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Stepbrother for Christmas

Page 74

by Amy Brent

  He continues to inch down my leg. I feel my womanhood trembling, greedily anticipating his touch, and when it reaches its target, his hand toys with me. Rubbing my clit fast than slow, I feel my body begin to tighten, and I let out a soft gasp.

  “I’ve wanted you for the moment I held you in my arms that day,” he whispers into my ear, and then with an animalistic growl, both his hands scoop under my ass; he hoists me up. My legs wrap around him, and my exposed pussy can feel his rock hard dick under his sweat pants. With me straddling him, he leads me to the bed where he slowly and gently lays me down. The robe is untied now, and my exposed body lies underneath his. I can feel the heat coming off of him. His hand slides between my legs once more.

  “God, you are so wet,” he murmurs, teasing my clit, sending waves of intense pleasure down to my toes. He pulls off his pants, unleashing his strong, throbbing cock. His mouth sucks on my sensitive breasts, making them swell and ache for more. I feel his shaft pressing against my mound. I suddenly freeze.

  Not, like this -

  “Wait -” I say softly in a breathy voice. My whole body is trembling telling me to shut up and let him fill me. His dark compassionate eyes glance up at mine.

  “You okay?” he asks softly. His hand runs through my thick curly hair. I bite my tongue.

  “This is going to sound weird or strange, but I’m still a virgin.” I am so embarrassed I can’t even keep eye contact with him.

  “Really?” his eyes grow wide. “Religious reasons?”

  “No...I just never really found someone.”

  “You?” he smirks and then bites his bottom lip. “God, I want you so bad. How can something as delicious as you be so innocent.” He buries his face into my neck and gently kisses it, sending shivers through my body. “How far have you gone?”

  “Not far - just kissing and some touching.”

  "Some touching?" There is a sexy wickedness in his eyes. He suddenly sits up with a jolt and grabs the belt from the robe. He moves fast, tying my hands to the bed frame so I am completely helpless. I clench my legs together, but Leon grabs a hold of them; then he rips them open. I shake as I grow more and more aroused by his dominance. His mouth slowly trails down my neck, then to my breasts. His warm tongue swirls around both of my nipples, making them stiff.

  He then moves down and gently kisses my inner thigh. His breath hangs over my mound, tickling. I instinctively push my hips up to meet his mouth. He greets me with his warm wet tongue, tasting me. My legs quiver at the sensation. He starts out slow, tantalizing my body. His tongue continues to flick my clit moving faster and faster, each time I feel myself losing a bit more control. My head tips back, my eyes squeeze shut, and my back arches as each of his tastes send me deeper into overwhelming pleasure. The pressure building in my body is almost intolerable, then it all releases with a slip of fingers inside of me.

  My legs clamp down around his neck, but his fingers delve deeper inside of me, as my body releases then tenses. Waves of pure euphoria rock my body. I twist, clawing at the bed sheets. Deep moans escape my throat as the sensation slowly melts away into my stomach, and my body is left feeling as if it is floating above myself.

  Leon lifts his head from between my now limp legs. He lies next to me on the bed while his hand gently grazes over my body. My skin tingles under his touch. He leans over and kisses me. It is a very romantic and personal gesture. Not what I anticipate from him.

  “How was that?” he asks.

  "Amazing," I say breathily, as my eyes focus on his. I couldn't believe it. All of this was happening so fast. I hardly knew him and yet there is such a safe feeling between us like we had been friends forever. His phone rings loudly from the kitchen interrupting the peace. It reminds me violently he is someone important, and I am not. He quickly gets up and answers the phone. His voice is hushed while he moves around the room, pulling his clothes back on with one hand. I tie the robe on again and return to the kitchen to finish my breakfast. He places the phone against his strong chest.

  “I’m sorry, Ell. I really have to go.”

  "Thank you," I say, slightly sad. I want to spend the day with him, lying in bed staring at his handsome face, touching his smooth body, feeling the warmth of him.

  Chapter 6

  The week goes by like normal as if the whirl wind of the past few days were just some strange dream or story. Christmas approaches now, and the office is decorated with tasteful gold and silver decorations. But I find it hard for me to focus. My eyes continuously check the door to see if Leon will walk through and take me in his arms. I hear nothing from him all week; slowly and surely I feel pieces of myself growing less hopeful that there was anything between us.

  Greg walks over to my desk holding his tablet. He looks handsome in a white sweater and pressed slacks. His deep blue eyes reflect the light. He leans an arm on my desk and smiles, flashing a charming smile.

  “Hey, Ell. A couple of us are going out tonight to a bar - blow off some of this steam from the holidays. Thought you might like to come?” How could I possibly say no to him?

  “Yes, I would love to.”

  “Great, after five we’re all just going to walk over.”

  He adjusts the front of his shirt and walks away. Herman and Terissa stare at me.

  “What?” I ask coolly.

  "They like you," Terissa said. Her pointy nose faces her computer screen, but her eyes look down into mine.

  “So?” I shrug it off and return to my work. I knew exactly who she means by they. Everyone whispers about it in the office because they all saw Leon run into the office to speak to me. My heart races at the thought of Leon. My phone buzzes and I quickly look down and see that it reads ‘Be safe tonight. Stick close to Greg. - L.’ A giddiness runs through me like I am some stupid school girl. I tuck my phone into my purse and look over at Greg. He stands tall over two other workers discussing plans. I forgot he is Leon’s best friend. I wonder if he knows about last weekend. Probably. I flush with embarrassment as Greg’s eyes catch mine staring at him. He smiles.

  At five o’clock, we all start to drift out to leave. Greg waits for me, holding a white box.

  "This for you just arrived," he says with a large smile.

  "Thanks." I hesitate and slowly open it. A beautiful winter coat with some type of gray fur covers the collar. I gasp and pick up the note resting on it.

  ‘ Merry Christmas.- L.’ I gasp and pull the coat out. It is absolutely beautiful, something a movie star would wear.

  “I couldn’t accept this,” I say to Greg. He shakes his head and laughs.

  “Well, it's yours now; do what you’d like with it.” He pauses sensing my hesitation. “He insisted, as a Christmas Gift.”

  We stare at one another for a bit longer than normal. Those dreamy blue eyes hold mine captive causing butterflies to stir inside. Images of my dream snap in front of my eyes, and I can feel my heart begin to quicken and my breath grows shallow.

  "Will you help me put it on?" I ask coyly. I am not sure if it's okay flirting with Gregory when Leon is his best friend, but I cannot help myself. They are both so perfect. He drapes the coat around my shoulders, gently guiding my slender hands into the sleeves. I hear the other workers murmur to one another.

  “It looks great, Eleanor,” Terissa says with a flimsy smile.

  “Oh, I love it,” I say, spinning in the long coat, feeling the soft fur touch the sides of my cheeks.

  “It looks great,” Greg says, “Come on, let's go.”

  We come to a bar that sits right down the street from our office. Bright Christmas lights blink on either side of it. People finishing their long day of work trail in.

  I stay close to Gregory, following behind him and the rest of the group, who decided to join. A hot line of sexual tension buzzes between the Vice President and I as we sit down at the bar close to one another.

  I watch as his lips cover the outside of the glass and the beer he ordered pours down into his th
roat. But my eyes don't stop there. They trail down his neck to between his legs. My brain snaps on, and I look away. What is wrong with you? Whenever I am with Greg or Leon I feel like a sexual animal full of desire. I cross my legs.

  “So, how are you adjusting to working with us?” he asks.

  “Great, well the motorcycle thing made it a little bit of a challenge, but I am almost completely recovered.”

  “It was your leg?” he asks staring at my exposed thigh.

  I nod, suddenly very aware of him.

  "Leave it to Leon to run a girl right over," he says with that same boyish smile, I feel so drawn to.

  We are interrupted by cheers coming from the bar over a football touchdown. Greg laughs and joins in the celebration. We stay there for an hour or so. The snow outside starts to swirl around falling heavily onto the outside world. Greg leans down and whispers into my ear.

  “Want to get out of here?” he asks. His warm hand rests on my leg and feel my myself shiver under his touch. I want him to touch me more, just like how I dreamed. But part of me is holding back.

  “What about Leon?” I blurt out. His eyes narrow in.

  “Let’s just say, Leon and I like to share.”

  The old Eleanor would have left in a panic, but I want this. I am growing a very intense craving for sex, and I want the first bites to be with them. I roll my neck and shut my eyes. This is kind of crazy, but just the thought idea of leaving with Gregory and feeling his body makes me wet.

  He gets up, and we walk through the falling snow. He cracks a few jokes, making me belly laugh several times. Everything with him felt so easy, but I can not wait to feel him. We stop outside the office doors.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “Oh, wait - “ He swipes his key and turns to face me. “You thought we were going to hang out. No, no you are going back to work, Missy?”

  “I am so sorry, Mr. Williams. I have been a very bad employee with Christmas coming up and everything being so busy,” I play along, running past him.

  "You definitely have a lot to make up for. My office now!" he says sternly, coming up behind me and slapping my ass. His fingers digging in. I let out a light whimper and find my way to the inside of his office. I stand in the room, which is now covered in Christmas decorations, slightly nervous, excited and very aroused.

  “Now, Ms. Smith, your performance cannot go unpunished,” a voice says very calmly. My heart jumps. Leon. "I'm going to need you to take off all your clothes." My heart starts racing a hundred miles a minute. "Gregory, Ms. Smith seems to be having issues with following directions."

  I smile softly, as Leon’s face comes into the light.

  “Both of you turn around,” I say. Greg raises his eyebrow, and they look at one another and smile. I slowly peel my dress off, unclasp my bra, slide out of my underwear. I reach an arm over and peel the Christmas bow of the desk and tie it around my naked body.

  “Merry Christmas, boys,” I whisper. They both turn around, their eyes grow wide. Gregory stepped forward first. His mouth met mine and moved hungrily. His warm hands grasp my soft, exposed breasts. The idea of knowing Leon is watching me, makes every sensation electrifying, sending a swell of desire and pleasure through me. My fingers deftly begin to pull the sweater off of Greg. His lean athletic body presses on mine. I feel his cock harden, as it pushes on my leg.

  He swings a long arm and knocks everything off the desk; then in one swift motion, he picks me up and lays me on the table. Leon walks over then and slowly unties the ribbon. His hand gently caresses my body. My attention is so focused on Leon, that I let out a loud moan of surprise and ecstasy when Greg’s tongue finds it way in between my legs. My legs start to shake and quiver. My hands bury themselves in Greg’s soft hair, pushing his hot mouth onto my mound.

  I reach my hands over, unbuckle Leon’s belt, and pull his pants down, unleashing his long hard cock. His hands begin to stroke my body and find their way to my ass. I lift my hips pushing myself into Greg as he savors every lick of my pussy. The uproar in my body from every touch and thrill push me closer to cumming. I whimper and moan under their complete control. Greg moves from between my legs, leaving me restlessly on the brink.

  "Please, don't stop," I beg them. Both of their hands reach down onto my pussy, teasing and toying with it, making me beg for more and more. I reach my hands out and hold each other throbbing cocks and begin to gently stroke their shafts. Then suddenly, Leon's hands grab my waist and flip me around so I am on my hands and knees on top of the desk. He moves behind me. His rubs his cock on the outside of pussy lips, which are completely soaked.

  “I’m going fuck you,” he growls low.

  I arch my back eagerly awaiting his manhood, but I want both of them. I reach my hand, and pull Greg's dick into my mouth, wrapping my lips around his shaft, as soon as I do, Leon's large dick enters me, and he thrusts slowly at first. I feel myself shudder as he fills me. A dull sense of pain is quickly replaced with each of his deep thrusts inside of me. I moan and gasp, almost choking on Greg's cock. It hardly takes one minute. My whole body pulses with pleasure, an intoxicating charge runs through my body starting from where Leon enters. Faster and faster it builds and stirs until I feel an explosive sensation cascade throughout myself. Air pushes out of my lungs, as every part of me tingles with enjoyment and satisfaction.

  Leon cums soon after me; with each of his deep dives inside of me, my pussy swells around him. I feel his body throb; his long neck shift back, and his beautiful face point toward the ceiling. Greg quickly pulls out of my mouth and moves down to between my legs, where he fills me with his cock. I let cry out in pleasure, as he thrusts quickly. Leon bends down and we kiss passionately. The taste of him mixed with Gregory, along with the feeling of Greg's hard rock inside of me, pushes me to the edge again.

  My head fell away from Leon's mouth as I scream out in pleasure. The current of waves shoots through me, and I am in complete bliss. Greg's cock thrusts deeper and deeper until he moans with pleasure as his load falls onto my ass. There is an electric buzz in the room. All of our breaths are in unison, panting heavily.

  “I guess Santa came early this year,” Greg finally breaks the silence. We all softly laugh and look at one another in the dim office light.

  “You are so beautiful,” Leon says as he runs a hand through my hair. “Greg and I both wanted you as soon we saw your picture.”

  “Is that why you hired me?”

  “No, no. You have an amazing resume.”

  “Did you like it?” Greg asks.

  “What do you think?” I murmur. I look at them both, their beautiful eyes meet mine. “I have to say I am one lucky girl.”

  I roll my neck and lean back as the feeling of satisfaction washes over me. It was pure euphoria, and I cannot wait to do it again. Two men who were completely focused on pleasuring me. We start to get dressed, but we do it slowly, taking our time.

  “I don’t know about you guys, but I would love a glass of wine and some food,” Leon says, resting his arm over my shoulder and pulling me in. He gently presses his lips against my forehead.

  "Do you do this with all of the employees?" I ask. I can not believe the threes of us all fucked, and it was amazing. Talk about a way to lose your virginity. It is finally sinking in just now.

  “No,” Leon says slowly. “You are the first girl we’ve shared.” We walk through the snowy streets of the late night. I lean my head against Leon’s strong shoulder and close my eyes. The wind hollows and burns, but I feel safe between them both as they walk on either side of me, even when a motorcycle comes driving by.

  ****The End****

  Amy Brent’s Sneak Peek’s

  Sneak Peek: Brother’s Best Friend for Christmas

  Chapter 1


  “Told you this place was jumping,” Luke said.

  “Dude, you weren’t kidding. Look at all the hot women in this place,” I said.

  The music was thumping, and the women we
re grinding their hips against one another on the dance floor. My best friend, Tyler, and I were heading to Los Angeles. in the morning to look at potential spots for growing our food delivery business. Also, to meet his pretentious parents, but who gave a shit about that? LA had some of the finest clubs with some of the hottest women on the planet, and I was ready to expand into an area where I could broaden my pool of possibilities.

  But, I needed to have myself a little reminder of home to take with me into the abyss of a new city.

  “Want a drink?” Luke asked.

  “You asking me on a date?”

  “Fuck you, man. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day, and we’ve got some fuckin’ work ahead of us. You getting drunk or not?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I’ll take a Long Island Iced Tea,” I said.

  “Who the fuck said I was getting the drinks?” Luke asked.

  “Because you asked me if I wanted a damn drink.”

  “You better be glad you’re good at this business shit, man. Because you’re a dick,” he said.

  “You know you envy every part of me. It’s why you keep me around,” I said.

  Luke went off to get drinks, and I went back to surveying the club. There was a woman in this tight red dress with her tits mashed up to her face and her ass practically falling out of the piece of fabric she was passing off as clothing. The bright pink drink in her hand and the way her hips were swaying told me she was looking to mingle in a very serious way.


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