A Year of Love

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A Year of Love Page 3

by Anthology

  “Fine.” I sigh dramatically and roll my eyes. “You can eat me out.” I give him a stern look. “But don’t spoil your appetite.”

  His brows pull together for a second, until he realizes I’m joking. “I fucking love you.” He picks me up by the waist and sets me on the nearest surface, which happens to be the pool table.

  “We can’t do this here.”

  The furrowed brow is back. “Why not?”

  I arch one in response. “It needs to be a wipeable surface.”

  “Oh! Shit. Right.” He grabs two handfuls of my ass and carries me across the room to the small kitchen, then deposits me on the counter.

  He wraps one hand around the back of my neck and drops his mouth to mine. The other hand finds the hem of my dress and slides under the fabric and along my thigh. I’m wearing tights though, because bare legs in the middle of winter is a bad idea.

  He breaks the kiss, and I pull my dress over my head, laying it carefully on the counter beside us so it doesn’t end up a wrinkled mess. Or worse, it ends up on the floor under me, and I ruin it with all my girl jizz. It’s happened before. And I didn’t have anything else to wear, so I had to spot clean my dress and use a blow-dryer on it. It was taffeta and the water marks were pretty damn obvious.

  Kodiak cups my bra-covered boobs in his palms and pushes them together. Not that he needs to create any more cleavage than there already is. He drops his head and nuzzles in, murmuring, “I’ll be back to give you attention later.” He bites the swell of the left one and kisses the right.

  When his gaze lifts to mine, I tip my head to the side. “You’re down to eight minutes. You’re gonna need to work fast if you really want to give me an orgasm.”

  “Right. Yeah. It’s O time.” He hooks his fingers into my tights, and I lift my butt so he can drag them down my thighs. He tosses them behind him on the floor.

  I’m still wearing panties. This is purposeful on Kodiak’s part. He really seems to love the challenge of working around fabric when he’s giving me oral-gasms. Kodiak pulls me to the edge of the counter and drops to his knees on the tile floor. It can’t feel good, but he never complains. When we’re in Chicago at school, this happens often, but usually I’m on his bed, or mine, or the dresser, and we have carpeted floors, so it isn't hard on his knees or mine.

  Sometimes when I blow him, he likes to stand in the middle of the room, and I’ll kneel on a pillow so the only thing he can hold onto is my hair. He says it helps him last longer because he has to focus on staying upright. Our sex life is interesting, that’s for sure.

  He buries his face in my panty-covered crotch and groans, mumbling something about my panties being damp. Which, at this point isn’t a shock, so I don’t know why he’s still fascinated by it.

  Regardless, I let him believe that he’s the reason I always have to change my underwear after we get busy. I’m sure by now he’s realized that this is just the way my body is, either that or he prefers the idea that I’m this excited about his mouth on me. Either way, I win.

  And I am excited. As evidenced by the state of my underwear. But my phone is buzzing inside my purse, and I know our time is limited before someone comes looking to cockblock us. That someone usually being BJ.

  He opens his mouth over my crotch and presses his tongue against the fabric, the sensation is muted and not nearly enough, but I know the good stuff is coming, and soon. He sucks the fabric into his mouth and makes a sound that’s halfway to a growl before he releases it and noses it out of the way, exposing my clit.

  Kodiak runs his hands up the inside of my thighs, pushing them wider apart. His fingers drift over sensitive skin, and he tugs my panties farther to the side with one hand, his free thumb brushing down my left vagina lip then up the center, sweeping past my entrance and over my clit. He circles my orgasm button, then follows with his tongue.

  I brace myself, holding the edge of the counter with one hand and sliding my fingers into Kodiak’s hair, gripping tightly, because I already know what’s coming. His eyes lift and his mouth turns up in a devious smile for a moment before growing serious. And then he’s covering me with his mouth, sucking hard.

  I shriek and buck and try to pull his head back and escape the sensation, but his hands come around behind me and he grips my ass, mouth fused to my clit like he’s trying to suck a particularly thick milkshake through a too-small straw.

  It’s a lot to handle sensation-wise.

  And it sends me careening close to the edge of an orgasm.

  It’s almost annoying that he can get me off this fast. Almost. And mostly because his ego is about ten times the size it needs to be every time he manages to make me come in under five minutes. Which is basically all the time now. Because he learned that I ask him to be soft as a means to drag out the orgasms, so they’re more like a medium-intensity roller coaster instead of a rocket launch into outer space.

  The suction disappears and with it, the shimmering edge of my orgasm. I groan my displeasure and try to yank his head back, but he just blows cool air on my clit, then circles it with his tongue, soft and sweet.

  “I’m going to get you back for this later,” I groan.

  “I know. I can’t wait.” He licks up my center again, tongue pushing inside me for a moment before he latches back onto my clit. Three more times he sucks like he’s trying to exorcise demons from my vagina with his mouth, and three more times I balance on the edge until finally he doesn’t break the suction, and I tip over the precipice, free falling into orgasm heaven. I’m shaking and groaning and probably ripping out his hair, but good God it’s intense.

  Thankfully he doesn’t pull one of his favorite moves, which is to cease suction in the middle of my orgasm, only to resume a few seconds later and repeat until I’m basically a puddle and there’s one underneath me from all the coming.

  The second my muscles relax, and I release his hair from my fist and drop back onto my elbow, he pushes up to a stand. He swipes at his chin with the back of his hand. All it does is smear my girl jizz around.

  “There’s a dish towel right there!” I wave a floppy hand in the direction of the hanging towel.

  “I’m not done yet.”

  My brow furrows, but because I’m still in orgasm-aftershock mode, I don’t fully process that statement.

  One side of his mouth curls up in a smirk, and he slides his hand under my hair—not the one covered in my vagina juice. His palm curves around the back of my neck. His free, still-damp hand moves up my thigh, and he pushes my very, very soaked panties to the side again. His middle and index finger drag over my still-sensitive clit, causing me to jolt, and then he dips inside. He twists until his hand is facing palm-up. Which is when it finally clicks as to what he’s about to do.

  I grip his wrist. “That’s a really bad idea.” It comes out all breathy and more like a moan than actual words.

  “It’s a great idea, actually.”

  “You’re gonna need to change your shirt,” I warn.

  “I know. This was my pre-dinner outfit.” He presses his palm against my orgasm button. “You ready.”

  I shake my head and say yes at the same time. I love it when he does this, but it’s taken me a while to get over the initial embarrassment that accompanies my bodily reaction to what he’s about to do.

  “I don’t have to,” he says softly.

  “I know. I want you to.” I grip the back of his neck like he’s doing to me, so I have an anchor point.

  Our gazes meet, and he starts pumping and curling, fingers pressing into my G-spot on the inside and his palm moving against my clit. I bring my fist to my mouth, bite my knuckle, and groan a low, “Good fucking God, Kodiak. I’m already on the edge.”

  “You are so damn sexy. One day we’re going to spend a week in bed together, no interruptions.”

  “I’ll probably flood the room,” I moan at the next curl of his fingers.

  He chuckles and keeps up with the slow pump and curl, but as my moans get louder, he speed
s up, hand moving at a furious pace. I’m half a second away from coming again when there’s a loud pounding on the door.

  My eyes go wide, and Kodiak shakes his head. “Ignore it. I know you’re about to come.”

  “Hey! Who left the oven on unattended?” shouts BJ from the other side of the door.

  “Fuck off! We’ll be there in a minute!” Kodiak yells back.

  “K-k-kodiak, I can’t be q-quiet,” I stammer.

  “So don’t be.” Aggressive finger curl. “It’s BJ’s fault for interrupting.” Another pump of his hand.

  I don’t have a chance to argue, because orgasm number two rolls right through me, and as predicted, I’m sure as hell not quiet about it. I flail and jerk and groan my way through it even though I’m still biting my knuckle.

  The incessant knocking stops, though. “Oh my God,” Lovey mutters. “Leave them alone.”

  “I’ll just watch the oven, then,” BJ croaks like a preteen boy with his nuts caught in a vise.

  Kodiak and I are both breathing hard, and I’m sure my face is as red as beet. My chest goes blotchy as embarrassment settles in. “Oh my God,” I whisper and poke Kodiak in the chest. “How the hell am I going to look them in the eye tonight?”

  He grabs my fingers and gives the spot where I left teeth marks in my knuckle a kiss. “It’s their fault for trying to be cockblockers. Or vagina hackers.” He leans in and presses his lips to mine before pulling back. His expression is somewhere between self-satisfied and chagrined. “Are you going to be okay?”

  I uncurl my hand from around the back of his neck and wave it around in the air. “I’ll be fine. I would prefer it if my friends didn’t know what I sound like when I come, that’s all.”

  He grimaces. “I’m sorry.”

  “Better that than having a blue bean all night, I guess. Speaking of blue things—” I glance down at the front of his pants where his very ample erection is pressing hard against the fly of his dress pants. Which are splattered with girl jizz, as is his shirt, the inside of my thighs, and the floor beneath me. The first time Kodiak made this happen, I’d been mortified, thinking I’d peed myself. It took two minutes of internet research to conclude that I hadn’t.

  He pats the head, poking at his fly. “It’ll settle down in a minute, and it’s better if I have to wait until later.”

  I have no idea how Kodiak manages to get his dick back under control when he’s this aroused, but for whatever reason, it doesn’t seem to bother him when he has to wait several hours before he gets his own relief. Delayed gratification is his jam, I guess.

  He uses the dish towel to mop up the mess on the floor before he helps me down from the counter. I shuck off my panties and he nabs them from the floor. I’m a gross mess, so I pad across to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I use the removable showerhead to wash away the evidence of my excessive orgasms while Kodiak changes into a brand-new outfit.

  Five minutes later, Kodiak’s hard-on has disappeared, and we’re dressed and ready to face our friends. Kodiak is wearing a ridiculous grin, and I’m wearing a very red face. I grumble about embarrassing situations and not giving in the next time he wants to dine at the pussy buffet right before a dinner party.

  You’re My Superhero


  Lovey and Lacey are busy preparing salad, and BJ is busy shoving chocolate covered Jujubes from my candy charcuterie board into his face and washing it down with beer. Everyone turns to look at us when we walk into the kitchen.

  BJ pushes back his chair and stands, slow clapping. “Nice work, man. Be thankful Mav wasn’t around to witness that stellar performance, or I have a feeling he’d kick your ass, K,” BJ says.

  I roll my eyes. “Seriously, that doesn’t even make sense. I’ve heard Mav giving it to his flavor of the month plenty of times, and none of us give him grief about it. Why would he need to kick Kodiak’s ass for taking care of my needs?”

  “Because you’re his baby sister and Kody is his best friend.” The duh is in BJ’s tone.

  “That still doesn’t make sense to me.”

  “What doesn’t make sense to you?” River appears in the kitchen with his phone in his hand. It might as well be another appendage. He hasn’t set it down the entire time we’ve been home for the holidays.

  “Quadratic equations,” Kodiak all but shouts.

  I give him the side eye.

  “BJ thinks Mav would kick Kodiak’s ass if he heard me having an orgasm,” I tell my twin.

  River holds up his hand. “Nope. We’re not talking about this. Kodiak and I are finally on decent terms. I do not want to know about this stuff. There are lines. This is one.”

  “I witnessed Dad trying to hook you up with lube and condoms before we came here! Where were the lines then?” I throw my hands in the air and accidentally smack Kodiak in the arm.

  “I love your parents.” BJ looks overly mirthful.

  “ Why is it okay that I have to hear about the Waters’ Men foreplay mantra or whatever, but it’s not okay to know that my boyfriend gives me orgasms?” I can feel my face turning redder and redder by the second. I’m surprised I haven’t burst into flames yet. I don’t think my mom was right about me not getting the verbal-diarrhea gene because I seem incapable of shutting up, despite the horrible direction this conversation has taken.

  River arches one perfect eyebrow, making him look like a very pretty, displeased villain. “Because no brother wants to know those things about his sister.”

  “But it’s okay for me to know that you all need giant condoms and liters of lube?” I fire back.

  “This is better than watching HBO.” BJ pops a chocolate-covered almond into his mouth. He would dip everything he eats in chocolate if he could.

  Kodiak raises a hand in the air. “I’m voting this conversation ends now and doesn’t get picked back up again after Lavender has had a few drinks.”

  “I’m in agreement.” River says.

  Lacey motions between herself, me and Lovey. “We can talk about this later.”

  I give her a thumbs-up.

  Kodiak gives me a disbelieving look. “You talk to Lovey and Lacey about our sex life?”

  I shrug. “Sometimes. Don’t you do the same with your friends?”

  “I can’t talk to Mav.”

  “You have other friends.” I motion to BJ.

  “Kodiak is as tight-lipped as a Vox when it comes to this stuff,” BJ informs me.

  Kodiak squints at me. “Who else do you talk to?”

  Lovey tries to smooth things over. “I hope my next boyfriend shows the same level of dedication to making sure my needs are taken care of.”

  BJ opens his mouth, likely to say something inappropriate, but thankfully, the oven beeps.

  “That’s the lasagna!” I all but bellow.

  I grab a set of oven mitts and skirt around Lovey and Lacey. I would be more embarrassed, but honestly, aside from Josiah, Lovey and Lacey are my best friends; of course I talk to them about sex. That’s what girls do.

  I’ve grown up in a house with a mom who always told me I should know my body before someone else does and a Gigi who is very pro-self-exploration. Sex talk isn’t something new.

  Lovey and Lacey swoop in with mitted hands to help with the lasagnas, and we put the garlic bread in the oven on broil while we bring everything else to the table.

  “Wait, where the hell is Mav? Please don’t tell me he’s taking one of his pre-drinking naps,” BJ says through a mouthful of fresh-out-of-the-oven garlic bread.

  “He went back to Chicago,” I say. “Didn’t he tell you?”

  “No. He did not.” BJ frowns. “Did he get called into the gym or something?”

  “Nope. Said he needed to get a head start on reading for next semester,” River says as he slaps BJ’s hand to keep him from stealing another piece of garlic bread before it even reaches the table.

  “Wow. That’s—”

  “A load of bullshit?” Kodiak supplies as we all take our s

  “I mean . . . he was failing that psych course at midterm. Maybe he’s legit worried about his marks this semester? But it still seems unlikely that he would miss New Year’s to start reading for a course that doesn’t begin for another five days,” BJ says as he cuts into the meat and cheese lasagna while Lovey and Lacey start on the vegan one.

  “I don’t know why he’d be worried about his marks at this point. It’s not like he’s going to get passed over when the NHL calls us up,” Kodiak says.

  “Maybe he has a girlfriend?” Lovey suggests.

  “We wondered that too, but it seems unlikely,” I reply.

  “Doesn’t that go against his four-week rule anyway?” BJ mangles his piece of lasagna so it looks more like a casserole.

  “He doesn’t really have a rule, does he?” I’m aware he never dates anyone for long, but I thought the rule was a joke.

  BJ and Kodiak shrug.

  “He hasn’t dated anyone seriously since freshman year, and that lasted all of what, two and a half months?” Kodiak looks to BJ for confirmation.

  “That sounds about right. He broke things off right before holiday break, and she pretty much stalked his ass for the rest of the year,” BJ agrees.

  “I didn’t know that.” I let Lovey serve me a piece of the vegan lasagna. It’s better I avoid the ones with real cheese unless I want to spend most of tomorrow in the bathroom with a stomachache.

  “You were still in high school, then.” Kodiak kisses my shoulder. I can feel the penance in his words and his lips. Back then things hadn’t been good between us. And holiday break of his freshman year had been particularly bad. But here we are. Together, after years of separation and Kodiak feeling like he wasn’t good enough for me. “He mentioned that he was seeing someone who wasn’t into the party scene around the time we started dating.”

  “That must be long over, then,” BJ says around a mouthful of lasagna.

  “Maybe.” Kodiak shrugs. “Probably.” He reaches across the table and grabs the bottle of wine. It’s actually more of a wine cooler. I don’t have very sophisticated taste in drinks and neither do Lovey and Lacey.


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