fabric of her skirt, palming her ass through the thin, silky material of her panties.

  Amy whimpered, and dammit, his control was slipping. Maybe it was because it had been almost two years since he’d had sex. Or maybe it was just Amy. Because she was so beautiful and amazing and sexy. Because she’d been his first, and he wanted her to be his last.


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