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Under Construction (By Design Book 2)

Page 3

by J. A. Armstrong

  Candace sighed and made her way to her daughter. “Shell,” she called gently.

  Michelle opened her eyes and immediately started crying. “Mom,” she sniffled and grabbed onto her mother.

  Candace looked back at Jameson helplessly. Jameson sighed. “I’ll go start some coffee,” she said softly. Candace nodded.

  Jameson made her way into the kitchen and started the coffee. She flopped into a chair and sighed. Jinx hopped into her lap and Jameson chuckled. “This is about the extent of my parenting skills,” she said. One of the things she admired most about Candace was how she interacted with her children. It left her breathless on many occasions, just listening to Candace talk on the phone with one of her children. It wasn’t something she had ever shared with Candace. It was one of those things that Jameson kept to herself and admired from a distance. It was also one of the parts of Candace that Jameson was positive made her fall even more deeply in love with the woman. It was interesting to Jameson; watching how Marianne, Michelle, and Johan morphed from grown adults into small children in their mother’s presence at times, each searching for her affection and approval. She wondered how they could not realize that the sun rose and set in each of them for their mother. Candace bragged about all of her children incessantly, just like Pearl waffled on about Candace without even knowing it. Jameson wondered if it was the same with her mother.

  Jameson was watching the slow drip of the coffee maker contemplating what she should busy herself with when she heard Candace’s footsteps approaching. “She okay?” Jameson asked.

  Candace let out a heavy sigh and Jameson got up and headed toward her. “It doesn’t get any easier,” Candace said as she collapsed her head onto Jameson’s shoulder.

  Jameson held her close. “What happened?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “She didn’t tell you?”

  Candace sighed again. “She was too busy crying and apologizing for screwing up our weekend. She didn’t think we would be here.”

  “I don’t get it,” Jameson admitted.

  “I don’t either,” Candace said with a shake of her head. “I think she just needed to get away. Our conversation, or rather her crying was interrupted when I got a message,” Candace said quietly.

  “Don’t tell me.”

  Candace pulled back and looked at Jameson apologetically. She cupped Jameson’s face in her hands and smiled. “I’m not leaving. I do have to take a call in fifteen minutes. I have no idea how long it will last.”

  “Don’t you get weekends off? I thought that was a perk,” Jameson tried to make light of the sudden chaos in their romantic weekend.

  “Not when the president requests you, no.” Jameson’s eyes grew wide. Candace couldn’t help but giggle. “We’re old friends. I’m not even sure what it is regarding,” Candace said, pulling away from Jameson and taking a seat in one of the kitchen chairs.

  “But, you have some idea.”

  Candace groaned. “I do.”

  “What is it; secret squirrel stuff?” Jameson laughed. Candace grimaced. Jameson sometimes did forget that Candace had knowledge of, and dealt with issues that Jameson could not fathom. “That bad?”

  “Nothing you need to worry about,” Candace assured her lover. “And, I promise to make it as short as I can.”

  Jameson nodded. She grabbed a large mug, poured in a dash of cream, and filled it with coffee. She turned and handed it to Candace. “You might need this,” she said.

  Candace stood and accepted the offering with a quick kiss on Jameson’s lips. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

  “I’ll hold you to that. Unless, of course, you are too tired from all the excitement, Nana.”

  Candace laughed. “Jameson, a twenty-five-year-old would need Geritol to keep up with you.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  Candace kissed Jameson on the cheek. “You should.” She started out of the kitchen and stopped. “Will you…”

  “I’ll check on her in a few,” Jameson read her lover’s thoughts. Candace nodded with a smile and took her leave.


  “Hey, Shell,” Jameson wandered out to the backyard where Michelle was lying in a lounge chair by the pool. Jameson handed her a beer. “Thought you might like one.”

  Michelle offered Jameson a halfhearted smile. “Thanks,” she said as Jameson flopped into the chair beside her, taking a sip from her beer. “I’m really sorry J.D.”

  “For?” Jameson asked.

  “Crashing in on you guys. I thought Mom was still in D.C.”

  Jameson smiled. “Shell, this is your home. You don’t have to apologize for coming home. Not ever.” Michelle took a sip from her beer and nodded silently. “Want to talk about it?” Jameson asked without looking directly at the younger woman.

  Michelle took another long swig from her bottle. “Women suck.”

  Jameson laughed. “Sometimes, they really do,” she agreed. “Let me guess? Girl trouble.”

  Michelle sighed. “More like Shell is an idiot. Seriously, J.D., how can someone raised by my mom be such a total pushover?”

  “I’m not sure I know how to answer that,” Jameson conceded. “But, I’m pretty sure your mother would say when it comes to women, we are all a pushover at times.”

  Shell chuckled slightly. “I thought she loved me,” she said softly.

  Jameson turned her attention to Michelle. She was positive that Candace had no idea Michelle was even seeing anyone. “Love, huh?”

  “Yeah…I know. Sounds crazy? Four months and I thought it was love.”

  Jameson laughed. “You do realize who you are talking to?”

  “Okay, point taken,” Michelle giggled.

  “If you don’t mind putting the backup lights on…”

  “Lisa. Her name is Lisa,” Michelle said.

  “That’s a start,” Jameson said. “And, how do you know Lisa?”

  “We’ve worked together for the last two years. She’s an art teacher,” Michelle explained. “We were friends. It turned….well, it turned.” Jameson nodded her understanding. “I thought this was it. I’m such a fucking moron.”

  “I doubt that,” Jameson assured Michelle. “So? You two were dating?”

  “Yeah. Dating, sleeping together. I guess that’s where we took separate tracks.”

  “You lost me.”

  “I thought we were making love. She thought we were fucking.” Jameson spit out the sip of beer she had just taken. Michelle couldn’t help but laugh. “I am of age, J.D.”

  “Yes, I know,” Jameson returned. “Okay, so different tracks. What happened?”

  “Yeah….more like different railroads. She was apparently making love to one of the science teachers while she was fucking me.”

  Jameson was not accustomed to hearing Michelle swear like a sailor. She wondered what Candace would say if she could hear Michelle now. Then again, she had heard Candace drop a string of ‘F’ bombs a few times after a conference call. “Not good.”

  “No. Not at all.”

  “Umm…and the science teacher? Did she know about the two of you?” Jameson asked.

  Michelle let out a burst of caustic laughter. “Oh, he knew all right. I think he encouraged it. Asshole.” For the second time in less than five minutes, Jameson lost the beer in her mouth violently. Michelle giggled. “You are wasting that beer, J.D.,” she teased.

  “No shit, Shell,” Jameson rolled her eyes. “Are you telling me she was with this douchebag the whole time?”

  It was Michelle’s turn to spray beer through her nose. “Do you kiss my mother with that mouth?” Jameson wiggled her eyebrows. “Don’t answer that,” Michelle held up her hand. “I don’t want to know….at all.”

  Jameson winked at the younger woman. “So…I take it, it’s over.”

  “From her point of view it never started,” Michelle said sadly.

  “I’m sorry, Shell.”

  “Yeah, well. Fools do foolish things,” Mi
chelle said.

  “Why didn’t you tell your mom?” Jameson wondered.

  Michelle shrugged. She adored her mother. She admired her mother. She felt utterly stupid. “Tell my mother, who is the best judge of character I know, that I am a total moron?”

  Jameson sighed and shook her head. “Your mom would never think that,” she said honestly.

  “My mom is the smartest person I know, J.D.”

  Jameson smiled. “Me too,” she agreed. “But, she hasn’t had perfect success in the relationship department, Shell. And, she would never judge you. She might find a way to ban this Lisa person from life itself though,” Jameson chuckled thinking of how protective Candace was of her kids.

  Michelle laughed. “I know…it’s not just that.”


  Michelle let out a heavy sigh. “I quit,” she said. Jameson’s confusion was evident. “My job, J.D. I quit my job.” Jameson waited for her to continue, unsure of what to say. “I cannot go in there and face them every day next year. I can’t do it. He’s told half the staff that I tried to steal his fiancée.”

  “They’re engaged?”

  “No. Well, I guess they are now. They certainly were not when Lisa and I started seeing each other.”


  “Yeah, no shit,” Michelle said.

  “What are you going to do?” Jameson asked.

  Michelle shook her head. “There’s a position in Albany. It’s mine if I want it.”


  “I don’t know…my lease isn’t up until January. It pays a little less than my district now. I can’t afford two apartments. I might be able to sublet in the fall, but there’s no guarantee,” Michelle explained. Jameson started to open her mouth and Michelle silenced her. “I can’t ask my mom, J.D. I’ve never asked my mom for money. Not once. We all have a trust fund that we get when we turn twenty-eight. I’m not asking her for anything now. It’s my problem.”

  Jameson took a sip of her beer to conceal her smile. She loved Michelle. She realized it might not be right for her to have a favorite when it came to Candace’s children, but she did. Shell was her ally. Shell, when she thought about it, was a lot like a little sister. They were only nine years apart in age. Jameson recognized Michelle’s affection and admiration for her mother immediately. What impressed her was Michelle’s respect for Candace. That went a long way with Jameson. She sipped her beer for a minute, replaying the conversation she and Candace had over lunch.

  “Jameson, keeping three residences is crazy.”

  Jameson nodded. “Are you asking me to move in?”

  “I suppose that is exactly what I am suggesting.”

  “You know I want to,” Jameson said.


  “It’s not about us,” Jameson said. She saw Candace tense. “It isn’t. I would much rather be here with you. You know that,” she said assuredly.

  “Okay?” Candace questioned.

  “The firm is in Albany. I can’t ask my whole staff to relocate because I fell in love,” Jameson explained. Candace smiled. “I might hate it, but even when Bryan comes back, there will be times I just can’t work remotely. I have to be there.”

  “I know,” Candace said in a defeated tone.

  “I could sell the condo,” Jameson said. “Or, I could rent it, but with as much time as I am there, well….I’d rather not be relegated to crappie hotel rooms. I’d rather be…”

  “Home?” Candace guessed.

  “Comfortable,” Jameson corrected her. “If that were home, I wouldn’t have come here this weekend.” Candace nodded. “Honestly, I’d rather be wherever you are….even when that’s in Washington.”

  Candace was surprised at Jameson’s honesty. “You would want to stay in D.C.?”

  “I have a lot of clients in the area. I’ve been thinking of opening a small office there,” Jameson said. “Before you say anything; I’ve been considering it for over a year. I guess I just have added incentive now.”

  “And, a place to stay,” Candace teased.

  “There’s that,” Jameson admitted with a wink.

  “I know that it’s inevitable,” Candace admitted. “That we will have to be apart at times.” She took a deep breath. “I’d like to limit that,” she said quietly.

  Jameson smiled. She knew this was difficult for her lover. Candace had resigned herself to being alone. In many ways, so had Jameson. Their relationship was still new. Six months was hardly a lifetime, but Jameson felt sure it was only the beginning of their life together. Candace’s decision to broach this subject assured her that they were on the same page. Both had fears. Both had insecurities. Both were certain they wanted to be together, and that trumped everything else.

  “We’ll figure it out,” Jameson said. “That is if you could stand me being around more often.”

  “I think I could survive your presence,” Candace said. “Besides, Pearl misses you.”

  Jameson smirked. “Oh, I see. Looking out for Pearl.”

  “Of course,” Candace winked. “And, you wanted that cat.”

  “Mm-hm. Worried about Jinx getting lonely?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I just want to make sure someone is there to keep an eye on him. The last thing we need is fleas in the house.”

  Jameson couldn’t help but laugh. “That would be a travesty.”

  “And ticks.”


  “Jameson, it’s true!”

  “Yes, since he is indoor all the time he might get fleas from the mice he catches,” Jameson said.

  “What mice?” Candace jumped slightly. “Mice? I haven’t seen a mouse in that house in forever.”

  Jameson finally laughed. “More like six months,” Jameson mumbled.


  “Nothing. You are right. Pearl can’t be expected to supervise Jinx all the time.”

  “Glad we agree,” Candace said.

  “I know better than to argue with a politician.” Candace threw her napkin at Jameson. “We’ll work it out,” Jameson said earnestly. Candace just smiled.

  “What are you grinning about?” Michelle asked Jameson.

  “Huh? Oh, just thinking about your mom and Jinx.”

  “The cat?” Michelle asked.

  “Yeah….Listen, I think I might have a solution to your problem. Not the asshole problem, the Albany problem,” Jameson clarified.

  “J.D., I’m not moving home.”

  “I wasn’t going to suggest that you should,” Jameson responded.

  “I’m not asking Mom…”

  “Shell! God! You really are your mother’s daughter. Stubborn,” Jameson laughed. Michelle pursed her lips. “Would you just listen?” Michelle groaned but acquiesced. “Thank you,” Jameson sighed. “I have my condo in Albany…”

  “J.D. I am not….”

  “Shell! Shut up already!” Jameson ordered in exasperation.

  “Wow. That was authoritative, J.D. I am impressed.”

  Jameson laughed. “Can you just….please….let me finish?” Michelle waved her hand for Jameson to continue. “The thing is, your mom and I, well….I get stuck in Albany a lot and I don’t really want to have to impose on friends or stay in hotels.”

  “Ha! You and mom are moving in together!”

  Jameson sighed. “I probably should not be telling you this.”

  “Why not?”

  “Look, you could stay at my condo. Keep an eye on things for me. I’d have a place to crash when I need to be there….”

  “I’m not freeloading off my mom’s girlfriend,” Michelle protested.

  “You wouldn’t be. You’d be helping me out. And, for the record…I would hope you consider me as much your friend as your mom’s girlfriend.”

  “J.D. it’s a generous offer. I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

  Jameson nodded. Michelle was sincere. “Shell…you wouldn’t be. Six months when your lease is up we can talk. If you want to stay there, we can talk ab
out you renting the place. It actually would solve both of our problems. And, you couldn’t freeload off me. You’re family. That’s not how it works,” Jameson said honestly.

  Michelle’s lips had turned up into a genuine smile. “I’m happy for you,” she said.


  “For you and Mom,” Michelle said. “Can I think about it?”

  “Of course,” Jameson said.



  “Thanks.” Jameson just nodded with a smile.

  “Here you two are!” Candace called. She walked up and picked up on the genuine emotion between Jameson and her daughter. She raised a brow at the pair. “I miss all the good stuff, don’t I?”

  Jameson pulled Candace into her lap. “Is that really how you feel?” she flirted.

  “Gross!” Michelle exclaimed in amusement. Candace kissed Jameson in response. “Get a room,” Michelle laughed.

  “You’re just jealous,” Jameson teased.

  “Yeah…and that is wrong on so many levels,” Michelle said with a shake of her head.

  Candace looked at Jameson inquisitively. “Assholes and railroad tracks,” Jameson explained. Candace shook her head in confusion and then laid it on Jameson’s shoulder. Jameson relaxed and held her lover close.

  “I need another beer,” Michelle stated. “Anyone else?”

  “Sure,” Jameson agreed, giving Candace a quick kiss.



  Michelle rolled her eyes in amusement at her mother and Jameson. She looked back over her shoulder and smiled at the pair. She’d never seen her mother so relaxed. She hadn’t told Jameson the entire truth. Michelle wanted to be closer to home. She wanted to be closer to her mother. She’d never been close to her father. She’d always felt awkward around Candace’s former partner, Jessica. It was different now. Michelle felt more at home than she could ever recall when she was with her mother, Jameson, and Pearl. She was reeling from Lisa’s betrayal. It had blown up just when Michelle was preparing to invite Lisa home to meet her family. Now, it was her family that Michelle needed. She worried about intruding on their life, but selfishly she felt she needed them both. Jameson was; what was Jameson? A friend? She was that, but it was somehow different. Michelle cared what Jameson thought almost as much as she worried about her mother’s opinion. She shook off her musings. Jameson was too young to be a parental figure. “Maybe another big sister,” Michelle thought. She looked back when she heard her mother’s laugh and felt it fill her heart. “I hope I find that someday,” she thought.”


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