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Page 2

by Stacy-Deanne

  “Craig, this is not like those other times. Okay, I have never liked Sarah’s boyfriends but I had cause.” He walled his eyes. “All of them have been jerks, I’m telling you! I don’t know where she meets these guys, Creeps R Us?” Craig grinned.

  “But none of them hold a candle to Keith Taylor. Something, uh…happened.”

  Craig grabbed another doughnut. “What happened, Mel?”

  She exhaled. “Craig, he saw me…naked.” He dropped the doughnut on Sarah’s pristine carpet. “Watch it, Craig!” Melody rushed to clean it up. “Sarah turns into Kathy Bates in Misery if she sees one crumb on this floor.”

  “Fuck the doughnut, okay?” He gasped. “How the fuck did he see you naked? Even when we went out, I didn’t. “

  She sighed. “Craig it was the most frightening thing I have ever experienced. He didn’t touch me but it was just like he had. I have never been that afraid. The minute I knew he was there I just got this fear that I couldn’t control. It overtook my entire body. I shut down, Craig! I couldn’t even move and my words shook. I didn’t think people could have that kind of power over someone until I met Keith Taylor.”

  He stared in midair. “What exactly happened?”

  “Keith had been waiting here when I got home. He said Sarah had given him a key and told him to come by. So, of course you can imagine how pissed I was to find a man I’d just met this morning sitting in my own living room. I went in my room to change and the next thing I knew he was up there too. I didn’t know what to think.”

  “What kind of shit is that?” Craig grimaced. “Did you tell Sarah?”

  “I couldn’t.” She twiddled her fingers to subdue the tension of rehashing the Keith episode. It didn’t work. Nothing seemed to get her mind off that moment.

  “You have to tell her, Mel! Who knows what could have happened!”

  “I just couldn’t, Craig. She’s too into him already and it seems pathetic. Look, Sarah isn’t happy that often and I can’t take that away. Especially when I don’t know what the hell exactly happened!”

  He shook his head. “It makes no difference, Mel. She needs to know what kind of guy he is. This man is a creep. If I can tell just by what you say, then I know he’s up to no good. What kind of man goes into a woman’s bedroom like that? I can only think of one kind and most of them end up behind bars, Melody.”

  She chewed her thumb. “Maybe I misunderstood his actions. Maybe he was just looking for the bathroom.”

  “Oh yeah.” Craig sniggered. “And he just happened to stop into your bedroom along the way, huh? Believe me, Mel. If a man goes into a woman’s bedroom you can believe he intended to.” So far Craig’s theory hadn’t comforted her the way she hoped. Why couldn’t she stop thinking about it? It seemed like Keith continued to violate her privacy as the day went on. “Melody, don’t go thinking like this is your fault, all right?

  It’s just not normal, baby. You didn’t need me to tell you that.”

  “I suppose not,” she sighed.

  “So, what’s the deal? You gotta tell Sarah before it’s too late. I got a feeling that Keith is someone who needs to be out of the picture, as soon as possible.”

  “Craig, I’m gonna let it go.” She shrugged. “I mean, I can’t hurt Sarah over one incident.”

  He scoffed. “You still trying to make yourself believe that what happened wasn’t what you think happened?” He shook his head. “Mel, we’ve known each other for years, and I’ve never seen someone stop you from doing what’s right.” She ignored his gaze.

  “Go tell Sarah right now. You know that’s the only choice you have. If the tables were turned and your boyfriend looked at Sarah…”

  She scoffed. “My boyfriends do look at Sarah. That’s why they don’t stay my boyfriends for long.”

  “Do I look like I am kidding, Mel? This shit is serious. No telling how far this guy will go next time. Okay today, he watched you undress. What’s next, he puts his hands on you?”

  “Oh no, he wouldn’t do that.”

  “How the hell do you know?” Craig grinned. “Did you know he’d come up to your room today, too? I know you’re scared. If not, you wouldn’t have begged me to come over here. You know what needs to be done so do it, Melody. If not, then don’t mention this ever again. Damn, I’d love to meet this guy and give him a piece of my mind.”

  She looked at him. “Is it because you care? Or because you’re jealous?”

  He unconvincingly scoffed and tugged on his earring. “Of course, I care. I may even be a little jealous.”

  “I knew it!” She laughed. She valued Craig’s friendship like nothing else. Yet, she missed those times when they did more than talk.

  “Melody, this is serious.” He sighed. “Are you okay?”

  She smiled. “Yeah.”

  “You sure he didn’t touch you? You can tell me if he did.”

  “No, I’m fine, thanks.”

  A noise interrupted them from upstairs. Sarah walked into the den. She had endured a very hard week working and going to school. She did her best to provide Melody with decent support as well as a suitable place to live. Most sisters couldn’t be in the same room with each other for a minute—let alone live together. Melody felt blessed to share such a friendship with Sarah. No matter what else happened they could always count on each other.

  “Hey,” Sarah said as she stretched. She flinched until her eyes adjusted to the light. She looked great even after a hard nap. Craig shook his head. Melody didn’t have to guess. Sarah and Craig were already on their way to another one of their famous confrontations. Sarah hadn’t forgiven Craig for dumping Melody in high school. Melody hated seeing them fuss like children, yet it brought a certain spark to their relationship.

  She wondered if the tension could be mistaken for sexual chemistry. She chuckled. It would have been interesting to see Craig and Sarah succumb to such a fantasy. Melody wouldn’t have been surprised if Craig found Sarah attractive. He’d be the only man in the free world who didn’t.

  “Craig,” Sarah sighed. “What a lovely surprise.” She acted as if the statement would eventually choke her. “You’re here and eating our food…like always.” She walled her eyes.

  “Nice to see you, too, Sarah.” He stood. “Don’t worry. I was just leaving, baby.”

  Melody definitely saw chemistry between them. She wondered why she paid so much attention to Craig these days. Could she still be in love with him after all this time? Had her friendship with him been just an excuse to hang on? Craig slapped Melody’s back. She juggled from her thoughts.

  “I swear, no one daydreams like you, Mel.” Craig kissed her cheek and smiled at Sarah. “So did Your Highness enjoy her royal nap?”

  Sarah faked a smile. “I’m not in the mood to get into anything with you, Craig.”

  He shrugged. “No, you’re never in the mood for me are you, Sarah?” He went to the door. “Bye, lovelies. Mel, you know what you need to do.” She waved.

  “Bye, Craig.” Sarah waved. “And thanks for stopping by unannounced, like you always do.” He left. “He’s such an asshole.” Sarah noticed crumbs on the carpet.

  “Mel, I swear I could get a Saint Bernard who‘d keep things cleaner than you do.”

  Melody cleaned the spot she’d missed. “How was your nap?”

  “Restless.” She sighed. “I kept waking up before Keith kissed me.” She grinned.

  Melody walled her eyes. “I’m sure you’ll dream about him again. Sarah, I really need to uh…talk to you.”

  “Mel, how can you be friends with Craig after what he did?”

  “I admit, he might not have been the right boyfriend for me but he is the right friend.”

  “Please.” Sarah took a doughnut. “Stop kidding yourself. He’s only your friend because he doesn’t want to cut the strings completely. He’s scared to really let you go.”

  “And what’s wrong with not wanting to let someone go?” Sarah looked at her.

  “We all hold onto some
things, Sarah.” Sarah licked powdered sugar from her thumb.

  Melody thought of Keith. “You understand what I mean, Sarah? We all hold onto things even if we don’t need to.”

  “Melody, why the hell are you talking in riddles today? What’s your problem? I mean you’ve been acting like a nutcase since this evening. If something is on your mind, I wish you’d be woman enough to tell me about it.”

  “It’s just so hard to say this. Sarah, I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to run your life. I truly want you to be happy and…”

  She slapped Melody’s lap. “I think I know why you’re acting so weird today, baby girl.”

  “Uh, why?” Melody stared.

  “Lucas Lawson.” Sarah winked.

  Melody grinned coyly. “Lucas Lawson? Where did that come from?”

  “Well, Keith works at Caper Enterprises under Lucas’ father.”


  “Well, when you went up there did you see Lucas himself?” Sarah chuckled.

  Melody grinned. “Maybe. Okay, it was sort of like fate. Imagine seeing someone you’ve really missed after all this time, Sarah.” She smiled. “Can you believe he’s even more handsome now than he was back then? Maybe it’s time we got together again. We were so close growing up. Well, until I dropped out of school.”

  Sarah nodded. “I have to admit, Lucas Lawson was the cutest guy you hung with.”

  “And not to mention him being the son of very wealthy parents never hurt anything either.” Sarah laughed. Melody hit her head. “Wait, now I’m sounding like the gold digger you are.”

  “Hey!” Sarah laughed. “I’m not a gold digger, okay. I support myself and there is nothing wrong with wanting a guy to spend money on you. Melody, you should really give Lucas a chance. I mean, not many women have a man like Lucas after them.”

  “Oh please, that was a long time ago, Sarah. We were in high school. Before it used to be the four of us—Lucas, Craig, Aileen and me. Sure, Lucas and I flirted with the idea of getting together but if it was meant to be we would have, right?”

  “Look, you were a teenager then and you were with Craig.” Sarah walled her eyes. “For what, I don’t know. Everything’s different now. You’re a woman and Lucas is a man.” She laughed.

  “Thanks for clearing that up for me, Sarah.” Melody grinned.

  “Seriously, if fate threw you two back together, he could truly be the one, Mel.”

  “Somehow I’m not convinced.”

  “You’d be a fool not to be. The man is prime-A material, Melody. And I got the feeling many women want him. If he wants you, I wouldn’t fuck things up by being too damn slow. A man like Lucas won’t wait forever.”

  “Which proves my point. If he can’t wait for me, then he isn’t the one for me.” Melody stuck her head into the air.

  Sarah chuckled. “You know, you got this goody two-shoes thing happening, and it really gets on my nerves.”

  Melody laughed. “He’s just not my type, okay? Let’s drop it.”

  “And what is? A starving fair-haired artist who dumped you?”

  Melody sighed. “What happened between Craig and me is none of your business.”

  “Really? You didn’t say that when I dried your tears after he stepped all over your heart, back then.”

  “And as a matter of fact, if Lucas and I do get together it will be none of your business, either! I don’t say anything about the dicks you bring home so don’t say anything to me!” Melody rushed to the stairs. Sarah ran after her.

  “Wait!” Sarah pulled her back. “If you’d come back to reality, you can see I only said what I did because I love you, Mel.” Melody jerked away from her. “Mel, what’s going on? What happened to you today? Why are you acting like this?”

  “No…nothing happened, Sarah.”

  “Bullshit, you’ve been shaking since I got home this evening. What did Craig mean when he said ‘you know what you need to do’? Mel, you know we don’t need to keep secrets from one another.”

  “Sarah, this has just been a very hectic day. And I…”

  Sarah hugged her. “Look I’m sorry, okay? You’ve obviously got something on your mind today, and all I’ve done is teased you.” She pushed Melody’s hair behind her ears. “Todo será de todos los derechos, sis. You need to loosen up, Mel. I think I got the perfect thing for you. It’s part of the reason I wanted to know how you felt about Lucas.” She beamed.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I forgot to tell you that I’m going out with Keith and Lucas tonight.” Sarah shrugged. “I told them that you’d be joining us.”

  “What? Oh hell no! Forget it, Sarah. You had no right to do that without asking me. How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t need you to construct a social life for me? If I want to go out on dates, I’ll set them up myself.”

  “Melody, any other day I would’ve let it slide, but you need to get out of the house! You’re so wound up you can’t even breathe!”

  “Sarah, I don’t have time for this. I’ve been looking for a job for a week straight. I’m so tired I could sleep for months.” Melody wondered if Sarah had been born this blind? Couldn’t she see that Keith made Melody uncomfortable? Couldn’t she see that everything had been fine before she brought her new boyfriend from hell into the picture? Melody would have to tell her what happened now. She wouldn’t be able to stay composed through dinner. She sure as hell couldn’t go. “Sarah, we need to talk about Keith once and for all.”

  “What about him?”

  “I think he’s kind of strange to be honest.”

  “Okay, I know he’s a little weird but that’s just his way. He’s a very nice guy once you get to know him.”

  “To be honest, Sarah, I don’t want to get to know him.”

  “And why not?” Sarah scoffed. Melody readied herself for another argument.

  “For one reason, he’s flirty and sneaky.”

  “Oh!” Sarah laughed. “He winked at you or something, right? He does that with everyone, Mel. He’s just that kind of guy. He’s very handsome, so whatever he does, women take it the wrong way.”

  “Once again your mouth is moving when you need to be listening, Sarah. Do you know what you are getting into? How much do you really know about Keith Taylor?”

  “Damn it, Mel, you always do this shit!”

  “Look, you asked me what I thought of Keith and I’m finally telling you! I asked a simple question, and if you can’t answer it, then that says a lot about how much you probably don’t even know about him!”

  She looked at her long, manicured fingernails. “Why should I be surprised at this coming from you, Mel? You’ve never liked any of my men so why would you like Keith?”

  “Oh, would you stop being so damn melodramatic, Sarah? You can’t see the signs but I do! Something is wrong with him. You may think he’s the man of your dreams but I see something you should be aware of.”

  “And you’re an expert on men because…” Melody walled her eyes. “Tell me Melody, when’s the last time you had a boyfriend?”

  “Just because I don’t have a different guy every week doesn’t mean I never had a boyfriend, does it? I, unlike you, wait to let relationships grow. I don’t sign myself off to the first man who gives me head!”

  “Oh, take that back!”

  “I won’t! If you didn’t want to know how I felt about Keith then you shouldn’t have asked. I don’t like him and I probably never will!” Melody stood from the stairs. “I don’t want him in this house ever again.”

  “Let me fill you in on something in case you’ve forgotten. I took you in when Aunt Lucia went bonkers, Mel. I’ve been supporting you all this time. Don’t you think I deserve a little respect? The least you could be is happy for me. “

  “This isn’t about respect, Sarah! Baby, something is off with him. Keith is a creep!”

  “Oh yeah, like, Tom was a creep? And Mitch was a creep? And Benjamin was a real creep?”

  Melody sig
hed. “Sarah, listen to me. I’d never say something just to hurt you but I got a feeling about him that’s not going away.”

  “Well, let me tell you what to do about your feelings, sis. You can sit on them because they don’t matter when they come to Keith, okay? So just mind your damn business, and stop trying to make my life as lonely and pathetic as yours!” She ran upstairs to her room. Melody stomped in a second later.

  “You won’t listen because you know I’m right, Sarah! I know you’ve seen some signs but you won’t admit it!”

  Sarah got on her knees in the closet. “Pass me my black heels.”

  “Sarah, I…”

  “Pass me my shoes.”

  Melody threw them at her. “Sarah, I don’t think I said anything wrong. It’s not my fault you can’t take an opinion different from yours. Why are you being such a bitch about all this?”

  “Maybe I’ve had it up to here with your disapproval! If I like a guy, it shouldn’t be up to you. You don’t even know Keith. How can you judge him like this? What could he have said or done already that makes you dislike him?” Sarah held her hips. Melody knew from that moment on it didn’t matter what she said. Sarah’s mind wouldn’t budge when it came to Keith.

  “Fine Sarah, fuck it, okay.” She gaped. “It’s your life, isn’t it? And you’re right. It shouldn’t be up to me to choose the men in your life.” Sarah nodded. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “Melody, what in the hell are you talking about?” Sarah squinted.

  She shrugged. “What does it matter, huh? I’m through with it. I just want you to be happy.”

  “If that were true, you’d lay off and understand how much he means to me, Mel.” She exhaled. “I’m not trying to be bitchy. I just want you to understand that Keith’s different from the others, Mel. Please give him a chance. I feel he could be the one. I’ve never felt like this before. Please don’t take this away from me now.”

  “Like I said, I’d never hurt you, Sarah.” Melody sighed.

  “Please come to dinner with me, Melody. Let Keith prove to you how wrong you are about him.” Melody looked at her. “I know you just got the wrong impression. First impressions are a bitch.” Sarah chuckled. “Once you get to know him, you’ll love him just as much as I do. Mel, you’re twenty-three. Don’t you want to see what life has to offer you with Lucas?”


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